Su Qin closed his eyes and began to think.

He comes to the empty world of consciousness, where abundant source energy pulls each other and outlines complex lines.

When the lines are complex enough, they form a different scene.


He frowned.

"This magic card is not simple. "

Its parsing difficulty even surpasses that of quasi-gods and demons cards!

If you want to parse it simply, it's not impossible.

Unless the magic card is a castrated version, it is more than enough to win the championship in the creative card construction competition, but it does not conform to the inherent concept of Su Qin~.

He believes that Su Qin's products must be high-quality products.

In particular, this magic card is relatively special, not only personal-feelings.

No matter what latitude it is, Su Qin sees the new development trend of the magic card civilization in the future from it!

Especially for the Hanmen Demon Card Master, it will be of epoch-making significance.

It is destined to become a popular category for Magicians.

It's just that the system is gradually improving, and it may take 10,000 years, or even longer.

Su Qin recalled that before the activation of the mysterious system, his life was indeed not rich, and he had some sympathy for the Hanmen Demon Card Master.

"There are still thirty days left in the competition, so don't rush, let's study it slowly. Su Qin muttered to himself.

He pulls out his magic deck.

Many magic cards unfolded and appeared in front of his eyes.

Epic quality, quasi-god and demon cards, true god and demon cards, list and show!

After staring for a while.

Su Qin's gaze lingered on the Black Magic Guide deck.

Because Mana has always been summoned, there are only two magic cards that appear in front of Su Qin's eyes.

The Dark Mage and the Ultimate Dragon Knight.

"Mahat's strength can't keep up, and he has to improve his strength. Although the ultimate dragon knight is strong, but with the dragon clan as the main body, the characteristics of the magic clan are not prominent enough. "

Think about it.

Su Qin thought of the Chaos Illusion!


"It would be nice if there were a thousand-year scale, fusing the magic card, and separating the fused magic card again. "

Chaos Mage, the True Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon can go in two different directions and develop further.

The former can refer to multiple elements, or law types.

The latter can cooperate with Kisara to become a true god-level being.


He became more and more focused, studying the characteristics of each magic card.

The greater the number of magic card decks, the more tactical combinations, etc., will show an exponential increase.

It is very necessary to study it!

When Su Qin didn't listen to what was going on outside the window and focused on studying the magic card.


People are paying more attention to the creative card building competition.

In the previous two rounds, Su Qin took out the Light Energy Gun + Poke Ball to refresh people's perception of magic cards.

Until today.

Even the ten stars who were not interested in the creative card construction contest, the powerhouses of the Holy Realm were also interested!


Life Science Company, Rendezvous Headquarters Building.

It's a thousand-meter-tall building, and from the outside, it's in line with the word life before life technology.

The large building is full of greenery, and from the outside, it is a combination of architecture and nature.

Terrace on the top floor.

It is extremely vast, planted with exotic flowers and plants, with clear water and bright fairy flowers.

In front of the chic coffee table with several unique shapes, there are more than a dozen men and women, all of them have extraordinary aura, and none of them are under the Holy Realm!

And the person they were talking about was none other than Su Qin himself, talking about the magic card he had constructed.

"Cartoon is such a non-mainstream genre, and it can be developed so well by Su Qin. It would be great if I could ask him to customize a set of magic cards. It's a pity that Su Qin is still an eight-star now. "

"It's impossible to be in Baxing for a long time, with his current performance, I'm afraid he will have to sit at the same table with us in a thousand years. "

Hearing this, Zhuge Anlan smiled and said, "I'm afraid it won't take ten years." "

Several people looked at him.

"An Lan, you think too highly of him!"

"I do fancy him. I just don't know what magic cards he will come up with in this last round. Zhuge Anlan finished speaking.

Several people around also showed interest.

The curiosity about the novelty magic card never discriminates into the level of strength.

By the next day.

The official website data of the creative card is refreshed.

It means that the third round of the contest begins!

In the current voting rankings, Su Qin ranks first with 14.67 million votes.

Contestants are also uploading their own works.

Some card builders aren't trying to win, they're just showing off their creative ideas, but many have quit the event.

So much so that it was half past seven in the evening.

Longduwei video, the program is fresh to watch every day.

