But even so, the battle scene was still not optimistic. Luo Hua saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, but he could only prolong the battle little by little and let his physical strength slowly recover.

But the ideal is very full, and the reality is too skinny. Luo Hua suddenly felt that the land under his feet seemed to be a little loose, and he felt that he was slowly rising, as if the whole New York was being carried by something, slowly Slowly rose to the sky.

Luo Hua looked back at the others, but he also saw the panic in their eyes, and there was still doubt, Luo Hua understood that this was not his own hallucination, but actually happened. The rise of the point, the land under the feet has been suspended!

Suddenly all the Ultron robots began to converge, just like the fusion in Japanese anime, and slowly gathered into a tall Ultron.

"I have given you a chance before. At that time, I was soft-hearted, and it was also to repay Luo Hua's creative love for me. After blocking the most ferocious attack for you, I owe you nothing, so now I will definitely It's time to start implementing my plan!"

It turned out that Ultron did not disappear at all. At the last moment when his body was broken, his consciousness had been implanted into the network, and at that moment, the attack that blocked Luo Hua was probably just for his own peace of mind. That's it.

"I said I want all human beings to be destroyed, so I want to clear your land first!".

Chapter 286: Alarmism, but it's true

"I want all human beings to die without a place to be buried, and pour them all into the magma, so that they also know that wanton killing, wanton torturing other small animals, other plants, and even any other kind of life should suffer. What a punishment!"

Ultron has gone too far now, so it is said that human beings have done something wrong, but it is not that Ultron imposes such punishment, and even uses such tormenting means to put human beings to death!

If Da Chuang could be called an environmental fighter in the past, now he is just a demon who just wants to slaughter all life.

Because the people who subverted the land and dumped it into the magma were not only humans, but also all living things and even plants. He did this completely to destroy the entire earth. He just wanted to kill, but he didn't think about other creatures. , and even the victims of the past will also suffer from this unwarranted disaster.

"If I'm not wrong, you should have no physical strength to fight me now. I will not hurt you if you have the strength to return to your sky. If you don't have a city, that's your ability, if you don't, then you can only enter the magma with humans and disappear!"

Ultron suddenly stared at Luo Hua and smiled evilly.

"Hehe, do you know that when I created you, I really didn't leave anything behind? Don't you see that I have never wanted to do something with you. And I believe you should know it well. Ming, what is my strength?"

Luo Hua looked at Ultron with a smirk on his face and said.

Ultron itself is an AI. All things are based on data analysis and deduction calculations. Therefore, for Luohua's own real strength, Ultron should have a data model that can be roughly calculated.

Hearing this, Ao Chuang's eyes suddenly changed, and the smile on his face gradually became hideous.

"Impossible, I've checked all my programs and codes, none of them are still trapped by you, nor self-destructing programs, you're saying these things now, just trying to give you all in vain Just to add a little encouragement, I tell you, it's useless, you all have to be-death!"

If Ultron is a human being or any of the Avengers, then Luo Hua's words just now are likely to work, but it is just an AI, a robot that thinks completely with rational thinking.

"Do you think I'd be so lax. I'll only give you a minute now, and if you'll stop everything you're doing right now and automatically get rid of the little things you've bred, I might consider letting go With a single horse, you can survive forever."

As Luo Hua said, the light of the angels on his body was even more powerful. No matter what creature in the universe, after seeing the holy light of this tree, they would kneel down involuntarily and pray to Luo Hua devoutly.

Even Ultron's heart is really shaken now. After all, the master who created himself is the most powerful king of angels in the entire universe. Although his true strength has not been shown in front of him, his strength is true. .

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Ultron knew that the program in his body had some drawbacks. After all, his source code was created by Iron Man, and Iron Man set a self-destruction program in the program code at that time.

Although it has been almost eliminated by himself, there are still some things that are particularly difficult to detect and even difficult to correct, which is a headache for Ultron until now, but Ultron can only do nothing against these nodes of his own.

However, if Ultron can really calm down and observe, he will find that Luo Hua has been constantly spreading out some information with the mental power that he has just recovered a little bit.

........ 0 ...

Ultron really didn't dare to move now, so he just stood there in a daze, constantly calculating in his mind which path to choose, and his chances of winning would be higher.

"According to my analysis, it is impossible for you to have a self-destruction program that destroys me. If I guessed correctly, you were still alarmist just now, and even wanted to make me submit through this psychological tactical method."

"But my great master, my great creator, you are now facing a Ultron who can only talk about data, I will not shrink back because of your so-called fear, I will only because of the facts. Weigh the pros and cons, well, now you can silently bid farewell to this world in your heart!"

As soon as Ultron raised his hand, the entire city of New York suddenly rose even faster, and everyone's lives were at stake. Even Luohua didn't have the strength to change this desperate situation now!Inch.

Chapter 287: The Scarlet Witch returns, but is hurt by love

But Luo Hua still didn't care about the current situation, as if the current situation was already under his control.

Suddenly, there are some red rays of light on Ao Chuang, but these rays of light are not emitted by themselves, more like strips of red vines wrapped around Ao Chuang's body!

"Is that you? Ultron!"

Suddenly a familiar voice rang behind Ultron.

"Who are you."

Ultron turned around and looked at the woman who suddenly called her name. This woman with a red glow always felt very familiar, but she really couldn't remember who it was.

"Have you really forgotten who I am? Don't you feel that my phoenix power is complementing your power. This is the love between us, and it will not dissipate even if we go through any storms. !"

The Scarlet Witch's face has been soaked with tears, and the eyes looking at Ultron are also full of deep love!

No one can figure out why such a superhuman is so obsessed with this artificial intelligence, but sometimes, the world is so wonderful, anyone can fall in love with any kind of thing, although in the worldly understanding, this is hard to imagine of.

"I understand. I said why Luo Hua was so calm just now. It seems that he came back to help this rescuer, so let me personally come and see how strong your rescuer is!"

Ultron simply stopped recalling, seeing this human being, there was only one word in his heart: kill!

I saw Ultron raised his hand, the soul gem, and the red light was extremely formed in his hand, and then a lightning-like force fell from the sky and smashed on the head of the Feihong witch!


With a surprised expression on her face, the Scarlet Witch used her phoenix power to resist the attack, but even so, he was slapped to the ground.

"Why did you attack me, did you forget that you said before that you would protect me for the rest of your life? Why did you fight me today. I'm here to help you, did I really do something wrong before? ."

In the face of this deeply loved person, the Scarlet Witch did not believe that this devastating attack just now came from the person she loved.

"I know I really did something wrong before, I shouldn't have released that attack at will, and I shouldn't have tried to kill Luo Hua regardless of your obsession, but that's just my desire to protect you, this time Your anger should be gone too, I don't have to care about you!"

Although she said she was sorry, the Scarlet Witch was still a temperamental woman after all, and she was also a woman with a special personality. If she hadn't suppressed her anger and kept persuading herself that it was because she accidentally killed Ultron The punishment received may have now brought the power of the phoenix to destroy Ultron once again.

"Stupid human, do you think I don't know the little abacus in your heart?"

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