Zhuge Anlan was more and more happy.

Some time ago, I went to see Su Qin in person and presented the World Tree Holy Fruit, and this decision was indeed correct.

With his growth rate, I'm afraid he will be able to break through to a nine-star card builder within a hundred years!

The Nine-Star Card Constructor is already in the King Realm, and further up is the Saint Realm equal to him.

Look at the Golden Square again.

Thirty-two of the strongest card builders are ready to complete.

But there was no referee in sight, and the Heavenly God-Tianfei remained silent and no longer manifested supernatural powers.

Until one o'clock in the afternoon.

Not a second is much, every second is not a lot.

The golden tower, which is more than 1,700 meters high, suddenly erupted with blazing golden light, and it seemed to come to life!

The ten-meter-diameter hedron at the spire burst out with incandescent beams of light, enveloping the thirty-two contestants.

The artifact sealed in the hedron - the thousand-year-old eye, opened at this moment, and the divine light of scrutiny swept around the thirty-two people.

Until an emaciated man screamed, he let out a scream of pain, his face distorted, and a trace of black gas permeated his body.

Faintly... I could see that the black gas condensed into snake shadows, and at the deepest part of the black qi, a pair of red pupils stared at the thousand-year-old eyes with disgust.

"I'll be back!"

It disappeared from the eyes of hundreds of millions of viewers.

Everyone was shocked to see the emaciated man being teleported and forced to withdraw from the arena.

He was able to cheat under the gaze of the gods, and it wasn't until the final level that he was discovered by the artifact on this golden tower.

The situation was unexpected, but the whole atmosphere in the stadium turned out to be even higher.

The Millennial Eye exhibits its ability to see beings that even God cannot see.

The remaining thirty-one contestants looked at the Millennium Eye.

It's all eyes burning!

The golden light converged and condensed thirty-one card construction tables, corresponding to thirty-one players.

At the same time.

The remaining golden light converged to form a giant golden hourglass.

It represents the time of the game, and when the time is over, the game will also end.

As for how will the winners be selected after the competition?

No one knows, not even God.

"Interesting. "Heavenly God-Tianfei is shining at this time, as if he can see through the situation thousands of miles away.

Ye Taiqing suddenly said, "Isn't she dead yet?"

Tianfei said lightly: "No, she can only be killed by the holder of the Millennium Eye." "

"It's just a poisonous snake. "

Yueluo snorted lightly, she also participated in the original battle.

Even the main force that killed her.

"Who are you talking about?" Yan Qingtian was confused.

Ye Taiqing brushed his beard with his hand, like a crane in the clouds, and said lightly.

"The affairs of future generations can be solved by future generations. Let's watch this competition, this is already the most outstanding group of card builders under the nine stars of my ancient dragon kingdom. "

Hearing this, Yan Qingtian nodded, but he was thinking about another thing in his heart.

Thinking of the last time he bet with Ye Taiqing in Qinggu Academy, he lost three thousand origin coins.

It's not a lot of money, but it's a loss of face.

Yan Qingtian took the initiative to speak.

"Since it's a card-building event, isn't it too boring to look at it so dryly. I have an idea why don't we add some color. "

"It's not for the money, but for the sake of mentioning this card-building event in the future, and there can be a good story. How about it?" he had been thinking about making a sum of money from Ye Taiqing.

It just happened to be used to subsidize Disya and Bai, spending the dean's money, and he felt comfortable.

Ye Taiqing suddenly applauded: "Okay! We will each contribute 50,000 origin coins, and you juniors can each contribute 3,000." All the original coins will be given to the first place in the competition. It is also a great gift that our predecessors should give. "

Yan Qingtian remained silent, secretly scolding Ye Taiqing for being cunning in his heart!

There were thirty-one card builders on the scene, and none of them had anything to do with him.

And there are Ye Zixi inside, and Su Qin are both Ye Taiqing's people, a granddaughter, and a future giant of Qinggu Academy.

Yue Luo said: "I agree, this is 50,000 origin coins. "

There is one member of her Divine Blood family who is also in the competition, and the probability of winning is to win.