The host is a young woman, she dresses modestly, has a beautiful smile and has hosted this show for more than 300 years.

She glanced at the press release, memorized it all, and began to report.

Focus on things related to the card building contest.

When Satellite TV reported live, it was at Su Qin's home.

He lay on the couch, and Xiaohua lazily rested her head on his chest. In his right arms, Gao Yao's little face was hot, and a pair of big eyes peeked at Su Qin.

She'd wanted to do this for a long time, but it was the first time she'd actually sat here.

"Yikes. Xiaohua muttered dissatisfiedly, she disliked that the news was too long, and the cartoon was not on the air yet.


The hostess said.

"According to the data, only 75 of the contestants in the creative card competition uploaded their works. Perhaps...%... Hundred"

"Teacher Su, they admit defeat. Gao Yao said happily.

"Call brother. "

Su Qin slapped her leg with his hand.


Her eyes were moist.

I heard the hostess continue to report.

"Bai Qi has announced the release of his strongest creative deck, and he is bound to win back a game!"

"He hasn't given up yet. "

"Give up or not, the result is doomed. Su Qin said lightly.

Gao Yao looked at the domineering in his flat tone, and there were little stars flashing in his eyes, and said, "Brother, you are so domineering!"

"Domineering, that's domineering. Su Qin raised her chin with his hand.

"Hmm. "

Gao Yao had trouble breathing.


Yueyu just walked in.

She was dressed in a little maid costume and saw this scene.

She pretended not to see and turned away, and when she walked out of the room, she glanced at it again, her face red.

For a while after that.

Su Qin's life has basically not changed much.

Study the magic card deck, analyze the creative magic card, study the true god card, and occasionally try to challenge the magic card realm.

One line away from defeating Oberiske's Titan soldiers!

Many times there is only a slight chance to defeat the opponent.

Considering that there was no strengthening magic card in his hand, Su Qin chose to try his luck.

As long as I try to challenge enough, I can always win once!


In the organizers of the creative card construction competition, including Su Qin fans.

He was obviously floating.

On the first day of the third round of the competition, Su Qin did not release magic cards.

On the fifth day of the third round of the competition, Su Qin had not yet released the magic card.

Until the tenth day, there was still no magic card released.

Over time.

On the twentieth day, Su Qin's magic card was still nowhere to be found.

There are many people who have this controversy.

For example, a popular post on a forum.

Title: [Why didn't Su Qin release a new magic card?]

The number of replies has exceeded 10 million!

From the comments with the highest likes, you can see one or two.

Xiaojian Jianjian: Produced by Su Qin, it must be a high-quality product. I must be researching, it's only the sixth day, what's the hurry. (Commented on December 1st) [9.55 million likes]

The year is unknown: Perhaps, Su Qin is preparing a big news!A most powerful magic card!(Commented on December 5) 9.15 million likes]

If you don't have residual blood, you won't play: Goo Goo Goo, it's the sixteenth day, Su Qin is really a pigeon!(December 10) [7.85 million likes]


The list goes on and on.

Inside the branch building of the CCN


There was a loud bang, accompanied by a shattering sound.

Wang Tianxing's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but close his eyes.

I could feel the anger of Master Bai Qi in the room, and he was so angry that he wanted to smash things.

His angry voice could be faintly heard.

"Too much deception!!"

"Hey—" he sighed, thinking it was a tragedy.

Bai Qi took out the strongest magic card set with great interest, preparing to compete with Su Qin again.


The other party didn't even release a magic card at all.

This feeling.

It's like a cold rain slapping on the face, and others don't bother to compare it at all.

Wang Tianxing listened to another broken thing.

I sighed in my heart.

In the past, the serious Sven, rational master, was so angry that he looked like this.

"It's been psychologically broken. He muttered.

In the blink of an eye.

Another day passed.

The twenty-first day of the third round of the competition.

I don't know who brought the rhythm first.

A vigorous movement suddenly broke off in the forum.

The title is "Qinwang Seeking Card!]

It's simple, vote for someone else.

As long as the number of votes exceeds Su Qin's votes, he will naturally be willing to release new magic cards.

It's late in the day.

Xia Bingbing saw that the slow live broadcast room was swiping the card of the king of diligence, and after reading what happened.

She was dumbfounded.

