"So it is."

Fang Yu learned some news from the North American Empire, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

It turned out that the North American Empire had deduced the ability of his wooden comb and copper mirror through a causal master through the consumption of life!

This situation, in fact, Rebecca told him before.

This blonde big wave beauty is still very obedient, after all, now not only her life is in the hands of Fang Yu, but even her daughter is also under Fang Yu's control...

So about that master of cause and effect, Rebecca mentioned it.

The previous news about being absorbed by the copper mirror and having to kill the reflection to get out was calculated by the causal master who spent ten years of life.

Now, Fang Yu has found Rebecca in the mirror world again.

"In fact, before, the master of cause and effect was unwilling to cooperate."

Rebecca was in front of Fang Yu, lowered her head and said respectfully: "Because of the consumption of life, it is a very serious matter for him. His ability is to know some information that the deceased knew before his death through the causal line released by the deceased..."

"In other words, if the target is not dead, he cannot cast a spell."

"If the target doesn't know something, he can't calculate it."

Fang Yu heard this and nodded.

This limit is still quite large, not to mention the consumption of life.

It can be seen that the North American Empire raised this causal master, but only in case of emergency, and usually did not need it.

"I thought the master of cause and effect was awesome, and this is the result?"

Fang Yu was a little speechless.

"Usually you don't need him, of course he lives comfortably, but now he needs him, and he refuses to contribute, how is this possible?"

Rebecca smiled bitterly: "So those ten years of life were forcibly taken out by him." Now the situation is even more tense, I'm afraid it's more than that..."

"So, the North American Empire forced that guy to consume more life, and calculated my wooden comb and copper mirror ability?"

Fang Yu smiled, but he was not nervous, but found it interesting.

Although the wooden comb and the copper mirror are his two killer skills, they are not the only abilities!

Now he is openly exposed to the North American Empire, which is Red Yi, Mangosteen, Yining, as well as the wooden 703 comb and copper mirror.

About dice and scissors, no one abroad knows.

"They now know that it takes soul damage to deal with reds, and cutting damage to deal with mangosteen."

"Deal with Yi Ning... Just don't go to the water's edge? "

"There is also a wooden comb, but there is a containment for each player."

"But even if I really use a wooden comb, you have to have a chance to contain it?"

"And the copper mirror... Ready to use seven mirrors of different sizes to form a room and contain the copper mirror body? "

Fang Yu could only say that he thought too much.

In fact, even if the Mist Copper Mirror was contained in such a room, it would only prevent the Copper Mirror from sucking things into the mirror world.

As long as Fang Yu's mind moved...

The copper mirror can return to him at any time.

In other words, the containment of the foggy copper mirror is actually a false proposition.

Of course, what made Fang Yu more concerned was that in one of the Western countries, there was actually a special profession that made a mask.

That kind of mask is said to strengthen the soul, thereby weakening the control effect of the red clothes.

This made Fang Yu more interested.

Unfortunately, I don't know what that special profession is called for the time being, and I don't know where it is.

"Let the paper man go to France first, and slowly investigate."

With a thought, Fang Yu sent hundreds of paper figures to France through the River Styx.

"Mr. Fang Yu."

The blonde big wave beauty came to Fang Yu and bowed her head respectfully: "It seems that the North American Empire is well prepared this time, you need to be careful." "

"It seems that you are quite loyal?"

Fang Yu said lightly.

"Now our mother and daughter are all yours..."

Rebecca smiled: "What's more, you helped Anna pass the SS-level second turn, and you will definitely help her more in the future, to us, you are a nobleman." "

Needless to say, this woman is still conscious.

Fang Yu took out a level 60 star suit and threw it to her: "In that case, give me an appraisal of this set of equipment." "

This is the equipment that Long Xia just created for him on the spot.

And it hasn't been appraised.

It was specifically reserved for Rebecca, the super-magic appraiser.

Rebecca didn't say much, just explained: "Now I only have four appraisals, which four pieces does Mr. Fang Yu want to identify?" "

"You'll see."

Fang Yu didn't say much.


Rebecca is also experienced.

A set of equipment and weapons, a total of twelve.

She directly selects the tallest four of them and begins the appraisal.

I saw a stream of stars shining on the equipment, first a weapon, then a necklace, a robe, and finally a ring.

For other equipment, she can also identify.

Although there is no number of super demon appraisals, as long as it is the equipment she appraises, the basic attributes will be increased by 5% to 10%, so this woman is actually not small.

"Mr. Fang Yu, it's done."

She handed the set of equipment back to Fang Yu.

"This property... So fierce? "

Fang Yu glanced at it, and he was a little surprised.

I saw that weapon directly attached a summon duration +120% attribute!

Although it is a level 60 dark gold level weapon, this effect is too fierce!

On the necklace, it comes with a casting speed of +98%.

On the clothes and the ring, there are two spiritual attributes respectively!

"Basic spirit plus 280 points, base spirit plus 305 points?"

Taken together, it adds nearly six hundred spirits.

You must know that Fang Yu, who is now level 60, originally has only 1069 points of basic spirit.

This directly added nearly six hundred points to her, an increase of 60%!

And the level 60 dark gold equipment, originally the spiritual attributes added to each piece of equipment are basically only about 50 points.

"It's worthy of being a super magic appraiser! But this opportunity is only once a week..."

Fang Yu shook his head.

"In the future, you can keep all your times, you only need to use it to identify the top equipment of level 150."

Fang Yu said.

"Obey, sir."

Rebecca nodded.

"With this set of equipment, my spiritual attributes can reach more than three thousand under various top-level increases!"

