The truth is that they left here, but they are still alive.

If all this is true, then they left here for some reason.

Is this lucky or unfortunate?

If they left here because they felt some kind of danger, then this is definitely unfortunate news.

But it may also be that Li Yuan and the Queen Bee thought too much.

I can only say, I hope so.

"The more people know, the more ignorant they feel, so scholars spend their lives pursuing knowledge and truth."

"I am very glad that I am not a scholar, because the road to pursuing truth is not only tormenting, but also accompanied by layers of fear."

"Ignorance is happiness. In the Stone Age, people only needed to think about how to eat, how to wear warm clothes, and how to reproduce, so they could easily obtain happiness."

"In fact, it has also been proved that the more developed civilization and technology are, the lower the human happiness index is."

"And the Stone Age is the era with the highest human happiness index."

"But I am no longer a human being, so if I rule the world, I will not let civilization regress to the Stone Age, but will only push civilization to a more prosperous future."

"Not only is Atlantis recreated, but it is also a place where people can live happily. Technology, and conquer the sea of ​​stars!"

Li Yuan said with a big wave of his hand, "All great achievements are built on sacrifice. The premise of world peace is that there is a country that can sweep all the countries in the world!"

"Only by breaking up and merging all the countries can we achieve true world peace!"

"But for us, the unit of the country is more about each other. As the fourth-level, we are like those superpowers!"

"If we don't defeat each other, we can only be entrenched in the vortex of war and history, repeating the past over and over again!"

"Either evolve or perish, it has always been like this!"

The Atlantis army began to move forward. Looking at the huge spaceships, the queen bee's body instantly split into tens of thousands of different individuals and rushed towards those armies!

The queen bees with different postures and the Atlantis army fought to one place!

Perhaps they have the power beyond the times, but they who accept this power are just ordinary people.

And the queen bees, these monsters, they are more superior individuals.

The two sides fought together, and someone pushed the cannon on the spaceship, aiming the energy beam at one place and firing!


The beam hit one place, opening a big hole in the underground base at the level of an air-raid shelter!

But soon, the queen bee kicked the hull to pieces with one foot!

One spaceship after another fell from the sky and exploded on the ground!

Seeing this, Li Yuan's huge figure flashed and instantly rushed to the queen bee sitting high in the sky!

Countless clones returned to the main body, and the queen bee moved!

Her speed was extremely fast, basically comparable to Li Yuan holding the rabbit talisman.

The two fought fiercely, and Li Yuan's eyes shot out two lasers that swept across the sky!

The queen bee turned and moved, and then appeared in front of him with a flash, and slapped Li Yuan in the face with one palm!


Like an inch-like force burst out, half of Li Yuan's face sank, his huge figure swayed, and countless tentacles drilled out of his body and flew towards the queen bee!

The queen bee leaped into the sky, and Li Yuan also leaped into the air!

He opened his mouth and a beam of flaming light spurted out of his mouth!

The beam of light flashed in the city, and the huge explosion drew a beautiful and dazzling line in the city!

The rest of the queen bee's clones returned to their bodies at this moment. The queen bee, whose power increased again, flipped upside down in the sky and kicked Li Yuan!

Li Yuan stretched out his hands to grab her, but one of his arms was hit by the queen bee and broke!


Blood sprayed, and a huge arm fell from the sky to the ground!

Li Yuan roared, and the broken arm healed instantly with a flick of his arm!

It was this feeling again, the feeling of concentrating power on one point!


Li Yuan stretched out his hand and shot a beam of light, which hit the queen bee, and her body instantly turned into a rabbit!

Li Yuan saw this and grabbed the rabbit and threw her directly from the sky to the ground!


The queen bee hit the ground like a meteor, but broke free of her deformation the moment she landed, returning to her human form!

The queen bee reached out to lift her hair, and saw Li Yuan reaching out in the sky!

The power of the chicken spell was activated, and a large boulder was grabbed and thrown to the ground without gravity!

The queen bee stepped on the ground and rushed out, piercing the boulder like a bullet and killing Li Yuan!

"You just

Will these attacks be effective without any pain?"


The queen bee threw a punch, and a shadow of a palace seemed to appear behind her, and countless guard bees threw a punch at the same time!

This punch successfully hit Li Yuan's jaw, knocking his huge head away!


A green column of blood shot up into the sky, and Li Yuan's head turned in the sky, and a vertebra quickly pierced out and connected to his body!

His neck was infinitely elongated, with only a thin vertebra connecting the middle!

Three beams of light gushed out of his eyes and mouth at the same time and hit the queen bee!


The explosion sounded in the sky, and black smoke filled the air.

The queen bee walked out of the smoke, and she looked at the back of her hand, which was charred in patches.

What a trouble...

"We have to find a way to get the talisman out of his body." "

Li Yuan, who possesses the twelve talismans, not only has diverse abilities, but also the combined power of his moves cannot be underestimated.

If you want to kill Li Yuan, you must first knock out the talismans in his body.

And at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out from the ground and appeared behind the queen bee at an incredible speed!


The queen bee turned her head sharply and saw a chaotic insect aggregate, opening something like a mouth and swallowing her directly!

There are many smaller mouths in that huge mouth, probably more than a few hundred mouths!

The queen bee reacted and retreated violently, throwing an arc in the sky!


The insects failed to attack, and hundreds of mouths opened at the same time, "Failed... What a pity."

"I am very interested in what you said just now. If gods are all alien life, then I think we should be the outstanding representatives of alien life!"

"You two, how about turning into our food? "

The queen bee looked at the face on the thing and suddenly thought of something.

"Could this thing be that bug?"

What did he do to evolve to the fourth stage?

Li Yuan's huge head fell from the sky to his body. He felt that the disgusting thing in front of him, which looked like a collection of bugs, was similar to it.

Of course, it was not just him, but also the Lord of the Red Stream.

"Another fourth stage, it seems that unlimited evolution is true."

First the queen bee, then the bug, this is already the sixth fourth stage existence.

The situation is even more troublesome.

Now that the fifth stage has not appeared, it is difficult to tell the winner between the fourth stage and the fourth stage.

If you want to get a result, you can only play some dirty tricks.


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