Su Qin, Gao Yao, and Yue Xin came to this huge nine-star card room.

The structure of the Nine-Star Magic Card has great requirements for space.

The huge interior, with a dome more than 20 meters high, is equipped with magic card compositions, inlaid with props for sealing cardboard, etc., each of which has been made gigantic.

As far as the eye can see, the interior is mostly made of precious natural materials, which contains a rich magical power, and you can even faintly feel the source energy floating in the air.

This is not a delusion.

The inside of the nine-star card building room can digest the origin coin, and every time it is opened, it is burning gold, but it can also improve the success rate of card building.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the room.

After Su Qin saw the giant slot, he waved his hand and took out the composition of the magic card of the Dragon Explosion King Bakar.

There was a boom.

Sixteen meters tall and eight meters wide, a dark red boulder tablet appeared, which was cast from the earth's core material and contained the fire element of the sun.

With the appearance of the magic card composition, the air became hot, and the heat condensed into the phantom of a dragon, covering the existence of the magic card composition.

If you are not strong enough, you will not even be able to witness the true face engraved on the slate of the Moka composition.

Su Qin looked up at it, and the thousand-year-old eyes emerged, seeing through the illusory dragon shadow.

The moment he witnessed the composition and engraving of the magic card, he faintly felt that the whole person's spirit was going to be withdrawn and fall into it.

He saw a magnificent palace of dragons, and mighty dragons bowed down, their proud heads, and bowed to the throne of dragons.

When Su Qin's gaze looked at the Dragon Throne...

The existence on the dragon throne looked at him, and at this moment, as if crossing space and dimension, the dragon pupil stared at Su Qin.

"Hmph. "

The sound was like thunder!

In an instant, Su Qin's consciousness returned to reality.

I felt a cold sweat break out on my back.

Looking at the composition of the magic card again, I found that it was already the human form of the dragon king Bakar, sitting on the throne, with both hands on the armrests, and its eyes were extremely domineering, like an emperor.

"Well, I can't see anything. Yuexin muttered at this time, she was a little disappointed.

Gao Yao tilted her head and looked carefully.

With the help of the Empress, only some details can be seen.

She glanced at the composition of the magic card, and then turned her eyes to Su Qin, and found that he had palpitations, and was a little confused.

"Senior, what's wrong with Mr. Su?"

"For a moment now, I sensed the existence of the Spirit 473 Soul of the Dragon Explosion King. After pondering, the empress said, "Maybe it's because there is a part of the soul engraved on it in the composition of the magic card, which causes this phenomenon." "

"Is this okay?" Gao Yao was surprised.

The fact that there is a soul in the composition of the magic card sounds incredible.

If it is the true God, it is possible. "

"Oh. She was stunned.

And at this time.

Su Qin's mind moved and took out the props.

The Nine Star Seal Cardboard is placed on the corresponding jade slab, which is the same size as the Magic Card Composition.

It is sixteen meters high and eight meters wide.

"Out. Su Qin closed his eyes and took out the Illusory God Celestial Crystal Pendant.

The source energy was injected into it, and in an instant, double feedback poured into the body.

It also increases the success rate of magic card construction by 10%.

System Tips: It has been determined that the use of the lucky nine-star card construction (epic) ト can increase the success rate of card construction by 50%, which is limited to this card construction.

Su Qin's gaze swept over the composition of the magic card, and the Millennium Eye showed the more details he saw, further improving the success rate of card construction.

It is no exaggeration to say that now he has a success rate in constructing a nine-star epic magic card, which is even no less than that of a nine-star tenth-order card builder.

With the source energy driving the magic pen, he drew and sketched the first stroke!

Gao Yao and Yuexin were standing beside them, although they didn't do it themselves, they were nervous.

Always ready to give Su Qin a hand and assist in completing part of the task.

The huge card building room has been wrapped in the distorted space of the Phantom God Celestial Crystal Pendant, and from the outside, everything here looks weird.

Time flow rate reduced by 100%.

It was two o'clock in the morning.

After Emily finished handling government affairs, she came to Su Qin's work area accompanied by her maid.

Distorted space can be seen in the distance.

She didn't take a step forward, worried about interfering with Su Qin.

At this time, her empress domineering was fully displayed.

"Issue a ban, within 500 meters outside the card building, no one is allowed to set foot in birds and beasts, and violators will be killed!"

"Yes, Your Majesty. The little maid's heart trembled, she had never seen Emily so serious.


Emily glanced at the card room again, then turned and walked away.

at the same time.

The new border defense line of the Seventh Reich.

