The sound of a giant wretch was heard, and the sound of a giant wretch was heard.


On one side of the island, a fishman emerged from the sea, shook his head, and quickly climbed ashore.

The fishman's name was Ye Long. He had noticed the ghost ship a long time ago and followed it secretly.

He followed the ghost ship all the time, and from time to time he climbed onto the ship to eavesdrop on their conversations, and gradually mastered some key information.

"The other side of the island, the golden trident..."

Ye Long thought about taking off his wet clothes, quickly drying his body, and then took out a green card from 079's game space.

He put the card on his body, and the card instantly shattered, turning into a black uniform with an exoskeleton.

This is a one-time item that can be unboxed or purchased in the 079 game space.

Single-soldier exoskeleton combat suit.

Ye Long looked around. The climate on the island was very hot and the vegetation was lush.

Of course, there were also many snakes, insects, rats and ants.

The people of the Serpent's Hand quickly landed on the island, and Adam waved his hand and took away the ghost ship directly.

The huge ghost ship became only the size of a palm.

Ye Long, hiding in the dark, narrowed his eyes and saw this, "Ghost ship, that is their main means of transportation. This is the high seas and the location is remote. If I steal the ghost ship, they will probably be trapped here."


Ye Long's figure flashed forward a few meters and began to follow the people of the Serpent's Hand in secret.

They walked through the gravel-lined beach and the lush rainforest all the way, and did not find what they were looking for until dark.

In desperation, the people of the Serpent's Hand had to camp on the spot.

They wanted to make a fire, but it seemed that it had just rained here, and the leaves were extremely wet and difficult to ignite.

"Tsk, I should have brought some charcoal!"

"Is there no ancient relic that can make fire?"

"No, how can an ancient relic in the sea have properties related to fire?"

"Let's set up the tent first, I'll think of a way to deal with the fire."

The people of the Serpent's Hand began to get busy, and Adam still held the map and the compass.

"Strange, according to the location, we are very close to the target, we should be able to see it now..."

Adam put down the map and took out the parchment book from his bag, and then turned to page 67.

"Just when everyone was about to collapse, we found the legendary island on the other side. We headed northwest, crossed the rocks, and passed through the rainforest. We saw a huge temple."

"On the top of the temple is a man holding a trident..."

Adam looked around, but did not see any trace of the temple.

In the darkness, a figure was staring at the parchment book in Adam's hand from the tree.

Ye Long's eyes were focused, "The Old Temple?"

Retracting his gaze, Ye Long began to think secretly, "According to what he pointed out on the map and the records in the book, he should have seen it, but why, didn't he?"

"Is there a lack of conditions, or something was missed..." x2

Adam and Ye Long said almost at the same time.


Adam seemed to hear something, and looked up suddenly, and saw the tree above shaking.

He seemed to hear someone talking just now, was it an illusion?

In the woods on the other side, Ye Long hid behind a slope.

"It's a close call. There are more than a hundred people in total, and there are more than twenty people with ancient relics in their hands. The specific purpose is unknown, so don't act rashly."


Time passed for several days.

Ye Long and the group of people from the Serpent's Hand wandered around the island for several days and didn't find anything.

The other side of the island is very large, but they have searched inside and out. If there is really a temple, how could they not see any edge?

After searching for several days, everyone was exhausted.

The humid environment, countless mosquitoes, and no fire meant that everyone had not slept well since landing on the island.

Gradually, some people began to lose their strength and their spirits collapsed.

Adam was also very haggard. He leaned against a tree with red eyes and read the parchment book over and over again.

"What was missing... Is the old temple on the other side of the island just a scam?"

Just then, a man in a black robe suddenly came over.

The man in the black robe had a strong fishy smell on his body, but Adam's tense spirit had no time for him to care more.

The man in the black robe came over and snatched the parchment book, then quickly flipped through it.

Adam was stunned for a moment, "You..."

The man in black robes did not speak. He quickly found a page and then slid his fingers quickly between the lines.

"We thought we were going to die. When we saw the island on the other side, everyone was very upset. In a trance, we thought we saw an illusion..."

Then, the man in black robes continued to turn the pages and found another page.

"After passing through the rainforest, we saw a huge temple... But only I saw it. They said I was crazy, but I was not crazy. There really was a huge temple there!"

Ye Long closed the book and threw the parchment book directly to Adam.

He really couldn't bear it anymore. Not to mention the people of the Serpent's Hand, even his spirit was about to collapse.

He killed a member of the Serpent's Hand, changed into his clothes, and came to personally check the contents of the parchment book.

By confirming the stories between the two characters, he found a common point.

Both Balrosa and Karen had found the Old Temple. The common point between them was that when they found the temple, their spirits were close to collapse.

Ye Long walked forward quickly, showing his claws and grabbing himself, constantly stimulating himself with pain.

The wounds on his body were cut and healed, healed and cut again!

The pain came in waves, making Ye Long gradually unable to do it, but he still gritted his teeth and did it!


Sweat began to secrete crazily on Ye Long's forehead, his consciousness was about to be swallowed by the pain, his eyes began to become blurred, and his steps slowed down.

Not long after, a piercing cold air suddenly blew towards him!

Ye Long was blown by the cold air and stopped self-harming instantly.

He looked forward and saw an ancient and huge temple standing in front of him!

The scale of the temple was extremely large, like a huge pyramid, covered with moss, and there was a long staircase in front of it.

And on the top of the temple, there was a moss-covered golden statue, holding a golden trident, and maintaining a throwing posture.

Ye Long walked forward blankly, his brain stopped thinking for a while.

His guess was correct.

Ye Long walked up the stairs in a mess, and his consciousness became dizzy with every step.

Occasionally, he heard a series of strange murmurs, or whispers of something.

Adam and others chased after him at this time, but the scene in front of them made them a little unbelievable.

I saw a figure walking towards the sky step by step!

What is this?

Left foot stepping on the right foot to go to the sky?

Adam took a few steps forward, but he touched nothing. He could not see the huge temple, nor could he touch any entity!

"Could it be..."


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