This voice is very familiar to Su Qin, it is the Black Magician.

The black wizard girl on the side said happily, "Master!"

Su Qin didn't summon it immediately, but first unfolded his attribute information.

[Magic Card Attribute Module].

Magic Card: Black Magician

Race: Human-Magical (special race).

Quality: Legendary

Level: 6 stars and 10 tiers

Predisposition: Mage

Health: 12000

Attack: 725

Defense: 450

Agility: 125

[Skill Information].

One-Star Skill: "Increases Attack by 1.3 times" / "Increases Attack and Health by 1.2 Points".

Two-star skill: "Continuous Bullet (Cooldown 20 seconds), fires three magic bullets for 150% damage" / "Silence (Cooldown 20 seconds), the skill cannot be cast for 5 seconds at the target target. 」

3 Stars: "Magic Sword (Passive), Ignores 15% Defense of the Target" / "Mirror Magic (Cooldown for 30 seconds), deceives the enemy with a mirror projection, and exempts the attack from damage. 」

Four-Star Skill: "Magic Wave (Cooldown for 30 seconds), deals 600% damage to enemies in the area. "Death Magic (30 seconds cooldown), infringes on the enemy's brain, dealing 700% damage and 1.5 seconds of fear. 」

Five-Star Skill: "Noble Master (Passive), the Dark Wizard Girl is attacked, transferred to the Dark Wizard and reduced damage by 50%. /"Severe Spur (Passive), the Dark Wizard Girl is spurred, reducing her defense by 150 and increasing her attack by 300. 」

Six-Star Skill: "Forbidden Spell: Havoc (Cooldown 120s), deals 3000% damage over time to a large area. / "Forbidden Spell: Soul Eternal (Cooldown 120 seconds), the Dark Wizard appears as a soul after death, and assists the Dark Wizard Girl in battle, passively absorbs 50% of the damage. 」


"Good master. Su Qin sighed after reading the attributes.

There is no doubt about the skill points, and it is natural to follow the master's sacrifice school.

One-star skill selection 2: Increases attack and health by 1.2 times.

Two-star skill selection 2: Silence, silence the enemy for 5 seconds and cannot release the skill.

Three-star skill selection 2: Mirror magic, which can deceive the enemy by projection and exempt from an attack.

Four-Star Skill 2: Death Magic, dealing 700% damage to a single enemy, plus 1.5 seconds of silence.

Five-Star Skill Choice 1: Noble Teacher, absorb the damage taken by the Black Wizard Girl and weaken it by 50%.

Six-Star Skill Option 2: Forbidden Spell: Soul Forever, appears in the form of a soul, assists the Black Wizard Girl and absorbs 50% of the damage.

A set of skills added up, Su Qin felt that the Black Wizard was really miserable, a tool man.

"How about trying combat power. "

He thought of the Demon Card Realm.

The 30 energy points refreshed this Monday are useless, and it is a waste to not use it today, and it is equivalent to wasting it to refresh it tomorrow Monday.

Page expands.

[Magic Card Realm].

Current energy points: 30 (30 energy points are automatically refreshed every Monday).

Challenging Levels: Seahorse's Challenge - 4 (6 stars).

Rewards: Medal of Freedom (Epic) Note: After use, you can get the Medal of Freedom BUFF, with no limit, no time limit, and no consumption to replace the Natal Demon Card.

The information introduction of the Medal of Freedom was eye-catching, and Su Qin was greedy!

This thing can greatly increase his combat power.

"Identify the challenges. "

System Prompt: The challenge of "Seahorse's Challenge -4 (6 Stars)" has been confirmed, and it consumes 10 energy points and is automatically teleported to the challenge location.

Night in the city, on the roof of the building.

It's still a familiar place.

The same process as the previous challenges, Su Qin can choose three magic cards to fight.

Options: Angel Flower Demon*2 (different points), City Lord of Light, Ice Dragon, Immortal King, Dark Wizard, Dark Wizard Girl.

"To be on the safe side, let's test the waters with the Dragon's Legion first. "

He chose Xiaohua, the city lord, the ice dragon, and three magic cards.

Three magic cards were summoned one after another and appeared on the battlefield.

Snowflakes automatically floated around the ice dragon's body, the city lord of light clasped his arms to his chest, his incandescent eyes were full, and Xiaohua stood obediently in the inner area.

In front of them, the seahorse holds a deck with a grim expression.

He said, "Su Qin, this time you will see the true power. "

Three cards were summoned by him one after the other.

Plague Dragon, Strike Pterodactyl, Ice Crystal Dragon!

Dragons with completely different attributes appeared, they either emitted poisonous mist, or fangs were clawed, and some exuded extreme cold.

Although the aura was strong, it felt a little strange in Su Qin's eyes.

"Unleash the Legion of the Bonding Dragons and summon a random lord!" Su Qin shouted and ordered.

Suddenly a black cloud appeared in the sky, and then... The mad dragon Hess descended from the sky! It was larger than the Ice Dragon, exuding a strong killing intent.

The countdown ends.

The battle begins!

Su Qin chose to watch the battle and did not intervene.

In the cold ice and cold wind, the dragon was rushing and fighting! And behind it, one after another the baby dragon also rushed up to fight, or blew himself up.

The beam of the City Lord of Light tore through the night sky, incomparably dazzling, and in the fierce battle... Su Qin always frowned.

There was something unusual about the fight.

Although Seahorse's three-headed dragon is strong, it has not yet reached the level of the blue-eyed ultimate dragon, and the difficulty of the fourth level is even lower than that of the third level.

The Plague Dragon and the Ice Crystal Dragon were eliminated one after another.

The Strike Pterodactyl and the Lord of Light, Seghart, are all gone!

The battle is over.

But there is no corresponding prompt from the system.

Su Qin's brows tightened, and he looked at the seahorse opposite, not knowing what the other party was planning.

"Heh, hehe! hahaha!" the seahorse laughed wildly with one hand on his forehead, his laughter echoing across the battlefield.

"Su Qin, feel honored! It is your greatest honor to be defeated by its hands!".

The seahorse held up a card and shouted excitedly: "Activate the magic card, when three monsters die at the same time, you can use it as a sacrifice to summon a monster." "

"And I'm going to summon you—".

The moment his voice paused, Su Qin sighed in his heart! He knew the rules of "Yu-Gi-Oh", the more monsters were sacrificed, the stronger the enemies were summoned.

Three monsters need to be sacrificed, which is already the highest level of sacrifice.

"Could it be—" He wasn't so sure.

The seahorse hoarsely uttered its name.

"Come out——! god who makes the earth tremble, the giant god of Oberisk!".

At this moment, the entire building was faintly trembling, and hot magma suddenly spread on the surface of the roof, gushing up, like the end of the world.

In the world where the magma gushed, a huge phantasmagor silhouette appeared, hundreds of meters high at the shoulder.

Ice Dragon Skasa, and Dragon Hess all looked incomparably small in front of it.

The phantom gradually solidified, it is a giant god, with a blue face and red eyes, the first born god horns, with divine wings on his back, standing here like a sacred mountain, which is daunting, and he feels his own powerlessness and insignificance!


Two words popped out between Su Qin's teeth.

One of the three phantom gods, Oberiske's giant god soldiers have all come out!

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