It is a huge fortress with walls hundreds of meters high, made of a large number of alloys and high-tech materials, and equipped with a large number of weapons and devices.

It can resist the attack of millions of fierce beasts.

On the periphery of the giant Xiongguan, a big battle is breaking out.

Dozens of ancient mechanical giants with a height of 100 meters released laser beams, and the flames of 10,000 degrees of heat scorched a large number of low-level fierce beasts.

In the air, fighter planes shuttled one after another, and from time to time those that were shot down turned into a ball of fire and crashed into the battlefield.

Look out into the night sky again.

Giant flagships with a length of 500 meters were suspended in the air, like starry fortresses, unleashing dense bombardment, like meteor showers falling to the earth.


The earth cracked, and a giant beast with purple scales came out, its mouth torn, its pupils glowed, and a large area of thunder and lightning condensed in its abdomen and back, releasing beams of light!

Purple beams pierced the night sky, tearing apart the engines of the giant flagship, inducing multiple explosions in the ammunition depot.

At the bridge, a veteran grabbed his deputy to keep his balance and calmly gave the order.

"All the lifeboats pop up, adjust the direction of the ship, and crash into that ripping beast!"

He seemed to look down on everything, witnessing the raging battle, and also seeing the three-headed white dragon unleashing the holy plan and seeing the terrifying quasi-divine beast.

-and a young man who appears to have descended into the world, with an angel levitating behind him, holding a halberd of light in one hand and an armplate of light in the other.

It looks like an emaciated body, but it bursts out with amazing power, and a single blow blows the giant beast alive.

Until the flagship pressed down on the Ripper, the flames of the explosion stained the night sky red.

The tide of millions of fierce beasts began to recede.

But everyone knows that this is just the beginning.

The serpent god is testing their power.


The next day.

Golden sunlight shines on the palace of the Seventh Empire.

"One last step. "

Su Qin was dignified.

Eight kinds of nine-star epic materials were refined, and finally fused into a red liquid crystal, and Long Wei permeated this huge studio.

If you are not strong-willed, just come here, I am afraid that you will have to fall to your knees.

"Go!" Su Qin felt exhausted.

Punch it into the seal jam.

The next thing to do is to resign yourself to fate.

Gao Yao and Yuexin were nervous, staring at the sealing card.

When refining materials just now, they also made a contribution, but it was still Su Qin who really decided everything.

There was a halo of light condensed outside the crimson liquid crystal, like a condensed flame planet.

The moment it touches the jammed paper.


The drawn Dragon Explosion King Bakar unexpectedly erupted with dragon power, clashing and colliding with the condensed mass of matter.

Until there was a crackling sound, and the sealing paper and materials all turned into a cloud of charred ashes!

"Failed. Su Qin muttered.

His gaze was calm.

Not surprisingly, it's normal to fail the first time.

In particular, he didn't know enough about the composition of the magic card of the Dragon Explosion King Bakar.

"Failed, what should I do..."Yue Xin's little face turned pale, she knew how difficult it was to obtain the materials to construct the Dragon Explosion King Bakar.

"The two forces are at odds with each other and repel each other. Gao Yao saw the problem.

Bakar, the Dragon Blaster, is too powerful because it's too powerful.

Even when constructing the magic card, it still has a strong sense of self, and the sealing card paper and refining materials conflict with each other.

This eventually led to an explosion.

"Tai Chi composition method should not work for them, how to solve it. Su Qin fell into deep thought.

Break the balance, strengthen the seal jam or refine the material?

That's not right.

The slightest resistance or confusion will cause the magic card to fail to build.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and began to think about how to solve the problem.

Come and think about it.

There's no good way to do it.

"Go on!"

Su Qin simply didn't want to, reckless mode.

There is a lucky nine-star construction card, which has a natural success rate.

Coupled with the blessing of the artifact-Phantom God Heavenly Crystal Pendant, he has a chance to succeed!

With a wave of the hand.

Seal cardboard, magic pen, eight precious materials, all taken out again.

The Eight-Star Bundle rewards him with five stacks of construction materials, and even if he fails again, he still has three sets available.

What really needs to be focused is time!

With the slow time flow rate of the Phantasmal God Crystal Pendant, it is equivalent to the time it takes to have a six-day construction magic card.

Su Qin took 40 hours to paint the structure in a single time.

It's the same as having three chances.

Looking at the white seal cardboard in front of him.

He thought to himself.

"If the construction fails, then the only way to do it is to use Kisara's power as a backup. "

Kisara has the power of a god, but she is too weak.

