The battle was won, and the battle was won.

Hearing Li Yuan's words, Ye Long's attacks became more and more fierce, and he felt that he had completely crushed Li Yuan.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Li Yuan's several counterattacks were not painful, and his body was broken again and again by Ye Long.

Immersed in anger, Ye Long attributed all this to the strength that was improved because of people's belief in him.

After seeing the talisman that exploded in Li Yuan's body, Ye Long almost thought about it and determined that it was the source of Li Yuan's power.

He pulled the talisman out of Li Yuan's body, and first the power of the bull made him feel the power of his body surge!

And then, he smashed Li Yuan's body again, and a talisman flashed in front of him. Ye Long grabbed the talisman, but the talisman did not show any power.

That is, a mouse?

The battle continued, and Li Yuan was still provoking Ye Long with words.

Until one moment, Ye Long suddenly found that the trees and land under the other side of the island had all turned into stone.

During their battle, the birds in the sky also began to petrify and fall to the ground from time to time.

But Ye Long didn't think much, just beat Li Yuan violently.

Since then, Ye Long has never seen any talismans appear on Li Yuan's body.

No matter which part of Li Yuan's body he smashed, there was no talisman inside.

Until Li Yuan used the tiger talisman to concentrate the power on a sharp tentacle and cut off three fingers of Ye Long with one blow!

The mouse talisman fell out of his hand at this moment.

At this moment, Li Yuan showed a weird smile.


Ye Long no longer cared about what Li Yuan said. He just took action, but his body was petrified in an instant!


Without any reaction time, its body was completely petrified without any warning!

But Ye Long never felt that he was under any magic, nor did he feel that he was attacked by any power!

During this period, Li Yuan did hold the black book and read something, but Ye Long succeeded in interrupting him every time, right?

Why is this...

Ye Long's body turned into a stone statue and instantly fell to the ground from a high altitude.

Seeing this, Li Yuan's body burst out with tentacles and took back the cow talisman and rat talisman that Ye Long had taken away.

"You didn't notice it at all, right?"

"Because the power of the Rat Talisman can turn stillness into movement, even if your body is petrified, with the power of the Rat Talisman, you can't feel the changes in your body."

"And this petrification is not so fast, it takes a long time. As long as you realize this, with the silver needle you exchanged from Meng Qing, you can completely remove the petrification curse in the first time."

"But you ate nearly ten times of my petrification at the same time, and you didn't react until your body was completely petrified."

Li Yuan reached out and picked up Ye Long's statue, "Everything I told you before was just to irritate you."

"As a deep diver, you should know it best. If I want to kill a deep diver, it will explode on the spot with just a thought. How can it be said to resist my will?"

"Your mother didn't resist at all. I asked her to commit suicide."

"And I knew you would come to seek revenge, but I waited for you here without any preparation. Why do you think it was?"

Li Yuan's plan was formed long before the queen bee became a fourth-level bee.

The fishman who informed him was when he had just been unsealed.

But he did not act immediately, because at that time he did not know that killing the same level would get Chen Ye's reward.

But the fourth level was destined to be eliminated, and Ye Long was also on Li Yuan's list.

But he could not be impatient, and had to wait for a suitable time.

After that, Li Yuan learned that killing the same level could lead to promotion.

In this way, the plan to kill the dragon could be mentioned.

When Li Yuan first returned to Asia, he came for Ye Long, but he did not expect that the Queen Bee was at the fourth level.

Li Yuan wanted the talisman in the Queen Bee's hand, so he went to find the Queen Bee first and tried what abilities the Queen Bee had evolved.

So as to make countermeasures later.

Unexpectedly, a bug suddenly appeared halfway.

Li Yuan saw that it was not good and directly proposed to the Queen Bee to pause, and then continued to execute the scheduled dragon-slaying plan.

And his plan was actually not complicated, killing Ye Long's mother, angering Ye Long, and leading him to come to Li Yuan on his own initiative.

When he loses his mind, he will be petrified with the petrification curse in the Book of the Dead.

But there is a problem.

Li Heng told Li Yuan that Ye Long and Meng Qing had traded a needle.

Li Yuan quickly thought of it.

That is the silver needle sealed in the 024 library, which has the ability to remove the curse.

Then the petrification curse method will not work.

After all, as long as Ye Long is not stupid, he will definitely use the silver needle to remove his own curse when he sees that he has been cursed by petrification.

And the speed of the petrification curse is extremely slow, and if Ye Long realizes that he can't beat Li Yuan, then he can at least run.

And if he wants to run, Li Yuan may not be able to stop him.

In order to reduce variables and to make the plan go smoothly.

Li Yuan ignited his anger and made him have the idea of ​​fighting Li Yuan to the death.

After that, Li Yuan deliberately showed weakness, luring the other party to think that he had won, and secretly using the petrification curse was the second step.

But the problem remains the same, how to solve the silver needle?

If Ye Long brought the silver needle, he would immediately remove the curse as soon as he realized that he was cursed. Although he was in a state of anger, it did not mean that he had completely lost his mind.

So, Li Yuan thought of a way.

He asked Ye Long to break his body, and deliberately showed the talisman in his body to Ye Long, and then looked for an opportunity to give Ye Long the rat talisman!

As long as there was the rat talisman, no matter how many times Li Yuan secretly used petrification, Ye Long would not feel anything unusual.

In his opinion, his body was still the same as before, but what he didn't know was that he was already a stone statue resurrected by the rat talisman.

It's a very simple truth, isn't it?

The ability of the rat talisman is not to eliminate the curse, but to make the stone statue move!

So, Ye Long had been petrified a long time ago, but the rat talisman in his hand made him not feel that he was petrified.

In this way, as long as the rat talisman in his hand was knocked out, Ye Long would immediately fall into petrification!

But it was a bit too deliberate to give him the talisman openly.

So, Li Yuan deliberately showed him a talisman for the first time, and then hurriedly pulled the talisman back into his body to show Ye Long that he cherished these talismans very much.

Then he happened to put the ox talisman at the location where Ye Long attacked for the second time, and let him take the ox talisman.

Ye Long, who got the Bull Talisman, felt the power of the Talisman and enjoyed the benefits. Naturally, he wanted to take the Talisman from Li Yuan's body again.

Because that would reduce Li Yuan's power and increase his own power.

So the second time, Li Yuan accidentally gave him the Rat Talisman!

Everything was very natural!

Ye Long, who was in anger, would never have thought that Li Yuan could control the position of the Talisman at will, and he could transfer the Talisman at will in his body. How could it be so easy to blow it out?

At this time, he couldn't help but reflect on one thing.

What the enemy lets you see must be what he wants you to see.

Otherwise, relying on the defense of Li Yuan's Tiger Talisman that focuses on one point, Ye Long can't easily penetrate it.

Of course, Ye Long's anger also contributed to the successful completion of the plan.

Because of anger, Ye Long ignored the petrified forest and flocks of birds.

Li Yuan's petrified curse spread like a ray of light, but Ye Long himself was not affected. He was in anger and wanted to kill Li Yuan, so how could he care about those?

Finally, after making sure that Ye Long was completely petrified, Li Yuan activated the power of the Tiger Talisman and concentrated it on one point to crush Ye Long's hand, and took back the Rat Talisman.

Ye Long was petrified instantly, leaving him no time at all.

Li Yuan's plan succeeded this time. His elaborate plan was the most basic respect for his fellow fourth-level.

After all, Li Yuan had learned his lesson once.

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