The old man was in a hurry to get out of the way.

"011 The Beast of the Thousand Maws has arrived at the designated location..."

"Wait, why is there a mountain on the Eye of the Sahara?"

"A lot of life signs were found on the mountain, it's the fishman!"

"The dog has gone up the mountain, support immediately!"

"The large force is ready to airdrop!"

A group of helicopters quickly passed in the sky, the hatch opened, and figures were thrown out of the plane at this moment!

010 The clown stood in front of the helicopter door, the wind was howling, constantly blowing Arthur's hair and clothes!

"Friends, does anyone want to listen to a symphony?"

"Shut up."

013 Nightmare stepped out from behind and kicked Arthur out.

At the same time, he took a step and ran out.

There were countless figures in the sky, parachutes and gliders were pulled open, and Fan Ye was carrying a pair of deployable gliders on his back.

Equipped with gliders, there were several other monsters.

016 White Walker, 017 I Ching, 019 Insect, 021 Swordsmith!

The swordsmith waved his hand, and the huge flesh-and-blood chain sawtooth sword was untied and swept out like a whip, directly attacking the large group of fishmen on the mountain!

"Mercemen swords, old man, I haven't collected them yet!"

A surprise force fell from the sky, and the fishmen priests who watched this scene sang a strange melody together.

"Ancient One!"



"Rat-faced Rat!"


A group of unknown monsters were summoned at this moment!

Their postures were strange and their abilities were also different!

As Dagon or priests, they can summon a limited number of monsters individually, and the number of monsters that can be summoned by the high priest is a little more than that of ordinary priests.

But the number of these priests is as high as thousands!

Even if one person can only summon ten monsters, it is enough to be called a monster army!

What's more, there are 400,000 lowest-level deep divers here!

Yes, 400,000, but this is still not the limit of the number of deep divers!

But this time, Li Yuan only brought 400,000 deep divers, which accounts for 80% of the total number of deep divers.

At the moment when the nine-tailed soldiers landed, the fishmen instantly drilled out of the sand and began to pounce on the nine-tailed fox soldiers frantically!

The number of fishmen that appeared at this time alone was more than ten times the total number of the nine-tailed fox troops!

Many soldiers died as soon as they landed!

But until this moment, the right-hand troops still did not go out.


After Arthur landed, the monsters summoned by the fishmen and priests pounced on him instantly!

Arthur waved his hand, and all the fishmen and monsters instantly covered their throats and brains and fell to the ground!

He sent the flying knives directly into the brains or throats of these monsters!

Although he couldn't send bombs, as long as there were enough flying knives, he could still stab these monsters to death by stuffing them into their bodies!

"Let's all be happy, okay?"

Arthur turned the flying knives in his hand and began to move quickly up the mountain!

But at this moment, a hand suddenly emerged from the sand and grabbed Arthur's ankle!

The next second, a ghoul drilled out from the ground and bit Arthur's ankle!


A palm condensed from black mist quickly attacked the ghoul, instantly making it fall asleep.

Fan Ye folded up his glider and landed smoothly on the ground, "They have been preparing here for so long, and even this mountain may have been created by them, be careful."

The two were ready to move forward, but a fishman priest stopped them.

Countless ghouls appeared behind the priest.

"Let me introduce myself. I am the priest of ghouls. How about I play with you?"

After the words fell, the ghouls behind the priest rushed forward and rushed directly to the two of them!

Arthur stomped on the ground and instantly shot the flying knives into the bodies of these ghouls!

But the ghouls rushed over without being affected!

Seeing this, Arthur retreated, and a knife wall composed of daggers appeared at this moment, blocking the sudden attack of several ghouls!

"These ghouls have no physiological weaknesses. I will be responsible for making them sleep, and you go to deal with the priest!"

Fan Ye said as black mist erupted from his body, instantly dragging the attacking ghouls into dreams!

Arthur grinned and rushed directly to the ghoul priest!

After reaching a certain distance, he waved his right hand directly.

"Let's do a heart-piercing trick!"

Puff puff puff!

Countless flying knives pierced into the heart of the corpse priest out of thin air,

The priest spat out a mouthful of blood!


The corpse priest shouted, and the priests behind him raised their coral scepters and pointed them at him!

"Sarazan Undead Ritual!"

The priest's damaged heart was condensed by twisted tentacles at this moment, and the flying knife was directly ejected from the body!

At the same time, a black mist column rushed into the sky!

The corpse priest grinned, "If this is all you can do, it's really pitiful, ghouls, wake up!"

The priest's words instantly awakened the sleeping ghouls!

Seeing this, Fan Ye frowned, "Is this a mental attack?"

"Arthur, he just used some kind of continuous mental attack on his summons. I can't let them sleep now. What plan do you have?!"

"Plan B!"

"There is also a plan B, what is it?"

"Don't worry, I'm making it up!"


011 The Thousand Throat Beast has now killed to the top of the mountain!

A priest raised his staff, "I am the priest of water..."


Qianhou bit off the priest's throat, and countless fishmen came. A priest began to chant, "Teeth..."


Qianhou's figure flashed and tore apart another priest and a group of fishmen.

He was like a ruthless meat grinder, with spikes protruding all over his body. He had entered the hunting state and killed wherever he went!

"Who will stop that dog!"

"Where is Vespa!"


Vespa passed by and gave a thumbs up.


The battlefield was divided into four areas.

017 Yijing and 021 Swordsmith, two old men, walked together.

And the one fighting against them was the Ancient Priest among the five great priests.

There were many ancients like flower bags around the Ancient Priest!

They were in the distance, constantly attacking the two with tentacles, which was very difficult to deal with!

All the weapons of the swordsmith were entangled by these tentacles, and it was difficult to break free for a while!

"Quick, do Tai Chi!"

Yijing heard the words and hit the fishman priest with one palm!

The figure of the fishman priest disappeared in an instant!

Then, Yijing hit several palms again, dragging those ancients into the Bagua space.

"Something is wrong. Until now, we haven't seen the real owner!"

"Maybe he didn't come?"

"Impossible, Atlantis is related to the seal, it must know, otherwise it would not send so many monsters to guard here!"

"And since it knows, it must be here!"

"But if it comes, it has nowhere to hide in this open desert. Where can it hide?!"


Author's words:

Thanks for the reminder, the talisman that 003 gave to 002 should be rat, tiger, monkey, and has been corrected.

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