["Is the doping body produced by resentment as the main body? It looks very interesting, it can kill an adult in an instant, but this should be the limit, after all, the real ability of the virus memory is to kill the people of a city silently in an instant. That's fine, and it's not bad to trade a damn person for the safety of the rest of the city. "】

[Amuro Toru deliberately let the virus dopants only stay in this state, and I don't know what the sales person thinks, he actually sold such a dangerous thing, if all the people in this city die because of the power of the virus, how can the organization's plan be executed.] 】

"Quietly, in an instant, kill the people of a city!".

Everyone has a deeper understanding of the power of Gaia's memories, and the previous dopings such as Tyrannosaurus and lava were indeed very strong, but they were far from being as lethal as viruses.

Almost all of them looked at the viral memory in the video with deep fear in their eyes, and when no one wanted to live a good life, they suddenly died suddenly for unknown reasons.

And in the eyes of some high-level people, after the fear weakened a little, greed began to appear in their eyes, if they have such power in their hands, can they let their status climb up a little.

Sure enough, the power of Gaia's memories is too dangerous to give such things to those ignorant fools, and only people like themselves can use these memories well.

Thoughts like this are also in the minds of those at the top.

[Lin Mu used the name of Conan to use Sachiko Shinozaki's classmate to worry about her, so his classmate's brother came to the hospital to see Sachiko Shinozaki, and for such a reason, the nurse asked Sachiko Shinozaki's ward location, and Lin Mu has now also seen Sachiko Shinozaki. 】

[With long black hair and a pale face, she was originally just a carefree little girl, but now she has become like this because of a scumbag, she luckily held a life but fell into a coma, and she couldn't even be sure if it was possible to wake up, and she relied on the equipment of the hospital to maintain her life. 】

["May I ask who you are?" At this time, a teenager the age of a high school student appeared in the ward, Lin Mu's previous statement was repeated, and at the same time, the teenager also told Lin Mu his identity. His name is Hiroya Kemei, the same passerby who found Takamine Yanagibori preparing to dump his body, and now he also occasionally visits Sachiko in the hospital to visit the unconscious. 】

"That's right. Lin Mu took a look at this Momentari Yuya, who looked like he was the same age, an ordinary high school student, and Lin Mu always felt that there was something wrong with this person outside of class. The two didn't know each other in the first place, and after introducing each other, they became cold, and in the end, it was Conan's sudden appearance that gave Lin Mu an excuse to leave. 】

["Ah Mu, have you found anything?" After leaving the hospital, Conan couldn't wait to ask Lin Mu. 】

["No, I have read the records of the hospital, Sachiko Shinozaki has indeed been in a coma for a long time, and not long ago, even Shinozaki Fanghui was hospitalized for a period of time due to serious injuries, and the cause recorded by the hospital was a car accident. Yesterday was the first day she was discharged from the hospital, and it was also the time when the revenge began. Lin Mu already knew from Conan that the person driving the black car was Shinozaki Fanghui, so the motive and time were connected. 】

["Car accident!, that's why she uses a car!"Conan now finally understands why Shinozaki Fanghui uses a car as a prop for revenge, most people use some knives when they want to kill people, and knives are less restricted in use than vehicles. So when Shinozaki wanted to take revenge by killing the dead with a car, Conan didn't quite understand why. 】

[Now that all the information is combined, Conan makes a reason. After Shinozaki woke up, Yanagibori Takamine didn't have the courage to kill anyone again in order not to expose what he had done, so he asked the yakuza to threaten the other party, and the gangster who went was probably Matsuki. 】

[Now that her daughters are lying in bed unconscious, how can Shinozaki Fanghui just forget it, so it must be that Shinozaki Fanghui ignored the other party's threats and threatened to expose all the things about Yanagi Hori, and Shinozaki Fanghui's behavior led to further retaliation from the other party, that is, to cause a car accident. 】

[And it is very likely that the participants in this car accident also include Yoshio Yanagibori, so he will know what Shinozaki Fanghui is going to do when he sees her driving the car, and then he will be afraid to beg for mercy, because he knows how much sin he has committed. If that's the case, then the next person Shinozaki Fanghui will take revenge on is likely to be that Yanagibori Takamine. 】

["Senior Sister Peach?" Just as Conan was thinking, Lin Mu received a call from Dragon Ball Peach, and the other party told Lin Mu a piece of news, that is, Liu Hori Takaho bought some arms from other gangsters, and also told Lin Mu the location of the transaction, and finally did not forget to remind Lin Mu to be careful. 】

[The same Conan also heard the news, and he immediately put on the drive and changed back to Shinichi's appearance, and rode the Tough Guy to the location given by Dragon Ball Momo.] On the way, Shinichi plans to transform in order to be able to bring out all the good speed of the tough guy, "Philip!"].

["May I ask a question, Shinichi?" ["After hearing Shinichi's voice this time, Philip didn't immediately insert the wind memory into the drive, he closed the book in his hand and said in a helpless tone, "Is it necessary for him to save this person Yanagihori Takamine? All the negative effects he has brought to this city are all negative influences, considering that without this person, this city will be better, it is more natural to let Shinozaki Fanghui complete his revenge, right?"].

"I think so, that kind of scum has no need to be saved. "

"That's it, such a person is still the principal, and fortunately my child did not go to his school. "

"I'll go, you're going to remind me that I'm going to transfer my child right away!"

In just one hour, all the students at Yanagihori Takamine's school were transferred, and their attitude was very tough. Almost all of the employees have also resigned, and if nothing else, the school will be abolished today.

Pictured: Hiroya Akimei

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