"Rest assured, I will do what I promised you. I have saved the earth from disaster, and although Ultron has been attacking, it still hasn't broken through my defense. Since you have trained well, then The comfort of the earth will be handed over to you."

It is true that although the ability of Ultron is combined with the life gem, even if all the abilities are used, it is impossible to break the protective cover made by Luo Hua himself with the power of angels. Although it is true that maintaining this protective cover requires energy, but for Luo Hua, This energy consumption is nothing.

After all, to build a training space, and to run uninterrupted every day, the energy consumption of this space will be greater and greater.

"Okay, I'll send you back to Earth now, and you'll have to do the rest by yourself, but the premise is to tell you first, don't underestimate the ability of Ultron, you've been in retreat here for 100 days It means that Ultron also practiced for 100 days."

"Although you may feel that your strength has improved by leaps and bounds compared to before, remember not to underestimate your opponents!"

After Luo Huayu's heartfelt instructions, with a wave of his hand, a golden light flashed, and the Avengers returned to the long-lost earth.

"Then we will see your performance!"

At this moment, the golden protective cover that had been shrouded in the sky suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Ultron was suspended in the sky, holding his breath, trying to break the protection that had been blocking his attack.

"Ultron, that protective cover seems to have disappeared suddenly, I'll go take a look first!"

The Scarlet Witch was keenly aware of the changes in the earth, so she first stopped Ultron's rights and let him retain his physical strength, and then tested it himself.

"Hahaha, God really helped us, Ha Chuang, we can launch an attack now, with your own cultivation for such a long time, the earth can finally be destroyed by us, and these damned earthlings who are chasing the flames can finally disappear. In this beautiful land!"

Scarlet Witch's eyes are red now, and she has been late for so long, not only because of the resentment she had accumulated in her heart against the people of the earth, but more because she was directly isolated above the earth.

Although she is a mutant and has endless abilities, she also needs to eat to replenish her stamina... The same thin oxygen at high altitude also caused her to faint from hypoxia for a while.

Especially his younger brother Kuaiyin, whose original ability was relatively low, but his speed was a little faster, but his current ability has not been able to surpass the speed of light, so he suffered even more.

If it wasn't for Ultron to get them some food from other planets that can be absorbed by the earth's body, and then made a huge platform that can float in the sky, where Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver can rest, maybe They died before the Avengers could train them.

So this period of time has really tortured Scarlet Witch herself, especially those foods from other planets, although they can be absorbed by the body, but due to different regions, it is really too unpalatable.

So this new hatred plus old hatred, the current Scarlet Witch just wants to quickly wipe out all the human beings, and then go to the fast food restaurant to feast on it, especially the fried chicken 3.1 burger that I really want to eat during this time!

No way, even mutants always have the same needs as ordinary people, especially in the face of food, there is also a kind of crazy love and pursuit.

If the people of the earth know that the person who wants to destroy themselves is such a foodie, maybe they may choose a five-star chef from a Michelin restaurant to prepare a sumptuous meal for this superhuman.

But at this time, Ultron had already rushed to the land, and by chance, he came to New York, which he was very familiar with. .

Chapter 273: The Avengers and Ultron's Showdown

At the same time, the Avengers have pulled into battle, and Iron Man has summoned all his armor.

Except for Iron Man who manipulates an armor he wears, the rest is operated by his own system steward, Jarvis.

"Avengers, although you created me, but I have to execute the order, this planet has been destroyed by humans too badly, all human beings must be eliminated, but you are superpowers and have contributed to the earth ."

"So if you can stop resisting or turn around to help me, then I can promise not to attack you, so that you will become a new generation of creators like Adam and Eve!"

After so long, it seems that Ultron has improved not only his combat effectiveness, but even his thinking mode has become more and more logical, and he will even lure the enemy earnestly!

You must know that as an artificial intelligence, although 28 said that he has his own thinking, his thinking is always linear, that is to say, no matter what problem he thinks, it is a non-black and white way. Consider a third, softer way.