Su Qin currently has more than 900,000 origin coins, and he can use all of them for her if necessary, so that he can have the power of the gods.

There are enough hole cards in his hand, and Su Qin is not in a hurry when constructing the magic card.

Calmly and calmly, with the source energy to control the magic pen, the image of the dragon king Bakar gradually became clear on the sealing cardboard.

It's a long time.

Yuexin once again witnessed his construction process.

I found that his drawing efficiency, as well as details and skills have been significantly improved.

"It's amazing. I was secretly amazed.

She had seen Su Qin construct magic cards, but he could always break through his cognition.

"It's no wonder that I've been studying for hundreds of years, and I can't beat him in the end. Yuexin suddenly felt a sense of relief, from being hit to the current Buddhist system.

Hitting, blowing, and getting used to it.

Or like Gao Yao.

Only Su Qin's figure was left in his eyes, which was a fanatical worship visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, forty hours passed.

The most crucial step is to start again.


Su Qin punched the refined materials into the sealing cardboard.

That mass of crimson material, like a scorching planet, condensed to the sun's halo.

At the moment when it melts into the seal jam!

The Dragon Exploding King Bakar drawn on the seal cardboard seemed to come to life at this moment.

-for-tat with the refined material.


Once again, the explosion reappeared.

Seal the cardboard, and burn the material to ashes.

Scattered ground.

Seeing the ashes in front of him, Su Qin frowned slightly.

He has realized.

If this problem is not solved, even if there is a lucky composition of the Nine Stars, it will inevitably fail to construct the magic card.

"What to do? He held his chin in one hand.


Gao Yao whispered uncertainly.

"Teacher Su, since both energies have the breath of the Dragon King, and they are not convinced by each other, can they use some way? Let them force an agreement, such as... The Dragon Exploding King himself!"

"What do you mean..."Su Qin suddenly realized this, revealing a look of joy.

"Haha! Xiao Yaoyao, I really didn't take you wrong. "

Su Qin held her little face with both hands and took a fierce sip on her forehead.

"Hee-hee. She smiled a little shyly, and didn't run away as shy as she had at first.

Yuexin on the side turned her head away and lifted her black glasses.

muttered: "Hey, it's good to pay attention to the image." "

When the muttering is over.

She turned her head to look at the two of them.

And then......

Don't overdo it!

Yuexin's cheeks were a little hot.

A minute has passed.

Su Qin began to rest, preparing for the next time he constructed a magic card.

And this time, he was completely sure!

Gao Yao whispered through consciousness.

"Senpai, thank you for your approach. Hee-hee. "

Seeing her so happy, it was even more satisfying than getting the inheritance, and the empress was a little helpless.

"You're welcome. Xiao Yaoyao, over-reliance on one person is not a good thing. Do you understand?"


She nodded immediately.

"Tell me, then, what do you understand?"

"The seniors are saying that I can't just rely on you, but also hug another thigh, such as Mr. Su!, right?"

This enterprise-level understanding.

The Empress had nothing to say.

A few hours later.

"Come on. Su Qin once again took out the sealing cardboard, magic pen, and origin materials, and started a new round of drawing magic cards.



The Seventh Reich - the second line of defense.

Xiongguan stands as strong as iron, guarding the steep and blocking millions of fierce beast enemies.

A multi-day ongoing war.

This Xiongguan has not yet fallen.


The Viper God ran out of patience and personally commanded dozens of quasi-god servants to attack this Xiongguan.

Facing the attack of a strong enemy.

Bai finally drove out of the hole card that Su Qin gave him!

Destroy Dragon Gandora X

The moment it unleashed its beam of destruction, more than half of the dozens of quasi-god enemies were blown to pieces on the spot.

Later, it was harvested by a wave of blue-eyed ultimate dragons and fell.

Disya's figure appeared, and she summoned the dragon legion, almost without hesitation.

Unleash the Strongest Bond: Summons the human body of the Dragon Blaster.

The Dragon King is here again!

Seeing this, the soldiers on the defense line couldn't help but cheer in fear.

Once again, push back the Viper God's army.

When White returns with Disya and Michelle.

"What should I do, do you want to keep it?" Bai hesitated.

"Teacher Su said that he kept it for three days, and now he accidentally repelled the viper god. What can I do?"

"Forget it, let's follow Mr. Su's plan and retreat!"


The perspective turned to Su Qin.

He didn't know the incredible power of the destruction dragon Gandora X and the dragon army.

At this time, he focused on sealing the cardboard.

And the refining source energy material!


PS: Thank you for being a good friend. _

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