The old man was killed, but he was still alive.


No, there is a problem!

Ye Long's eyes suddenly became strange. He recalled the murals on the wall. The place where Francis pulled out the trident was not the Old Temple, not even on the sea.

Maybe this doesn't mean anything.

But what about Karen?

The fourth pirate, the pioneer Karen, has broken into the Old Temple and even got the trident.

But he is running out!

Why run out?

Did he not know that the trident could seal the monster, or did he not know how to insert it back?

This assumption is impossible. Karen found the island of the other shore after reading the notes of his grandfather Francis.

How could he not know about the information about the disaster and the sealing key?

It can even be said that he came to find the trident because of this.

And in this case, after getting the trident, he ran out desperately, not to insert the trident back to a certain place.

Then, there is a possibility!

That is, the place where the key is inserted is not in the Old Temple at all!

Francis did not pull out the trident on the other side of the island at all, but in other places!

But the text also said that Francis went to the Old Temple once.

Ye Long felt that he went there this time to remove the curse on himself, not to say that he pulled out the trident there.

Because the story text mentioned that Francis was cursed after pulling out the key.

It can be seen that he did not die after pulling out the key.

After the trident was pulled out, the monsters took the trident to the temple to seal it. Francis wanted to take back the trident to reseal the monsters and remove his own curse.

There was no follow-up, so he must have failed.

His descendant, Karen, inherited his last wish and went to the Old Temple again, and successfully took the trident!

But he did not make it out of the temple alive.

If that's the case, then the clues are right!

The Old Temple is the cage responsible for guarding the trident.

But if that's the case, where is the real seal?

Ye Long couldn't recall the relevant information.

No, it should be that in the memory he knew, there was no information about the real seal at all!

Thinking of this, Ye Long rethought and told Nara Sokin about it.


Inside the Nine-tailed Fox.

A group of experimenters slapped the table, "Why did it change its mind again? We just found the clue of the other side of the island, and now it tells us that the sealed place is not in the old temple!"

"If it is not in the old temple, where is it?"

"It doesn't know, what an international joke!"

"Is it playing us like monkeys?"

Looking at the irritable researchers, Qin Leng cleared his throat twice, "Everyone, please be patient, at least we have found a clue now."

"The fork is a golden trident, the key to seal the disaster, and the sealed place , not on the other side of the island. "

The priest listened to this clue and pondered for a moment, "Chief, have you heard of a myth about Atlantis?"

Qin Leng looked at the priest, "You said this matter is related to Greek mythology?"

"There is no harm in making a bold guess, right?"

The priest smiled and said, "Now that the outer gods and dragons have come, it has been proved that there is nothing that this world cannot do except what we can't think of."

"Go on." Qin Leng poured a cup of tea and sat on the chair.

The priest stood up, "If we say mythology, it would be a bit imprecise, so let's talk about history. The so-called Atlantis is not a myth."

"Perhaps such a civilization really existed more than 10,000 years ago."

"Let's sort out our thoughts from the beginning."

"The dragon said that it visited the old temple. On the temple, there was a man holding a golden trident."

"What do you think this means?"

"It means that the man sealed the monster in the sea?" said the Lord of Flesh and Blood.

The priest nodded, "I also agree with this hypothesis. Then who is the man holding the golden trident?"

"I think this is more similar to Poseidon, the god of the sea in Greek mythology."

"If this hypothesis is true, then the real sealed place should be related to Poseidon, the god of the sea."

"Question, what is the first place you think of that is related to Poseidon, the god of the sea?"

"... Atlantis." Qin Leng muttered to himself.


The father nodded, "Yes, it is Atlantis."

"Then the story is quite clear. Those things in the sea were sealed by the sea god, and the trident was used as the key to the seal."

"Until one day, a man pulled out the trident and released the monsters. The monsters were afraid that someone was sealing them, so they took the trident to the temple of the old god for guarding."

"So the real sealed place we are looking for is Atlantis."

When it comes to mythology, the father's knowledge reserve is unquestionable.

However, they all know that the birth of monsters originated from that existence.

But a long time ago, someone among them proposed another hypothesis.

Maybe that person is just pulling back what has passed away.

For example, the loneliness of an era of dragons was forgotten by later generations, and that person pulled the dragons from ancient times to modern times, and once again appeared in people's vision.

Everything already existed, and that adult let them make the past reappear.

If that is the case, then the priest's speculation is not completely unreasonable.

"If the legendary Atlantis really exists, it should have been found long ago."

"Isn't Atlantis in the deep sea? Human exploration of the ocean is still very shallow, and there are too many unsolved mysteries that have not been solved."

"Just because humans haven't found Atlantis doesn't mean that Atlantis doesn't exist."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Qin Leng suddenly frowned, "Maybe Atlantis is not in the sea at all..."

"Not in the sea?"

"Isn't it said that Atlantis is a sunken city?"

"If it's not in the sea, where else can it be?"


Under the deep sea, Li Yuan suddenly opened his eyes.

He had another dream, a dream about the past.

He seemed to have traced back to ancient memories and saw a brilliant and splendid ancient civilization, and there was a king in that civilization.

Their people described the king in this way.

"Our king came from the North Mountain, holding a golden trident that symbolizes power. He led us to build the world's first city on Nessus."

"When the ocean was still navigable, our country could reach any corner of the world."

"We built the most central palace with gold, silver, brass and ivory."

"Our king lives there. Under that palace, there is a group of scales that can cause a flood. Our original country perished here."

"At the end of that war, our hinterland, our home, Atlantis, experienced a natural disaster."

"The earth rose, pushing our country into the sky, and the flood flooded everything. After that, there was no Nessus."

Li Yuan dreamed of this, which once again made him sure of the danger of that thing to him.

On the ruins of an ancient country called Atlantis, there is still something left.

As long as the trident of Atlas is inserted, the fear on the sea can be ended.

Li Yuan stood up slowly, "Give up the bait war against Asia for now, all divers and priests, set off to find Atlantis."


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