This country is a small country in the West, the country of ice birds.

Their country is located in the far north, and even in the era of national job change and efforts to encourage fertility, the total population of this country has always been only about two million.

As for the land area, it was only 100,000 square kilometers before the era of job transfer.

It is equivalent to a radius of more than three hundred kilometers... It can be said that it is a rather small country.

However, in the era of national job change, the area of this country has also expanded to nearly 10 million square kilometers, and its resources can be said to be quite rich.

However, originally, many of the country's resources were seized by the North American empire.

For example, the Princeton family, there is a castle in this icebird country, and dozens of people from a sub-clan have been stationed here, managing more copies and secret entrances here.

But now, all those dozens of people were swallowed into their stomachs by the sudden woman in white...

Now, many resources in the Icebird Country are empty.

And the system of this country is still a continuation of the previous presidential system, among the strongest professionals in the icebird country, select the most suitable presidential candidate to manage the entire country.

The current president of the Icebird Country is a white woman with long blonde hair.

Her name is Sophia Johnny Dotil.

Public information shows that her profession is an S-level mutant Libra priest, and although she is a primary and auxiliary priest profession, she is also ranked forty-third on the ranking of global abyss challenges.

He is currently the strongest in the Icebird Country.

In the entire Icebird Country, she is the only one in the top three hundred of the abyss, and the others are ranked three hundred, even if in the top thousand, only seven people in the Icebird Country enter.

It is worth mentioning that this Sophia is very young.

It has been about fifteen years since I changed jobs, that is, I am only 33 years old.

This makes her a legend in the Icebird Country.

Although there are many resources in the main icebird country, there is an otherworldly entrance on the island, and they have invited many strong people from other countries to come and sit, so they have given a lot of resources accordingly.

With the resources of the Icebird Country alone, it is impossible to cultivate a strong person like Sophia in a short period of time.

You know, even if the class is strong, you need to brush monsters to upgrade, and you also need 16 high-grade equipment and skills!

Without these, how can a professional become stronger?

But Sophia created such a miracle!

Under her leadership, the situation in the Icebird Country has improved in recent years, no longer allowing other countries to bully, and some of their resources have slowly been collected under her management.

This made her a goddess in the eyes of two million people in the Icebird Country.

Now, however...

It was this President of the Icebird Country, Sophia, who actually made the decision to transfer all the land resources of the Icebird Country to Fang Yu!

It was noticed that she wanted to serve Fang Yu as king, not to return to Long Xia.

There are still some differences between the two.

This decision surprised countless people around the world.

Completely incomprehensible!

"Their Ice Bird Country is just a small country, it stands to reason that Long Xia and Fang Yu will not pay attention to them at all!"

"Yes, just giving some resources can make Fang Yu and Long Xia turn a blind eye to them!"

"But that woman actually made a decision to make Fang Yu king? That's outrageous, right? "

"Outrageous indeed! Now inside their Icebird Country, many people can't understand, it seems that many large-scale parades have broken out? "

"If our parliament makes such a decision, I will also participate in the march!" If you really give all the land resources to Fang Yu, what will your own people eat? "

"Traitor, this is traitor! The president actually took the lead in selling the country ..."


Countless people in various countries around the world have talked about this.

Even countless people in Longxia were dumbfounded.

I didn't expect that the beautiful president of the Icebird Country was crazy?

In the imperial capital, within the ninth otherworld!

Gu Mengyi, who is the deputy commander of the legion, is sitting in the central fortress, and once a relatively large-scale monster is refreshed, she will go to participate in the encirclement.

Ling Yinger was beside her, reporting to her on the situation of Fortress No. 4.

At this moment, the news that the beautiful president of the Ice Bird Country had actually taken the lead to return to Shun Fang Yu came in.

"Commander Fang, this is also too powerful, right?"

Ling Yinger's short-haired beauty looked adored.

"Fang Yu, is he so attractive? Wouldn't it? "

Gu Mengyi was a little puzzled.

Although she liked Fang Yu very much.

But that beautiful president of the Ice Bird Country has never touched Fang Yu, right?

Just because Fang Yu is too strong, to make this kind of move is irresponsible to all the people!

At this time, Gu Mengyi found out some information about the president of the Ice Bird Country.

"The public age is thirty-three years old, and he has been the president for fifteen years now, and he has been the president for four years, and during his term of office, he has received many copies of the secret realm entrance, so that the actual control of the Ice Bird Country has reached an overall increase of 43%."

