The North American Empire actually found Fang Yu's weird method of restraint?

This is great news for many countries around the world!

In the Three Kingdoms of Afghanistan, the Country of Sakura Blossoms, the Country of West Ba, the Kingdom of Greater Australia...

And so on countries.

A wave of cheers broke out instantly!

"Asibah! Long live the North American Empire Smecta! Now we can deal with Fang Yu! "

"Just use the hair of five pure maidens and weave them into a woven bag in a specific way, and you can contain a wooden comb?"

"It's so powerful, the North American Empire must have sacrificed a lot when it got these news, right?"

"Awesome! As long as we kill this Fang Yu, we can slowly increase the wool of the Dragon Xia Kingdom again!" "

"I'll place an order now, we, the South Vietnamese country, need to buy masks, soul potions, and soul attack scrolls to deal with that red-clothed woman!"

"Hehe, there's no need, that Fang Yu has already entered the treasure island, and he will die in it soon, and there will be no more tricks in red in the future."

"You know chicken feathers? Soul attack is an extremely rare means of attack, and there is no harm in always having some scrolls on your body..."


For a while, the people of enemy countries all over the world suddenly began to revel.

On the Long Xia Kingdom's side, many professionals in the people are a little dumbfounded.

"What the hell, these things, how did the North American Empire know?"

Many Longxia powerhouses are incredible.

They didn't know that Fang Yu had hole cards, and they were recently immersed in the victory that Sakura Country had suffered heavy losses because of Fang Yu.

In their opinion, this issue of the Level 60 Treasure Island event will be Fang Yu's personal performance.

As a result, the sudden announcement of the North American Empire made these people feel like a blow to the heart.

For a while, a lot of worries rose.

But there are also some people...

After hearing the news, he was a little cynical and gloating.

"This Fang Yu, with a little strength, jumped like this, and actually did something that killed more than 100,000 people in the Sakura Country, it was simply cruel!"

"That's right, there is no humanitarian spirit at all, and his means are so evil at first glance, it must not be a good thing in itself."

"A while ago 16 my uncle asked me if I wanted to transfer to the North American Empire, I was hesitant, but now I don't need to hesitate~"

"The North American Empire is worthy of being the strongest country in the world, and I originally thought that Fang Yu could get up, but this Fang Yu is going to be gone?"

For such statements on the domestic network.

Official quick inventory!

It turns out...

The vast majority of such remarks are foreign IPs, sneaking in and sending content.

The purpose is to undermine the unity of Longxia and undermine the self-confidence of Longxia people.

But don't say it yet.

There are really some remarks, which are sent from domestic addresses!

For this, the official directly launched a precision strike!

All over the country, all those who have posted such posts with a sublime and flattering color have become the target of official arrest... Because such people are likely to betray the country and endanger national security.

Now is the time for all people to change jobs.

Everything is based on the survival of the nation.

These people will face censorship from dreamers!

Once there is a real problem, it is basically impossible to miss it.

In Longxia Country, the magic capital!

In a large villa, a woman with dyed red hair is smiling and carrying a brand-name bag, ready to go out.

Her name is Li Ranran.

It was she who just posted a message on the Internet, saying that her uncle wanted her to transfer to the North American Empire, and in that post, she also showed off a wave of wealth by the way, which fully satisfied her vanity.

In fact......

Although this woman has a good family, her own profession is not very good, she is just a B-level logistics professional cartographer.

Mainly to map the copy, mark the brush points and resource points, in fact, if you work seriously, the treatment is good, and you can also find many guilds willing to bring upgrades.

But this Li Ranran is too lazy, so the profession is directly left behind by her...

"Anyway, I have good conditions, why should I work hard?"

This is Li Ranran's mantra.

Originally, she wanted to go directly to the teleportation array of the magic capital and apply for the procedure of going abroad.

But I didn't expect that as soon as she went out, she was blocked by official personnel and taken away for investigation!

In the room of the investigation...

