The Dragon's Blood Family is over than the Great Ratio.

The final winner is Disya, which most people did not expect, and it is even more subversive to win the final victory with a crushing advantage.

Two magic cards: Seghart, Lord of Light, the prestige of the Ice Dragon Skasa has spread throughout the Dragon's Blood Family.

It won't even be too long, with the prestige of the Dragon Blood Family in the Ancient Dragon Country and this continent, everyone in the world will know.

It is worth mentioning that the winning protagonist - Disya has not received much attention, and almost everyone is concerned about an unknown existence behind the scenes.

Who is the card builder who constructed these two magic cards!

What kind of card builder can create such a powerful magic card?

Anyone who watched this final unanimously agreed: The Dragon Legion Bond Card is the strongest 6-star magic card deck!

Almost invincible!

There can be three bonds, an additional powerful magic card is summoned, the whole level is raised, the dragon has meat and range output, and there is also a legion-type city lord magic card.

After the results of the game were announced, most of the people dispersed, and a hall in the back gathered the big names of the Dragonblood Family.

Including the dean of Qinggu Academy is also here.

At the same time, she felt nervous and apprehensive. Except for Bai, anyone present is a bigwig-level existence.

Including the four elders she was most familiar with, that was also the existence of an 8-star magic card master.

General Long is the object of her admiration, and he doesn't dare to look directly at the other party because his sense of oppression is too strong.

"Don't be nervous, kid. Patriarch Yan Qingtian had a kind smile on his face, he was more than two meters tall, and he even needed to bend down slightly to relieve the pressure on Disya.

He looked at Disya's pale red eyes, which were not the most common black pupils of the Dragonblood Family, as she only possessed 50% of the Dragonblood bloodline.

Because of his mother's special identity, he used Yan as his surname and took the extraterritorial style name of 'Disya'.

Its real name is Yan Disya.

"That's it. Yan Qingtian swept away this narrow idea in his heart, he had not only entered the dragon blood family but also grown up in the clan so far, since he was a descendant of the dragon blood family, and his talent was very good, and his luck was even stronger.

"Patriarch ..."

Disya's voice was quiet.

The contemporary family of the dragon blood family, Yan Qingtian, was also a ruthless person, and he was both wise and brave, and the city was quite deep, so he became a contemporary family.

A big family like the Dragon's Blood Family, its bloodline power is spread across many dimensional worlds, and the real heritage is far from as simple as it seems.

The patriarch and elder are an important part of its power, and behind the scenes, there are even more backgrounds such as ancestors and dragon sons, which are unfathomable.

"Kid, you're doing well today. Yan Qingtian leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Ya'er, who is the card builder who sold you?" Can you introduce me to me, this is very important for the future development of our family. "

Disya noticed that everyone, including General Long, was looking at her as if she was looking at her, and it was obvious that her voice was even smaller.

With the strength of everyone present, they can also hear it clearly.

This feeling... It's almost impossible to refuse.

She gritted her teeth and clenched her hands suddenly.

Thinking of the senior card builder who is used to hanging his appetite, although the other party may not have good intentions towards him, but in general, he can achieve today's achievements all up to the other party.

"Patriarch, I'm sorry, I have to ask for the consent of my seniors to tell everyone... Please punish me. She kept her head down.

Yan Qingtian stared at her, and after a moment, he laughed with relief: "Affectionate and righteous, not bad, not bad, worthy of being a descendant of my dragon blood family." My dragon blood clan is also a decent ancient clan, so naturally I can't do anything that dishonors my clan. I'll leave it to you to communicate with that card builder. There's no need to rush. "

"From today onwards, no one inside or outside the clan is allowed to harass Ya'er, let alone secretly investigate that card builder privately, otherwise he will be severely punished!"

Disya raised her head, showed a bright smile at this moment, and said, "Thank you, Patriarch!"

Ye Taiqing, the dean of Qinggu Academy on the side, just brushed his beard with his hand, and secretly said in his heart, this Yan Qingtian is really well versed in people's hearts and has a good way to deal with things.

General Long, who had been silent, spoke, his cultivation was extremely high, his eyes were like dragon pupils, and there was a faint touch of golden light!

"Little girl, tell me who the Dragon Exploding King Bakar is, and what about the Dragon Army. "

Disia replied truthfully.

"I don't know much about them either. It's just that the city lord and the senior have only talked about it in a few words, the Dragon Exploding King is the dragon king of the Dragon Star, according to the predecessors, it is the most powerful dragon king, and the Dragon Legion is one of the legions under his command, which also includes the Light Magic Legion under the Dragon Legion. I don't know anything else..."

"Dragon Star. General Long frowned, this was the first time he had heard of this name.

His instincts told him that this would be an opportunity for him to go further!

Dean Ye Taiqing said with a smile at this time: "Little girl, I see that you have a quiet temperament, and you must not like to be noisy. Recently, I can go to Qinggu Academy to have fun, and I can also learn and communicate with young people. What do you think?".


Disya agreed.

She could indeed think that in the next period of time, she would definitely have a lot of entertainment in the Dragon Blood Family, and even if it was the invitation of her parents, she would not be able to escape.

It's better to go to Qinggu Academy to be quiet and quiet.

"Dean, can I also go to further education? Xiao Xiangbai suddenly said that he wanted to follow Disya, and maybe he would have the opportunity to meet the mysterious card builder!

He is confident that his talent is stronger than Disya, as long as he can have the support of that master, the throne of the younger generation of the dragon blood family still belongs to him!

"Naturally. "



Time flies.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, Su Qin has almost no free time, and he has the energy to construct the Ice Dragon Skasa Moka.

Until late Sunday night, there were dragons and snowstorms in the studio!

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Finally, another magic card has been successful.

System Prompt: Successfully construct the Legendary Quality Magic Card "Ice Dragon Skasa (5-Star 10th Tier)", experience points +10000. [Current XP: 202,000/200,000].

System prompt: Experience has reached the full value, do you break through the level limit?

"Nope. "

Su Qin refused without hesitation.

Now he is already a 5-star 10-order strength, and if he breaks through again, it will be a 6-star 1-order!

Once he breaks through the 6-star level, he will be destined to miss the 5-star plot challenge in the magic card realm, and he will still get the two most valuable items.

Naturally, it is impossible to break through now.

"Tomorrow is Monday, and the energy value of the Demon Card Realm has recovered. Su Qin suddenly looked forward to it.

Not only will tomorrow be the recovery of the energy value of the Demon Card Realm, but also because tomorrow will be the assessment competition of the Demon Card Master Association, and it will also be the day when you will recover your reputation!

Su Qin retrieved Ice Dragon Skasa's magic card, which was the fourth magic card he had constructed these days.

With a total cost of nearly 1.5 billion dragon coins, it's not bad to get four five-star ice dragon demon cards.

Because he was not short of money for the time being, and he was busy preparing for the assessment of the Demon Card Master Association, Su Qin had not landed on Xianniao these days.

Naturally, I don't know much about the situation on Disya's side.

I didn't know that the ice dragon Skasa and the city lord had shocked countless people, and their prestige began to spread.

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