The angel was not dead yet.

It is worth affirming that the angel is not dead yet.

An opportunity to evolve is right in front of them, and the four of them can't help but rush out!

Even if they can't evolve themselves, at least they can't let others evolve!

Especially the insect, he has his eyes on the angel's body!

Although they said they wanted to deal with Qin Leng, in the final analysis, who didn't come for the angel's head?

Qin Leng is only the third level, and killing him is not enough to achieve the reward.

But what a coincidence, this is exactly the scene Qin Leng wants to see.

He deliberately didn't kill the dying angel just to lure these four out together!

Obviously, they couldn't resist the temptation of evolution.

Under the influence of absolute fear, the four monsters were too scared to move, while Qin Leng seized the opportunity and planned to capture another person from another world!

But at this moment, two loud noises suddenly came from the sky!

Boom! !

Something exploded in the sky!

A powerful gamma ray instantly radiated the world!

The first person hit by this powerful gamma ray was Qin Leng!

The biological genes in his body were destroyed and killed in an instant, and blood gushed out of his seven orifices at the same time!

Then came Li Yuan and the queen bee. The biological genes in their bodies also collapsed at this moment. The powerful gamma rays invaded their bodies and directly killed the cells in their bodies!

Gene attack?

Li Yuan's huge body began to disintegrate, and the fishmen and monsters around the world began to die in large numbers at this moment!

As soon as Li Yuan got rid of absolute fear, he immediately took back the trident and inserted the trident back into the seal!

A huge vortex emerged and directly sucked Li Yuan into the vortex!

He sealed himself.

At present, all monsters with flesh cannot withstand a nuclear attack face to face.

The only one who can withstand a nuclear bomb with his flesh is a fifth-level angel.

Of course, 009 does not count.

But the gamma rays that radiate the world are different from the radiation released by a normal nuclear bomb explosion. That is...

"Cobalt bomb?"

Qin Leng spat out a mouthful of blood, and then his eyes and ears began to dissolve and fall off!

Those people... why?

It's obviously 61 hours before the scheduled time!

How dare they detonate the cobalt bomb in advance!

"It's obviously just a matter of..."


Qin Leng's body dissolved, and radioactive elements swept the world, not only those monsters below the fourth level, but also animals, humans, and plants!

All died without exception under the radioactive elements of the cobalt bomb.

Why did they do this? Qin Leng still didn't understand until his death.

What happened during this period can be traced back to twelve hours after Qin Leng left GOC.

GOC is divided into two factions, one is conservative and the other is radical.

Neither the conservatives nor the radicals think Qin Leng can do anything, and they only put their hopes on the cobalt bomb.

The radicals think that there is no need to wait for Qin Leng, otherwise they will miss the opportunity to launch the cobalt bomb!

They are ready to launch a cobalt bomb with 500 tons of cobalt directly!

But the conservatives think that the radicals are a bit too conservative!

The opponent is a monster, not a human. Conservatively speaking, we should detonate two cobalt bombs with an equivalent of 700 tons of cobalt!

After that, the conservatives' suggestion was passed. They prepared for six days and launched two cobalt bombs at the same time on the seventh night!

Two cobalt bombs with an excess of 700 tons of cobalt each were detonated in the stratosphere!

Normally, only 500 tons can kill all life on Earth!

This is undoubtedly excessive and over-released!

When the two cobalt bombs exploded in the stratosphere, the powerful gamma rays stirred an invisible low-quality energy to produce a new chain reaction, which greatly increased the radioactivity speed and power of the gamma rays!

It radiated the whole world at once!

And it washed twice!

Li Yuan realized the problem was not good at that time and immediately sealed himself.

Li Heng escaped because he had no entity, but the gamma rays still radiated his mist gas, causing its mist gas to undergo a certain level of fusion!

The queen bee had nowhere to hide, and her body collapsed after supporting for a long time before the two waves of washing.

Among them, the happiest one was the insect.

He directly absorbed those radioactive elements and ushered in a radiation evolution for himself!

For the rest, such as 007 Siren and 027 Leviathan, when the radiation entered the ocean, large numbers of marine life died, and they were also difficult to deal with.

Escape death.

The fleeing White Walker froze himself the moment he was exposed to nuclear radiation!

Computer 020 was not affected in a short time.

Due to his immortality, 009 died and lived and died repeatedly under the radiation.

001 Imitation was not affected because he was in a unique space with Library 024.

003 got into the mirror body and successfully avoided the radiation.

It can be said that this cobalt bomb has the greatest lethality to the ocean series!

Even Taotie, who coexists with Wallfacer 005, avoided radiation by turning himself into metal.

This is thanks to 005's reminder.

Because 005 guessed that if Taotie died, his body would be instantly exposed to high-intensity radioactive substances!

And he would be finished if he was exposed to nuclear radiation once.

Even if he metallizes again, the radiation has already penetrated his body. Even if he uses metallization to maintain his body state, what if he removes the metallization?

Obviously, he will still die.

The half-life of the cobalt bomb is very long, and 005 doesn't know how long he will metallize himself.

So 005 plans to let Taotie metallize for five or six years or ten years, and then he will come out after the radiation weakens to a certain extent!

So far, there is no normal life on Earth.

Whether it is humans, animals or plants, they all died under this cobalt bomb.

GOC's zeroing plan was successful.

Chen Ye, who was watching everything in the sky, was not surprised by this, or he had already seen the future of destruction.

Facts have proved that the result has not changed.

"What a pity."

"Let's stop this experiment."

Chen Ye stretched out his hand to turn the earth, and time began to flow backwards at this moment!

The earth turned upside down, and the radioactive elements retracted into the cobalt bombs again. The two cobalt bombs fell from the sky and returned to the launcher.

The dead lives stood up one after another, and then kept retreating.

Everything was reversed, and the dead monsters were resurrected one after another.

The only ones who did not retreat were those monsters that were still alive.

But there was a special case.

That was Qin Leng.

Chen Ye resurrected him, but did not let him go back with time, but pulled him into the crack space.

After resurrection, Qin Leng knelt on the ground immediately.

"In the end, it still failed..."

"No, you succeeded."

A voice came from above.

Qin Leng raised his head and saw a huge eye floating above a dark sky.

"You won, Qin Leng, for this, I can fulfill one of your wishes."


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