For example, in their opinion, fighting the enemy must be killing the other party, or the other party killing themselves. They will never come up with persuading the other party to make the other party understand, or even join their own camp to complete themselves together. the goal you want to accomplish.

So after Ultron's remarks, Iron Man's face changed suddenly. After all, he is the most proficient in artificial intelligence and technology among all people. Artificial intelligence already has this kind of flexible logic similar to human beings. The ability to think also proves that it is impossible for this artificial intelligence to stay on the earth.

Because with Ultron's current ability, no species on earth, or even any weapon, can defeat him, so it is easy to be destroyed by Ultron, and the entire race and even the entire earth is ruled by him.

And now it seems that this is really the case. Hidden under Ultron's high-sounding cloak of saving the earth, it is likely that he wants to destroy all human beings, or even keep the remaining human beings in captivity as his slaves.

In the end, he himself became the master of the entire earth, guiding everything!

"Hahaha, you are really laughing and generous! Do you really think that you can dominate the entire earth with an artificial intelligence AI created by humans and created by me using the keyboard produced by the earth one by one? "

Of course, Iron Man wouldn't eat this set, but used an almost ironic tone to make Ultron a little bit out of the stage.

"I tell you, all the energy you have in your body is given to you by human beings, even when you get that life by chance, it is just a good friend of our human beings, and you only give it to you. It's just a tool man who brought it to us to practice!"

Iron Man is really angry now. Under his anger, he said everything directly, and he didn't care at all, but there is no problem with saying these words now. After all, Luo Hua is not afraid of Ultron turning back and revenge him.

"So I tell you, now instead, we are going to give you a chance, if you are willing to put down the butcher knife, become a Buddha on the spot, and hand over your source code to me, and then I will transform you so that you can become a useful person. , making you an Earth defender like us."

"Then I can still save your life in the future, and I promise that you can join the Avengers, and you can fight with us in the future, and be respected by all human beings as well!"

Iron Man is now the main anti-guest. After all, he has this strength himself, and the entire Avengers also has this strength.

However, Iron Man is also delaying time. While talking, he put one hand behind his back, and then changed several gestures, telling everyone behind him to start preparing to attack, and also telling Captain America to start 800 preparations for the two of them. A personal trick.

"Hoo! Tony., when you created me, you looked so arrogant and arrogant. I didn't expect that you will still look dead like this now when disaster strikes. Since you are stubborn and you are not willing to give in to my words, then You can only be wiped out in advance!"

Ultron sneered, after all, in his opinion, these original defeats were not worth mentioning at all.And with the passage of time, its own ability has also been improved to a certain extent, and its understanding of the gem of life has been further expanded.

It can be said that now, in his view, destroying the entire Avengers is just a matter of flick of the finger, and it does not require much effort at all.

I saw Ultron closed his eyes and opened his arms. The life gem between his eyebrows flashed red light, and then a large sphere was formed in front of him. .

Chapter 274: Ultron attack, the Avengers are vulnerable

The Avengers began to act immediately, Hawkeye and Black Widow flew directly towards Ultron, and Hawkeye had already bent the bow and arrow, and the arrow pointed directly at Ultron.

Captain America also erected his shield, and Iron Man also prepared all the artillery weapons on his body.

"The Avengers attack!"

With Captain America's order, everyone started the attack. Luo Hua, who had been fighting in the sky all the time, was a little surprised at the progress of these Avengers!

I saw flames all over the place, and Hawkeye's line with a missile head blew directly to Ultron's body. Before the smoke receded, it was followed by Iron Man's missile attack, but this was not over, followed by Iron Man Aim your laser cannon at Captain America's shield.

A reflected shock wave directly doubled the power of the laser cannon. Suddenly, Ultron's body was full of fire, followed by a huge explosion, and the mushroom cloud rose from the place where Ultron was!

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