"Can you still play like this? Which big guy started the sport, too... Praise it!"

I'm sorry for the male god in my heart, but I still want to see the magic card more.

So, when she clicked on the magic card index ranking again, she was surprised to find it.

The number one player, Bai Qi, has a whopping 7.5 million votes for his magician deck, and his votes are still soaring.

"Order!" she gritted her teeth and voted for Bai Qi.

said to the live broadcast room: "I'm not pink to black, if the male god doesn't release the magic card, I will cancel the vote on the last day." "

Seeing the screen full of barrages such as コ doing a good job, she breathed a sigh of relief...Until the next day.

After many people in the ancient dragon country woke up, they were surprised to find that after a night, Su Qin was swiped again. Gulong Daily: What made Su Qin's true fans launch the [Qinwang Qiuka] campaign?

Netsky News: Shocked! Su Qin is afraid of losing, Bai Qi lies down to win! Increase 10 million votes a day!

Circle of Friends article: If you are Su Qin's true fan, then you must participate in Qinwang's card! If you are a black fan, then you must participate!

So much so that when Bai Qi woke up in the morning, opened the window, and saw many news reports on his phone.

He looked ahead and suddenly couldn't understand the world.

"But... Whatever! It's good to win. He smiled smugly, but quickly restrained.

What if Su Qin really had a magic card ready?

The perspective turned to Su Qin.

Wake up early in the morning.

A blue curtain of light appeared in front of his eyes.

【Magic Card Realm Challenge】

Current energy points: 10

Challenging Levels: Duel of the Game - 5 (8 Stars)

Rewards: Premium Fusion Card (up to 8 Stars)*5

Select Continue Challenge.

This is his third challenge today!

"I hope it passes. "

Consume 10 points of energy, and sink your consciousness into the magic card realm...

Choose the artifact: Millennium Bricks

Choose the magic card: Dragon Legion + Black Wizard Card Set

In the yellow sand.

You can see the monster slate buried in the sand, the game appears, holding four magic cards in his hand, he has a lot of aura, and his movements are domineering.

"Su Qin, you will face a true divine strike. "

"Summoning ——!"

Three magic cards summon three magnetic warriors, and almost simultaneously, they dissolve into points of light and disappear.

Followed by......

The space suddenly fell silent, as if it were about to reach the tipping point of a volcanic eruption.


The scorching heat of the earth rushed out of the earth, and it rushed up thousands of feet high, and even swallowed up the clouds and mist! A large area of yellow sand was to be swallowed up by the earth's flames.

Gollum erupts and paints the world with a post-apocalyptic scene.

Followed by......

The Titans of Oberisk emerge from the flames!

Its divine body is thousands of feet high, every inch of skin contains divine power, the wings behind it are spontaneously expanded, and the breath overflows between the teeth, and its eyes look down on the desert.

Witness the Dark Wizard and the Holy Spirit Priest Mana!

and the appearance of the human body of the Dragon Blaster Bakar.

The game's hand pointed at Su Qin.

Cheer ordered.

"Titan Soldiers!"

"Unleash - Divine Fist Crushes the Shockwave!"

The divine war, which had lasted for a long time, broke out again.

Under the power of God!

The sky is dark, and the earth is cracking!

until the countdown is 8 seconds.

The Ultimate Dragon Knight has fallen, and the Dragon King Bakar is bloody.

Countdown 1 second.

Dragon King Bakar narrowly won with a silk blood.

Oberiske's Titan vanished into an illusion and disappeared into thin air.

System Prompt: Successful Duel -5 (8 Stars) of the Challenge Game has been confirmed, and the reward will be obtained: Advanced Fusion Card*5. The item is in storage.

Consciousness returns to reality.

"Finally won!"

Su Qin sighed.

If you want to defeat the god card, in addition to excellent strength, what you need is luck.

Suddenly, at this time.


The door suddenly opened.

Gao Yao rushed in.

She still has blue double ponytails and is wearing a well-fitting light pink Hanfu, which has a unique temperament.

It's just that she's panicking now.

"Teacher Su..." she blushed and changed her words: "Brother Su, it's not good! Your votes are about to be surpassed!"

"What vote?" Su Qin wondered.

