"Fak, Shett!"

In North America, Los Angeles City.

In the eighteenth basement of the Princeton family castle.

Several of the Princeton family elders who remained here turned livid.

They looked at the terrifying scene that happened in Longxia and the South China Sea, and they all looked unbelievable.

"The Demon Heart is actually ineffective against that demon dice?"

"Could it be that the heart of the monster they took was exposed to the air for too long?"

"It is also possible that the dice and the woman in red, or the wooden comb, have produced some special resistance?"

"Analyze all possibilities!"

For Fang Yu's ability research, this Princeton family can be said to be at the forefront of the world.

But now they are a little skeptical of life.

If the demon dice really had no solution, wouldn't it mean that Fang Yu could kill whoever he wanted?

Unless you are lucky enough to throw three times in a row to six points, then there will be an hour cooldown, and you can not be targeted by the demon dice as a forced trade...

However, the probability is too low!

"Also, what's going on with the woman in red?"

"That scarlet cage seems to be able to trap people? Although it only lasted ten minutes, ten minutes with the wooden comb had already killed ninety-nine percent of the people in the range! "

"The remaining enemies are also controlled by the woman in red, and they can't escape at all, it seems that they have suppressed a large number of attributes by fear."

"Even the Soul Shield Mask has no effect!"

"And that wooden comb, wasn't it calculated by the causal master before, which can be contained in a special woven bag and resist the effect?" How is it not useful at all? "

"God, is there a possibility that this is already the result of resisting with a soul shield and woven bags?"

"Yes, I saw some fools without soul protection masks and woven bags, and they were gone in a few seconds!"

This scene directly made the red clothes, wooden combs and dice, the three become more terrifying, mysterious and weird in the eyes of everyone in the world!

Their rules become even more mysterious.

There is even a feeling of despair!

At this moment, even these researchers and elders of the Princeton family were completely dumbfounded.

"It's okay... This time, our North American empire did not come forward, it was to let those three countries make a move. "

"That's right, unlucky won't be our North American empire."

"And that Fang Yu is still in the treasure island, even if he wants to take revenge, it should not be so fast."

"Yes, we still have a chance to move next..."

"Wait, I just got the news that there seems to be a situation in Seoul, the capital of the Western Eight Kingdoms!"

"What's the situation?"

The elders of the Princeton family changed their faces one after another.

Soon, frightening videos came from Seoul.

Even in just a few minutes, related videos have been completely circulated on the Internet and forums in various countries around the world, such as mobile phone software such as Shake Y, TTK, etc., and they have been brushed by those videos!

First, the three strange appearances of Longxia Nanhai violently killed more than 200,000 legions of the alliance of the three countries, and in just ten minutes, the more than 200,000 legions were all destroyed!

The only thing left on the scene is Park Yoon-ho and fifteen other top powerhouses who are being scavenged by the demon dice.

Everyone else is dead.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief...

There are also horror scenes, which take place in the capital of the Western Eight Kingdoms, Seoul City!

So many video images that have spread around the world have all been filmed by official and private professionals in the eight western countries.

So some shots are shaky, and there are shots that are far away.

But no matter which lens, there is only one focus that attracts the most attention.

That's a thin girl dressed in white and wearing a shawl, walking the streets of Seoul City!

Everyone recognizes it.

That was the white-clothed woman under Fang Yu!

Once appeared in the SSS-level second-turn mission, swallowed several powerful geniuses and digested them!

The thing about this weird horror is that she is almost invincible!

The only weak point may be the cutting injury.

Once under the Elizabethan offensive of the Empire of the Sun Never Sets, an arm and a leg were cut off.

Although she recovered quickly, it was clearly her weakness.

To be honest, after learning about the weakness of this woman in white, many people around the world are not very afraid of this thin girl.

There are even many gif pictures circulating abroad.

Mangosteen appeared strangely in the picture, but it was immediately cut into dozens of segments by a kitchen knife, bringing a lot of laughter to many professionals abroad.

Compared to the mysterious red-clothed, unconditionally murderous wooden comb.

This woman in white is indeed the best one to deal with in the eyes of many people.

If you see direct cutting damage, you can suppress it!

Many weapons such as big knives and long swords can be suppressed.

But...... This was before!

What makes countless people around the world, especially the professionals of the Western Eight Countries, extremely frightened is that the woman in white who has appeared in Seoul City now is completely different from before!

"It is said that she first appeared on the exterior wall of a building and climbed along the building all the way to the top floor!"

"Then swallow the boss of a large guild on the top floor!"

"I have a video here! It was the video of the boss's bodyguard throwing the pot! "

"Dump the pot?"

"Yes, that one, as a professional bodyguard, is equipped with various means to prevent all the weirdness of that Fang Yu! When he saw this white-clothed woman, he directly urged the eight long swords and cut the white-clothed woman into dozens of segments! "

"But although the white-clothed woman was cut open by the long sword, her injuries recovered almost instantly!"

"And her stomach seems to be so solid that she can't cut it at all!"

"No wonder throw the pot, that bodyguard really tried his best!"