"And most importantly, this beauty is unmarried? Haven't had any boyfriends yet? It can't be! "

As soon as Gu Meng read the information, he was a little confused.

"Icebird Country has been bullied because of its small population."

Ling Yinger was also a little surprised: "This Sophia, if it is not backed by other powerful national forces, how can she develop into a top powerhouse in a short period of time?" "

"A lot of people have speculated about this."

Gu Mengyi continued to rummage through the information, and Dai frowned slightly: "But there is no information to show that she has anything to do with any other forces." There is a North American empire document, this woman seems to have had a conflict with Statham of the Princeton family. "

"Statham hinted at her and asked her to be her lover, but she refused, and she cursed the old guy in public..."

After these information came out, Ling Yinger's eyes lit up.

She couldn't help but say, "Could it be because Regiment Leader Fang tortured and killed that old man and made this president worship him too much?" "

"Do you think it's possible?"

Gu Mengyi shook his head helplessly: "People are the president of a country, although it is only a small country, but his skills and courage are definitely not bad." How is it possible to give all the land resources of the whole country to an outsider because you worship a person? "

No matter from any point of view, Sophia's decision is extremely unreasonable.

"Then you say, that Sophia, shouldn't she be trying to seduce our Commander Fang?"

Ling Ying'er suddenly knocked on the table with a solemn expression: "If our Regiment Leader Fang contacts them because of this and marries her as a wife, won't Commander Fang shelter their entire Ice Bird Country?" And it's embarrassing to take away all the resources of their country! "

"Well, what you said is not unreasonable."

Gu Meng nodded.

She pursed her lips slightly, gently reached out and ruffled her snow-white long hair, and smiled beautifully: "Until now, Fang Yu has not been married, and there is no girlfriend on the surface, and it is normal for people to give birth to this idea... All in all, tell Fang Yu the news first and let him make his own decisions. "


Sakura Country!

Capital, Dongjin City.

A few days have passed, and the reconstruction of Dongjin City has begun.

Shimizu Yukino and his parents have also returned to Higashitsu City and participated in the reconstruction work.

Now they are eating together in a makeshift camp.

"Is the president of the Icebird Country crazy?"

When Xue Nai's father learned the news, he was completely confused: "Now that Fang Yu, so out of the limelight, once he comes out of Treasure Island, he will definitely be assassinated by countless people!" The Ice Bird Country is now giving all its resources to Fang Yu, it's too stupid! "

"Search Sneh."

Xue Nai's mother echoed, "Once Fang Yu is assassinated, then everything that Long Xia Kingdom has obtained now will be returned... There is simply no need to rush into a momentary decision. The president of the Icebird Country is too radical. "

"Yukino, what do you think?"

Her father suddenly looked at her.


This beautiful SS-level demon knife girl seemed to be a little distracted just now, and when she heard her father call her, she subconsciously replied: "Arno... I think Fang Yu is great... No, it's strong. That president made the right decision! "

Only she knew that Fang Yu possessed some kind of immortal body!

And as her own, she knew that Yu Zheng, the elder of Longxia, wanted to force Fang Yu in the palace, and it was completely solved by Fang Yu's own ability!

Fang Yu of this strength...

Will someone be assassinated?

Shimizu Xueno laughed to death.

Of course -

Now except for the people around Fang Yu, as well as the Longxia professionals who personally experienced the Yuzheng incident, no one knows that Fang Yu himself has some kind of invincible means!

Therefore, those in the North American empire are now directly subdued on the surface.

But secretly, it's all about stalling for time!

As long as Fang Yu comes out of Treasure Island, someone will definitely go to assassinate Fang Yu!

In people's eyes, the treasure island lasts for a month.

Fang Yu has not been a month, and it is impossible to leave Treasure Island.

They have to make a show first and survive this month!

And they couldn't communicate much privately during that time.

Because they found out... All members of Princeton were hunted accurately, which definitely showed that Fang Yu had extremely terrifying intelligence gathering capabilities!

So, smart people are all instigated! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At least on the surface, and on many occasions, the brain is used before speaking.

So under the monitoring of Fang Yu's people, there was harmony around the world, and there was almost no assassination plan against him.


These people don't know.

As long as Fang Yu switches the perspective of the human-headed girl, he can see the hostility of everyone towards him!