"In that case, then... Ben, I'll be a water favor, too. "Tianfei originally wanted to call himself respectful, but when he thought that Ye Taiqing was too qualified, he changed it to me again.

Three of the four giants agreed, and Yan Qingtian's eyes were gloomy, and he reluctantly took out 50,000 origin coins.

No matter what the result is, this money is destined to have nothing to do with him, Yan Qingtian's heart is dripping blood.

Zhuge Anlan and the others did not refuse.

I just feel that I am inexplicably lying down and being harvested by someone to harvest a wave of wool.

Three thousand each, a total of 96,000 origin coins, plus 200,000 origin coins of the Big Four.

That adds up to 296,000 origin coins!

That's definitely a lot of money.

The value is not as good as the Millennium Eye, but it is enough to make the ten-star card builders excited.

on the field.

Su Qin didn't know that the weight of this competition was another 296,000 origin coins!

The hourglass of gold has begun to flow.

When the sand falls, it means that the card builder contest begins.

Bang bang!

The composition of the giant magic cards is erected, and any side is epic quality.

Unlike the previous round of the competition, this time, the contestants did not hesitate to choose the strongest magic card composition.

Dragons, water tribes, demon races, machine races, insects, immortals and many other races have appeared in front of people's eyes one after another.

The camera is aimed at the many magic card compositions, which arouses the amazement of many people!


Gao Yao's gaze swept over the many magic card compositions, and he muttered the name of the magic card in his mouth.

"Millennium Dragon, Ghost King, Exploding Bug Queen, Demonized A-Mech Warrior... True Dream Holy City..."

"Senior, what do you think of these magic cards?"

When she spoke, her eyes stayed on Su Qin and Wang Tianxing.

There were only two people at the scene who did not take out the magic card composition.

The empress said lightly: "It's okay, there are some high-quality magic cards in it." The magic card of Dream Holy City is worth paying attention to, and Ye Zixi's jackal holy warrior is also good, but the advantages are not outstanding enough, and it is better to fight steadily. "

During the conversation, Wang Tianxing took out the magic card to compose the picture.

A giant stone slab fell from the sky, and its height was a full sixteen meters, meaning that it was a nine-star magic card.

Countless people were shocked, the Nine-Star Demon Card was already in the king realm, and it was extremely difficult to leapfrog the structure! He really had the confidence to do so.

Looking at the composition of the magic card, it depicts a lava demon god, and at its feet is an ancient city sunk into a sea of lava and fire.

Nine stars, the front end of which is engraved with two quaint characters - quasi-god!

This is a quasi-god-level magic card!

Its appearance is equivalent to fighting the landlord to release the double king bomb, which is almost invincible.

Gao Yao was shocked when she saw it.

When the magic card enters the realm of the Nine Star King, it will undergo transformation.

From now on, there will be two main types of magic cards, the first category: regular magic cards. The second category: quasi-god cards.

The higher True God Card must be at 10 stars to appear.

The Quasi-God Card is used in a special way, and it can only be summoned through sacrifice.

After two regular magic cards are sacrificed, a quasi-god demon card can be summoned. And the mark of the card that was sacrificed is also occupied.

Equivalent to three magic card marks, summon the advent of a god-level existence, sweeping the invincible existence of conventional monsters.

The construction of quasi-god cards is extremely difficult.

The feature is that there is an extra god character printed on the composition of the magic card.

"Senior, he wants to construct a quasi-god and demon card!" Gao Yao was surprised.

The empress also exuded a little solemnity, and said, "If it is successfully constructed, it means that all eight-star magic cards are not its opponents." "

"What about Teacher Su?" Gao Yao began to worry.

There were too many people in this competition, and she didn't want Su Qin to lose.

The empress spoke: "Judging from Su Qin's past actions, he should have another way. "

After hundreds of millions of eyes focused on Wang Tianxing, they looked at Su Qin again.

He was the only one left on the scene, and he hadn't taken out the magic card composition yet.

The last time Su Qin constructed a magic card, it has been criticized by many people.

It was a body instead of a complete monster.

