The outline of the demon shadow gradually became clear, and the black mist around him was filled with demon crocodile resentful spirits, tens of thousands!

Until the demon shadow opened its mouth and devoured all the demon crocodile spirits into its belly, it was connected to the black mist and sucked it clean.

Its body is solid, revealing its true face!

It is 100 meters tall, standing like a black mountain, with a head like a crocodile, holding an inky black oar knife, its scales are black and hard, its fangs are glowing with blue, and its huge pupils are full of greed.

The surging demonic aura even distorted the space around him, and faintly, it seemed as if the souls of countless dead were crying...

Its strength is infinitely close to the nine-star epic quality!

"What is this thing. Su Qin frowned and looked up at the behemoth in front of him.

on the city walls.

Gao Yao's eyes were full of fear, she seemed to have seen this existence.

The beasts are also divided into levels, and they are quite strict.

Among the countless fierce beasts, the thirteen fierce beasts are respected, and they are also called fierce gods.

Gao Yao had witnessed murals of ferocious beasts and seen depictions similar to those that existed in front of him.

The empress said solemnly: "Xiao Yaoyao, it is the fierce god-ancestral crocodile, which has devoured countless strong people and even gods. "

"Then Teacher Su is not in danger!" Gao Yao said nervously.

"The Chaos Mage is no match for it, even though this Ancestral Crocodile is only a small part of the Broken Will. "


The fierce god-ancestral crocodile shook its body, and with a casual move, a terrifying energy swept over, and the inky black oars knife in its hand slashed out.

The black sword is extinguished, and chaos and space are all cut off!

The mage of Black Chaos dodged the attack in a thrilling way and launched a counterattack, but it turned out to be ineffective.

Chaos magic could not tear through its jet-black scale armor, and the other party was like a demon god, invincible to all poisons, and terrifying by the strong attack.

"Roar!" the fierce god-ancestral crocodile looked at the Angel Flower Demon, its eyes full of greed.

Open your mouth wide and just before you can swallow the little flower.

"Come back. "

Su Qin waved his hand and took the little flower back.

"Roar!" it was furious, and the war knife in its hand slashed straight at Su Qin.

Li Teng scolded loudly on the side.

"Stop, destroy the Chaos Mage first, and leave him alone!"

The Fierce God-Ancestral Crocodile ignored his orders, and even felt that he was a little noisy, and the giant tail flicked out, struck him in the chest, and shocked it away.

Li Teng coughed up blood in his mouth, rolled and fell to the ground, he was embarrassed.

"Damn. "

He lay on the ground, his fists clenched angrily.

It is undoubtedly a shame to be a magic card master but not be able to control the magic card-fierce beast ancestor crocodile.

A huge black shadow shrouded Su Qin.

The Fierce God Ancestor Crocodile raised the inky black oar knife in his hand, and it was murderous!

Facing the attack of the fierce god ancestor crocodile was about to fall, Su Qin was still calm and calm, not nervous and panicked at all.

He has summoned marshmallows in his home, he is immortal, and the thousand-year-old artifact-thousand-year building block has a god-like Kisara soul.

In front of him was just a powerful beast, he didn't panic at all, and even had a chance to win.

It's just that in the eyes of everyone on the city wall, the situation is completely different.

"Oh no, Teacher Su is in danger!" Disia pulled out a number of magic cards, and she wanted to summon them to support Su Qin.

Even Emily, the empress on the city walls, had magic cards on her fingertips, and she wondered if it was appropriate for her to be involved in the fight.

And at this moment!

Su Qin suddenly raised his hand and shouted, "Black Chaos Magician, activate a special bond!"

His voice reached the city walls, and the crowd was stunned or stunned.

looked at Su Qin in astonishment, compared to the fierce god ancestor crocodile, his figure was particularly small.

From the beginning of the battle, all the way to the present.

The Black Wizard deck has a legacy, a sacrificial summon, and it seems that it can continue to summon now! This is really incredible to many people.

Something almost impossible to happen.

But it did happen!

The Chaos Mage opened his arms, and then his hands reached out at the same time to clench his magic staff.

Energy fluctuations emanated from all around him, and in addition to chaos, a divine aura emerged!

So much so that the Fierce God Ancestor Crocodile felt dazzling, it let out a roar, and the attack action stalled.

In the holy light, Su Qin's shadow was infinitely elongated.

He shouted.

