Fang Yu analyzed it carefully.

Now excluding the ancient skill [Time and Space Vortex] on his body, his invincibility comes from sharing strange skills.

There are three main ones.

One is that the corpse Yining in the well is invincible in the water.

One is Ye Hongyi's spirit form.

There is also the infinite regeneration of starving ghost mangosteen.

Other weird invincibility are their own characteristics and do not belong to abilities, so Fang Yu cannot obtain them himself.

"After the red clothes reach the catastrophe level, the spirit form skill I shared lasted for five hours and cooled down for three hours."

"Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely invincible."

"But there are curses and suppression abilities that can weaken my skill duration and even greatly extend my skill cooldown..."

"So in theory, there is still the possibility of killing me."

"But that requires the other party to fully understand my skills and have a strong comprehensive ability!"

For example, it needs to be able to fix the square feather in a space.

Otherwise, relying on Yi Ning's ability alone, he could travel anywhere at will.

If you can't trap him, of course, you can't kill him.

Another example is the need to be able to drag him out of the water, otherwise he is invincible as long as he is in the water.

"All in all, I still have the possibility of being killed."

"It's just that the conditions are very harsh!"

"What's more, with the space-time vortex skill, as long as it stands still, it is invincible, unless it is a higher-level rule power, it is possible to kill me."

Fang Yu thought to himself.

He raised his head and continued to look at the middle-aged woman who was a substitute puppet.

The stand-in puppet is her professional ability.

Now she has a level 150 charge, which can be charged up to 150 times, and the charging time is one minute each time.

That is, she can help her, or help her teammates, at most, to withstand 150 skill effects!

This skill is excellent for using against demon dice.

But she didn't expect...

Fang Yu directly activated the copper mirror ability on her!

Just look at her, she will be transferred!

In order to avoid being transferred, every time she is seen by Fang Yu, she needs to use a stand-in puppet to bear the effect of this transfer instead of her.

This made her extremely shocked inside.

Fang Yu's eyes actually have this function?

This made her finally know how Fang Yu had transferred all the monsters of the Ninth Otherworld of Longxia to the Sakura Country!

But knowing this is useless.

Now her number of stand-in puppets is consumed like crazy!

Even if she used the advanced stealth scroll, she found that it was useless... Because Fang Yu has the ability to see souls, and he can see the red light emitted by the hostile value.

Even if she is invisible, this woman is too obvious!

Whether it is red clothes or smoke, you can restrain any stealth skill!

It was also when this woman's stand-in puppet was constantly consumed, Fang Yu and Lin Nayin kept bearing the attacks of the top powerhouses around them.

"An attack of this magnitude, even a city will be destroyed! That Fang Yu didn't have anything to do! "

"It's outrageous! His invincibility won't last forever, will it? "

"How is that possible? Definitely a skill, but this duration seems a little too long.? "

"Wait, look, someone has put a curse on Fang Yu!"

Right at this moment.

Countless people found that above Fang Yu's head, some black light appeared, shrouding him!

This is the power of the curse!


Fang Yu was a little surprised.

In addition to the top powerhouses present attacking him, there was also a top curse-type powerhouse who didn't know where he was, and directly launched a space curse against him!

"I really forgot about cursing resistance..."

Fang Yu was a little helpless.

Before every action, there would be a priest powerhouse of the Dragon Summer Kingdom, unleashing a curse on him to resist the buff.

But this time he came to the Icebird Country and really forgot about it.

It's not that he's not cautious enough.


It doesn't matter!

Even if this curse, cursed him, what can he do?

"All curses are nothing more than weakening my attributes, reducing the intensity of my skills, anyway, giving me some negative states."

"Now this curse..."

"Is it to weaken my skill duration?"

"Weaken by 90% duration!"

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, some people speculate that the invincibility effect on his current body is a skill that lasts for a long time.

As long as it weakens the duration of his skill, his invincibility will be invalidated!

"It's a pity, I guessed wrong."

Fang Yu's eyes were indifferent.

And the price of this wrong guess is life!

There are only a handful of professionals in the world who can curse through the air, and the curse ability is so powerful!

At present, Fang Yu didn't know who it was.

Although his paper people are many, they are not omnipotent, and they cannot cover the entire Blue Star at present.

But Longxia officially has a database, and you will know when the time comes.


Countless people saw that in the cursed state, Fang Yu was not affected at all, and his invincibility effect still existed, constantly absorbing the top-level attacks launched towards him!

A variety of top magic scrolls! Various legendary and even mythical skills!

There are even small forbidden spells that damage themselves!

Countless attacks form vortexes of energy!

Lin Nayin was a little trembling, she knew that now as long as she moved, if the space-time vortex effect disappeared, she would be dead in an instant!

"I'm only level 60!"

"Why endure so many top-level attacks?"