Including Ye Taiqing, they looked at him curiously, not knowing what kind of surprise he would bring.

Su Qin's mind moved, and he took out the first magic card to compose it.

An eight-meter-tall ancient stone slab stands with a right arm tied in chains, in the same style as the magic card constructed by Su Qin.

It is: the sealed Archmage of Darkness - the right arm of Axzodia!

After taking out the first magic card to compose the picture.


The composition of the second magic card is taken out, and the ancient monolith version stands.

It is: the sealed Dark Archmage - the left arm of Axzodia!


Two rings in a row.

The left leg and right leg of the sealed Dark Archmage Axzodia appeared in front of the eyes of the world at the same time.

A full four eight-star epic magic card compositions.

The thirty players have not yet begun to construct magic cards, just to understand what kind of magic cards their opponents have constructed.

Ye Ziqi was dumbfounded, looking at the composition of the magic card that Su Qin took out, and didn't know what to say.

Directly to *4?

Yue Xintou was a little confused, and muttered: "Four, just kidding... How could this have been constructed? "

"Huh?" Wang Tianxing frowned, he found some clues.

Sensing that the space around Su Qin's body became distorted, the speed of time also changed.

"This characteristic is the same as the effect of the Phantom God Celestial Crystal Pendant described by the Jokhang Kingdom. The Seventh Empire really entrusted the artifact to Su Qin. "

"But..." the corners of Wang Tianxing's mouth raised, revealing a hint of disdain.

Constructing four epic magic cards at the same time, it is indeed a strange idea, and if you fail three times, you can succeed one!

But as long as his nine-star lava demon god is successfully constructed, even if all his four magic cards are successfully constructed, so what?

In the end, I will be the winner!

Wang Tianxing is full of self-confidence.

The hundreds of millions of viewers who watched the live broadcast were stunned and shocked by Su Qin's strange tactics.

Can you still play like this?

The female reporter Bingbing was also speechless.

glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Haha, Su Qin can play! Construct four cards at once, and if it becomes two, it will double the win rate!"

"With so many magic cards, can he construct them? It will take a long time to draw. "

"Su Qin's body is obviously not running at an abnormal speed of time, he must have special props on his body that can slow down the speed, this tactic is feasible. "

"The premise is that Wang Tianxing fails to construct a card, and the nine-star quasi-god card is too incomprehensible. "

"What if Wang Tianxing fails and Su Qin succeeds in picking up the leaks? Damn, I suddenly found that Su Qin is simply a tactical genius! Teacher Su is awesome!"

She nodded, feeling that there was some truth in what the barrage said.

Inside the Golden Tower.

Ye Taiqing, Yan Qingtian, Yue Luo, Heavenly God-Tianfei, and the four (gods) looked at Su Qin with strange eyes.

"What if you win. Tianfei shook his head.

At this time, Yan Qingtian was unusual.

His eyes were deep, and he was a little mysterious: "Su Qin Xiaoyou's magic card can't be judged by common sense. "

"Oh, what's the point? Tianfei showed a bit of interest.

But any magic card master, even if it is a god realm, a god king realm, is naturally interested in magic cards.

Yan Qingtian will tell Su Qin about the Dragon Army, the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon, the Black Wizard Card Deck, and other special magic cards.

finally sighed: "I thought that the blue-eyed white dragon had bought some losses, until the blue-eyed ultimate dragon appeared, and then I wanted to buy a card from him, but it was already difficult to find a card." "

Ye Taiqing is very concerned about Su Qin's affairs, and he understands it even more, he is still idle and elegant.

It's just that Yue Luo, the Heavenly God-Tianfei, and those who don't know much about Su Qin have a different color in their eyes.

This is obviously a genius who cannot be deduced by common sense!

Zhuge Anlan was calm, he had always been very concerned about Su Qin, otherwise he would not have personally sent the World Tree Holy Fruit.

Looking at the golden square, he saw that there were four giant stone plates standing in front of Su Qin, and he had already begun to construct and draw magic cards.

"I don't know what surprises he will bring. Zhuge Anlan had some expectations in his heart.

At the same time, four eight-star epic magic cards were constructed, and Su Qin was also the first time.

