Not to mention that Ah Mi was remorseful outside.

Fang Yu accompanied Su Qianshao into the interior of the red flower sedan car.

As soon as I came in, I felt that the hustle and bustle outside was isolated, and the whole palanquin was very spacious, but it was also very silent, and I couldn't hear any movement from outside.

On the seat of the palanquin, a festive red blanket is spread.

Fang Yu pulled Su Qiansha and sat up.

This pair of ponytailed loli held Fang Yu's hand a little nervously, anyway, she was the first living person to enter this palanquin.

In her eyes, Ah Mi is not counted like that... Ahem.

"Don't be nervous, this thing is controlled by me in the final analysis, even if something goes wrong, I can stop it at any time."

Fang Yu said.


Su nodded shallowly.

She blushed a little, thought about it, and simply leaned on Fang Yu's shoulder and closed her eyes.

The time to remodel is a bit long.

She thought, it should be almost enough to get some sleep, right?

It just so happens that she has been quite tired recently.

Fang Yu put his arm around her slender waist, looked down, and saw a snow-white canyon, rising and falling with her breathing...

However, this is the moment when the red flower palanquin transforms into a ghost bride.

Fang Yu didn't mess around either.

Just put my arm around the girl and observe the situation outside through other strange perspectives.

Now, the blood-stained scissors have cut the skeleton soldiers of the four largest cities and began to move to some cities with fewer skeleton soldiers.

In the process, there were more and more paper people under Fang Yu.

In order to prevent Lin Fan's recurrence, he let the paper people spread throughout every city of the Longxia Kingdom.

And let the smoke carefully examine.

But anyone who existed like Lin Fan, who was full of hostility to him and the Longxia Kingdom, would directly do it.

If it is relatively weak, directly let the smoke shoot and the head will fly!

If it is relatively strong, let the demon dice move, burst the gold coins and then take the internal organs, and completely squeeze out its remaining value!

For a time, in the major cities of Longxia, some spies, betrayers, hidden foreign powerhouses, etc., were all plucked out by Fang Yu!

This scene made countless people across the country feel terrified!

Because many people say that they are chatting with friends for dinner, and suddenly the heads of friends fly!

Or they were still talking about some international trading projects, and suddenly a demon dice flew in and began a cruel and bloody demon trade!

For a time, the whole country was shocked!

Everyone 343 knew that Fang Yu's clean-up operation had begun.

But what are the criteria for cleanup?

Nobody knows!

This makes many people panic!

Moreover, such things happen all over the country, and those who have accidents, there are all kinds of them, and it seems that there is nothing in common ...

But soon.

Longxia's official intelligence and investigation department took action.

Specifically targeting those targeted by Fang Yu, intelligence investigation and collection were carried out.

And then it soon found out...

But anyone who was killed by a human head balloon, or was targeted by a demon dice, more or less expressed his dissatisfaction with Long Xia and Fang Yu on weekdays, and it was quite a strong kind!

Through a search of these people's residences and mobile phones, it was found that they had participated in some discussion groups or chat groups, which were all chat groups opposed to Fang Yu.

Many people believed Yu Zheng's Fang Yu threat theory, or had other goals... Gather in these chat groups and discuss all day.

As for some foreign professionals, they are also among the crackdowns.

Through investigation, the official found that these professionals have two layers of identity, the surface identity is normal, but the identity behind them is to come to Longxia to investigate intelligence!

All intelligence spies from other countries!

When the official results of the investigation are published.

Countless people across the country and even around the world were in an uproar!

"Lying groove, Fang Yu is also too awesome! How did he screen them out one by one? "

"Outrageous! I know that there must be people who are still dissatisfied with Fang Yu's boss, what are the anti-Fang Yu forums and groups? "

"Shhh—this Fang Yu is also too domineering, right? As long as you oppose him, you have to die? "

"At best, there may be people like Lin Fan among these people? If such a person is capable, who knows what he will do? "

"That is, at least Fang Yu has never endangered us Long Xia! Now that we have so many resources, I can afford dark gold equipment, hahaha! "

"Thanks to Fang Yu, my critical strike rate has been less than 50% before. Yesterday, I bought two pieces of dark gold equipment at half the price before, and the critical strike rate is 55%! "

"You should actually wait, now our national resources are getting more and more (BGBJ), and the resources will be cheaper and cheaper~"

"I choose white! Now there are too many copies and secret realms in our country, and the official can't beat it, I joined the thug group, and the explosive equipment has the right of priority! "


In fact, there are not many people in Longxia who are still hostile to Fang Yu in Longxia.

Because, the vast majority of Longxia's professionals, or those with combat professionals in their families, have all eaten Fang Yu's wave of benefits!

More resources mean that the price of equipment and skill books on the market will be cheaper.

After all, the number of Longxia professionals has not increased.

So now I want to come to Longxia to buy equipment, return to their respective countries to sell it, and there will be more businessmen who make the difference.

Among the people Fang Yu disposed of, many of them were ostensibly doing business, but in fact they were intelligence traffickers, and this wave was all swept up by Fang Yu!

In fact, Fang Yu knew.

No matter how strong he is, those who oppose him will never disappear.

This is human civilization!

Even with Fang Yu's ability, he can only dispose of those incorrigible targets with a hostile value of 100 points.

Even so, he found that when he disposed of these people, the relatives, friends, etc. around these people had more or less increased their hostility towards him.

There are even new hostile people worth 100!

"Human society is really complicated!"

Fang Yu sighed.

From this point of view, he will never be able to let everyone's hostility to him be zeroed.

If he wants to kill everyone who is hostile to him, then the final result is to kill all the human beings in the world...

This was not the result Fang Yu wanted.

