His plan was simple.

Since the goal of the SSS-level transfer mission is to kill the mythical boss.


If the ten strong people who entered the blockade killed the mythical boss first, wouldn't it be possible to make the task of the transferees fail?

And now Lin Fan has prepared ten chess pieces...

In his opinion, it can completely block Fang Yu's three-turn mission!

Even if he fails, he will not be able to find his head.

"These are the ten pieces I carefully selected for you, I hope you enjoy it!"

Lin Fan thought with a sneer.

His profession was simply born to restrain Fang Yu!

He planned while resting in his room, pretending to be looking at the information.

Now he also knew that Fang Yu had some kind of strange means of intelligence gathering.

Therefore, Lin Fan did not expose any of his thoughts at all!

It's just that sometimes he laughs maniacally, attracting the attention of many paper people, and even makes the paper people put on the key mark!


"First three turns, it should be a show."

"Then my current experience should be able to break through to level 90 or above in one go."

"Next, there is still more than a month to go before the level 100 treasure island, and you can deal with all the high value of global hostility."

Fang Yu thought to himself.

At this time, he had already dealt with those more than ten strong people.

He completely shocked everyone in the world.

No one knew how to kill Fang Yu!

Countless people could only despair in the face of such a Fang Yu!

There are even many people who have publicized Fang Yu's god, thinking that he is a god who descended on Blue Star, and some religions that worship Fang Yu have been established...

At this time, he returned to Longxia Kingdom with Na and Ami.

He appeared in the imperial capital, the office of the Ninth Legion.

Unexpectedly, many Longxia elders and top powerhouses were waiting for him here.

Seeing him return, they greeted him with a smile on their faces.

"What a hero out of a young man, we Long Xia, the future is hopeful!"

"Three hundred years, three hundred years, we Longxia can finally raise our eyebrows... Seniors of the Heavenly Spirit, did you see it? "

There were even many strong people who were moved to tears.

They were so excited!

Long Xia produced such a strong man as Fang Yu, which meant that the hardships and hardships of the first three hundred years had finally come to an end.

It means that Long Xia will really rise! 16

If nothing else, the resources scavenged from other countries now made the total amount of resources actually controlled by Long Xia officials four times before Fang Yu appeared!

This will truly benefit every professional in Longxia!

Even if it only takes one year, the overall strength of Longxia professionals can be improved by at least fifty percent!

And for Fang Yu...

He didn't care about the resources or anything, but he still hoped that Long Xia would have more special professionals.

For example, Lin Nayin's double-faced singer, Sophia's Libra priest and so on.

After all, this kind of profession can bring Fang Yu a huge boost!

Especially Lin Nayin, her skills can provide the final increase to the weird... This is something that no other auxiliary profession can do.

"Wow, that's an exaggeration."

Lin Nayin hid behind Fang Yu, watching so many Longxia elders and top powerhouses who were not visible at all on weekdays come to greet them, and she had a feeling of smacking her tongue.

"Just get used to it~"

A Mi incarnated as Yu Susu, standing with Lin Nayin, pursing her lips and chuckling and taking her hand.

A fan knows that this girl will also be the master's woman~

She is looking forward to having others share the master with her~

For the weird idea, Fang Yu could only say... Buddy, happiness for the rest of your life depends on you!

Next, Fang Yu was also a little unaccustomed to such a welcome occasion.

Too grand, too grand.

However, there will be many such occasions in the future, and Fang Yu can only smile bitterly.

Now it's not just Long Xia Kingdom.

Anyone else in the world will probably be nervous when they see him!

This is his deterrent now!

Soon, after saying hello to the elders, Fang Yu was ready to go back to rest first, and then go to the third turn.

"By the way, the ninth weirdness should be created tomorrow, what will it be?"

Every time the progress of grievance writing was close to 100%, Fang Yu would look forward to it very much.

This means that he will gain a whole new ability!

Until now, every weird creature he has created has been very different.

"The ninth weird, this number is good, I hope it will be good."

Fang Yu didn't think much about it.

Now the progress of the resentment writing is 95%, and it has to be brushed for half a day to a day to be full, and by then he will definitely pass the three-turn task, and the level can rush to above level 90 in one fell swoop.

At that point, he will be the true Blue Star Master.

You can use real means to deal with certain enemy countries!


Fang Yu took Ah Mi and Lin Nayin back to his legion leader's office.

When he said goodbye to the elders, Fang Yu learned that Long Xia had already divined the identity of the person who cursed him.

He is a curse master of Brazil, known as the coconut immortal.

However, after launching the curse, the old man has disappeared, and no one knows where he is...

Immediately afterwards, Sophia of the Ice Bird Country also sent news to Fang Yu.

I also found out the identity of the other party, but I don't know where the other party is now!