"When the Black Chaos Mage is present, a special summon, the True Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon!!"

High voices echoed across the battlefield.

Many of the spectators on the city wall watched in shock.

In the blazing white mang, there is really a huge dragon shadow appearing, only the dragon head appears, the green eyes are clear and crystalline, and its body is more than 300 meters long!

When the wings are spread, the earth is covered by them.

It's like the arrival of the dragon god!

"True Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon!" The white brain was blank, could it be an existence more powerful than the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon?

"Sure enough, it's him!"

Disya's hand covered the dazzling light, and she squinted slightly, staring at the appearance of the divine white dragon and the figure of Su Qin.

Disya's heart shook: "The person who snatched my artifact is him! and killed the evil god..."

"Wouldn't it?" Gao Yao's small mouth opened, and his heart was full of confusion, "Senior, why can a Chaos Mage specially summon the True Blue Eye Ultimate Dragon. "

The Empress was silent and said, "Unless, the two are one." "

"You mean!" Gao Yao felt trembling all over, and it was completely beyond her imagination to be able to do this.

The figure of the True Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon gradually became clearer, and in front of its holy and huge dragon body, the Fierce God-Ancestral Crocodile looked much smaller.

When Li Teng saw this scene, he hurriedly shouted in panic: "Fierce God Ancestor Crocodile attack quickly!Stop him and kill the Chaos Mage!!"

"Roar!" The fierce god ancestor crocodile slashed down, and the sword qi crushed the space layer by layer!


The True Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon just rushed forward, and the strength of 10,000 tons exploded at one point, and the majestic Fierce God Ancestor Crocodile flew out with a bang.

A ravine was left on the ground, which spread for hundreds of meters before it stopped.

The blazing light gradually entered the body of the True Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon, and its body was clinging to a rich light element that could dispel dark energy.

When it appeared shocked everyone.

Su Qin isn't over yet!

He shouted again and ordered, "True Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon, Black Chaos Mage Fusion!"

The Chaos Mage leaped forward, his feet landing on top of the dragon's middle dragon, and he bonded with the dragon.

The elements of chaos and the purest light collide with each other, forming many thunderbolts of darkness and light, like thunder and light.

"True Chaos Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon Knight. Su Qin read out his name, the corners of his mouth raised, and his eyes looked at the embarrassed Li Tengdao in front of him.

"You've lost!"

Although the Beast-Ancestral Crocodile is powerful, it is clear that it is no match for the Ultimate Dragon Knight.

The momentum of the Chaos Ultimate Dragon alone had completely suppressed it.

"No, this, how is it possible!" Li Teng held his head in his hands, and it was difficult to accept such an ending for a while.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he roared, "Fierce Beast Ancestor Crocodile, attack! Destroy it! Kill it!!"

"Roar. "

Demonic energy overflowed from between the teeth of the fierce beast ancestor crocodile, it forcibly supported its body, the inky black oar knife was raised, and the souls of thousands of demon crocodiles gathered on the blade.

It opened its mouth again and sucked it in!

The vortex formed actually rolled up Li Teng.

"No, stop... Stop!" Li Teng struggled, and at this time, a demonic beast suddenly drilled out of his body, its strength was also an epic quality of the Eight Stars and Ten Ranks, just when it was about to run away.

The vortex in the air of the ancestral crocodile became more and more powerful, swallowing it raw in its mouth and swallowing it to digest.

After devouring more energy, the ancestral crocodile's body expanded rapidly, and its momentum was also enhanced.

For a while, it could even compete with the Ultimate Dragon Knight Branch.

Among the tens of thousands of demon crocodile resentful souls gathered at the blade, there was also the resentful soul of a fierce beast! The terrifying energy even induced the fierce wind and dark clouds to converge.

A hint of sanity flashed in the eyes of the Fierce God Ancestor Crocodile, and it seemed to be a little sober.

"Kill!" it roared.

Unreservedly slashed out.

And at the same time.

With Su Qin's order.

The Ultimate Dragon and the Chaos Mage unleash their strongest attack at the same time: the Chaos Destruction Beam.

The three dragon heads spewed out beams of destruction and the chaotic energy of the chaos mages entangled with each other, and the power skyrocketed several times, the ground was torn apart, and the wind that swept up even made many people on the city wall unable to open their eyes.

Two of the strongest attacks collide!

For a time, the world was silent.

Until a few seconds later, the energy after the collision swept and collided 360 degrees without dead ends!