"It's the creative card construction competition, many of them organize sports, called Qinwang Qiuka! "

Gao Yao picked up his mobile phone and showed Su Qin the relevant information and rankings.

Among them, Bai Qi's votes have reached 10.27 million. ,

After reading it.

Su Qin thought it was funny and funny, and laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, it's King Qin and I'm begging for cards, and it's hard for them. "

"Teacher Su, this is a big deal!" Gao Yao said exaggeratedly.

Su Qin said: "I have already constructed the magic card yesterday night, just right, I will take it and enter it later." You go out first, I'll change my clothes. "

"Oh. Her eyes lit up, then she nodded obediently and left and closed the door.

It wasn't until Gao Yao left the room that Su Qin had an extra magic card in his hand, and it was impressively marked with a star.

It's also interesting to say.

It is very difficult to parse, but when it comes to construction, the difficulty is very low.

It took only three minutes to construct Su Qin!


On the same day, it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

The information on the official website of the Creative Card Builder Contest has been refreshed.

The third magic card uploaded by Su Qin was impressively displayed!


Forums, chat groups, offline friends, happy to say.

Notify each other and go viral!

So much so that Xia Bingbing made an exception and started broadcasting at five o'clock in the afternoon, just to watch the magic card uploaded by Su Qin together.

It's about experiencing an unboxing feeling.

"I'll click on it. "

She clicked on the official website and looked at the magic card uploaded by Su Qin.

Suddenly there was a feeling of confusion.

"It's... Is it serious?" Xia Bingbing's expression was complicated, and he didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

Look at the magic card again, it is the same cartoon family.

Magic Card: Divine Plan Black Ball Beast

Grade: 1 Star - Normal

It is the same as Su Qin's magic card before, and the specific attribute introduction is hidden.

There is only a brief description of Su Qin on the right.

Introduction: Creation with all its might, and specific information will be announced on the last day before the end of the contest.

After reading its information.

Xia Bingbing's mood became more and more confused and complicated.

Said a word.

"Maybe I'm too spicy to understand the special place of this magic card at all. "

Look at the barrage again.

"Spicy Chicken +1"

"Master Su Qin doesn't seem to be joking. "

"This card must be special, but I can't say it. "

"The creation that can make Su Qin do his best, how can it be at the level of a space controller, right?

"No, I think you're thinking too much, Su Qin is fighting back against your Qinwang Quest for Cards!"

"Upstairs +1, no matter how special the magic card is, the quality of a one-star ordinary whiteboard can't be saved. "

Soon, the whole live broadcast room argued.

It's not an occasion.

There is also a lot of controversy in the forum, commonly known as tearing.


Even Saint Realm powerhouses like Zhuge Anlan had the same disagreement, arguing with each other, and each had their own opinions.

"You think too much, come and see the old man. This looks like a mountain or a mountain, this is an ordinary one-star magic card. "

"No, Su Qin will never joke with magic cards, and the production will inevitably be high-quality. "

"Divine Plan-Black Ball Beast, listening to the name, it seems to have a special meaning in it. "

The official of the Ancient Dragon Kingdom Creative Card Composition Competition.

Ye Xiazhi, who was responsible for the event, frowned at this time, and found that even she couldn't see the specific information of the magic card.

The reason is simple.

Su Qin didn't upload it at all!

The reason for this is that he won the first place in two rounds and got certain special permissions.

"What could it be? Ye Xiazhi fell into deep thought.

She is a ten-star Saint Realm card builder, and her vision is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

You can read it carefully and repeatedly.

I can feel that this magic card is unusual, its construction method is completely different from the normal method, but I can't tell what it means.

"Strange... Is it a waste card, or is there something special? "

Over time.

One day, two days, three days, four days.

Su Qin's discussion of the Black Ball Beast of the Demon Card Divine Plan has not decreased, but the popularity has continued to rise.

Su Qin's previous magic cards were all too special, or very powerful.

It makes many people think that it is an ordinary magic card at first glance, but they feel that it is not simple in their hearts!

There are also people who go straight and think that it is an ordinary magic card.

In the end, the heat is high.


When Disya returned to the clan, she was even stopped by the patriarch Yan Qingtian, who specifically asked if she knew the special features of the Black Ball Beast.

"I don't know, Mr. Su is very secretive about magic cards. Disia shook her head.

