[Mitsuki decided, she needs to eradicate the obstacle of Makoto Ito, Mitsuki did not grab the shovel beside her, but took out the bladed Gaia memory from her arms, this is something Mitsuki got by accident, she has seen someone use this thing to become a monster, and this memory is also particularly attractive to Mitsuki, so she has been with her since she picked it up. 】

[Mitsuki suddenly put away her memory again, and she decided that she still had to find out the details of Makoto Ito first.] is different from another one in the confession, not because the mobile phone revealed his whereabouts, but because Mitsuki herself chose to stop. 】

[Mitsuki pretended to be herself and didn't know anything, just as a friend to persuade the person in front of her not to continue to follow Mako, Ito Mako, also pretended to be in love with Mako and communicated with Mitsuki, and finally Mitsuki could be sure, Ito Mako's uncle didn't know that Mako's uncle was dead, but he had begun to suspect Mitsuki. 】

[In order to figure out the relationship between Makoto Ito and Uncle Mako, Mitsuki showed that she believed Makoto Ito, and in order to better inform him after Mako was in trouble, Mitsuki took the initiative to exchange contact information with Makoto Ito for this reason. After today, Mitsuki called Makoto Ito out so that she could erase everything. 】

[Mitsuki tells Mako Ito's uncle that he died, but she killed him, and proposes that he will go back and turn himself in next.] Mitsuki is a temptation, as long as she turns herself in, the police will definitely conduct the first investigation of the ramen shop, and at the same time investigate the relationship between the store manager, if Ito Makoto and the store manager are in a gang, he will definitely destroy the evidence before the police come. 】

[Sure enough, Makoto Ito, on the grounds that he wanted to see if Mako's photos would leak out, asked Mitsuki not to turn herself in first, and asked them to go to the ramen shop to check it first. Makoto Ito also went to the toilet to retrieve the camera as soon as possible, and Mitsuki also put the laptop back away, the contents of which had been backed up, and the computer returned to the state it was in when Mitsuki first found it. 】

[Mitsuki secretly observed Makoto Ito, and when he came out of the toilet, he went to check the computer, and saw Mako's videos and photos without a little surprise, not at all like seeing these things for the first time. Makoto Ito pretended to say a few words that were too much, and then deleted all the data in the computer. 】

[Now Mitsuki has been confirmed, Makoto Ito is the one who secretly filmed, this scumbag took a video of his girlfriend and gave the video to Mako's uncle, who then sold the data to others. Mako was betrayed by her relatives and lovers at the same time, and Mitsuki also made up her mind that she would never let go of Makoto Ito. 】

[Now, in order to find an opportunity to delete the data about Mako in Makoto Ito's hands, Mitsuki followed Makoto to Makoto's house with Makoto on the grounds that she wanted to discuss something with Mako. Mitsuki didn't know that she had access to Makoto Ito's computer for the time being, so she left after a few casual words. 】

[But Mitsuki didn't expect that Ito Makoto took a photo of Mitsuki at his home, and then sent it to Mako, and threatened Mako that he had the ability to attack Mitsuki, but he still likes Mako more, so as long as she can agree to all of Ito's requests, he will let Mitsuki leave intact.] 】

[And Mitsuki hasn't been in contact with Mako for several days, and when she saw Mako again, she had become very haggard. The two come to a lake in the mountains, and Mako asks Mitsuki if she is with Makoto Ito and wants to tell her about her murder. 】

[Mitsuki had no choice but to tell Mako her purpose, but Mako knew that Mitsuki saw those videos that were secretly filmed, her face became very pale, and she gently pushed Mitsuki away and fled in one direction. Mitsuki chased after her, and the haggard Mako couldn't run fast at all, and Mitsuki quickly caught up. 】

["Don't touch me!"] Seeing Mitsuki reaching out to herself, Mako exclaimed excitedly, "Do you think I'm stupid and dirty, and I did everything on my own?].

["I didn't think much of it!" Mitsuki explained, but Mako couldn't listen to it at the moment, in fact, Mako has always been very inferior when she got along with Mitsuki, and it was her honor to make a friend like Mitsuki, but now her dirtiest side has been discovered by her friends, and Mako's heart has despair. 】

["Mitsuki, you are different from me, your parents are not short of money, not like I am stupid and not like I have killed people, and your body is still clean. Mako looked back at Mitsuki, and now her tears had blurred Mako's vision, and even those who were in the ruler couldn't see clearly. 】

["It's great that I can protect you, nothing else makes me very happy and proud. So I beg you, don't touch me, okay?" Mako believed Makoto Ito's words, because Mitsuki was able to leave his house because Mako agreed to his terms. 】

[Mitsuki doesn't know what she should do at all, so now she can only listen to Mako first and let her be quiet alone. Mitsuki chose to leave temporarily, but she didn't expect it to be the most regrettable decision she had ever made. 】

[Not long after Mitsuki left, Makoto Ito found Mako, because he secretly installed a positioning device in Mako's mobile phone, and Mako, who was short of money, would not change his mobile phone, so Makoto Ito has always been in control of Mako's whereabouts. 】

["Take it, I see you don't have anything to care about now, how about not letting you die like this?" Ito Makoto stuffed a fruit knife into Mako's hand, Mako didn't resist, and gently grabbed the knife, Ito Makoto looked at Mitsuki and decided to add another fire. 】

["Why don't I tell you a funny thing, the photos and videos you were taken, in fact, your dad knows all about them. Ito's words made Mako's eyes widen, Ito Mako's expression was very satisfied, "Not only do you know me, I think he is just selling you, and you are stupid to say 'I want to work hard for my father', you are really sold and help the people to make money, hahaha!".

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