Lin Nayin was dumbfounded.

At this moment, Fang Yu was still looking for the traces of the substitute puppet woman, and kept looking at her.

Even he felt that the speed of consuming the opponent's stand-in puppet was too slow.

He began to look at the other top powerhouses in the field who were besieging him!

In order to prevent the weakening of the power of the siege of Fang Yu.

That stand-in puppet woman had to consume skill layers to launch a stand-in for others, lest others be transferred to the mirror world by Fang Yu!

"The old man whose sun never sets! You must not die well! "

These people were angry and anxious, and frantically attacked Fang Yu.

"He called the person who knows the time a junjie."

Fang Yu sneered.

Finally, when he looked at the substitute puppet woman again, he found that he had successfully transferred her to the mirror world!

When her figure appeared in the mirror world, all the people who besieged Fang Yu, not only the remaining seven top powerhouses, but also the six of the Ice Bird Country, were all dumbfounded.

Especially the white young Tolson who was a girl, his face was as ugly as eating. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He never expected that in a situation that was supposed to be a must-kill, there was an old man who surrendered on the spot!

Let the situation collapse directly!

When the stand-in puppet woman disappeared from the field, they all knew that they were finished!

As long as Fang Yu is willing, he can use the demon dice to deal with them at any time!

However, Fang Yu was not in a hurry.

He took a look at the strong people who attacked him, as well as the six people of the Ice Bird Country, and included them in the mirror world!

Originally, the top ten powerhouses besieged Fang Yu, plus six people from the Ice Bird Country.

But a Utruf died, surrendered an old man of the empire, and the remaining fourteen people appeared in the mirror world!

Fang Yu directly let the fourteen demon dice, each find the target, and launch a forced demon trade!

In order to prevent someone from getting lucky, three consecutive six-point throws, and five demon dice, always on standby.

The next thing is left to the world in the mirror.

Fang Yu glanced at the Utruf corpse on the ground and transferred the corpse to the mirror world.

So far......

The whole world, quiet!

Although there were still the aftermath of the explosion in the sky, it quickly dissipated as well.

What appeared in front of everyone was a cursed Fang Yu, and an intact Lin Nayin, flying side by side in that sky!

This scene is still very shocking.

Because as we all know, Fang Yu and Lin Nayin have not yet made three turns.

But they can all fly?

Of course -

They can all be intact under the siege of the top powerhouses, so it doesn't seem too strange to be able to fly...

Most importantly, from the beginning of the siege to the end of the battle, a total of only five minutes have passed.

These five minutes are probably the most shocking moments in their lives for countless people around the world!

In their perspective.

Fang Yu used strange scissors to cut to death one of the strongest global number one star mages when he started the war!

Then let the Red Clothes build the Crimson Prison to prevent everyone from escaping.

In the end, he consumed the number of skill charges of the substitute puppet woman, and transferred everyone to the mirror world!

The reason why he knew this was that when Fang Yu activated the copper mirror ability, his eyes would turn into a mirror state, so people could come to this conclusion through analysis.

Right now......

All the people who attacked Fang Yu, except for the old man who surrendered, were all in the mirror world!

People don't know the situation in the mirror world, but they are certainly already fierce and less fierce...

After all, after the number of substitute puppets, Fang Yu could kill indiscriminately with just one demon dice!

Looking at the field, Fang Yu calmly took Lin Nayin and flew to President Sophia next to him, and the world fell into an unimaginable silence.

In this battle, Fang Yu won!

Want to kill Fang Yu? All will pay with their lives!

This turned out to be completely unexpected! (Li Hao Zhao)

In Longxia.

Every province, every city, is now caught in a sea of carnival.

"Lying groove, the big guy is the big guy! This is only level 60 without three turns, and he has already killed the strongest in the world! "

"It's still ten top powerhouses joining forces, invincible!"

"Don't be happy too soon, will you? The names of those who were included in the mirror world have not disappeared from the leaderboard..."

"Don't worry, there won't be any accidents, even if they don't die, it's because Fang Yu doesn't want to kill them!"

"That's right! But then again, Fang Yu's eyes can actually turn into mirrors? It's also terrifying! "

"Is there a possibility, Fang Yu Boss, that he can use all the weird skills?"


No matter how people guess, this matter is over for Fang Yu.

Next is the aftermath!

He came to the beautiful white president Sophia with glasses and looked at her with a smile: "You are dying." You only have just over three minutes left in your life. "

Originally, Sophia was also shocked.

She let go and quietly waited for her death... She had already written a letter in advance, which contained information about her abilities, and before she died, she would give the letter to Fang Yuyun.

Then he asked Fang Yu to help take care of the Icebird Country...

But she didn't expect that Fang Yu came to her and said her remaining lifespan!

"You... How do you know? "

Sophia was dumbfounded!.

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