Surface harmony, useless at all!

It's just that it's not yet time to completely clean up, and Fang Yu hasn't made a move for the time being.

Fang Yu was waiting, waiting for his weirdness, all raised to a higher level, so that the scope of influence that the wooden comb and so on could further expand tenfold, or even a hundred times!

That way, he will have real absolute control over the world!

And at this time.

Xue Nai's father, who heard his daughter say this, smiled hehe: "Xue Nai, you look too high at that Fang Yu." When he comes out of Treasure Island, he will definitely be assassinated by many people, and it is a steady stream of assassinations. When he dies, the world will be peaceful. "


Shimizu Yukino didn't say anything, a little silent.

She was even wondering if she wanted to have a showdown with her parents, and then take the whole family and join Fang Yu together?

What she didn't expect was that she had missed Fang Yu a little recently.

After all, I haven't seen you for days.

She knew that even on Treasure Island, Fang Yu could see her at any time if he wanted to see her.

"I heard that Fang Yu found a beautiful girl from the Second Legion of Longxia in the treasure island."

"Shouldn't you like the new and dislike the old, and abandon me?"

This demon sword girl was a little nervous.

Especially when she learned that Sophia, the beautiful president of the Ice Bird Country, had taken the initiative to stand up and give all the national resources to Fang Yu, she was even more panicked.

She's just an SS-class girl who just changed jobs!

Regardless of strength or charm, I am afraid that it is not comparable to that mature beautiful president, right?


Fang Yu, who was in the treasure island, felt the thoughts of this demon sword girl, and suddenly was a little speechless.

"I was completely convinced?"

"Forget it, I'll find her for a shot later."

Fang Yu thought about it, and he was not in a hurry, after all, the girls of the 423 family were still eating with their parents.

He first shifted his perspective to the Icebird Country.

The country of ice birds, surrounded by the sea, is an island of ice and snow.

Originally, Fang Yu didn't pay much attention to this small country, but now, more and more paper people, transported by the Styx, have set foot on this land!

Paper people spread invisibly on the island.

To Fang Yu's surprise, there were parades of ordinary people and professionals everywhere in the country.

There were even many officials involved in the anti-march.

President Sophia's decision to make Long Xia Fangyu king and hand over control of all resources was almost unanimous opposition to the country.

However, as Fang Yu's paper people spread throughout the island, he soon discovered that the seven strongest people in this country, including Sophia, were actually suppressing the parade!

"Meaning, this is the joint decision of the seven strongest people in the Icebird Country?"

"But it's not scientific!"

Fang Yu was a little confused.

With the ability of paper people alone, there are no clues now.

Sophia and the seven strongest people of the Ice Bird Country were busy dealing with parades and rebellions, and with their strongest strength, they even took force measures when necessary!

This kind of tough attitude towards the inside made Fang Yu even more puzzled.

"Maybe, in a few hours, you will be able to brush out the mythical level to clear the BOSS."

"After killing it, I will go to the Icebird Country in my personal name."

Fang Yu made a decision.

He is not afraid of anything anyway, and directly goes to communicate with the other party face to see what the other party wants to do!


The entire island of the Ice Bird Country was already under the supervision of Fang Yu's paper man.

Including Sophia, the young white beauty president, all the strong people are surrounded by invisible paper people...

At this time, Fang Yu came to the River Styx.

Shimizu Yukino pulled Shimizu Yukino back to his room to rest.

Having been staying with Lin Nayin recently, Fang Yu really hasn't played for a while.

"Mr. Fang Yu."

Seeing Fang Yu in the River Styx, Qing Shui Xue Nai was slightly excited.

On her beautiful and pure face, she was a little nervous, and she lowered her head respectfully.

"You're my man, don't think too much."

Fang Yu was condescending, looking at the goddess of countless young people in this cherry blossom country, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly: "It's okay to be tight, Zhang can also be tight, but don't be nervous, you know?" "


Fang Yu's words directly made Qing Shui Xue Nai cry and laugh.

But it finally reassured her.

"Fantastic. Mr. Fang Yu hasn't forgotten me..."

The excitement in her heart could be felt by Fang Yu.

Let Fang Yu sigh again.

This goddess of the whole people of the cherry blossom country is indeed moist!

If the youth of the cherry blossom country knew that the goddess in their eyes was already a velvet ball of other feathers, I don't know how they would feel?

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