The enemy was in a hurry, but the enemy was still alive.


The Chaos Insurgency attacked the Queen Bee's nest, but the path under the hive was complicated, and 009 ordered the teams to advance simultaneously.

"If you see insects, don't hold back, just kill them with all your strength."

The Joker and Thousand Maw were in a group.

They started from the leftmost road.

"I say, why is he still alive?"

011 Thousand Maw asked while walking upright.

He still had a vague idea about the fact that 009 was still alive.

Arthur shrugged, "Who knows, maybe he is a cockroach. When the computer told me that, my first reaction was not to believe it."

The two walked and talked until they saw a man at a corner.


He first leaned against the wall and waved to the two, "Hello, it's a nice day today, both of you."

After seeing the insects, the two immediately took a fighting stance.

"Don't talk nonsense, just kill him." Arthur said.

Qianhou nodded, and without saying a word, he flew over on all fours!

Seeing this, the insect grew wings on its back, and it flashed past Qianhou and attacked Arthur's face!

Seeing this, Arthur opened his wrist, and thousands of flying knives appeared, directly piercing the insect's heart with thousands of blades!

Puff puff puff!

Countless sharp blades pierced through the insect's body, but the corners of the insect's mouth still had a smile, "It doesn't hurt..."

Is that so?

Arthur clenched his fist, and those blades instantly stabbed and flashed, dismembering the insect's body into countless pieces of meat!


The insect's body split open, Qianhou scratched his head, "Is that it?"

Arthur touched his chin, it was indeed a bit too easy.

Just as he was thinking this, the large pieces of meat on the ground suddenly decomposed into a group of dense black insects!



The insects rushed forward, and Arthur controlled the flying knife to fall again!

Puff puff puff!

The flying knife hit the insects one by one, but there were still many fish that escaped and rushed over!

These insects opened their teeth and bit Arthur directly!

He tore off a bug, but also tore off a piece of skin from his body!


Arthur took a breath, but unexpectedly, the bugs took this opportunity to get into his body and began to eat his body!

No, it seems that there is more!

These insects seem to have laid eggs in his body!

And those eggs hatched very quickly, almost instantly growing into adults!

Countless dense insects gushed out of Arthur's ears, nose and mouth, and his body was riddled with holes in an instant!

"Uh ah ah!!"

"No... he's not... cough uh..."

Arthur let out a roar, and then his throat was directly blocked by the dense insects!

I saw many insects gathered behind him and condensed into a humanoid creature!

"Arthur, you may not know that among the potions we drank, only my potion is a finished product."


Arthur's body exploded and was eaten up by the insects!

Seeing this, the insect clapped his hands, "It really makes me feel sad to kill an old friend with my own hands, don't you think so, Wangcai?"

The strength of the lower or middle level of the third level?

Did this guy hold back last time?

Qianhou bared his teeth. He had fought with the insect once before in the desert.

But it was obvious that the insect was not serious at all that time. It was just relying on its agility to play with him!

At that time, the insect gave him the feeling that it was at most the middle or upper level of the second order.

But this time, this feeling was gone!

The beast of Qianhou immediately entered the hunting state, with spikes protruding all over its body, and flew towards the insect with all its strength!

"Who are you calling Wangcai!"

Looking at Qianhou flying over, the insect grinned and directly slapped the wall with his backhand, activating the mechanism on the wall.


The ground under the feet of the two collapsed, revealing a pit about 300 meters deep!

As soon as Qianhou pounced, the insect flashed and appeared on his back, and kicked him into the deep pit!

"Goodbye, Wangcai!"


The insect kicked the Thousand Throat beast into a deep pit, and there was a lot of molten metal liquid under the deep pit!

After the Thousand Throat fell into the liquid, a lot of black smoke burst out, and then the heating device below stopped, and the Thousand Throat struggled and cooled down quickly!


The floor above merged, and the Thousand Throat was sealed below.

Seeing this, the insect put his hands in his pockets.

"The next one is..."


At this moment, the world in front of the insect suddenly turned upside down!

He appeared directly in a dark and lightless space!

In this space, a mysterious big hand stretched out, and three bottles of potions of different colors were placed on its palm.

What is this?


The insect was not surprised but happy to see this, "Hahaha, thank you for your gift, praise the Supreme God, my beloved Lord Os!"

The insect killed the clown, and the clown's lifeline was completely broken.

These three bottles of potions are rewards.

These three bottles of potions are all related to insects. The middle one is called Metamorphosis Potion, which is made with silkworm pupae as the core.

The potion on the left is called Sacred Potion, which is made with scarabs, that is, dung beetles as the core.

The potion on the right is called 'Prehistoric Centipede', and its core material is an extinct centipede fossil.

That was a fossil that survived from the Carboniferous period 350 million years ago, and the overall length of the fossil is 2.6 meters.

And Chongzhi said that the potion he drank at the beginning was a finished product. Yes, only the potion he drank was a finished product.

Its potion is a mother nest sequence, some of which comes from the queen bee, and the insect nest sequence is derived from it.

Its ability was extremely strong in the early stage. It can obtain corresponding abilities by swallowing insects, and at the same time it can control various insects and let these insects reproduce in an instant.

But because the result of the experiment was too disgusting, this bottle of potion was thrown into those semi-finished products by Chen Ye.

Facing this second stage of evolution, Chongzhi chose the potion on the far right, which is the prehistoric centipede potion.

Without much words, he just took the potion and the darkness in front of him dissipated.

He returned to the corridor again.

Chongzhi looked at the potion in his hand and smiled faintly, "It's really annoying to step on your former companions to get to the top, but I like it."

For some reason, Chongzhi didn't choose to drink the potion.

Instead, he took the potion and walked to a secret room.

In the room, a girl stretched out her hand, and Chongzhi handed the potion directly to her.

After the girl drank the potion, countless eyes grew on her face in an instant, and her body was infinitely stretched, turning into a giant human centipede about three meters long!


The centipede's body curled up together, and soon it turned into a human form again.

"...Not enough, I should choose the one in the middle."

Thinking of this, the girl smiled and said, "Brother, kill another one, this time we will take the one in the middle as well."

"In this way, we can advance to the fourth level!"

The insect grinned, "That's what I meant, sister!"

After saying that, the insect twisted its body, and the whole body began to swell, and the lower body was infinitely stretched into a huge centipede!

Four arms grew out of the upper body, and each of the four arms had a mantis-like blade!

His chest cavity split open, and a huge mouth full of fangs emerged in the center!

The mandible on his head split open, like the mouthparts of a saw-toothed insect, and it could open like the mouth of a snake!

"Eat them, evolve, change, our hunt begins!"


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