"If you want to divinate the specific location, it will take a long time, and it will take a lot of time."

This is the case with both Long Xia and Icebird Country.

Fang Yu was also in no hurry.

Now that Blue Star is expanding too much, relying on his three million paper people alone, trying to find someone is completely looking for a needle in a haystack, and it is better to wait for the soothsayers to make a move.

Lin Nayin followed Fang Yu into the legion leader's office, still a little nervous.

Now that things are done, she doesn't know how Fang Yu will arrange her?

"Ami, you take Nayin to go through the formalities and transfer to our Ninth Legion."

Fang Yu arranged: "Nayin, you can follow me in the future, I will cover all the upgrades." "

"Thank you, Legionnaire."

Lin Nayin nodded excitedly.

"Okay, then see you first, finish the formalities and rest well."

Fang Yu nodded.

After watching Ah Mi take Lin Nayin to go through the formalities, Fang Yu's heart moved, and he sank into the River Styx...

When he appeared again, he looked up and saw an indescribable picture...

"Ah, 0.0!"

Ninth Otherworld, inside the office of the deputy commander of the Central Fortress.

Gu Mengyi had just finished busy, stood up and stretched.

As a result, he saw that on the ground, Fang Yu's head came out.

It startled her.

"Commander Fang Yu, you haunted, scared to death!" Gu Mengyi pretended to be full of anger.

In fact, seeing Fang Yu, she was very happy in her heart.

"Your dress is good, it would be even better if you wore black silk or something."

Fang Yu stood up wholeheartedly, looked at her snow-white slender thighs, and said with a smile.

"Problem, I wear black silk in the Legion Fortress?"

Gu Meng gave him a blank look.

"It's not impossible, anyway, if you sit in the office, no one else can see you..."


Gu Mengyi couldn't laugh or cry.

This girl disliked Fang Yu on the surface, but she finally saw him, and she still cherished this opportunity.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with expectation: "Commander Fang Yu, you have to think about three turns next, right?" In the current situation, there should be no more people going in to snipe at you. Then, sprint to level 100 and you can participate in the Abyss Challenge. With your current strength, it's easy to take the first place~"

"How did you plan my route?"

Fang Yu smiled and said, "It's not bad, you will arrange my itinerary in the future." "

"How can I arrange for you?"

Gu Mengyi covered her mouth and chuckled: "If you really let me arrange, I will arrange for you to accompany me every day~"

"That depends on how you accompany you..."

Fang Yu said.

"Come on."

Gu Mengyi said helplessly: "Your current strength is too strong, you can't hang me alone~ All Longxia is counting on you now." "

"Then it seems that you are counting on me too? Then I can't let you down, for you. "

Fang Yu smiled and took out a bunch of painter equipment and skill books.

These skill books are basically used by painters, and there is no increase in his strange abilities.

The most important thing is that these are all stripped from the brown-haired French female painter, basically they are all 150-level top things, and Fang Yu can't use them in a short time.

Directly give Gu Mengyi first to enhance some combat power.

Let alone...... These equipment and skill books are legendary.

For Fang Yu, he was a little disdainful.

Really wait for him to reach level 150, then he can't have a full set of mythical equipment?

It's no joke that the world's resources are concentrated in one person!

Of course, there is a 150-level mythical painter skill book, Fang Yu kept it himself, although the increase was not his weirdness, but he did not learn in vain.

"Huh? You just gave me an ancient skill book..." (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Gu Mengyi smiled helplessly: "Now I give so much again, I'm a little embarrassed." "

That being said, her body was still very honest, reaching out to take the things from Fang Yu's hand.

She looked at it and was a little surprised: "These equipment and skill books... You keep it for yourself, what do you do for me? "

"I have better ones then, you just take it."

Fang Yu waved his hand.


Gu Meng nodded.

She knew that Fang Yu regarded her as her own, and she didn't be polite to Fang Yu, anyway, the stronger she was, the stronger Fang Yu was...

After accepting this trillion-dollar gift, Gu Mengyi didn't know how to repay Fang Yu a little.

Blushing slightly, he leaned in and lightly nodded on Fang Yu's face.

"That's it?"

Fang Yu didn't let her go so easily.

Pulled her into his arms on the spot, and then took her with him, sinking all the way into the River Styx...


More than an hour later.

Gu Mengyi returned from the River Styx and returned to her office alone with a flushed face.

Her skirt and long hair were a bit messy.

Then he collapsed in his seat.

"It's outrageous. This kid is obviously only level 60, and this strength and physique attributes can be compared to me..."

Gu Mengyi complained on the surface, but his heart was beautiful.

She folded her legs and lay weakly under the chair, her body was soft and gave people a lazy feeling.

At this moment, many 100-level three-turn professionals around the world received a system prompt.

