The devil's eye.

Qin Leng's eyes penetrated the world at this moment and reached a more distant and magical world.

In that world there is magic and a series of supernatural creatures.

While the two peerless masters were fighting, the sword held by one of them suddenly disappeared.


"Where's my sword?"

The passers-by who were watching the duel between the two masters were also stunned.

"Has Nielsdin's steel-cutting sword disappeared?"

"What means did Tilin use to take away Lord Nielsdin's weapon?"

"Lord Nicousdin's chances of winning are slim now..."

"No, according to unofficial historical records, Lord Nicousdin's steel-cutting sword does not cut the old or the young, but it is said that he also has a broken steel sword that is specifically used to cut the old and the young!"

"So Lord Nicousdin actually has another sword?!"


Qin Leng's eyes flashed, and the scene in front of him turned into an endless desert again.

The huge monster overwhelmed all the resistance. At this moment, it was the pinnacle of known monsters and a mountain that no human could cross.

"The day I became a soldier, I was also afraid, afraid of dying on the battlefield, afraid of not having the chance to say goodbye to my family."

"At that time, my squad leader told me that he was also afraid. No one in this world is not afraid of death. Heroes are not born fearless, but they choose to be brave."

"Wearing red flowers when leaving, and wrapping the body with red flags when returning, returning to the family of meritorious officials, death will also be remembered forever."

"But from beginning to end, I don't think it is shameful to be afraid of death. It is because people are afraid of death that they struggle to live."

"Some people say that suicide requires great courage, but it is not true, because persistence is often more difficult than giving up."

Hearing Qin Leng's words, Meng Qing reflected for a while, well...

It's not shameful to be a coward, it's awesome to live.

But in fact, Qin Leng didn't say one thing, that is, living without dignity is worse than death.

"Qin Leng told me so much, does he have a trump card?"

Looking at Qin Leng approaching the battlefield step by step, Meng Qing thought about it and gritted his teeth and followed.

"The surviving members of the Right Hand, return to the team immediately."

After Qin Leng finished speaking, several figures suddenly rushed to their side.

"Are you the only ones left... Listen carefully, this is the last mission, go and open the closed entrance."

Several people from the Right Hand Force nodded, and saw a large group of fishmen blocking their way. The number could be said to be everywhere.

And Qin Leng's goal was still the entrance closed by cement.

Meng Qing stood behind him with a trident in his hand, "What is the specific plan?"

Qin Leng heard the words and said, "I will open the way, you hold the trident, and open the entrance with them, it's that simple."

"But what about the Sea King?"

"Let him be strong, the breeze blows over the hills."

After saying that, Qin Leng raised his sword and rushed towards the fishmen.

A fishman cut Qin Leng with his claws, but his claws were scratched by something and deviated to the side!

And at this time, the sword in Qin Leng's hand pierced his head!


Blood splattered, and the fishmen's eyes widened!

Qin Leng's sword blade immediately ignited with flames, "Blood Flame Blade."

A group of fishmen jumped up, and saw Qin Leng's sword slashing blood flames, and the flames burned directly on the fishmen's bodies!

Then, Qin Leng stomped his feet again, slapped forward with a palm, and the wind whistled, and it tore out instantly!


A large group of fishmen were blown up by the oncoming wind, and a road was opened in front of them!

Qin Leng also practiced mental power and could use magic.

But he did not chant the spell.

Yes, the spell is just a metaphor for the use of mental power.

For example, imagine a basic element, let the mental power burn like a flame, and set the launch method, launch intensity, and specific shape for it to release magic.

You can recite the spell or not.

The spell is just a convenient reminder for them, or to let them imagine the concept while speaking.

How to use mental power so that they don't forget at the critical moment.

As for the spells that Nara Sokin and the others chanted, as well as the spells they chanted when practicing mental power, as long as they meant that, they could chant them however they wanted.

The reason why Qin Leng taught them the spells in this way was just to make it easier for them to remember.

Meng Qing followed behind Qin Leng with a somewhat exciting look on his face.

He didn't expect Qin Leng to be so good at fighting?

But he just

Just now, he said, the breeze blows over the hills, doesn't that mean to ignore Li Yuan?

Can this really be ignored?

Meng Qing felt that he needed to do something.

Although he had never used potions, nor became anyone's dependent, and had no ancient relics or split objects.

But don't forget that the Death Boss gave him a book.

"The Man with His Eyes Gouged Out"

Meng Qing has now read the third chapter, and it has a total of five chapters.

After barely reading the third chapter, Meng Qing finally managed to barely remember the contents of the book.

The story told in it is that there is a blind bard, and his story is loved by the upper class.

The upper class often invites him to their homes to perform.

There are many women among them. Because they know that he is blind, many people even take off their clothes in front of him and expose their bodies to satisfy their exhibitionism and desires.

There are also some men in high positions who have sex with some women in front of him and enjoy that feeling.

But as the story begins, "Don't let them know that you can see."

The blind protagonist in the story is not actually blind.

He has eyes and can see outside.

He just pretends to be blind.

This blind life satisfies the protagonist's desire to peek.

This made him uncontrollable, and there was no turning back.

If the people in the story knew that he was not blind, they would definitely try their best to kill him because he saw things he shouldn't have seen.

As for the ending of the story, Meng Qing has not finished reading it.

He only read the third chapter, and it was these three chapters that gave him three abilities.

They are the ability to speak through the corpse in the first chapter.

And the ability to see things outside in the dark by closing your eyes in the second chapter.

The last is his new ability, a short-term visual deception ability.

These three abilities can be said to have no effect, but they also have a little effect.

However, the premise for activating the ability must be that the book must be in your hand.

Meng Qing carries a backpack on his back, and his book is in the backpack.

This is the disadvantage of gaining abilities through reading books. The abilities gained from books must be released by borrowing books.

Once the book is gone, the abilities are gone.

Meng Qing didn't know if this was only the case with this book, or if all books were like this.

Recalling that the Death God boss said that he would take back the books after three months, can it be understood that these abilities were just borrowed?

After all, Chen Ye never mentioned that books could be bought.

If books cannot be bought but can only be borrowed, then what is borrowed is not books, but abilities.

Thinking of this, Meng Qing suddenly closed his eyes. He swept through the darkness and directly activated his abilities, causing the fishmen to see hallucinations!

After Qin Leng saw that these fishmen suddenly lost their direction, the flames of the sword blade swept across and killed all the fishmen!

At the same time, he looked back at Meng Qing, who had his eyes closed tightly.

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