"Groove!" someone cursed, and the whole person was overturned and rolled down the city wall.

The deafening rumble resounded to the sky, and countless people only felt that their ears were a little deaf... Furious energy blew against his cheeks.

The two energies seem to be comparable.


The Chaos Destruction Beam gradually tore apart the sword qi, and countless demon crocodile spirits turned into wisps of black smoke that evaporated and disappeared into the air.

"Roar!" the fierce god ancestor crocodile gradually lost his strength.

I watched as the Chaos Destruction Beam shattered the inky black divine sword in his hand.

Then through its body, a bloody hole was torn out, and the blood of the gods was spilled, and before it could drip it had evaporated by this power.

Its demon pupils stared at Su Qin and let out an unwilling roar.

The huge body collapsed and disappeared layer by layer...

The light dissipated.

Only the True Chaos Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon Knight was left on the huge battlefield, and everyone on the city wall looked at it as if they were looking at it!

And at the moment when the body of the fierce god-ancestral crocodile collapsed, a wisp of black smoke penetrated into Li Teng's body.

Su Qin squinted and found this situation.

He stared at Li Teng deadly.

Look at him and stand up at this time.

Li Teng completely changed the appearance of a person, gloomy, and his face was a little hideous: "Hehe, it seems that you have discovered it, but so what, killing me is equivalent to killing this person!"

"He's an eight-star card builder, Jie Ji. Kill him, even Qinggu Academy won't be able to protect you. "

"You know quite a bit. Su Qin said lightly.

Li Teng opened his arms.

"I know a lot more than you think, how about it? Interested in making a deal. It's better for you and me to work together than with this shit, and I can give you more power!"

"And then you devoured your soul?"

Su Qin said: "If a gentleman doesn't stand under the dangerous wall, it is better to deal with you directly." "

"Erase me, how can you erase me!"

He patted the dirt on his body and snorted, "It's really embarrassing, this waste." The duel between us won't end so easily, Su Qin, I remember you!"

Zu Crocodile turned around, his pupils suddenly dilated, and a trace of something bad flashed in his heart when he looked at Su Qin's movements.

At this time, Su Qin stretched out his right hand with his empty hand, but there was a golden light emitting from his palm.

The thousand-year-old tin staff appeared in his hands!

"You don't have a chance, and you won't survive sinful anymore. With your time, be buried forever!" Su Qin unleashed the power of the thousand-year-old tin staff, and a golden beam of light shone on Li Teng's body.

"No, no... You don't..."

His body writhed, and wisps of black smoke were drawn from Li Teng's body.

Li Teng's consciousness also gradually recovered, and when he saw the ancestral crocodile's breath being withdrawn from his body, he said in horror: "No, don't take it away!"

Seeing that Su Qin ignored him, Li Tengtong knelt on the ground and cried: "Please, without it, I will never be able to break through to the Nine Stars!"

Su Qin glanced at Li Teng.

Without saying a word, he was already obsessed.

Finally, he used his strength to completely withdraw the ancestral crocodile from its body, and then said: "Ultimate Dragon Knight, obliterate it!"

In a beam of chaotic destruction, the ancestral crocodile turned into a wisp of black smoke, which was completely torn apart and completely disappeared into the air.

Su Qin waved his hand.

He put Li Teng's quaint tin staff into his hand and said, "Bet, we won." This one is the spoils of war. "

The people on the city wall looked at this scene with complicated expressions.

The conversation between Su Qin and Li Teng, they had already heard it.

In particular, dozens of people in the life science and technology industry felt a chill emerge one after another, and they were extremely frightened when they thought about it! The predecessors who were revered by them had actually become the servants of the ancient fierce beasts.

"It's okay..." They were a little lucky for a while, if they really let Li Teng win, they didn't know that they would be infected that day.

Disya looked at Su Qin with a complicated expression, as well as the thousand-year-old tin staff in his hand.

Gao Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

muttered: "It's so dangerous, but fortunately, Teacher Su is amazing." "

"yes, this is the second fierce god he's ever destroyed. The empress murmured, "There is a definite number in the dark, is this good..."

"Don't worry, senior, where is the fierce god Teacher Su's opponent!" Gao Yao has absolute self-confidence in Su Qin.


PS: The murderer who chased the order of emmm has dropped half of it. This afternoon's update is late, so let me reflect on what the problem is.

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