"And summons can start to be used."

Fang Yu's set of equipment came down, and his casting speed directly reached more than 300%.

Drawing a Void Angel only takes about 40 seconds.

The most important duration was directly extended to almost an hour.

At this point, his professional ability as a painter has finally been slightly useful.


After returning home.

Fang Yu went back to the room first and took a nap with Ye Yuxi in his arms.

When he woke up, he found that this mature royal sister was lying on top of him, and the perfect (human) shape showed an amazing visual impact...

The point is that she also seems to have just woken up.

He yawned a little confusedly.

After learning of Fang Yu's invincible attribute, this royal sister was also relieved (BGFG) and could sleep well.

Before, he was worried that Fang Yu would encounter danger and was worried.

"Sister Ye, I see that you are so stressed, I will help you bear a little."

Fang Yu said while stretching out his hand.

"Little scoundrel..."

Ye Yuxi was a little lazy, and felt that his burden was indeed a lot more relaxed all of a sudden...

She didn't stop it, and gave Fang Yu a blank look: "I know to share the pressure with my sister at a young age, thank you so much!" "

"Sister Ye don't need to be polite, you should."

Fang Yu was under pressure that he shouldn't... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It has to be said.

In the face of this mature royal sister, the pressure is indeed greater than that of Qing Shui Xuenai!


Fang Yu instructed her craft while telling her about Yu Susu and the North American Empire.

"In other words, now Yu Susu has become your subordinate? The body is occupied by your weirdness? "

Ye Yuxi was surprised.

As for the secret operations of the North American Empire, she didn't pay attention to it at all.

Anyway, Fang Yu is invincible!

No matter how the North American Empire acted, it was just shooting itself in the foot.

"Right. Meet? "

Fang Yu nodded and replied, then raised his hand and summoned Ah Mi to the bedside.

"Eh... My sister taught me to fight the big dragon, right? "

A fan looked at Ye Yuxi's movements, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he raised his long legs and pasted them.


Ye Yuxi was stunned.

The...... Too unrestrained, right?

"What, you go back first."

Fang Yu raised his forehead and included Ah Mi in the mirror world.

Nima, influence your own strategy for the royal sister!

"Fang Yu."

Ye Yuxi said faintly: "It seems that you have a lot of gameplay?" "

"Eh, if Sister Ye wants to play, you can unlock more..."

Fang Yu coughed.

"Then forget it, sister, I'm still very traditional."

Ye Yuxi shook his head vigorously.

"It's okay, tradition has traditional gameplay."

Fang Yu said.


Ye Yuxi gave him a blank look, and suddenly doubled his attack speed!


There are still three days left before the opening of the level 60 treasure island.

Next, Fang Yu entered a leisurely period.

During the day, he went to the Ninth Legion first, and due to his performance in the Ninth Otherworld yesterday, there were no accidents in this appointment.

Even became the most popular and youngest new Legion Commander in the history of Blue Star!

At the same time, A fan also appeared in the public eye as Yu Susu.

Of course, it was mainly among the Ninth Legion.

The identity arranged for her was the head of the intelligence department of the Ninth Legion.

The original head of intelligence has already sent.

In fact, with the means of A Mi, let alone the head of the intelligence department of the Ninth Legion, even if he is the head of the intelligence department of the whole country, it is more than enough.

After all, she herself was a dreamer with nearly 10,000 spiritual attributes.

There is also Fang Yu's blood-stained scissors behind it, which is the most terrifying source of intelligence support!

In the ninth otherworld.

Now there is mangosteen, there is a wooden comb!

With the assistance of Gu Mengyi, Ye Yuxi, and Su Qianshian, three beauties!

Plus there is Yu Susu, who is the avatar of Ami.

It can be said that it is foolproof!

The only pity is... Just after Ye Yuxi took office, there was a new round of students in Nanyun City, southwest of Longxia.

As the head of the talent department, Ye Yuxi had to go over and see if there were any good seedlings.

In addition, Su Qiansha became the head of the land reclamation department... Although her own level is not high, with her ability, she is enough to lead the strong to open up the land in the level 150 copy.

Land reclamation is dangerous.

However, Su's shallow Divine Enchantment Master ability was to minimize all dangers!

For the time being, everyone is busy.

No way!

Fang Yu had to go to find Liliana and Shimizu Xueno to play baseball together.

In fact, Fang Yu was also very distressed during this period.

Because now wherever he goes, there are a lot of avid fans coming to him to sign autographs or something.

Now he... The aura buff on the body is simply stacked!

Countless people called him the Light of Dragon Summer!

Long Xia's rise depends on him!

It was also during the intensely secret operations of the North American Empire, Fang Yu completely let himself go, brushing monsters was weird, and he played casually by himself.

This situation made the top powerhouse of the North American Empire sneer!

I felt that Fang Yu was swelling.

But at this moment, another event that shocked the world broke out... The outbreak site is the capital of the three Arab countries, New Delhi!

In just two days, two of the top powerhouses comparable to Avalon died at home!

"Horrible, terrible! It is said that the SS-level Heavenly Buddha Master, all his internal organs were hollowed out, and he died miserably in bed! "

"A maid said that it was a terrible black dice, and after communicating with the Heavenly Buddha Master, the Heavenly Buddha Master died quickly!"

"Taken away from the heart? It's terrifying! "

"The Brahmin master is really miserable, even his brain is gone! I heard that when communicating with that dice, he couldn't control himself at all, and he followed the demon! "

One by one, the terrifying and strange statements soon spread all over the world through the Internet! .

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