The old man was lying on the ground, and the old man was lying on the ground.

In Asia, in an above-ground building.

This was the original base of Jiuwei, and it is still in use as a contact point for Asia.

Taotie, a Class A personnel, will be on standby here when he does not receive orders.

Taotie brushed his teeth and washed his face in the public area as usual. As the only two of the six superpowers who survived, his life was very leisurely. He would walk around when he had something to do, and stay at home when he had nothing to do.

And when Taotie was brushing his teeth, his toothbrush was stained red with a layer of blood.

Taotie was stunned for a moment, he rinsed his mouth, and found that the blood was flowing out of his gums, and there was more than one place!

"What's going on?"

Taotie wiped his mouth with paper, but the blood kept flowing out!

"What's wrong with me?"

Taotie quickly covered his mouth, and at this moment, he suddenly felt his brain tremble, and his whole body was hot and itchy!

This feeling!

Destruction, destruction!

"Damn... What's going on?!"

"Why, why can't I control myself?!!"


Taotie's abnormality soon attracted the attention of the organization.

The researchers who were originally responsible for the candy box experiment gave an explanation for his condition, "His current condition is very similar to that of the person who ate two candies at that time."

"In the early stage, the person who ate two candies began to bleed, followed by teeth and hair loss, and showed a very high desire for destruction."

"But Taotie's situation is a little different. His current symptoms are limited to bleeding and mental instability."

"This is a disease that will definitely be caused after eating candy, but the specific onset time varies from person to person."

"And the more frequently you use your ability, the faster it will be. We predicted this a long time ago."

"When Why didn't you report it when you were there!"

"It wasn't in time to report it at that time."

"What happened after that?!"

"We lost the candy box afterwards, and the experiment naturally came to nothing."

"Dr. Zhang Yunhua, who was in charge of the project at that time, wrote a document for this disease. He called this symptom super-power out of control."

"Super-power out of control?"

"Yes, once they enter the super-power out of control state, they will use their abilities uncontrollably, and at the same time, their desires and extreme emotions will be pulled to the peak."

"Is there no way to cure it?"

"Dr. Zhang Yunhua, who was in charge of this project, unfortunately died in the previous base riot. We are currently trying our best."



In an underground air-raid shelter base.

A group of women and men are working in an orderly manner, their movements are orderly and uniform, like machines.

And in a laboratory, a group of people in white coats are communicating with a beautiful woman on the screen.

"Queen, we intercepted a piece of encrypted communication from the nine-tailed fox."

The woman on the electronic screen stretched, "Well... tell me, what's the content."

"It's about the candy box. People who take the candy will develop a disease called super-power out of control after a certain period of time."

"This disease will stimulate people's desire to destroy, and at the same time, personal emotions will become extreme, and the body will bleed uncontrollably."

"But Queen, this report seems to be written by me."

The queen bee on the screen was a little surprised, "Oh, you wrote it, what's your name?"

"My name is Zhang Yunhua, and I was responsible for conducting the candy box experiment before."

"...Interesting, then tell me, what else did you find about this super-power out of control?" asked the queen bee.

Zhang Yunhua told the queen bee all the information he knew, and the queen bee fell into deep thought.

"Superpower out of control..."

"Have our people experienced this?"

"Queen, no."


004 Queen Bee was lying on her side on a huge chair, her ten skinny fingers moving up and down, as if she was thinking about something.

"Superpower out of control..."

"My people didn't experience this, because their minds were enslaved and controlled by me, and they had no autonomous emotions, so they wouldn't experience superpower out of control."

"But it's hard to say whether physical symptoms will appear, but this is not necessarily bad news."

Queen Bee suddenly grinned.

"I think I have a way to deal with the Nine-Tailed Fox."

"Children, go get the candy from the warehouse, and find some people on the street, I'll

We will treat them to candy."

When the superpowers are out of control, we will distribute candy to ordinary people so that they can gain superpowers.

Then we will find a way to make them out of control. When superpowers out of control appear all over the world at the same time, the Nine-Tailed Fox will definitely not sit idly by.

They will definitely send people to deal with those who have lost control of their superpowers.

In this way, the Nine-Tailed Fox's forces can be dispersed all over the world.

If there are more people with out-of-control superpowers, the Nine-Tailed Fox will be very busy.

After that, it will be much easier for the Queen Bee to let her people break through the Nine-Tailed Fox's headquarters in one fell swoop.

As for why she didn't just let her soldier bees or workers do it. Bees as bait?

There are two reasons. The number of people that the queen bee can control has reached the limit. She can't control more.

Moreover, these people have their own jobs. Some are responsible for scientific research, some are responsible for intelligence, and some are responsible for facility operation.

The number of soldier bees and guard bees that can fight is limited. It is a waste to let them be bait.

It is better to just pull some irrelevant people as bait.

In any case, the queen bee will not lose anything. As for candy, what she lacks the least now is candy. There are plenty of them in the warehouse.

"Queen, how many candies do you want to distribute?"

Hearing the question of the worker bee, the queen bee estimated, "First send out 100, be careful not to throw them in one place, spread the net wide, let the nine-tailed fox run slowly."

"It's best to run for ten days or half a month. I don't believe they can handle it. "


In Asia.

A barren mountain.

A figure drove past quickly, crossing half of the province in a relatively short time, and arrived at a hunting ban area.

It was an unknown creature with a human upper body and a horse lower body.

"Pony Express, delivered on time!"

The centaur put two bags on the ground, which contained many fruits and vegetables.

Many animals walked out of the forest. After seeing the centaur, they all ran over excitedly and rolled around it.

The centaur looked at them with a smile, "Why do I feel that you have grown up a lot after not seeing you for a while?"

"Is it my illusion?"

Of course it was not the centaur's illusion. A golden monkey stood up to nearly 1.8 meters tall, taller than a human!

Do you think this is normal?

But the centaur didn't care until a gunshot suddenly came from a distance.


Hearing the gunshot, the centaur's face suddenly turned cold.

"You eat first, I'll be back soon. "

After saying that, the figures of the people and horses disappeared instantly!


A terrible airflow exploded, and a figure rushed out like a rocket, like a flash of lightning in the woods!


On the other side of the mountain, a hunter in a leather coat was holding a rabbit with a homemade gun.

"Tsk... the ghost rabbit runs so fast..."

The hunter stood up and was about to lie down in another place, when he heard a rumbling sound suddenly coming from his feet!



Boom boom boom!

The rumbling sound of the earth began to get louder and louder, but the hunter suddenly remembered something!

No, it doesn't seem to be an earthquake!

This is!

"Old Jin, don't go to Beishan, Beishan is very weird!"

"If you hear a rumbling sound, remember to find a place with good feng shui quickly."


"This way, you may be able to bless your descendants after you die."

"Haha, I don't believe in evil. "

This is what a hunter had said to him before. He came here because he didn't believe in evil, but nothing happened.

He shot a pheasant that time.

This time, he came again.


The hunter turned his head and saw a pair of horse hooves suddenly appear behind him!


Blood splattered!

The hunter's body was shattered in an instant, his bones and flesh splattered, and turned directly into a pool of bloody and messy flesh.

He was just kicked by the centaur running at high speed.

The bloody horse hoof fell, the centaur's face was cold, and a group of jackals, tigers and leopards came over at this time.

"Eat it, don't leave any food."


No. 018: Wasteland Walker (Centaur)

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