The old man was so drunk that he couldn't help but laugh.

Meng Qing paused and looked back at the fat man awkwardly, "Who, I... I'm just a passerby."

The blind fat man suddenly stepped forward, and he reached out drunkenly and grabbed Meng Qing's arm!

"No, it's you... it's you!"

"It must be you!"

"Chu Yang, it's you?"


Meng Qing was stunned for a moment, then denied it outright: "I'm not."

The fat man let go of his hand in a daze, "Yes... Chu Yang is dead, Chu Yang... Chu Yang has been, blown to death."

"And, with that, the fate weaver."

"But, why, I clearly saw it at that time, I clearly saw the future, Chu Yang lived in the future, how could he die, it was us, I used the future diary to kill the current Chu Yang?!"

"Ah... It's me, yes, I did it... It's me..."

The fat man said and walked away trembling.

Looking at the fat man's back, Meng Qing suddenly thought of someone.

"He wouldn't be the previous holder of the future diary, right?"

If Meng Qing remembered correctly, the previous holder of the future diary was a fat man, a fat man named Tang Yan.

He joined the nine-tailed fox, and later participated in the candy box experiment, and was given the ability of the future eye.

Unfortunately, he was blinded by 001 later.

It seems that the two men in suits following him should be Nine-Tailed Fox's men.

Meng Qing seemed to smell something.

A dangerous breath.


A sound of breaking through the air came quickly, and a man in black robes flew past Meng Qing's eyes and hit the wall instantly!

Seeing this scene, Meng Qing's pupils trembled.

And at this moment, the man in black robes suddenly reached out and grabbed Meng Qing.


Meng Qing looked at the man in front of him, who had a tattoo on his wrist.

It looked like a tree, with a snake head at the bottom of the tree and a hand on top.

Serpent's Hand?

Just as Meng Qing was in a trance, another black-robed figure rushed over quickly and kicked the Serpent's Hand member in the chest!

"Eve is dead, Adam is dead too, how many people are left in your Serpent's Hand?"

A blood-red look appeared under the man's black robe.

The Serpent's Hand member's eyes widened, and he was about to bite the poison sac in his mouth, but a bloody hand suddenly inserted into his mouth and took out the poison sac!

"A little trick, one or two times is enough."

The black-robed man saw this scene and his eyes widened, "I, I... I don't know, we, we already... don't have many people..."

At this moment, two men in suits standing in the distance suddenly came over with guns.

Before they could get close, two blood pillars drilled out from behind the black-robed man and directly shattered the weapons in their hands.

Seeing this, the two men in suits retreated one after another, "Yes, is it the prince?"

"We don't have standard mithril weapons, let's go!"

The two fled quickly, leaving Meng Qing alone with his suitcase in the wind.

No, what's the matter?

"I'm just moving, and you show me this as soon as I come out?"

However, the two Serpent's Hands just now said that this is a prince?


Or the prince who is chasing the Serpent's Hand.

Could he be Li Heng?

As if sensing Meng Qing's surprised look, Li Heng slowly turned his head.

Seeing Li Heng's face, Meng Qing blinked quickly.

Oh my goodness.

So Li Heng is so handsome?

"No wonder Lilith likes him so much."

Just then, a group of densely packed black-robed people came over.

Li Heng directly threw the Serpent's Hand member to the priest behind him, and then looked directly at Meng Qing.

"Do you know me?"

Meng Qing's mouth twitched, "... I don't know, I'm just a passerby."

Li Heng looked at Meng Qing's palm, and there was a pattern on his palm, an inverted triangle circle pattern.

He is the one chosen by the Lord God.

After Li Heng noticed this message, he no longer paid attention to Meng Qing. He waved his hand and left with the fish army.

Seeing him and the group of black-robed people leave, Meng Qing couldn't help but sigh.

All I can say is that fortunately Li Heng is not a person who likes to kill innocent people.

Of course, if he was a person who killed innocent people, Meng Qing would definitely turn around and run away without saying a word after recognizing him, so how could he stay here and talk to him?

As for asking Li Heng to turn him into a vampire, that is definitely impossible.

Li Heng has his own principles, but he will not do this one thing.

"Fortunately, it was a close call."

Meng Qing continued to move forward with his suitcase. He just wanted to stay calm until the end. He didn't want to care about anything else.

The two things he encountered today were very subtle.

One was the man named Tang Yan. If Meng Qing admitted that he was Chu Yang, he would inevitably be involved in the Nine-Tailed Camp.

The next one was Li Heng. If Meng Qing said he wanted to become a vampire or a fishman, he would be directly involved in the Deep Sea Camp.

According to Meng Qing's analysis, the conflict between the two is the current main line.

No matter which side you join, you will directly enter the main line.

"It's really a coincidence that I just happened to meet these two forces today. Isn't this some kind of hint?"

For example, the Heavenly Dao is hinting that Meng Qing should choose one side to join.

"I won't."

But the Heavenly Dao's situation is never decided by people.


At this moment, a golden trident suddenly fell from the sky and was inserted right in front of Meng Qing!

Meng Qing: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Are you serious?

It's obvious that this is coming directly for him!

"Can I not take it?"

After saying this, Meng Qing suddenly felt a chill on his back, as if he was being stared at by a being carrying a black scythe.

"Is the Death Boss trying to make fun of me?"

Forget it!

"I have nothing but a book, how can I connect with this main line!"

But not connecting is definitely not an option.

This trident suddenly appeared here, most likely thrown by the Death, right in front of him, clearly asking him to take it!

Meng Qing took a deep breath and stretched out his hands to hold the trident.

"What can I do? I can only bite the bullet."


In the sky.

Ye Long, who was communicating with Narasokin, suddenly looked in a direction.

Narasokin followed his gaze and saw Ye Long stretched out a finger, "Looking for something."

Narasokin looked at Ye Long, "What is it specifically?"

Ye Long's eyes showed pain. He shook his head, and the fragments of memory were confused again, "It's... a fork."

Narasokin had been negotiating with Ye Long for a long time, and he had roughly figured out the meaning.

Ye Long really wanted to cooperate with them to deal with the things in the sea together.

But when he talked about the key to dealing with the thing in the sea, he often lost his memory and sometimes only said half of the words.

He said at first that there was something that could seal the monsters in the sea.

But when you asked him what it was, he couldn't remember it.

Then he mentioned a few words, the Old Temple and the Island on the Other Shore.

Now, he said that he suddenly remembered that thing...

That thing is, a fork?

A fork!

Can your description be more abstract?


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