Fang Yu, a Longxia professional, chose to participate in the SSS-level three-turn mission!

Any professional in the world who has not yet turned four times at level 100 can participate in killing Fang Yu!

Originally, countless people around the world shook their heads.

In the face of Fang Yu, who had killed ten of the world's top powerhouses, a professional of one hundred levels, who would dare to enter and block it?

That's all about sending to death!

But the situation that shocked countless people appeared.

Half an hour later.

There were really ten level 100 powerhouses from all over the world, all of whom had not yet made four turns, and signed up for this operation!

What shocked countless people was...

These ten people turned out to be Longxia people!

Seven men and three women, not all of them are young, there are also old and middle-aged people, but they have one thing in common, that is, they are all level 100 people, who have not yet made four turns, or failed four turns.

And their professions are quite special!

At first glance, it was specially prepared to deal with Fang Yu's weirdness!

When that sniper list appeared, the world was shocked, and inside Long Xia, it was even more shocking!

Even Fang Yu was surprised.

"Did someone really snipe at me?"

"Are they all from Longxia?"

"Check these ten people, what is the situation!"

Fang Yu indifferently let the paper man go!

But whether it was Fang Yu or Long Xia official, the results of the investigation soon came out, and these ten people actually disappeared one after another in the past few days!

There is no trace of them at all.

Even divination and curses and the like can't find out their situation!


Jiangnan Su family!

Because she missed her sister, Su went back to Jiangnan Su's house, took the mythical longbow given to her by Fang Yu, and went to her sister's tomb to worship.

Some juniors of the Su family also came with her.

For the eldest aunt Su Qiuyue who died in the Twelve Otherworlds four years ago, many people in the Su family are extremely respectful!

In the crowd though.

There was a young man with a twisted psychology, looking Su Qiansha standing in the front up and down.

It was Lin Fan!

"Good show, opening 413, hehe..."

"False protagonist, self-confidence inflated, high-profile arrogance."

"The real protagonist should hide in the shadows and slowly become a trader in the world!"

Lin Fan's heart was twisted, but it was completely invisible on the surface.

At this time, he pretended to be surprised: "I received a message that it was Fang Yu's SSS-level three-turn mission, and someone actually signed up for sniping, and they are all our Longxia people!" "

As soon as these words came out.

Su Qiansha in front suddenly changed his face slightly.

"What's the situation?"

Su turned around a little nervously and ran over.

Lin Fan saw that he attracted Su's shallow attention and pretended to be very worried: "I don't know, I haven't heard of these ten people, but looking at the profession, it seems that they are all restrained Fang Yu's weirdness?" "

"For example, this space cutter, although it is only level 100, can create a spatial barrier and effectively block the devouring of that mangosteen."

"And this mirror maker, it seems that he can create hundreds of mirror doppelgangers for himself and his teammates, restraining dice!"

Lin Fan pretended to be surprised and said.

When Su heard this, he frowned.

She dresses conservatively.

But Lin Fan knew that this loli beautiful girl he had been thinking about for a long time had an extremely explosive figure!

Even he occasionally looked ahead, Su Qianshian's sister, Su Qiuyue's tombstone!

"Both of you, it will be mine..."

Lin Fan's heart was extremely excited and excited.

No one knew that Lin Fan's true dependency!

In the north of the South China Sea in the dragon summer, a total of ten different cities around, in the wilderness, deep in the mountains and forests!

This kind of place is basically full of monsters.

Even Fang Yu's paper man couldn't come to this kind of place, because it didn't make any sense.

It's in the middle of those wild mountains.

Suddenly, there were pale arms that broke through the dirt, and a total of ten people scattered all over the country and crawled out of the soil.

They were the ten Longxia people who participated in sniping Fang Yu this time.

However, their eyes were dull, their skin was pale, and their faces were a little distorted.

It was covered in dirt and blood.

It's like a zombie!

This...... It was Lin Fan's biggest dependency!

"Undead life, no soul, even they have no lifespan!"

"They just act according to my will!"

"These ten people are all living bodies transformed into undead, and they can also maintain their own professional identities for a period of time, just enough to snipe Fang Yu!"

"Without a soul, without life, such an existence ... Unable to be divination, unable to be cursed, and only subject to physical, magical, and elemental attacks. "

"Completely ignore your weird rules!"

This is the undead life that Lin Fan regarded as a strange nemesis!

What a red coat! Wooden comb! Balloon! Wait, none of them can affect such undead creatures!

His profession, S-Class Mage (Catastrophe)!

Shouldn't this be the protagonist?

It's just that because of the dark psychology, Lin Fan only reported a little when he first reported his professional ability, he can summon skeleton soldiers, and there is a limit to the number.

Concealing his ability to transform living bodies into undead creatures, and even more concealing his summoning limit! .

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