The dead tree was covered with blood, and the dead tree was buried in the ground.

At a dinner party.

A group of people were walking, and they didn't want the chandelier to suddenly fall down, and the sharp part of the U-turn directly pierced into the heads of several people.

It was also at this time that many people around the world died at the same time.

Chen Ye pulled the lifeline in the dark, as if he was playing a blasphemous song against life.

He planned a death for all the ancient relic holders in the dark.

All those who hold ancient relics, whether monsters or humans, are targeted by the god of death.

Through the treasure map, Chen Ye recovered most of the ancient relics outside.

It can be said that if those who scrambled for ancient relics before knew that the price of getting ancient relics was to be targeted by the god of death, then no one would scramble for the so-called ancient relics.

Because this is no longer an ancient relic, it is a ticket to the hell express!

Now, the remaining ancient relics are all in the headquarters of the Nine-Tailed Fox.

However, the Nine-Tailed Fox group did not take the ancient relics, but put them in storage rooms.

That is why the Nine-Tailed Fox people were lucky enough to escape the hands of the God of Death.

Chen Ye entered the Nine-Tailed Fox base quietly.

Any confidentiality facilities and strict rooms are useless to him.

It is like a four-dimensional creature entering a three-dimensional world. There is no place he cannot enter and nothing he cannot get.

On the way to take back all the remaining ancient relics through the treasure map, Chen Ye saw several interesting things in several rooms.

The first one is 008.

The True Ancestor was locked in a room completely enclosed by mithril. He kept the posture of a teenager with his hands and feet imprisoned.

But these restraints were no restriction to 008. He could tear off his own hands and feet and escape.

But after escaping, he could not touch anything in the room.

Because everything was mithril.

Seeing the Grim Reaper floating in front of him, 008 blinked.

Not long after, the Grim Reaper floated back.

"Lord Os?"

"Why are you here?"

Chen Ye looked at 008, "Come and take something."

008 looked at Chen Ye, "Lord, how about you take me away too?"

Chen Ye ignored his request.

In short, the monster that loses is the loser. As a creature quality inspector, 022 can take him in, which means that 008 still has defects.

Or, he is still not strong enough.

Chen Ye is trying to build a system, an evolutionary priority system.

In the process of monster collision, individuals who show extraordinary strength and potential will get a higher evolutionary priority.

For example, 011 Beast of Thousand Maws.

And 022 Demon.

Perhaps some people would say that 022 Demon relied on other containments to defeat the True Ancestor and the Angel.

But Chen Ye did not say that monsters were not allowed to help each other?

This was originally a fight to the death without rules. Any method was acceptable. As long as you could win, no matter how despicable the method was, Chen Ye did not care.

022 could mobilize other monsters, which was also part of his strength.

After all, no one restricted you from asking other monsters for help, right?

It can only be said that some monsters were a little arrogant because of their own powerful abilities and disdained to cooperate with others.

It depends on the individual.

Chen Ye does not restrict any rules. The only ones who can restrict them are themselves.

Whether you are bullying the few with the many, or the small with the big, or winning a battle for ten or a hundred years, it is a victory.

008 lost, this is an unshakable reality.

022 The devil didn't kill him. If 008 had the ability to escape by himself and win back later, Chen Ye would recognize him.

Because as long as he didn't die, it wouldn't be the end.

"Failures are worthless to me. I don't see any surplus value in you. Your only role to me is to create 009."

Hearing Chen Ye's words, 008 suddenly turned into an adult woman, "I... I will show you my value, as long as you give me another chance, Lord Os!"

Chen Ye's eyes flashed under his black robe, "Anyone can say it."

"Try to crawl out of here first, and then talk about your value."

After that, Chen Ye turned into a black smoke and disappeared in front of 008.


At the other end, in the meeting room of the nine-tailed fox.

Eleven figures stood in front of Qin Leng, with different postures, old and young, and even inhuman things.


They are the twelve original Chaos Insurgency members.

Since it is inconvenient for the computer to appear physically, it appears on the screen in the form of data.

Qin Leng was able to find the remaining Chaos Insurgency members, and 020 computers played an indispensable role.

For those who still use electronic devices, 020 directly invaded their lives, making them unable to play with their phones or watch computers, and directly drove them crazy.

Even the electronic billboards on the roadside would be invaded by 020 computers and turned into a mysterious smile.

Especially when someone was watching a movie late at night, a scary old man's face suddenly appeared on the phone screen.

Don't mention how exciting it is.

As for those who don't play with their phones or watch computers...

Ah, sorry, no.

The key is that you can't hide from this thing. No matter where you are, it can find you at the first time.

020 ​​even invaded the satellites of many countries and the military databases of various countries for this purpose.

This is how these people were gathered together from all over the world.

"Is my computer really dead? I went to the toilet to watch a video, and I saw Tang Seng chanting a spell. The subtitles all said come back quickly. I have been constipated for three days now."

A blue-haired man with a big sword on his back said with a look of wanting to die.

"Come on, work hard, poop hard, it doesn't matter if you can't poop, at least you can fart." Arthur Morgan said on the side.

The White Walker looked at Arthur with a very scary expression, "Do you think you are very humorous?"

Arthur immediately turned around and whistled when he saw this.

The White Walker turned around with an ugly face, "When I got this sword, I thought I could be famous all over the world."

"Do you mean being beaten to death and being on the news?" Arthur said.

Hearing this, the alien drew out the flesh-and-blood sword behind him, which was emitting cold air, and said, "Can you shut your mouth that is so annoying!"

At this time, a bald man in a Catholic robe came over, "Amitabha, everyone, peace is the most precious thing, peace is the most precious thing."

Seeing the bald man, the centaur-shaped creature beside him looked puzzled, "So are you a Catholic or a Buddhist?"

The bald man turned his head, "Of course, a little bit of both."

"Too many gods are better than nothing."

Listening to their conversation, a black-haired man sitting in the corner yawned out of boredom.

A centipede-like thing crawled out of the man's sleeve and crawled to his palm, shaking its head mischievously.

The man turned his wrist, and the centipede quickly moved its limbs and crawled onto his arm again.

"I say, let's stop talking about family matters here. It's almost time to get to the point. I have a bunch of new little cuties waiting for me at home."


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