Same as the previous round.

Su Qin first uses the Lucky Eight Star Construct Card, and then activates the effect of the Phantom God Sky Crystal Pendant, increasing the success rate of magic card construction by 60%!

Coupled with the awakening tea, as well as the first talent, he let go of his hands and feet!

The last time the construction of magic cards was slow, it was because the body of the Dark Archmage was too complex, and the slightest mistake would cause the whole card to collapse.

This time, the number of magic cards drawn has increased, but the difficulty has been greatly reduced.

Combined with the slowing down of the time flow around him, in the eyes of the people who watched, they only felt that Su Qin's movements were like a surging river, radical and steady!

Writing, drawing, source energy scheduling, etc., are like works of art.

Some of the veteran card builders who despised him a little bit also showed a solemn look at this moment.

"No wonder I took out four magic card compositions, and sure enough, there were a few brushes! A famous eight-star card builder sighed.

A giant golden hourglass hangs high in the air.

Grains of sand fall, time passes.

In the blink of an eye.

Ten hours have passed.

"Oops..."One card builder's eyes widened, and he made a mistake!

He was about to say something, but the whole person was forcibly teleported out of the arena.

Immediately afterward, another card builder was forcibly teleported away.

Constructing the top epic magic cards is extremely difficult! Even if you are a skilled card builder, you also have a high failure rate.

The number of card builders on the field has dropped below 15.

Ye Zixi took a deep breath and punched the refined materials into the sealing cardboard.

Burst of gold!

The huge seal cardboard is reduced in equal proportions.

until it is the size of a playing card.

Eight-star epic jackal holy warrior magic card into it!

She pinched the card and smiled.

After pinching the magic card, her eyes looked at Su Qin for the first time and found that he was already drawing the fourth magic card.

The previous three have been drawn, and the speed is jaw-dropping.

And the gold hourglass above the head has less than 10% of the reserves left!

The atmosphere of the competition was solemn.

It's time for now!

There are constantly epic magic cards, and at the same time, there are also people who are eliminated and forced out of the arena.

Another flash of golden light erupted.

A fantastic phantom of the Holy City appears, in the style of a cartoon, and then condensed into a seal cardboard.

Yuexin's face was beaming.

It worked!

Eight-Star Epic - True Dream Holy City Magic Card.

The culmination of her 100 years!

"Whew. Yue Xin also looked at Su Qin, and saw that he had already drawn three magic cards and was drawing the fourth.

I can't help but be surprised, the success rate of this drawing, the speed and efficiency are inevitably too high.

Yuexin's gaze looked at Wang Tianxing again.

See him sketch the last stroke!

In the sixteen-meter-high sealing cardboard, the lava demon god came to life, and if you looked closely, you could even witness the frightened people in the ancient city fleeing in the flames.

"It worked. "The moon is dignified.

Successful drawing means that 50% of the progress has been completed!

Once Wang Tianxing succeeded, she didn't think that the True Dream Holy City could be compared to a quasi-god.

I am afraid that this competition will also come to an end.

At this time, Wang Tianxing began to prepare refining materials.

The materials required for the Nine-Star Quasi-God and Demon Card are all expensive and extremely difficult to obtain.

The core material, the Lava Spirit, is derived from the real Lava Demon God!

It exudes a faint divine might, far away, and the pressure is felt just by looking at it.

Wang Tianxing was extremely solemn, condensed the source energy, and was cautious.

The quasi-god and demon card with an eight-star structure and a nine-star structure cannot be despised in the slightest.

And at this moment!

The other side.

Su Qin also finished drawing the last first seal cardboard.

The sealed Dark Archmage, Axzodia's left and right hands, left and right legs, are on display.


With a hook of his hand, all four groups of source energy materials appeared, levitating in front of Su Qin's body.

Without the slightest hesitation.

The abundant source energy is like a gluttony, wrapping all the source energy materials in one bite.

This method of refining source energy materials made many people stunned and shocked! Their eyes even shifted from Wang Tianxing to Su Qin.

"Can you succeed in refining so many materials in one go?" Yan Qingtian frowned.