Many forum chats were circulated along with videos, which shocked countless people.

In the scattered videos, you can see that the thin woman in white, as if she never has enough to eat, is rampaging in Seoul!

Her preferred targets were some official officials in the western eight countries and Seoul city.

She is extremely powerful, and has some kind of teleportation means, no matter where those officials are hiding, she will find them, and then swallow the target under heavy siege.

To everyone's horror.

This woman in white is treacherous...

It seems to know the location of all the officials in Sei-Hachikoku and Seoul!

In addition to the real top powerhouse of the Western Eight Kingdoms, the kind that ranks in the top 100 in the world, this woman in white has not touched it for the time being.

The other officials were all exposed to the dangers of terror.

Once targeted by the woman in white, it is completely mortal!

The city of Seoul in the western eight countries has completely fallen into a big panic!

And the woman in white is treacherous...

Naturally Fang Yu's starving ghost girl, Mangosteen!

Fang Yu's order to her was to swallow the target official or the strong according to the coordinates provided by the paper man. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

These officials, both men and women, have different occupations, but they have one thing in common, that is, they are all hostile to Long Xia!


In the panic of countless people around the world, Mangkhut is in Seoul City, ignoring all the domineering and ruthlessly devouring one official after another!

Of the officials swallowed by her, none of them came out alive.

Of course, the officials of the Western Eight countries also reacted to this.

There are many official legion powerhouses, and even some North American Empire powerhouses in Seoul, all of them have made a move to launch a blockade against Mangosteen!

Soon, they officially confirmed that the cutting damage could hurt the woman in white, but the woman in white recovered too quickly and had almost no effect.

"First use the space blockade scroll and magic enchantment to stop her, Smecta!"

"Nishihachi! Does the magic enchantment have a fart use? When she killed Avalon of the Three Kingdoms before, she took a comb and crossed the magic enchantment! "

"So how can you stop her? It's terrible, my mom was just swallowed by her, and both legs were bitten off when she struggled!! "

"What is it? I saw a military commander riding in a tin cart to intercept her, only to be swallowed by her with a tin cart! "

It's not just people who say it.

It's about video proof!

In a short period of time, starving ghosts ran rampant in Seoul, causing the entire Western Eight Nations to fall into great panic!

About twenty minutes later.

From all directions of Seoul City, many live broadcast screens have captured one picture.

On the square in front of the Han Sky Tower, the tallest building in Seoul, a thin woman in white is standing with her back to the Sky Tower, which is more than 1,000 meters high.

Around the square, there were many official powerhouses of the Western Eight Kingdoms, as well as a whole legion, and tens of thousands of professionals surrounded her!

The Han Sky Building, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, is like an upside-down pyramid, and from more than 800 meters is a sky platform, like a sky city, with a length and width of more than ten kilometers.

This building is the top building in Seoul.

It was jointly made by many S-class builders and consumed countless resources to finally create it.

But in fact, in this era of the change of jobs of the whole people, this kind of architecture is flashy ...

With the resources to build this Sky Mansion, if you exchange the same amount of equipment and skill books, you can even arm most of the legions guarding the otherworld.

However, these eight western countries were originally dead to lose face.

"Everyone let Jean, Generalissimo Kim Chan-hyuk is here!"

At this time, at the front of the more than 50,000 legion professionals, a middle-aged man wearing a black vest slowly walked to the front.

This is a top powerhouse of the Western Eight Kingdoms with very little hair, and it is SS-level devil boxer Kim Chan-hyuk!

His identity is the Generalissimo of the Western Eight Nations Legion.

It is also one of the four strongest (King Qian's) strongest in the Western Eight Kingdoms who can rank among the top 100 in the world, and can be called the Zhenguo-level powerhouse of the Western Eight Kingdoms.

Its combat power is similar to that of Avalon in the Three Kingdoms, especially in terms of strength attributes, reaching the extreme that human beings can achieve!

I saw that he was wearing a black vest, and the muscles on his exposed arms bulged, like a devil's muscles.

And when he looked at Mangosteen, a pair of steely eyes showed a sinister smile: "A-Siba!" You little ghost, you actually brought such a big damage to our Western Eight Kingdoms, you are dead! I'm going to grab you and tie you up into meat dumplings!" "

"You don't seem to have any weaknesses at all, but your actions in Seoul City have avoided many strong people with strength attributes of more than 8,000 points, which shows that you still have a weakness - strength!"

"As long as the target power is stronger than you, you can't suppress the target, and you can't devour the target!"

"Now that I, Jin Chanhyuk, are here, you don't want to devour any of the people of the Western Eight Kingdoms, Smecta!"

When these words came out, the countless people of the surrounding eight countries all cheered wildly.

Countless people looked at Kim Chanhyuk with unparalleled adoration and madness in their eyes.

In their view, Kim Chan-hyuk's analysis is absolutely correct.

This also means that Kim Chan-hyuk can suppress this woman in white!

Even completely arrested, with great force to suppress it!

However, no one saw it.

Under Mangosteen's long hair hanging in front of her face, her pure black eyes were extremely calm, and a weird smile appeared on her cute face.

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