The white ghost blinked when he saw this scene.

So, nothing happened?

Qin Leng put down the trident, "Relax, white ghost, he didn't do anything on it, you are a little too nervous."

Meng Qing nodded repeatedly after hearing this!

Isn't it!

He wanted to hand over the golden trident quickly, but the two of them were suspicious!

"Then, Chief, can I leave now?"

Hearing Meng Qing's words, Qin Leng looked at him, "Go?"

"You can't leave."

Meng Qing: "..."

Well, as expected.

Qin Leng crossed his hands in front of his chest, "Tell me, where did you get this trident?"

"Do you believe me if I say I picked it up on the road?" Meng Qing said.

The White Walker frowned, "I advise you to tell the truth, otherwise..."

Qin Leng stretched out his hand to interrupt the White Walker, "Stop, you said you picked it up on the road, can you provide the specific location and the process at that time."

Meng Qing sighed.

He didn't even need to hide this matter, he really picked it up.

Meng Qing told Qin Leng the whole story.

"The trident fell from the sky and landed right in front of you."

"That's right."

Meng Qing nodded repeatedly.

Qin Leng thought for a moment, "Let's not talk about why the trident appeared in front of you. Do you know what this is?"


"Speak boldly, it doesn't matter, whether you tell the truth or a lie, we will not let you go."

Meng Qing: "6."

"I don't know the rest, I just know that this trident may be related to Atlas."


Son of Poseidon?

Qin Leng reached out and touched the golden trident, "To know this information means that you have really studied it carefully. Why don't you expand and talk about your discovery."

Just then, the priest suddenly pushed the door and walked in.

"Chief Qin, let me ask."

The priest came to Meng Qing and said, "Child, don't be anxious. Speak slowly. The Lord will forgive all the sins you have committed. Ahem, sorry, I read the wrong line."

"Child, we will not wrongly accuse any good person. We just hope you can provide us with some information."

For some reason, the moment he saw the priest, Meng Qing suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of relief and calmness.

He actually felt like he wanted to confide in the other party.

And it was with this feeling that Meng Qing expressed his guess.

"There is a string of words on this trident. These words are in ancient Ti language. I translated them from the information posted by a blogger on the Internet."

"The words on the trident are Atlas, the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea in ancient Greek mythology."

"And in the information posted by that blogger on the Internet, I also saw some information about Atlantis."

"Atlantis existed more than 11,600 years ago and possessed a cross-era power."

"The army of Atlantis set out eastward, arrogantly attacking the whole of Europe and even Asia. In the end, Atlantis was swallowed up by earthquakes and floods and became a place that ships could not reach."

The priest looked into Meng Qing's eyes, "Do you think Atlantis really exists?"

Meng Qing was stunned for a moment, "I think it should be..."

The priest nodded, "Then what do you think, if Atlantis exists, then where should it be now?"

Meng Qing had checked a map before, and he had already found some clues at that time.

"Legend has it that Atlantis is outside the Pillars of Hercules."

"And I found the Pillars of Hercules."

"Where is it?"

"The Strait of Gibraltar is the Pillars of Hercules."

"Are you sure?"

"It should be there."

Strait of Gibraltar?

Meng Qing took out his mobile phone and showed two photos to everyone.

"In the world map more than 10,000 years ago, there was a pillar that was a bridge connecting two continents, and it still exists today."

"One side of it is the Mediterranean Sea, and the other side is the North Atlantic Ocean."

The priest looked at the map he provided and fell into deep thought, "Since this is the Pillars of Hercules, then where is Atlantis?"

"In many stories, Atlantis is an island, and floods and earthquakes caused it to sink into the deep sea."

"And humans have indeed discovered many relics of ancient civilizations in the North Pacific,

So you mean Atlantis sank in the North Pacific?"

Meng Qing shook his head repeatedly.

"No, it's not the North Pacific, that's not a place that ships can't reach!"

"In the story told by Plato, it was mentioned that the ocean was navigable at that time. If it was the North Pacific, it is still navigable now!"

"Moreover, in the information I consulted, there was never any mention of islands and sinking, but many people made up stories to describe Atlantis as an island!"

"The only thing that has been mentioned many times is that Atlantis is on a piece of Nessus."

"Although Nessus means an island, it also means surrounded by wetlands and a water town in the south of the Yangtze River!"

Qin Leng looked at Meng Qing, "I thought of a place about this, but I want to hear your thoughts first."

"Where do you think this Nessus they are talking about is?"


"The Sahara Desert." "

Meng Qing answered decisively.

If the Strait of Gibraltar is the Pillars of Hercules, then Africa may indeed be the location of Atlantis.

However, this alone is not enough to explain anything.

Qin Leng turned on the large screen next to him and showed a photo of Africa taken by a satellite to everyone.

"Your speculation coincides with my idea."

"In the Sahara Desert, there is an Eye of the Sahara. From the satellite image, it looks like a huge disk with regular rings and layers. "

Qin Leng suddenly laughed as he spoke, "In addition, we found something very interesting."

"In a country in the Eye of the Sahara area in Africa, Mauritania."

"They once had a king who was the richest man in the world. Even Augustus Caesar, who ruled Rome at its peak, could only rank second. ”

“How rich was that king? He paved the road with a whole golden carpet and wasted gold lavishly.”

“At that time, their country’s gold production accounted for more than half of the world’s gold production.”

“To this day, the proven amount of gold in their country is about 1,200 tons that has not yet been mined.”

“What’s more interesting is that until now, the citizens of their country can still clearly say that their first king was named Atlas.”

“It just happens to be the same name as the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea in mythology.”

I’ve been away for two days, and I’ll update twice today and tomorrow.

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