"Teacher Su, then I won't bother you. "

After watching Disia leave.

Su Qin was thoughtful.

Think about the next Apostle Magic Card.

There are a total of thirteen apostles in the dungeon world, and each of them is extremely powerful.

Among them, the First Apostle-Karn the Fatalist is the ceiling of combat effectiveness.

None of the fully formed Dragon Blaster Bakar could survive a round under him.

The Second Apostle of the Ancestor of Magic, Crying Eye Held, the ceiling of resourcefulness, her magic is also invincible, and she can even manipulate the long river of time at will, and her specific strength is not fully displayed.

The third apostle, Isis Pree, is one and the same, with Isis on the dark side and Prey on the light side.

Prey, who simply stripped the dark side Isis out of his body, was already able to fight with Karn the Fatalistic in the sky for three days and three nights, regardless of victory or defeat.

It can be seen that its complete body strength will be stronger.

The three of them are undoubtedly the ceiling of the apostles' combat power!

In addition to this, the last thirteenth apostle was a secret, and Su Qin himself didn't know who it was.

Under the three apostles, the strongest line is the dragon king Bakar, the lord of light and darkness, Luke, the flame devourer, and other apostles.

Bakar, the Dragon Blaster, is one of the more powerful beings among them.

Su Qin pondered the current situation.

He only constructed the human body of the Dragon Explosion King Bakar, and the other twelve apostles only had Luke, the Monarch of Light and Darkness, because the maker Betsy had some signs.

"The analysis of the apostles must be a fortification, and it will take a lot of time, and who should be attacked next. Su Qin couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The apostles did not exist alone.

Each apostle has its own corresponding subordinates and corresponding card decks!

After thinking about it, he simply closed his eyes.

With the first permission, resolve the constructible target.

The known apostolic information came to mind one after another.

[Analysis of the target, the first apostle - Karn the Fateful, belongs to the twelve-star mythical level magic card. 】

[Analysis of the target, the second apostle - Crying Eye Held, belongs to the twelve-star mythical level magic card. 】

[Analysis target: The third apostle - Tianjiao Isispree, which belongs to the twelfth star mythical level magic card. 】

[Analysis target: The Fourth Apostle - Bloodstained Steel Blade Casillas, which belongs to the eleventh star quasi-mythical magic card. 】

The Fifth Apostle Stalker, the Sixth Apostle Dirighi, the Seventh Apostle Antoun, the Eighth Apostle Lotus, the Ninth Apostle - Luke, and many more... Su Qin swept over one after another.

They are unified as eleven-star-quasi-mythological beings, 860 and can be resolved in weakened versions.

It's like the dragon king Bakar of the human body.

Su Qin's favorite is the Dragon Explosion King.

But it belongs to the eleventh star at the next level, and its own strength is obviously analyzed and cannot be constructed.

I had to settle for the next best thing, and decided to have time to study the Ninth Apostle, Luke, the Monarch of Light and Darkness, plus a weakened version of the Eighth Apostle, Lotus.

Lotus is especially good at mind control, and when combined with the Millennium Eye, it may have a miraculous effect.

After finalizing the two apostles.

Su Qin didn't immediately start analyzing.

The Apostle's analysis would take a long time, and he planned to digest the composition of the magic cards in the Nine-Star Gift Pack first, or do it simultaneously.

"So be it. Su Qin made up his mind.

He looked at the artifact in front of him, the Demon Furnace.

It is three meters high, and the wall is engraved with intricate characters, etc., although it condenses the purple magic light, it is completely different from the breath of the fierce god.

"Resolution. "

Su Qin was surprised to find that it would take 10,000 origin coins to analyze it, which showed that it was worth a lot of money.

A minute has passed.

When the Source Coin is completely melted, the message of the Demon Furnace emerges.

【Item Information】

Name: Assimilation Furnace

Quality: Mythical

Completeness: 85%

Requirements: Must have divine powers.

Ability 1: Can refine all mythical and following instruments.

Ability 2: Assimilates refining tools and reverses their properties, giving them new attribute information.

Ability 3: Incomplete state, unusable.


After reading its specific information, Su Qin was shocked!

This is not an artifact, but a real mythical instrument.

"Sure enough, it's a relic of a world, and there's always the chance that something good will appear. Su Qin sighed, this wave has made a lot of money.

That is, Disya is illiterate and fails to distinguish its true value.

"If you can assimilate all the instruments..."

Su Qin thought of a magic weapon in the storage space!

Mythical quality - ancestral crocodile fangs, derived from the fierce god - ancestral crocodile.

37% completeness, only child ability, and the use requirement must be a person full of hatred and greed.

After taking it out.

Su Qin didn't hesitate and threw it into the Tonghua Demon Furnace.