Ye Taiqing showed curiosity, looked at Su Qin who was refining materials, and then looked at Wang Tianxing on the side.

I couldn't help but nod.

This time, the card builder contest is really much more interesting!


Gao Yao was so nervous that she was biting her nails, she trembled her legs, her eyes stared at Su Qin for a while, and then at Wang Tianxing.

The speed of her heartbeat was even faster than that of Su Qin himself.

"Senior, can Mr. Su succeed?"

"It's hard to say. With the source energy in his body, it was obviously not enough to support so much material, unless... What special method does he have? The Empress became more and more curious.

The source energy materials of the dark mage collided and tore apart, as if they were about to break free from Su Qin's shackles!

Beads of sweat condensed on Su Qin's forehead.

This step is a must.

Only first-time success can minimize the likelihood of failure.

A drum is like a tiger!


His fingers are a little in the air, guiding the source energy materials to pull each other and operate to form a natural Taiji diagram.

Mysterious and mysterious, balanced and restrained each other.

Yin and yang embraced each other, and the violent and chaotic source energy was restrained in an instant.

The eyes of many card builders lit up, and even Ye Taiqing and the others looked at Su Qin's gaze with a different color.

Heavenly God-Tianfei affirmed: "Sure enough, it's Tianjiao!"

Seeing that the source energy material had been refined, Su Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

So far, 90% of them have been successful!

Only the last step is missing.


Su Qin hit it with one hand.

Break the refined source energy materials and chaotic energy into four parts, and inject them into four giant seal cardboards.

Construct four Eight-Star Epic quality magic cards at the same time!

Regardless of whether he succeeds or fails, Su Qin is worthy of his reputation in the eyes of many people.

At the same time, Wang Tianxing also punched the materials into the nine-star seal cardboard.

In the huge sealing cardboard, the blazing fire is filled, and the sparks are surging!

The body of the Lava Demon God became more and more solid, and there was even lava flowing on its surface... Dripping to the royal palace of the ancient city.

And the other side.

Su Qin here.

A depressing, ancient aura emerges from the sealing cardboard!

Faintly, it seemed that an ancient god could be seen, standing in front of Su Qin.

It had a terrifying grin, baring its teeth, surrounded by thousands of heavenly chains, and clenched its left and right arms, left and right legs!

The chains of heaven glowed with brilliant light, suppressing the underground flames until they dragged the body of the ancient god into the sealing cardboard...

The four sealed cardboards with the Dark Archmage were reduced in equal proportions until they became the size of playing cards and fell into Su Qin's hands.

The system prompt sounds.

Four eight-star epic magic cards, Su Qin's experience points rose by 1.6 million in seconds!

"It's done. Su Qin smiled wantonly.

Holding five sealed Dark Archmages in his hand is almost equivalent to holding two words: Victory!

He looked at Wang Tianxing and saw him pinching the quasi-god demon card.

At the same time, Wang Tianxing also looked at Su Qin and was surprised to see that he actually had four magic cards in his hand.

"It's good luck that all four of them succeeded. Wang Tianxing was surprised.

He was focusing on constructing the magic card just now, and he didn't watch Su Qin's process of constructing the magic card.

"But, I have a nine-star quasi-god card, and victory is in my hands!"

As everyone knows...

Among the audience at different levels, the people who thought that the quasi-god card would win had already wavered in their hearts.

When Su Qin's four eight-star epic magic cards were formed, the terrifying phantom of the ancient god seemed to be even more terrifying than the lava demon god!

Thousands of chains of heaven imprisoned him, splitting it into different bodies, and barely dragged it into the magic card.

Gao Yao whispered: "Senior, how about Teacher Su's magic card? I think it looks very powerful, can it be stronger than the nine-star quasi-god demon card?"

The Empress was extremely dignified.

After a moment, he said slowly.

"It's not the same. If the star level is high enough, it has the appearance of a god-king. "



PS: Large chapter 6.6K word count. I'll keep updating later. Let's talk about it here.,The code word in the morning is really too cold hand.。。。 I'm writing in the afternoon.

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