Seeing Yan Qingtian's somewhat disappointed and regretful appearance.

She couldn't help but wonder.

It's just a creative magic card, and ordinary people just discuss it.

Why is the patriarch of God so interested?

I couldn't help but feel that it was definitely not easy for Su Qin to construct a magic card this time!


The time came to the creative contest, and there were still 24 hours and 5 minutes to go.

this day.

Not to mention that hundreds of billions of people are looking forward to it, guarding the official website of the competition, waiting for Su Qin's magic card to reveal the mystery.

"With this kind of heat, there shouldn't be a problem with the server. Ye Xiazhi was a little worried in her heart.

When I clicked on the webpage again, I found that it was a little stuck.

All parts of the Ancient Dragon Kingdom, all walks of life, including all the girls in Su Qin's family.

All waiting for the early hours of the morning to come!

Within the Dragon's Blood Family, Yan Qingtian crossed the step, and he had always been very keen on Su Qin's card making.

It's just a pity that he refuses to sell the Dragon King.

The same situation also happened in the Divine Blood Family.

Yueluo was alone, dressed in white gauze, she looked ethereal and cold, just sitting under the moon.

Pay attention to Su Qin's construction of cartoon clan magic cards, how is it?

This is related to Yuexin, and she is very concerned.


When there is only one second left.

Flying Fish live broadcast platform.

"Beka, beka, beka. "

Xia Bingbing suddenly clicked to refresh the page!

The number of online people in her live broadcast room has exceeded 10 million, which shows the high popularity.

The next second.

The web page suddenly freezes, the progress is slow...

"Don't, don't!" Xia Bingbing breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, recovered.

She looked at the magic card, the one-star, the tabula rasa, the Black Ball Beast of the Divine Plan.

Look at its specific introduction.

You have to have courage to master.

The card must be selected as a Natal Card.

Monsters can bond with their owners.

And then, gone.

Xia Bingbing keenly discovered that in addition to the harsh use of magic cards, it can actually have a bonding effect with magic card masters!

"I've never heard of such an effect. Xia Bingbing exclaimed: "This magic card is really not ordinary!"


"Watch the video!"

"I can't get in here, the official website has collapsed. "

"Even if there is a bond, it's just a one-star magic card. "

After Xia Bingbing saw the barrage, she said solemnly: "It's not like this!"

"The key to the Creative Card Contest is creativity. If you can bond with the card master, the impact it will bring is amazing! For that alone, it deserves to be the best in the tournament!"

As she spoke, she clicked on the first video.

The person who appeared in the picture was Su Qin himself!

He holds a special machine in his hand, which resembles an electronic watch.

......... ,....

"Its name is the Divine Plan. "

Press the start button.

The divine plan lit up, and groups of green numbers were combined into a black ball beast, with a big palm and cute face, but it had no combat power.

End of video.

"Gone?" Xia Bingbing was stunned for a moment, "The function is very similar to the Poke Ball, and the function is not as much as the Poke Ball." "

As she spoke, she clicked on the second video.

I am looking forward to seeing if the second video will change.

Video playback.

In the picture, there is a green meadow.

Su Qin appeared, with a divine plan in one hand and a black ball beast in the other.

An enemy appeared in front of him, a two-star ordinary monster goblin!

Facing the approach of the goblins.

In order to protect Su Qin, the black ball beast took the initiative to jump down and fight with it.

The result was naturally a fiasco, with a blue nose and swollen face.

"This..." Xia Bingbing always felt that this video was very strange, and there were many people who felt the same way as her.

For example: At this time, Su Qin's side was surrounded by a group of girls watching videos.

The goblins are closing in on Su Qin.

The wounded black ball beast jumped up again, and suddenly! time seemed to stand still in this moment!

The Divine Plan erupted in white, and a holy beam of light rose into the sky!

The passionate BGM sound sounded

The Black Ball Beast appears in the beam of light and is in another world.

A lot of numeric characters flow into its body.

A voice could be heard.

"Black Ball Beast Evolution - Ball Rolling Beast!!"

It was transformed into a bocce beast.

Upgraded to a two-star Premium Magic Card.

"Evolved!!" Xia Bingbing looked at this scene in shock, and the door to the new world seemed to be opened.