Another ray of divine power was injected.

Urge to start refining!

A demonic flame rose from the furnace, and the surface flowed with more and more powerful demonic light, restraining the violent and ferocious soul of the demonic weapon in the magic weapon.

"Come on, let's refine it slowly. Su Qin muttered to himself.

He simply estimated that it would take less than a month for the assimilation refining to be completed.

No more attention was paid to the Furnace of Assimilation.

Su Qin took back the composition of the Guardian Priest - Mahal's Demon Sect and replaced it with the Dragon of Judgment and even the Nine-Star Quasi-God Demon Card.

Sixteen-meter-high stone slabs stand. Judging from its appearance, the Dragon of Judgment is more like a white wolf with a slender body, shoulders larger than mountains, wings on its back, and red eyes, revealing a savage aura!

It exudes a detachment, and the art style is completely different from that of the destruction dragon Gandora X.

Su Qin saw a bit of the immortal aura of the Huaxia Divine Beast from it, and it was a magic card with a very high appearance.

Holding his chin with one hand, Su Qin carefully observed and analyzed its structure.

And at this very moment.

At the door, Gao Yao appeared.

She had finished constructing the magic card and came to hand it over to Su Qin, and at the same time wanted to ask him some questions.

Just as he was about to speak, Gao Yao Shui Ling's eyes saw a scene in the studio and closed his mouth again.

At this time, Su Qin stood there, his back straight, his eyes staring intently at the composition of the Dragon Demon Card of Judgment, and from time to time there was a flow of golden light.

Not far from him, a three-meter-tall magic furnace was running, and the energy of its walls enveloped the internal scene, which was impossible to see with the naked eye.

"It's a quasi-god and demon card. Gao Yao talked to the empress.

The Empress sighed, "I'm more concerned about the Demon Furnace. "

"Hey, senior, do you know it?" Gao Yao was surprised.

The empress's expression was a little complicated, recalling the old days.

"This was a gift from a god-king, a mythical instrument, and its value is incalculable. She said lightly.

"God King?!"

Gao Yao suddenly realized something, and smiled evilly: "Senior, could it be me..."

She didn't finish her sentence halfway through her words, for fear of being beaten.

"Huh. The empress said in a cold tone, "This was a dowry from him, but I refused. "

"Huh, what about later?" gossip rose in Gao Yao's heart.

"Later, he betrayed the lifeblood of our civilization and became a fierce god!" she said with hatred in her tone, and said weakly: "Now... It may still be alive. "

She remembered the sad past and didn't mention it again.

Gao Yao felt her sadness, the sadness of everything that had disappeared in the past, and did not continue to ask questions.

"Senior, I won't bother you. "


The moon sets and the sun rises, and so on.

Time passes quickly.

Su Qin has created the Dragon of Judgment (Quasi-God Nine Stars - Epic).

And use the God Fusion Card to complete the fusion of the Dragon of Judgment and the Dragon of Destruction Gandora X.

Fusion with the magic card of his dreams: Doomsday Judgment Dragon (God Nine Stars - Epic)!

To summon it, two magic cards must be sacrificed.

There is only one combat effect, the limit self-detonation!

After being strengthened by +10, the damage caused by the Doomsday Judgment Dragon's self-explosion is something that even Axzodia can't bear, and often has to be blown up to the point where the injuries are not light.

The effect is very powerful.

Su Qin then analyzed the dragon clan and the holy envoy clan of the divine plan, and reached a deal with the dragon blood and divine blood families.

Received the final payment of 1,000,000 source currency.

He was completely immersed in card construction, analysis, and occasional research to test the combat effectiveness of magic cards.

Because of this, several girls in the family were a little scared when they saw Su Qin.

I'm afraid that he will suddenly say that he will PK a fight!

At first, Yueyu was still very unconvinced.

Later, after PK a few times, the rules were in her favor or she was completely defeated, and she lost her temper.

In the blink of an eye.

It's already a month later.

A secluded valley in the Impossible Zone.

Su Qin was constructing an important magic card.

Human Body - Exploding Dragon King Bakar!

He felt the need to construct the magic card that had reached an agreement with Disya as soon as possible.

In the past month, after the bonding of the card disciples was completed, the strength and speed of each of the nine card disciples were increasing rapidly.

Zhou Ya'er, who was the weakest, also inadvertently got an opportunity in the academy library and broke through to the four-star first order.

Gao Yao and Ye Zixi have also broken through to the strength of the Nine Stars.

Su Qin still remembered the night night when Ye Zixi broke through the Nine Stars.

The two met to celebrate.

The night sky is clear, and the stars and moon are bright.

And what impressed him the most...

It's still that red mark.

Also, my back hurts a little.

