Luo Hua asked excitedly.

"He didn't tell me in detail, it seems that there is a mysterious legend on the planet where his hometown is located. There will be a tribe in the future. After being expelled from the planet, he found five gems and destroyed the world. half the creatures."

"The tyrant has always felt that he is the one who has been given a mission, so he will do everything he can to conquer the world and collect all five gems."

Although Gamora felt that Thanos was too arrogant and arrogant to say so, after all, although he did not know how powerful the five gems would be, if he wanted to eliminate half of the creatures, it was not a simple sentence. arrived.

But Thanos has always been a very determined person who believes in what he believes in, and it turns out that as long as he wants to do, there is really nothing that he can't do. Even the invasion of the earth has destroyed more than half of the earth. It was because of Captain America's treachery. .

244 Gamora falls, Star Lord does not know the depth

"A mysterious legend?"

Luo Hua also has a certain understanding of some mysterious legends of each planet. In fact, according to his status as the king of Asgard, they are also the creators of these legends.

But as more and more people came into contact with more and more planets, they gradually discovered that some legends were not made by themselves, but a very mysterious power, which was passed on to some mysterious ways. their previous ancestors.

And the most terrifying thing is that these legends often end up becoming true, such as the legend of Thanos.

"Well, although I don't understand why, it is the most correct and safest thing for you to give me the power gem at this time. I will do my best to prevent Thanos from collecting all the gems."

Luo Hua also knew that he could not reveal too much about this matter in advance, because according to the historical process, even Doctor Strange, who could foresee the future, he did not tell anyone what happened, and if he wanted to solve Thanos what to do with this hidden danger.

"But how can I believe that you are the legendary king of angels, after all, we have never met."

Gamora is still very cautious, and it is understandable to have such doubts. After all, no one has ever seen Luo Hua, and the only ones who have gotten along so far are the Avengers of Earth.

"You will be embarrassing for me, but I must get the power gem today. If I have offended you, please forgive me."

Luo Hua really doesn't want to waste time here now, and it's pointless to waste time here. It's more difficult to let Gamora know who she is, just like letting you prove that you are. Your dad's son is as absurd and takes a huge amount of effort.

Besides, Luo Hua has always disliked the group of Star-Lord and the others, because they did not take the safety of the earth or even the world in their hearts at all, and especially Xing-Lord, they only cared about their current feelings, not at all. any sense of responsibility.

Originally, Xing-Lord's father was also a god who could create the world, but he had the physique of a god, but he had to sit on the shoulders of mortals. He couldn't do anything, and he didn't want to do anything.

At any time, the appearance of Star-Lord means that everything will be screwed up. Although he has completed some more important tasks himself, it is all made up after he himself has made huge mistakes.

In Luo Hua's view, this is just a remedy for the dead sheep, and everything he has done can't make up for the evil he has done. Such a person is not worth Luo Hua's handing over such an important gem to this person. hand.

"I'm sorry about that."

Of course, Gamora is not a soft persimmon. After hearing Luo Hua's words, her eyes suddenly became sharp, and then she raised her fist and smashed it into Luo Hua's face.

But how can such an ordinary attack do anything, Luo Hua, I saw Luo Hua waved, and Gamora fell directly to the ground, unable to exert any strength, and could only watch Luo Hua leave.

"Sorry, I'm also thinking about the safety of this universe. Don't worry, the seal on your body will be lifted automatically in an hour."

Luo Hua took a deep look at Gamora, then turned around and came into the cockpit.

"Hello, everyone! You don't need to know who I am now, you just need to hear what I say next."

Luo Hua didn't want to waste too much time. He talked so much with Xiao Kai just now, just because Gamora is still a person with a sense of justice, and the most important thing is that Gamora will understand some things about Thanos.

But there is no need to talk too much with the next group of people. Going out to Star Lord, maybe only Rocket can understand what he is saying. Whether it is Hercules or Groot, their IQs are really too high. too low.

"¨"Although we don't know who you are, you broke into our territory for no reason, brother who has to pay a little protection fee! "

Of course, Star-Lord was not afraid at all. He carried his own gun and walked forward two rifles, aiming directly at Luo Hua.

Bang paper!

Luo Hua's thoughts moved, and Star-Lord fell to the ground involuntarily.

"I said just now, don't talk, just listen to me, this is just a lesson for you!"

For this kind of person, Luo Hua has always been reluctant to talk nonsense with him, but when he saw that Star-Lord was directly placed in the remaining few people, he couldn't just sit back and ignore it. He took out his weapon and attacked Luo Hua directly. come.

Luo Hua sighed, using faster than the speed of light to dodge directly behind the rocket, snatched the gun from the little raccoon's hand, and then folded it into two pieces. .

245 Easily defeated the Guardians of the Galaxy, but learned of the bad consumption

Immediately after, a heavy punch from the back knocked the Hercules to the ground, unconscious. As for the weak Groot, he was now hiding in the corner of the wall in fear, looking at this strong man who came from nowhere with trembling. By.

Bang bang bang!

Just when Luo Hua turned around and was about to snatch the power gem, he was suddenly shot three times.

"Xing-Lord, you are really a waste! The element gun in your hand is a gun that combines the four elements of the universe, and you never need to replenish ammunition, but its power is suitable for the user's willpower to be directly linked. ."

"You can't use your current abilities. With 10% of the ability of this gun, if the power gem is handed over to you, something big will happen sooner or later. You still need more experience."

Luo Hua sneered and walked to Star-Lord step by step, punching him in the stomach.

Star-Lord fell to the ground, twitching in agony.

"Who the hell are you? We don't seem to have met, why did you suddenly appear here. Where the hell is Gamora now."

Star-Lord now also realizes that Gamora did not hear such a big movement in the cockpit. It should have been solved by this strange person in front of him. The anger in his heart is more abundant, but the gap in strength is not. Let him only be able to stare in anger.

"It seems that you are really a love brain. You can think about it regardless of everything. Your little lover, don't worry. Although I acted a little rude today, I am not an evil person."

"Your little lover is now safe and sound, and will be able to come and save you in a while. I will give you three seconds to tell me where you have hidden the power gem. If you say it happily, I can let you go."

Luo Hua glanced around in the cockpit and found no power gem.

Although the Star Lord's group is not strong, but there are a lot of cleverness, it is not difficult for them to hide a thing. If they want to find strength, where does the gems seem to have to start from them.

"What is a power gem? We don't know, brother, are you looking in the wrong place. We never got a so-called gem,"

Star-Lord is confused now, and doesn't know what Luo Hua is looking for.

"Well, it's my fault that I didn't make it clear before. What I'm looking for is the red glowing stone that you robbed before. It seems that Gamora didn't tell you what this thing is for, but even if you know it, It’s hard to play its huge role.”

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