But Jarvis ignored it.

"I've been with you since you were very young. I can tell you a secret that you didn't develop my appearance. You found my source code on a USB stick, or that USB stick was Your father, Mister Stark, stayed to give you a present."

"Your father wrote a lot of love for you in my source code language. At that time, he found out that he was shocked. He had to do a lot of scientific research work, and he paid a lot for the whole family and the whole world, so he felt indebted. You are a lot, and you didn’t feel the love from your father in your childhood. Didn’t take more time to grow up with you々.”

"So he wanted me to take care of him in every possible way. You also led you on the right track and fulfilled his unfulfilled wishes, and now you are doing great things. You are completely in line with your father's expectations. I'm so happy!"

Jarvis talked to Iron Man about the past for the first time, and also talked to Iron Man about his father for the first time.

In fact, Iron Man has always had a kind of resentment towards his father, because he didn't accompany him when he was a child, and more importantly, he didn't give more love to his mother.

Therefore, Iron Man later became a very dissolute playboy, not paying attention to feelings, let alone family affection, and because of this, his father did not set a good example for him since he was a child, and his mother was also very elegant. Died at an early age.

Iron Man is actually a very insecure big boy.From childhood to adulthood, although everyone thinks that Iron Man is overconfident, and doesn't care about anyone's words, even a person who doesn't like to stay in the crowd, just wants to stay away from the group and be a lonely person.

But only Jarvis knows that the reason why Iron Man is like this is because there is a sense of lack of family affection in his heart, so he has a sense of fear for any relationship.

Anyone who feels a little too close to him, Iron Man will feel terrified, and even instinctively retreat, wanting to get out of this relationship, whether in a crowd or in private.

So over the years, the only people who can really enter the life of Iron Man, except for Little Pepper, may only be these. Like him, the character may be a little withdrawn, but the Avengers who also have a great sense of justice.

Over the years, Jarvis has seen it in his eyes and also felt heartache in his heart. Although it is only an AI artificial intelligence, Jarvis's emotions are also no worse than any human being.

"¨"Why did you suddenly tell me this, you told me the real situation, is there something going on?I tell you, you can't leave me no matter what, you are the big housekeeper who accompanied me from childhood to adulthood, and you are also the most important part of my life! "

No matter how low Iron Man's EQ is, now he realizes that the situation is not very right. Jarvis would never say such a nasty word, but now he is saying it so sincerely, it feels like a goodbye before his death. Same!

"After you listen to me, when Little Pepper appears in your life, I know that someone can finally treat you in place of me, accept you instead of me, and make you more open to yourself. To contact this society, but feel what is love and what is emotion."

"To be honest, less chili is really good. I think even your father will like this daughter-in-law. You may have children in the future. I hope you will not be as busy as your father and alienated from work, right? Accompanying children."

"Finally, I want to tell you that you have always been the best. You are not only my pride, but also your father's pride. Your ambition is as heavy as the responsibility on your shoulders. I hope you live easily. A little bit, but I prefer your life to be more valuable."

"In the future, take care of yourself!".

Chapter 290: Iron Man is distraught, Luohua restarts to save mankind

After that, Jarvis disappeared into Iron Man's system!

"Did something really happen? Where did you go? Jarvis. Why didn't you answer my words? What are you going to do, and how did it turn out..."

Iron Man shouted hoarsely, but there was no response!

This is the first time that Iron Man has not received a response from Jarvis since he owned Jarvis, and this situation has made Iron Man more and more aware that the situation seems to be really wrong, and Iron Man gradually has a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart. Good foreboding!

"Luohua, is there any way you can access the Internet to see what Jarvis did? He suddenly disappeared, and I'm very worried that something will happen to him!"

Iron Man shouted to Luo Hua hoarsely.

"Jarvis... he may be like you, he can risk his life for the earth, 807 even sacrifice himself!"

Although everyone doesn't know what happened, only Luo Hua understands that Jarvis is now giving up himself to complete the world!

"In the end what happened?"

Iron Man is screaming!

"Ultron's strength in the Internet has become stronger and stronger, and its source code cannot be changed, so if you want to destroy him, a program that holds another source code file may merge with him!"

"But the disadvantage of this is that all the data stored in these two programs may disappear, which means that Jarvis may be forever..."

"Do not!!!"

Iron Man never thought that Jarvis would leave him in such a way, just like Iron Man never thought that the program that had been with him all the time came from his father!

All along, the resentment and even the blame for my father, at this moment, suddenly like the ice in the cold winter meets the warm wind in the spring, it dissolves and melts little by little!

Iron Man recalled that Jarvis had always escorted himself on his growth path, and constantly solved many problems for himself.Even when he was in love for the first time and was hurt by the girl whom he regarded as the love of his life, fake lace has been silently helping Iron Man to heal, and has been persuading me painstakingly.

Although Jarvis has always been an assistant and a housekeeper in Iron Man's life, in Iron Man's subconscious, Jarvis has long since become a figure like his father.

Yes, Jarvis, in order to completely eradicate Ultron, to prevent this monster from hurting Iron Man again, and even to prevent this monster from hurting the entire earth again, he finally made the decision to integrate himself and Ultron.

For artificial intelligence, the disappearance of stored information means their death, and Jarvis finally protected the entire earth with his own life!

"They have been successfully integrated, and I have handed over the new program to you. How you want to deal with it is up to your own arrangements, but now we have more important things to do!"

Luo Hua introduced the newly integrated program to Iron Man.

"We have to figure out a way to land this floating city on the ground safely. Otherwise, not only in this city, but all the creatures I have just brought back to life will perish, and even the sudden landing of such a large piece of land will cause Huge earthquake, causing tens of millions of deaths!"

After all, Luo Hua is more rational than everyone!

At this time, the Avengers woke up and found that the ground was falling continuously, and the speed was very fast. If they didn't stop it quickly, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Now, you need to remove all the creatures in New York City, whether they are people or other small animals, and put them on the ground safely. Life is the most important thing. We must protect the safety of life now and now!"

"No matter what method you use to do it, I will be responsible for the landing of this land. There is no time to think about it now. Let's carry out the mission, Avengers!"

Luo Hua gave an order and flew into the air first, waved his arms, summoned his angelic power, and began to wrap around the land of the entire city.

In fact, Scan's stamina has now recovered by 70%, so he actually has the ability to land safely on land without harming the lives of all creatures on the land.But after all, these Avengers shoulder the responsibility of protecting the earth, and no matter what protects the earth, they must be allowed to play a role.

Everyone has something to do, so that the heroes are not lonely, so that they will have a more sense of accomplishment, and the whole earth will have a more sense of worship for the Avengers, and most importantly, it can also increase the confidence of the Avengers, After all, these few battles have hit their confidence too hard!

As for Scarlet Witch, Luo Hua felt that it would take longer to heal her wounds. .

Chapter 291: Dilemma, Luohua is difficult to choose

The Avengers who received the order also actively began to act, and even Iron Man temporarily put down the grief in his heart and began to execute the order.

For them, this task is actually quite arduous. After all, the speed of falling is getting faster and faster, and many of them cannot fly, so it is necessary to safely land all creatures in a short time. It's a hard thing to do on land.

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