Another direct result is that Ye Zixi occasionally stays in his home.

The expansion plan of the small villa was also arranged by Su Qin on the agenda.

"Almost. "

Su Qin took a deep breath.


After the last time the Dragon Explosion King Bakar was successful, the movement caused was too great.

And if it succeeds this time, the movement will not be small.

On the outskirts of a secluded valley, it is guarded by a large number of soldiers.

It is forbidden for any person or other creature to break into and disturb Su Qin.

Emily was protecting the Dharma not far from Su Qin at this time, she had awakened her talent, and her own strength had also increased.

She already has a captivating posture, her face is becoming more and more charming, her posture is enchanting, and her skin is fair.

"Can it be successful? Emily was worried.

How difficult it is for Bakar, the Dragon Exploding King, to construct, she knows in her heart.


Su Qin, with the assistance of the Explosive Dragon King Bakar himself, punched the liquid crystal of the material into the sealing cardboard.

The huge seal began to tremble, gushing like a volcanic eruption.

A few seconds later...

Under the pervasive dragon power, a fire dragon phantom rushed into the sky, and it could be seen clearly from a distance.

Soldiers stationed outside, and even ordinary people who are far away.

Witnessing this amazing scene, knowing that only Su Qin could construct a card to cause such a movement, he became more and more in awe of Su Qin.

The seal jam paper is reduced in equal proportions.

System Prompt: Constructing a magic card and exploding the dragon king Bakar (Nine Stars - Epic Apostle) is successful, and the experience value is +8 million (special magic card experience crit). [Current XP: 15,800,000/15,000,000]

System Prompt: Omit...

"Yes. Su Qin affirmed.

He sensed that the source energy in his body was boiling, and he broke through the bottleneck like a withering and decaying one!

His own strength soared to the sixth order of the Nine Stars.

On the side, Emily was happy, and her intimacy came from in front of Su Qin.

"Su Jun, congratulations, you've broken through again!" she addressed the Seventh Empire.

"Hmm. "

Su Qin nodded, pinched the magic card in one hand, and naturally held her waist with his hand.


She exclaimed with joy.

Let Su Qin pick her up, and the two of them boarded the Empress spaceship.

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that Su Qin returned to his home in Qinggu Academy.

Today is Monday, as is customary.

Su Qin will choose to come to the class today.

That's why.

All the students in the class, almost without exception, came to the classroom.

Su Qin was wearing a casual suit, which set off the whole person's figure and temperament.

His gaze swept over the class, still the same familiar look.

The difference is that the students in the class, Di Siya, Gao Yao, Yue Xin, Yue Yu, Zhou Yaer, Bai, Michelle, and the seven people look at themselves with more respect or admiration.

At the same time, the effect of the kago's bond strengthens everyone's luck, and at the same time, it is also imperceptibly strengthening their feelings for Su Qin.

This will become more evident over time.

"Stand up!" Zhou Ya'er's voice was crisp.

"Hello teacher!"

Looking at the students who were standing up, Su Qin nodded.

"Sit down, today I will talk about the cartoon family in the composition of the magic card, the Divine Project series, I believe you will be more interested. "


Many students in the class were impressed.

Recently, there is a part of the cartoon anime, called "Evolution Baby", which is eaten by all ages, and many students in the class are also watching it.

Infected by the high-burning evolution manifested in the Divine Plan, most of them are already fans.

Inside the class.

Among the many students, Gao Yao was a little absent-minded.

She had one thing in her heart and wanted to discuss it with Su Qin.

Related to the artifact - the Millennium Scale!

The Fifth Fierce God Chaos Phantom Demon is located in the Dusk Realm, which has been listed as one of the three major fierce places in the Netherworld, and is even more open to the entire continent.

I don't know who leaked the news, the Chaos Phantom Demon has an artifact in his hand - a thousand-year scale, which can infinitely fuse magic cards!

This news lured countless people to the Twilight Realm.

The domestic strength includes dragon blood, god blood family, life science and technology and other big forces.

Powerful foreign forces such as Future Technology and Ancient Temples have also sent nine-star and ten-star powerhouses into the arena in an attempt to seize the thousand-year balance in the hands of the Chaos Illusion Demon.

"Senior, the competition is so fierce, do you think we will get the millennium scale?" Gao Yao was a little worried.

The empress said lightly: "If I were you, I wouldn't worry about this. Looking at the recent changes in the people around you, Su Qin is undoubtedly the son of the times, and his luck is invincible. "

"That's right. "

She suddenly felt much more relaxed.


A part of the millennium balance is in the hands of Mr. Su.

Even if a third party grabs it, they won't be able to use the artifact.

"I'll report to Mr. Su after class. Gao Yao thought secretly. _

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