[So Ah Mu changed his attack method and used the attack method he had previously envisioned against the ability of the thousand beams. Ah Mu has adopted a more flexible trajectory of movement, and each style is designed under the premise of being predicted by the enemy. 】

[Majima is not very proficient at predicting the enemy's attack, and there is no way to compare with Qianshu, so he was soon deceived by Ah Mu's feints, and Ah Mu successfully hit Majima's body with a heavy punch. Majima's armor is made of gel-hardened, and when attacked, its internal structure and density balance change, maximizing the enemy's strength. 】

["Hahaha! It's so good, I really can't hear the extra sound, that's it! This is the balance I want!hahaha!" Majima covered the part where he was hit, and the armor protected him well, and he didn't feel pain, but now Majima was very excited. 】

[Like Qianshu, Majima can be favored by Aran Ji 14 because he also has a very special talent, Qianshu can predict the opponent's movements with strong vision, and Majima's ability can replace the hearing of vision, and can even surpass the effect of radar in relatively quiet places. 】

[But the consequences of strong hearing are also very obvious, this is not like the eyes can be closed to isolate vision, Majima has been passively accepting all the sounds around him since hearing was developed, and it is common to have headaches when noisy. 】

[But now after wearing this.,It's said that after the armor specially designed for him.,Those annoying sounds are finally gone.,Now Majima can rely on his own will.,To isolate different sounds.,Those noises that Majima thinks are meaningless.,Can be ignored by Majima.,Concentrate on processing the sounds you want to hear.] 】

"Can human hearing go this far?"

"Compared to dodging bullets, it doesn't seem unacceptable. "

"If a person's hearing is really that strong, how noisy is the cars and other noises in the city?"

"I don't know, I don't even think my roommates are snoring. "

[While listening intently to the sound of Ah Mu's action, Majima also achieved the ability to predict very close to Qianshu, all of which made Majima very satisfied. And Majima was satisfied, Ah Mu felt that the situation was a little bad, this was also the first time he had seen the actual combat of the extrusion driver, and the effect of matching with the user was more intuitive than the data. 】

[At the same time, because Ah Mu was alone in the face of the real island, the pressure on Qianshu's side suddenly increased a lot. Three slammers besiege a thousand bundles together. The castle's defenses can withstand Senshu's attacks, the two short knives of the stag worm can also unleash powerful attacks, the owl flies in the air to support, and the slammers cooperate with each other, and Senshu is somewhat difficult to resist. 】

[By predicting the actions of the slammer, Qianshu constantly dodges and counterattacks in battle, and attacks again and again to find out the opponent's flaws. However, as the secret weapon of the Northern Capital, the three of Tobe Sho have also been in contact with each other, and the three of them also have their own set of combined combat methods. 】

[Yamato used his double swords to fight with a thousand bundles of close quarters, Tobe Shofei stopped a thousand bundles from entering a high-speed state in the air, while Ooka stood on the side, the upper half of the wall-like body was slightly deformed, the shield was fixed in front of him, and the flames for propulsion were sprayed from behind, and he rushed towards the thousand bundles. 】

[Sho Tobe took Yamato and left from Chizuki's side, and Ooka also happened to hit Chizuki's body, the castle power plus inertia, Chibun was also hit by seven meat and eight vegetarians, and rolled on the ground several times. Chibun struggled on the ground and slowly got up, and Ooka saw that Chibun had not been knocked down yet, so he bumped into it again after accumulating strength. 】

["Thousand Bundles!" Ah Mu immediately gave up entanglement with Majima and immediately rushed to the front of Qianshu, and Majima did not immediately pursue, but just watched. Ah Mu came to the front of Qianshu, looking at the charging Ooka as the overlapping horns above Ah Mu's head spread out into hexagons. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[The speed of Ooka's charge was very fast, Ah Mu didn't have time to charge up, and immediately kicked at Ooka after the overlapping horns unfolded. Ah Mu kicked on the shield in front of Ooka without any effect, which was also expected by Ah Mu. 】

[Ah Mu stepped on the shield with both feet, jumped into the air again, rolled in the air and adjusted the direction with strength, and then kicked a reverse kick towards Ooka again. The power of the earth in his body and the energy of the first kick before all converged in this second kick at this moment, increasing the power of the knight's kick several times. 】

[Ooka still maintained the action of charging, because Ah Mu's kick was no different from the previous kick from the outside, so it didn't care about continuing to maintain the previous behavior pattern, and used the shield to take Ah Mu's reverse kick head-on. 】

[Soon Ooka found out his mistake, and after Ah Mu kicked on its shield again, Ooka felt a powerful force acting on his body, and even the charge was forcibly interrupted. Ooka was kicked and slid backwards, making two marks on the ground with both feet, and it was not until Sho Tobe and Yamato caught Ooka from behind that they stopped its retreat. 】

[At the same time, Ah Mu also staggered a few steps after landing 660, in a short period of time, it was not Ooka who received Ah Mu's two knight kicks, Ah Mu was also hit twice by Ooka's charge head-on, the injury was not as serious as Ooka but it was not intact, and now there is a real island on the side eyeing it, even if Ah Mu and Qianshu join forces, there is not much chance of winning. 】

[At this time, Takina finally arrived at the battlefield, but what Takina was wearing on his waist was not the build dynamic he usually used, but the squeeze drive. Ah Mu saw the drive that Takina was carrying, and he nervously wanted to stop it, "Wait, that's ..." 】

["I'm sorry, Mu, I used your things without permission, but let's borrow them from me at this time."] Anyway, I'm just a killing tool named Lycoris, and I don't know how much human blood I have in my hands, but you and Chibun made me forget about it for the time being. "】

["Now I'm willing to reappear and change back to the cold me I used to be, and become a fighting prop again."] It is my own choice, to let me fall into darkness and return to the light for you. Takina said, her eyes shining with a determined gaze, as she inserted the dragon's gel into the drive and pressed down the handle, "Transform!". 】。

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