The woman looked unscrupulous: "That's right, I'm telling the truth!" My uncle is in the North American Empire, he is the vice president of the Miracle Guild, if you dare to move me, the cooperation between the Miracle Guild and the Dragon Summer Kingdom will definitely be canceled!" "

In this way, these low-level official personnel really dare not move her...

Mainly, the Miracles Guild is one of the top ten guilds in the world!

They have mastered many high-level copies and secret realm keys, and these copies and secret realms are basically in the incomparably vast sea area, or some borderless lands that have been destroyed.

Including the Dragon Xia Kingdom, there is also cooperation with the Miracle Guild.

There are three team secret realms in the Pacific Ocean, which are cooperated with the Miracle Guild to raid, and you can get a lot of Dark Gold and Legend-level top-level equipment from them every year.

Of course -

This requires an entrance fee to the Miracles Guild.

Although the strength of the Dragon Xia Kingdom is strong, there is no secret realm key, and no matter how strong the strength is, it will not be able to enter ah!

Therefore, I can only cooperate with the Miracle Guild.

Strictly speaking, this Miracle Guild was actually an international organization and did not strictly belong to the North American Empire.

Because the North American Empire official, and the Miracle Guild, are also the same cooperation model...

"In that case, we should first ask our superiors not to let her leave, lest we leak state secrets."

That's it.

Li Ranran was temporarily detained, but she did not panic at all, but became short-tempered.

"Really, what is Heng, Heng, didn't you see that Fang Yu was going to die? Without Fang Yu, Long Xia will definitely be hit by the global coalition, and Long Xia will be finished! "

Li Ranran wore sunglasses and pouted.


Although there are not many cases like this in Longxia, there are quite a few.

No matter how strong Fang Yu is and how good his performance is, there will always be some people who do not recognize him.

Just like when the forest is big, there will always be some silly birds ...


In the North American Empire!

A secret military base, protected by three layers of protection enchantment inside and three layers outside.

In one room, there were seven hundred and forty-three, level 60 geniuses from various countries, ready to go!

They all wore a red mask, which was ordinary, pure in color, without patterns, but with an effect that resisted the control of the soul.

In their storage bags, they all carried woven bags woven from the hair of five pure girls, soul attack scrolls, soul potions, and various sword and sword qi types of cutting attack scrolls.

There are also some people who have some special means in their storage bags, all in order to be able to deal with Fang Yu when they encounter him.

In the crowd.

Duanmu Xinyue, who was dressed in red, wore that red mask, and a pair of exposed eyes were cold and ruthless.

Next to her, is Rams Bolton from the Bolton family.

This genius of the Burton family, with curly brown hair, looks like a hanger.

He smiled and said to Duanmu Xinyue: "Xinyue, in fact, my father is not very in favor of the marriage of the two of us. But if you can kill Fang Yu, it's not just my father, all the big people in our North American Empire will be impressed by you. "

"Don't worry, I'll kill him."

Duanmu Xinyue said coldly.

But when she looked at her fiancé beside her, a smile appeared on her face: "Our North American empire is the most powerful country in the world. Only the men of the North American Empire are real men... That Fang Yu, a Longxia monkey, where can he compare to the wisdom of our North American powerhouse? "


"I wipe, I'm about to throw up."

At this time, Fang Yu was already on Treasure Island.

But the paper men under him have spread throughout the key areas of the North American Empire and are still transmitting information.

In the secret base where the seven hundred and forty-three geniuses were, no one noticed that there were invisible paper people with strange smiles in every corner!

Especially next to Duanmu Xinyue, there were four paper people, staring at her.


Listening to that Duanmu Xinyue's words, Fang Yu almost vomited.

"According to the information, this Duanmu Xinyue, who grew up in the North American Empire since she was a child, followed her grandmother, and was scorned by white people when she was a child."

"I didn't expect to develop a character of worshipping white people?"

"This SS-level profession is really blind to her..."

Fang Yu's eyes were indifferent. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This kind of person is already difficult to save, it is impossible to let it go, if you want to blame, blame her grandmother for betraying Long Xia.

The next moment.

In that secret base, the commander of the North American Empire gave an order.

Seven hundred and forty-three level 60 geniuses, including whites, black-skinned people, and yellow people, all entered the level 60 treasure island with solemn expressions!