At the same time.

It was right next to Su Qin.

Gao Yao's eyes widened in disbelief.

Not only her, but in her head.

The Empress was equally focused, without the slightest distraction, witnessing the moment.

The evolution of magic cards has always been predestined, such as the synthesis of magic cards, or god-level magic cards have a very small possibility of self-breakthrough.

It's still unheard of for ordinary magic cards to be like this!

Goblins fall.

Just when everyone thought it was going to end.

New enemies suddenly appear in the meadows!

Phantom wolf of rare quality in three stars.

Ballmon Fight!

As a result, the scars gradually increase.

And at this very moment.

Su Qin rushed out, further stimulating its fighting spirit.

Once again, the Divine Plan bursts into beams!

Ballmon evolves into a Golemon!

It has been upgraded to a three-star rarity, transforming into a small tyrannosaurus rex and spitting flames from its mouth to burn enemies to death.

"Can this continue to evolve?" Yue Xin muttered.

The corners of Su Qin's mouth raised.

Why not evolve again, evolve again!

Everything in this video is infinitely simplified and idealized.

Su Qin accelerated the evolutionary process.

According to his construction ideas.

The evolution of monsters requires the cultivation of emotions with the magic card master, which takes a lot of time, and it is by no means a magic card that evolves without brains and infinitely.

That can't be done either.

The key to its evolution lies in two things.

First: The magic card is out for a long time, absorbing magic and nourishing itself.

Second, rely on the data and information in the Divine Plan, and then stimulate it by emotional resonance.

The passionate BGM sound sounded again.

Su Qin also watched the video.

In the face of a powerful enemy with strong five-star inheritance quality, the Agumon has evolved again!

The data information of the Divine Plan is injected into its body.

Agumon Evolves Tyrannosaurusmon!!

The strength has been improved to five-star inheritance quality!

Within the Dragon's Blood family.

Seeing this, Yan Qingtian's spirit was shocked: "Tyrannosaurus Beast! Evolved into a dragon clan? No..."

He immediately denied it.

"No, it's still cartoonish. The changeable nature of the cartoon family is indeed very powerful. Yan Qingtian suddenly became solemn.

Aware of the future of the cartoon family, maybe a new god will be born.

He watched the video thoughtfully.

"Can we continue to evolve?" said to myself.

And at this time.

The enemy's strength has been further improved!

Upgraded to the quality of the seven-star legend, it is the Purple Flame Demon, a strong magic card.

After a battle...

Once again, the Divine Plan erupts with a beam of holy light!

This light came into Ye Xiazhi's eyes.

Gradually, suddenly.

"I see, it can still be used like this. Record the data key of evolution in advance in the divine plan!"

She watched as Tyrannosaurus evolved into Mecha.

Its strength has reached the Legend of the Seven Stars!

"It should be over, epic quality is a different dimensional realm. "

Witness the end of a new round of fighting.

And suddenly...

She sees new enemies reappear!

"No, it won't. Ye Xiazhi sighed in her heart.

The magic card has evolved from a one-star ordinary to a seven-star legend, which is already very rebellious, if it can evolve to an epic, it will cause a sensation in the entire magic card civilization!

Epic Magic Cards are an extremely scarce resource.

Until a badge of courage bursts out of the Divine Plan, radiating a holy, scorching aura.

A voice rang out.

"Agumon - Hyper-Evolution!"

She witnessed the start of the Agumon form, the successive leaps across the Tyrannosaurmon, the Mechanical Tyrannosaurusmon, and finally the Battle Tyrannosaurusmon!

Its strength has reached the strength of a nine-star epic!

Hundreds of millions of people in the ancient dragon country witnessed this scene and felt tremors from their souls.

Especially the ordinary magic card masters who are troubled by funds, there is a kind of electric shock!

Witness a powerful presence in front of you.

"Nine-Star Epic!" Ye Xiazhi's heart shook.

Realize that you have witnessed the birth of another branch of the magic card civilization in the future!

"Sue... Qin. "

She murmured, pronouncing the name.


PS:Thank you for the 1000 tip of your friends.Thank you for the tips of your friends.emmm I overestimated my plot control.The more I wrote, the more I wrote, I wrote more than 8000 words!_

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