As for the shortcomings of 016, his freezing time is only half an hour.

Note that this half an hour does not refer to the time he freezes the target once, but the total time he can use his ability!

Once 016 uses his ability, he will enter a countdown of one and a half hours.

After half an hour, his ability will disappear immediately.

And he cannot use any ability in the next twelve hours. This is the biggest disadvantage of 016.

However, it does not mean that he can only stand for 30 minutes. He actually has another ability, an ability that is more easily backfired.

He can turn corpses into copies of himself and let them stand up.

This kind of corpse is abnormally cold, and people bitten by the corpse will get an infectious disease called "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis".

The corpse can always exist.

But the reason why this ability is more likely to backfire is that the replicas transformed by 016 White Walker will attack him frantically within 12 hours after 016 loses his ability!

This is also one of the reasons why 016 never creates followers.

He can only control those corpses for half an hour, and one second more will immediately backfire on himself!

In order to solve this problem, 016 White Walker once found 021 swordsmith and asked him to forge a sword for him.

This sword was transformed from the replica of 016 White Walker, that is, the followers.

Being cut by this sword will cause ALS, the body will become cold, and then the limbs will be stiff, and the whole body will be unable to move.

This has also become the only means of self-protection for 016 in the current state of inability.

He called this sword Frostmourne...

Arthur: "Frozen fish~"

White Walker: "(╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻"

Looking at the two people who were about to fight over a disagreement, Qin Leng slapped his forehead.

If these people were separated, each of them could make the nine-tailed fox drink a pot.

If they were together, each of them could make the other drink a pot.

The only ones who were still calm were the two old men, 017 Yijing and 021 Swordsmith.

They sat at the table and drank tea calmly, looking calm.

"This tea is good."

"Indeed, go back and ask Chief Qin for some."

017 Yijing can drag people into a space with eight roads.

Eight roads correspond to the eight trigrams, and its There is a life gate in the space, and the position of the life gate changes every minute, and follows a wonderful law.

This law is difficult to discern, even 017 Yijing himself finds it difficult to figure it out.

That space cannot be destroyed even to a single brick or tile.

And 016 Yijing's ability cannot be avoided, and it can be regarded as a powerful skill that can temporarily control the enemy.

And there are means of attack in the space. If the enemy itself is not strong enough, they may die after hitting a few doors.

Next is the newcomer, 018.

He has a rather long name, but Qin Leng and others call him Renma very directly.

Renma is a very interesting person. He was originally a forest ranger, and he has been guarding a remote old forest.

Later The old forest was designated as a rare animal protection area by the local department.

During this period, poachers often entered. After becoming a centaur, the centaur still guarded the forest and killed no less than a hundred poachers.

All animals were close to him, whether they were carnivorous or herbivorous, they were extremely well-behaved in front of 018.

This may be 018's own characteristics.

But according to Qin Leng's discovery, long before 018 became a centaur, animals were very close to him. Some squirrels and birds would climb on 018's shoulders when they saw humans.

Looking at 018's appearance.

His lower body is a black horse body, his tail is longer than that of a normal horse, his upper body is naked, revealing yellow-white skin, and has very obvious muscle blocks.

He is a middle-aged man who gives people a friendly feeling and speaks calmly.

If you haven't seen the footage of him chasing those poachers, even Qin Leng would think that 018 is a harmless monster.

As for the footage of him hunting poachers, no one would want to see it, as the scene is so bloody that it can cause physiological discomfort to humans.

The horror of 018 is circulated among local poachers.

They say that there is a mountain god in that mountain. As long as you attack any animal, he will appear by your side at the first time and chop off your head with a rusty axe!

Because the axe is too blunt, in front, you can even feel your head being chopped off bit by bit.

What does it feel like to cut it off!

Afterwards, he would drag the body away and feed it to the wolves and tigers in the deep mountains and forests.

But even so, he was still found by the 020 computer.

In that deep forest, the only two things that could be used were an old-fashioned TV and a radio.

018's way of passing time was to listen to the radio and watch TV with a group of small animals.

As a result, the 020 computer appeared, and the TV began to broadcast videos of livestock slaughterhouses every day.

As soon as the radio was turned on, there was a noise like a saw grinding glass.

The small animals were all scared.

018 couldn't stand it anymore and had to ask the computer for an explanation.

After that, it took him less than half a day to run all the way from that remote deep forest to the headquarters of the nine-tailed fox!

Through satellite image monitoring, it can be learned that his speed should be around 700 kilometers per hour!

700 kilometers per hour, what a concept!

194.44 meters per second!

His speed is as fast as a national airliner!

Yes, this is 018's ability.

He is fast!

Very fast!

And the strength of his body is extremely high, and his life structure is far beyond normal life!

He is similar to 011 Thousand Throat Beast, a monster with pure physical transformation.

Don't say that he only has speed. If a creature is hit by 018 running at high speed, it is no different from being hit by a cannonball head-on!

018 can cross countless buildings in an instant, and his body will not be hurt at all!

If he intends to attack actively, he can kill most of the monsters known so far with just one kick!

If 011 is a monster tank, then 018 is a monster missile.

But even so, the situation is still within the controllable range.

Because 018 Centaur is relatively calm, unlike 011 Thousand Throat, he rarely destroys objects, and will automatically bypass vehicles and buildings on the road.

Going down, I won't talk about 020 Computer and 021 Swordsmith.

One of them is the overlord of the information age, and the other is the owner of the strongest conceptual ability.

Among the Chaos Splitters gathered this time, the one that Qin Leng finds most difficult is 019: Insects.

This guy is the only one who has not revealed his abilities so far.

And even the other Chaos Splitters don't know what his abilities are.

Even the 020 computer said that he only knew that 019's abilities were related to insects, and the rest of the information was blank.

Qin Leng looked at the black-haired man in front of him. He didn't look like a good person from his face.

His smile gave people a very sinister feeling, especially when he was always playing with some large centipedes and spiders in his hands, which made people shudder.

"Chief Qin, please understand that I'm very busy."


No. 019: Insects (Mushishi)

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