The Siren crossed her hands over her abdomen, her posture a little awkward, "Well, I'm a little nervous, can I sing a song?"

"... No need." Li Yuan said in the dark.

Through the archives of the nine-tailed fox, Li Yuan knew what Siren's ability was, which was a kind of conceptual mental pollution.

Although Li Yuan also had similar abilities, it was definitely not at the conceptual level.

"007, do you recognize me?"

Siren scratched her hair, "Hmm... not really."

"You don't recognize me, but I recognize you."

"Your ability is inextricably linked to me. I am the origin of sea monsters. Everything in the ocean is derived from myself."

Li Yuan in the dark stretched out a big hand, which was condensed from tentacles and was still wriggling.

There were many eyes on it.

"Please sit down."

Siren looked at his hand, and the corners of her mouth twitched subconsciously, "No, no need, I like to stand, ah no, I like to swim."

Li Yuan retracted his huge right hand after hearing this, "Really? I heard that you want to go home. Do you really want to go back to the mainland?"

Siren nodded vigorously, "Yeah."

Li Yuan tilted his head in the dark, and he seemed to be sitting on some huge object, "But there is no place for us to live on the ground."

"Not only the Nine-Tailed Fox, but also those bees, they all strongly reject us, you can't go back to the life you are familiar with."

"I think you have deeply experienced I will."

Siren was silent for a moment, "But I hate water, the boundless sea, and the feeling of having no direction..."

Li Yuan looked at her, "But it also keeps you away from disputes."

"In the deep sea, you can be a fish without worries, but once you walk on land, you are a monster in the mouth of humans and a shelter in the mouth of the Nine-Tailed Fox."

"In such a world, your living space may be only the size of a cage, and you will be watched and studied by people every day until you are useless and executed."

"Do you still want to go back to such a continent?"

Siren was silent.

Li Yuan continued: "If you like to sing, the sailors passing by are willing to listen to your singing, and the sea will sing for you."

"You have scales and gills, and the sea is your destination."

Siren was a little depressed after hearing this, or a little sad, because this is an indisputable fact.

Li Yuan stretched out a finger, and Siren sat directly on his finger.

She kept shaking her tail, feeling very bad.

"Don't you have any family? Family on land, friends on land, or people you care about."

Hearing Siren's words, Li Yuan shook his head, "Family and friendship are just the lowest level of life interest."

"I am now following the footsteps of that existence. Evolution and domination will be my only destiny in this life."

"You should also try to untie the shackles on your body and let go of the obsession in front of you. Then you will find that the world is not only about the present, but also the vast sea of ​​stars and the boundless universe."

"One day, we will reach the sky and overlook the sea of ​​stars."

"But the premise of all this is that you must first survive the elimination of the inferior species."

"The rules of the world have never changed. The strong will be strong and the weak will die."

"You may think you are very powerful and think you have mastered the power above humans, but that is just a drop in the ocean we can see."

"People who have powerful power, they , we all want to eliminate each other. There may be many winners in this war, and there will also be many losers. "

"But if you are strong enough, there will only be one winner."

"I have ruled the ocean, and the next step is the land. I want to build a new dynasty, a new civilization, and a new order on land."

"Even if the great flood in the Bible comes again, my dynasty will not be destroyed. Whether it is the ocean or the land, my people will replace humans and become a new intelligent race."

"If you are willing to help me, you will have a seat on the throne of the ocean."

Siren looked at Li Yuan, "What are you going to do?"

Li Yuan waved his hand to shake the waves, "Raise a flood to engulf the continent, and use God's means to eliminate life on earth."

"Of course, if you come to help me, the process will be easier."

"Our first step is Pearl Harbor."

"I..." Siren's voice was not finished, but Li Yuan suddenly


His golden eyes flashed, and a projection instantly shot out from his pupils, shining in the darkness.

This projection was sent by his priest.

The projection showed a small fishing village, where a group of fishmen surrounded a man with bat wings.

Seeing the man's face, Li Yuan's eyes suddenly condensed.

"Li Heng."

If he was not mistaken, it should be the ability of 008 True Ancestor.

Li Yuan suddenly stood up, and immediately set off a huge wave under the sea, almost blowing the weak Siren away directly.

Fortunately, she grabbed Li Yuan's finger in time.

"You are really chasing after me, brother."



Hong Kong, at an auction.

A man wearing a golden mask sat in the VIP seat, and he smiled at the golden human sculpture below.

Several women stood behind the man, "Who is this guy?"

"I don't know, but he's very rich."

Just as the women were discussing, the door behind the VIP seats was suddenly kicked open.

Several people in suits and sunglasses suddenly rushed in with guns.

The man with the gold mask turned his head and said, "If you are police, I hope you can understand one thing."

As he said that, the man with the gold mask suddenly attacked!

Unexpectedly, the leader was very sharp and directly knocked the man with the gold mask to the ground with his backhand!

But the man with the gold mask suddenly grinned!

He grabbed the man's hand, and the moment his body touched, the man's body suddenly turned into gold!



A gunshot sounded and hit the man with the gold mask in the head, and the women in the room suddenly began to scream!

The bullet easily penetrated the man's brain, and the man's body stiffened for a moment and then lost consciousness.


One person stepped forward and took off the mask. They didn't say a word the whole time.

They were B-level personnel of the Nine-Tailed Fox, responsible for recovering these ancient relics from the sea.

Several people put the golden mask in a box and took it away. Soon someone rushed in and took away the man who turned into gold and the body.

As for the women, they were also caught.

"Confirmed that the recovery was successful."

One person said as he walked out of the door with the box, but a claw suddenly emerged from the darkness and pierced the man's throat directly!


Several people reacted and quickly turned their guns to the darkness!

But countless tentacles suddenly emerged from the darkness and directly pierced the chests of several Nine-Tailed Fox privates.

Puff puff puff!

"...Yes, Dagon Society!"


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