The previous Iron Man was really just a playboy, especially before he became Iron Man, he relied on his powerful brain and his strong family property.Has dominated the entire military industry.

At that time in 777, the young and successful Iron Man had the capital that all young people could show off, and like all young people, he did not hide his talents, always showing his sharp edge and always wantonly publicity.

Especially when it comes to relationship issues, Tonystark will never put his feelings on a woman. He will always drive a luxury car to the nightclub after finishing his own affairs in the middle of the night, so drink two glasses of wine and bring one. The hot girl went back to her room.

The next day, the artificial intelligence and his own assistant, Xiao Chili, handle these women who are tired of playing for him!

At that time, Tonystark never thought that what he did was wrong. He even thought that his life should be so unruly, and he had the capital to show off.I have talents and wealth that everyone desires and cannot reach!

After knowing that he became Iron Man, everything changed! .

229 The winning bullet, the beginning of chaos

He experienced his own company, was occupied by his most respected uncle, experienced his own life and death, experienced his first time to save mankind, the first time to save the entire city, and even the first time to save the entire world!

Since then, Tonystark seems to be a different person, and he seems to be back on the right track. He starts to look back and cherish everyone he has met in his life, especially the one who has made so many mistakes, But still choose to accompany his little pepper.

So until now, the person Tony owes the most from the bottom of his heart is Xiao Chili. All along, of course, she understands that her personal assistant has feelings for her, and that Xiao Chili is helping herself in many things.

But at the time, I only knew how to eat, drink and play every day, and be free and unrestrained, and then Tony had sworn to God that he must cherish this woman with his life, and all the measures he had done before made Tony. , and the most shameful part.

Similarly, in fact, Tony has changed. He is not like someone said, he is the kind of person who never cares about his friends and never cares about any feelings. On the contrary, in Tony's heart, he actually cherishes the group around him more than anyone else. Friends, this group of Avengers brothers.

Even his feelings for human beings and the world are far heavier than the so-called Ant-Man or even the so-called Captain America, which is why he has to stand shoulder to shoulder with gods as mortals.

But his life habits, coupled with his character, make it impossible for him to let go of his body and do gentle things, and it is impossible for him to use a particularly gentle song, but to him it looks like a sissy, affectionate Look at these brothers and say that I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Everyone's expression has its own way. Tonystark has been using his own technology to use his generosity, using his own abilities to be kind to his friends, and even to every member of the Avengers.

But sometimes everything is defeated by his poisonous mouth and his always aggressive attitude.

So sometimes such a person is actually the most uncomfortable and painful in his heart. He will never be understood after he has sacrificed everything. No one can understand the sadness in Tony Stark's heart now. and loneliness.

Not all people are willing to stay in loneliness, only what they do is never understood by others, and sometimes even misunderstood by others, the disappointment again and again turns into despair and despair again and again, and finally It turned into anger and paranoia.

This may be why Iron Man is still committed to upgrading his steel armor in peacetime, and is committed to developing a variety of anti-Hulk armor, anti-human armor, and even anti-Avengers armor.

It's not just thinking about danger in times of safety, but more of his paranoid thoughts. He always feels that someday, maybe these people will do something that will be detrimental to the people and things he cherishes and loves.

Maybe this is why Iron Man had a whim to compile a very special code when he was compiling the defense system, buried it in the entire system, and instilled all his ideas about peace in the code.

At that time, his idea was very simple, because Iron Man knew that this system would become the last barrier to protect all Avengers, so it would be the strongest system, but after taking into account the extremes, it would be easy for others to use it together, causing disadvantages. situation.

Therefore, everything will be left to Tonystark, which is an opportunity in the entire system. It can also be said to be a bullet that only belongs to oneself. If this program is used by bad guys, then Tonystark will start this program to destroy the entire system!

Thinking of this, Iron Man suddenly became nervous, then quickly stood up and ran to the screen.

"¨"God, this must not happen, must not, my original intention is good, I am for the world, for the mankind, for the whole earth, it must not be for my reasons, must not be 々. ! "

Iron Man is like being possessed, staring at the screen tightly, tapping the keyboard constantly, looking for the bullet that he is hiding under the entire system, but the sooner he is, the colder his heart will be, the more he finds it. His heart was like sinking to the bottom of the sea.

In the end, Iron Man punched the keyboard!

"How could I make such a mistake. Why did it become like this!"

Everything has come to light, the bullet has been out of control, unwilling to pay the water, Hulk's injury, Black Widow's coma, are all caused by himself! .

230 Criticizing Iron Man, Little Pepper is heartbroken

At this time, on the top floor of the Avengers Building, all the members of the Avengers gathered together and sat on their own chairs.

Since the establishment of the Avengers, until now, every time this kind of conference attended by all the people is always fun, Iron Man will always tell bad jokes, Dr. Banner and Captain America will complain about each other, Thor will Always talking shit.

But today's meeting room was deadly.

"Actually, I don't think it's necessary to put all the blame on Tony. After all, his original intention is also good. If the defensive equipment line of this building is too seamless, then if it falls into the hands of others, The whole earth will be destroyed!"

Little Pepper stood up first, breaking the silence.

"Okay, Mrs. Star780k. We know you're going to turn your back on your husband no matter what, but that's the reality, because Tony's mistakes have led to a formidable opponent that the Hulk can't do anything about."

"No matter what the result is, this is a mistake. No matter whether we can clean up this mess in the end, it will have irreversible effects. I still hope that the person involved can apologize to us, at least express your own apology. !"

Ant-Man looked at Iron Man angrily.

"He also has his difficulties. I hope you don't be so aggressive. How much he has paid for the entire planet and the Avengers is obvious to all. You are so aggressive, you must let him bow his head. Will there be any good results? "

Of course, Pepper doesn't allow his hero to be so insulted.

"My God, can it be said that my words are aggressive to him? Then he yelled at me upstairs just now, and if he insulted me to the extreme, was he complimenting me? Why can he just insult people and use Language tortures a person, and when he makes a mistake, he cannot be punished."

Ant-Man is still haunted by Iron Man's insults to him just now.

"I hope you can understand that each person's character will determine his behavior, but it doesn't mean his nature is bad, Tony's heart is kind and loving, and everyone can see it, why should it be because This little flaw in character will make it difficult for him?"

"But his current actions have caused such serious consequences, we still don't know what the next conscious robot will do..."

"Okay, now is not the time to argue about who should apologize!"

A deep voice rang out, and the scene fell silent in an instant.

Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, looked at Iron Man. Although he was a little unhappy in his heart, he also knew that the top priority was not to discuss who was right and who was wrong, and Tony, who was naturally arrogant, would definitely not be able to apologize to others, especially in front of everyone. under.

"What I'm concerned about now is that, according to Dr. Banner's dictation after he woke up, Luo Hua came to the control room, and then when he came back, a body suddenly appeared, and the robot suddenly became autonomous. consciousness, and began to frantically attack the two."

"Also, the life stone on Loki's scepter has also been lost, which is another very dangerous news for us, and the scene where they fought was not on Earth at all, but was instantly moved to another place. on the planet."

"So at present, we need to figure out the relationship between Luohua and this robot, and what this robot is used for, and whether it will affect the earth!"

Director Nick is still able to take care of the overall situation. After all, this is not the time for quarrels, and quarrels cannot solve any problems, not to mention the current situation is not very optimistic. If this robot wants to attack the earth, then Next, a more detailed combat plan will be arranged.

"Luohua is the king of angels, we have no way to contact him, Sol, is there any way you can find him?"

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