In this secret base, there is also a temple of transfer.

It was supposed to develop into a city, but it was secretly built as a base by the North American Empire.

Here, is the official genius cultivation base of the North American Empire, called the Young Eagle Base!

Therefore, it has various functions that the Conversion Temple has, including teleportation, entrance to Treasure Island, and so on.

With the entry of this group of geniuses.

On the rankings of level 60 treasure islands around the world, more than seven hundred names suddenly appeared.

This scene made the world boil!

In the North American Empire, a family castle located on the outskirts of San Francisco, inside Bolton Castle!

Duanmuhong and some of the powerhouses of the Burton family all gathered together.

In front of them was a large screen that broadcast the treasure island leaderboard in real time, which was originally only visible to the temple.

They look at the leaderboard and talk.

It was as if Fang Yu had died on Treasure Island.

That Duanmu Hong was even more red, and this traitorous old woman was looking forward to her granddaughter Duanmu Xinyue and shine on Treasure Island.


Unnoticed by everyone present, more and more invisible paper people, one by one, with strange smiles, sneaked into this castle from all directions...


Treasure Island!

In this place, Fang Yu is back.

"It's the same as coming back here."

He smiled.

As soon as he raised his hand, he directly transferred Susan from the mirror world.

Susan, who appeared on Treasure Island in this state, is a summoned object belonging to Fang Yu and cannot be counted in the points ranking of Treasure Island.

Susan, who was dressed in a gray dress, after being released by Fang Yu, had a fawning smile on her somewhat freckled face: "Mr. Fang Yu!" What do you want me to do? "

"Project what happens here to the blue star of reality."

The corners of Fang Yu's mouth turned up slightly and ordered.

At the same time, there were tens of thousands of invisible paper figures around him, summoned by him, and spread out towards the surrounding 677.

With these paper men, he can quickly grasp the location of each enemy on the treasure island.

He will be the hunter who will terrify everyone!

And then -

He swaggered and released five demon dice, each emitting black smoke, surrounding him!


One by one, large soul projection pictures appeared all over the world.

North American Empire, the city of Flower Garden!

Longxia, the imperial capital!

Sakura Country, Higashitsu City!

Wait, a total of nine soul projection screens appeared around the world.

Now Susan's soul projection is much clearer than before, and the projection position is much more accurate, this is the tuning from the red clothes, in terms of souls, the red clothes are the ancestor level!

When the projection screen appeared, everyone in the world suddenly boiled!

Countless people looked at the projection screen in the sky, and their faces changed greatly!

In the picture, Fang Yu walks in front, surrounded by five black demon dice, exuding black mist.

Behind him, a young girl followed respectfully.

It was Susan, the soul wizard that everyone thought was dead!

"What's the situation? Susan actually didn't die? And give us the soul projection? "

"Something is wrong, you see, her name has not appeared on the leaderboard, she is probably dead!"

"That's right, it is likely to become a weird subordinate under Fang Yu? Manipulated by Fang Yu? "

Susan's appearance makes people have some speculation, but it is not the point.

The point is......

In the picture projected by the soul, Fang Yu's side is surrounded by five black dice!

These five dice, emitting black smoke, are not clear at first glance.

But for the professionals of the three countries, and for many professionals who have studied the dice on the side of the three countries, these five dice are too obvious.

"It's demon dice, demon dice!"

"My God, the demon dice around Fang Yu?"

"Waterfack! It's over, this dice turned out to be Fang Yu's? How can it be? "

"This dice just killed two top masters in New Delhi! Didn't expect to see it here? Oh, my God! "

"And you guys saw that? He has five dice on him! One can make New Delhi mess, these five..."

At this moment, the whole world was shocked!

The powerhouses of various countries who were expecting Fang Yu to be killed suddenly fell into an unimaginable nightmare!

The North American Empire has prepared a lot for Fang Yu.

But I didn't expect it...

The terrifying dice that appeared in New Delhi, the capital of the three Arab countries, turned out to be Fang Yu's?

Now, it's over?!。

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