When Iron Man wanted to pass through the water next to a lake, a black shadow seemed to appear, coming directly towards his face.

Iron Man was a little hard to react for a while, after all, he was usually in armor, and this kind of problem has never occurred.

However, Captain America's reaction speed was very fast. When the shadow rushed directly to Iron Man's mask, he reached out and pulled Iron Man away.

The frightened Iron Man patted his chest.

"What was that thing just now? Aren't we in the rainforest now? Could it be that there is another adventure plot 々.?"

In fact, following the Iron Man constellation is a very interesting thing, which makes Deadpool find fun.

"I think that the dark shadow in the water may be in love with you. I think you are too handsome, so I can't wait to jump out and fall in love with you."

After getting a scorn from Iron Man, Deadpool continued to get close to her, and spare no effort to tell bad jokes.

Iron Man has long known that the leader of Deadpool is Wolverine.

So when Deadpool spoke again, he looked at Wolverine and said, "Don't you think he has lost a lot of face for your organization?"

A swipe.

The weapon in Wolverine's hand has already appeared, and I saw him staring at Deadpool.

"If you want to go back smoothly, you'd better come to me quickly and don't jump around there."

Looking at Wolverine's appearance, Deadpool obediently walked back to him.

After wandering around here for a long time, I still couldn't find any exit, which made me a little anxious.

"What's going on here, there are traps everywhere, and these traps don't seem to be set up by normal people. How can normal people set traps on trees?"

"Normal people don't walk on trees, just like you, it's not normal to walk on trees."

Wolverine never misses an opportunity to taunt Deadpool.

Deadpool knew that there was a trap on the tree because when she jumped up the tree just now, her arm was accidentally cut off by a steel knife.

After seeing Deadpool's magical recovery technology, Iron Man felt that Deadpool's genes can be said to be very good.

However, it is suggested that Deadpool has always covered his face with Iron Man, suspecting that the person in front of him must have relied on himself to have this ability before, and he has done bad things for a long time, so he will be hated by others.

"¨" Anyway, let's leave quickly, it's really weird here, there are traps everywhere, but with this light, we may go out soon. "

When they said this, they had followed the light for half an hour, but there was still a forest in front of them, and they didn't see any exit.

Deadpool couldn't help but wonder if this light was the real guide, but Iron Man was still very trusting and didn't mean to leave, and was still walking.

Black Widow, who lost contact with Iron Man for a long time, was a little worried, didn't she say to save Captain America together before?Why did he disappear with him now?

Looking at the communicator in her hand, Black Widow made another call.

But before the other party connected, he heard a strange voice.

"Did you see my brother?"

As soon as Black Widow turned her head, she saw Loki behind her, all strange emotional demons in her eyes.

It can be said that this guy paid a lot of money to avoid his brother before, but now he is looking for it in a hurry, which is really strange. .

220. Lost, energy is a gift

Black Widow walked forward step by step, followed by Loki.

In the process of walking, Loki's eyes kept falling to the side.

Where they are now walking is the Avengers Building.

Black Widow is a little worried because Iron Man and Captain America have not returned.

"Based on the current situation, your brother hasn't come back here yet, but you've been avoiding them all the time, why are you looking for him all of a sudden?"

Although Loki likes to play pranks very much, he is also very reliable when he is reliable.

Black Widow doesn't have much hostility towards Loki, she always feels that he is like a little child who always has a presence behind her brother.

"This time is different. I originally wanted to avoid my brother's pursuit, but during the flight, I suddenly found that a different power appeared on the earth. This power is particularly terrifying. 773 Originally I wanted to remind you of this Stars, a whirlwind suddenly appeared and blew my brother away"

This sentence is very ridiculous. With the size of Thor, not to mention his ability, how could it be blown away by the wind?

Looking at Black Widow's disbelief, Loki sighed helplessly.

"I can't believe this, but this happened. I watched my brother do not know where he was blown, but before the whirlwind left, I took a look at his coordinates. It should be at Earth."

That's why, Loki appears in the Avengers Tower.

Black Widow accepts this fact with difficulty, although he finds it a bit ridiculous.

"Well, I will contact Dr. Banner to help you find out where your brother is now. The surveillance system of the Avengers has already covered the whole world. As long as your brother appears, there will definitely be images."

After a while, Black Widow and Loki were next to the monitor, looking at a huge green area with a puzzled look, which should be a forest.

"Why didn't I see my brother, why is it all forest?"

"It's very likely that the forest occupation is too prosperous, which covers your brother's shadow. We should wait a little longer. Maybe your brother will move in a while, and we can capture his figure."

When Black Widow spoke, she was still constantly manipulating the keys on the table. What happened now is really strange. The sudden appearance of Loki and the brother he said was missing made people feel that something was wrong.

Loki's eyes were locked on the table without blinking, and he didn't know what he was looking at. Black Widow looked at Loki from time to time and found that she was indeed very nervous. It seemed that he took this matter very seriously. .

At first Black Widow thought Loki was joking, but slowly she realized that it was not a joke, it was true.

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