The man was so angry that he couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha, hahahaha!"

On the beach, a man bent over, his body twitching up and down while laughing uncontrollably.

His face was distorted, his eyes were painful, and the constant laughter made him gradually insane.

This person was none other than Ye Long, who drank the potion for the second time.

He was kicked out of the crack space by Chen Ye at the moment he began to change.

To ask the reason, Chen Ye was afraid that if he succeeded this time, he would be frightened by Ye Long.


The moment he drank the potion.

The pain came, but Ye Long did not fall to the ground and twist and twitch like others, but started running around!

At first, he held his head with both hands, muttering something in his mouth, and then the whole person began to go crazy.

In the end, he suddenly laughed foolishly.


"It's not me, I told them no, it was the village chief who did it!"

"Yes, it was the village chief!"

"Ahem, hahaha, puff... I am willing, willing to serve you as king, spare my life... spare me..."

Ye Long raised his head suddenly, and his face suddenly became hideous and terrifying, "When, dogs, can also choose their own masters!"


After Ye Long said this, the pupils of his eyes began to widen.

"No, that's not right... No, whose memory is that!"


Blood mist began to burst out of Ye Long's body, his limbs were stretched, scales grew on his body, and his hair turned white.

In just a blink of an eye, Ye Long's body exploded and spread, instantly turning into an extremely long figure flying into the sky!


A dragon roar cut through the sky, and Chen Ye in the crack space was deeply stunned.

He was not attacked by the fear characteristic, he was confused.


No, no, no, this is not important!

The important thing is!

Chen Ye did not feel any fear characteristics on him!

He took out the magnifying glass to confirm it again, and the result was indeed none!

This cannot be said that the potion did not work, but that the effect of the potion was completely distorted!

This feeling is like there is some kind of extremely strong dominant force that transforms the fear characteristic into other characteristics.

Chen Ye tried to capture the source of this change with a magnifying glass, but the information he got made him a little confused.

"The first potion became the key to open the door."

"The second potion was distorted by the fixed factors after the door was opened."

"No matter what potion you drink, no matter what the effect of the potion is, it will only create this result, that is, the appearance of the dragon."

"The appearance of the dragon means that the upper energy is decomposed and downgraded to low-level energy that can be directly converted by life, or it can be understood as the recovery of low-level energy and the reduction of upper-level energy."

Wait a minute, the amount of information is a bit large.

Chen Ye first sorted it out, "No matter what potion, as long as it is given to Ye Long, it will only create the result of becoming a dragon."

"And the appearance of the dragon means the appearance of some low-level energy."

"Just like the emergence of 002 has derived many ancient relics and other series of derivatives."

Thinking of this, Chen Ye suddenly looked up at the sky with a magnifying glass.

He has a bold idea!

And at this moment, a large string of dense information suddenly appeared in front of Chen Ye!

"The essence of life represents the essence of the world. The two complement each other. When the quality of the world reaches a certain level, high-quality creatures will be born..."

"Similarly, the emergence of high-quality creatures will also allow the world to reach a higher level?"

Chen Ye was suddenly stunned. If this is the rule of this world, then he created so many monsters, which is equivalent to improving the essence of life.

The essence of the world will also be improved.

Simply put, the world will be upgraded because of Chen Ye's creation.

The more advanced the life, the higher the world can be!

So, is this good or bad?

Chen Ye is not sure.

But for humans, this should be more disadvantageous than beneficial.

Because if the world is full of high-quality life, then humans are the weakest existence and can only be slaughtered by those lives.

But at the same time, the existence of these high-quality lives has also brought some other changes.

For example, ancient relics, this mysterious item that can also allow humans to master super powers.

For example, after the dragon appears, its so-called low-level energy appears.

Can this be understood as a kind of spiritual revival?

If it is true

In this way, humans can indeed benefit from it, but it is not limited to humans, all life can benefit from it.

The stronger, the stronger, even plants and animals will be able to threaten humans.

In that case, for the collective, it will naturally do more harm than good.

But what does this have to do with Chen Ye?

He only cares about whether his absolute fear can be rubbed out.

"Absolute fear failed on 025. This is not a problem with the potion, but a problem with 025 itself."

"Let's not talk about the peculiarity of 025 itself. At present, the only two creations that have affected the world are 002 and 025."

"The world has changed after the two appeared."

"It is because their life essence has reached a certain level."

"It seems necessary to sort it out and divide these lives into ratings. At what level can they affect the world."

In this regard, Chen Ye already has an idea in his mind.

He thinks that this rating can be divided into seven levels.

Based on humans, life that is higher than humans is the first level.

Those with inherent characteristics or secondary characteristics are the second level.

As for the third level, either they have absolute characteristics, or their own life level has reached the level that can "soon" change the world.

The fourth level is the level that Chen Ye currently believes can change the world.

And Chen Ye's evaluation of himself is probably the fourth level.

So the question is, since Chen Ye is the fourth level, what has he changed?

Chen Ye has also thought about this, he thinks that this crack space may exist because of him.

As for the lifeline, Chen Ye is currently unable to determine whether it is related to it.

Reached the fifth level.

The basis of the fifth level must be the ability to freely shuttle through the universe and the sea of ​​stars with the flesh.

As for the sixth level, Chen Ye named it the Holy Land, and its life form should have completely surpassed life itself.

It is a qualitative change.

As for the seventh level, Chen Ye called it a myth.

The seventh level of godhood is currently the limit height that Chen Ye has imagined.

As for what the basis of becoming a god is, Chen Ye has not thought about it yet.

As Chen Ye said at the beginning, God should be incomprehensible, at least for now he can't try to understand the height of the myth level.

This is the seventh level of ascension to God calculated by Chen Ye, but the monsters don't fully understand the meaning of all these seven levels.

They will most likely evaluate the level based on simple strength.

"If my own Death God sequence is complete, I should be able to reach the fifth level, and flying in the universe is not out of reach."

"And I am currently only one thing away from a complete Death God, the fear characteristic."

In pursuit of perfection, Chen Ye wants to change this characteristic into an absolute characteristic.

That is, absolute fear.

Chen Ye currently does not know what different effects will be produced by evolving the complete Death God with absolute fear.

"For now, the matter of the dragon can be put aside. I have to go back and get a few bottles of absolute fear potion again."


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