At this time, Fang Yu was holding Su Qiansha and waiting for the transformation in the red flower palanquin.

Soon he felt...

This big bear loli seems to have become a little hot, and it can even be said that it is piping hot.

Originally, this girl was about to fall asleep, and in a half-dream, half-awake state, she felt as if there was a fire in her body, which made her ghostly, and one rolled over and sat on Fang Yu's lap.


Fang Yu looked confused.

"Fang Yu, I love you..."

A soft girl's voice sounded from Fang Yu's mind.

He found that the transformation of this girl had entered a new stage.

Now, through the transformation of the Red Flower Sedan to her, she has been connected to Fang Yu's soul! You can use souls and talk to each other no matter how far apart!

Next, it's a weird transformation of her skills.

Fang Yu looked at the loli beautiful girl leaning on her chest in front of her, hugged her thin waist with both hands, and kissed her on the forehead: "During the transformation of the ghost bride, if you feel that something is wrong with your body, remember to tell me at any time." "

"Something is wrong, something is wrong!"

"But don't stop..."

Su said with a shallow blush.

Fang Yu felt the heat of her body, and immediately communicated with Yu Susu... Soon he was a little confused.

"What kind of ghost bride transformation, and this effect?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Does it make people think indescribable?"

"Why didn't you say it just now?"

Fang Yu was helpless.

A fan is his weirdness, and he can communicate with his soul.

Hearing Fang Yu ask this, A Mi was a little aggrieved: "In fact, A Mi is also a little confused, only when he came out did he feel it, and forgot to say it..."

"You girl, did you leave her body when you transformed?"

Fang Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Eh, the master guessed?"

Ah Mi was surprised and shy.


Fang Yu was speechless.


It wasn't until nearly two hours later that Fang Yu helped Su Qiansha and walked out of the red flower palanquin.

No way.

The newly transformed loli beautiful girl's body is a little weak, fortunately in the River Styx, otherwise she may not be able to stand steadily.

After all, it took two hours to transform with Fang Yu!

"Sure enough, nothing seems to have changed."

Su looked at his hands and said a little weakly.

"Where? It's changed a lot, it's moist! "

Fang Yu said with a smile.

"Eh, don't say it, shame on people."

Su pinched him.

"Huh? Didn't I see you shy when you were transforming? "

Fang Yu was unexpected.

"Fang Yu!!"

Su shallow gritted his teeth and reached out to fight, but when it fell, the small fist was soft, and it could be seen that he really had no strength.

"Okay, okay, no kidding, let's see what changes have changed in your skills?"

The ghost bride transformation effect of the red flower palanquin, Fang Yu is still looking forward to it.

"I'll see..."

"Many of my skills have a special rule effect?"

Su Qiansha was also curious.

She opened her skill panel and looked at it, and was pleasantly surprised.

After transforming into a ghost bride, all her enchantment skills have become weird!

Unlike Yu Susu's body, Yu Susu itself is a dreamer, and has only two skills, which make people sleep and enter dreams.

Both of these skills are weird and have the effect of increasing the target surrender value.

But Su is shallow, she learns a lot of skills!

A variety of enchantments, shelters, invincibility, amplification, all these skills, have actually undergone weirdness!

"Except for the attack skill, all other skills have changed."

"On top of the original effect, a non-direct effect is added!"

Su shallow only looked at it, and her beautiful eyes widened, a little unbelievable: "Wow, it's amazing!" "

"Can't look directly? Groove. "

Fang Yu was a little confused.

This effect sounds incredible!

Then Su Qiansha shared all kinds of skill attribute panels with Fang Yu to view... This kind of behavior, many couples will not do this.

After all, there are many skill panels, which is the foundation of a professional's survival!

But for Su Qianshian, whether it is physical or soul, she is already Fang Yu's bride, then her whole person is Fang Yu's, and the sharing point skill panel is completely fine.

What's more, these skill effects were all brought to her by Fang Yu!

So, Fang Yu was able to check...

"Awesome, it's really not to look at directly!"

"Any enemy who sees the effect of these skills will suffer spiritual pollution and soul damage!"

"If you keep staring, you either die or go crazy!"

"But... It's not a little bit worse than I imagined. "

Fang Yu thought about it.

He originally imagined that he could not look directly, but he would go crazy just by looking at it, or die at one glance!

But the effect of Su's shallow skills is not so strong.

If you just look at it, the degree of impact is very small, as long as people don't keep staring... All in all, the pressing is high, but the effect is a bit awkward.

"Actually, it's fine."

Su shallow tilted his head, thought for a while and said: "If I release a brighter skill special effect, and see that the special effect light can also affect the enemy, then the other party can only close his eyes?" Become blind? Even if it is a top powerhouse, the combat effectiveness will be greatly affected. "

"That's right."

Fang Yu nodded.

In other words.

The enemies who are now fighting with Su Shallow will either become blind themselves, or they will fight against spiritual pollution and continuous soul damage!

That half of the combat power is weakened is considered small.

At this time, Su shallowly and shyly hugged Fang Yu's arm: "After that... Fang Yu, can I wave casually! Can you be resurrected in a palanquin anyway? "

"Save it, you."

Fang Yu knocked on her head: "Reshaping your body for you will consume resentment." "

He now has a huge amount of resentment stored...

But if you can, don't use it.

After all, if he really died, these grievances could still bring him back to life, in short, the ghost bride of the red flower palanquin reshaped the function of the flesh, just to provide an insurance.

You can't take the initiative to send it to death, right?

"Oooh, then I'd better not die."

Su shallow stuck out her tongue, her face was still red, cute and seductive.

"By the way, after successfully transforming you, the palanquin has risen to the evil spirit level."

Fang Yu glanced at the attributes of the palanquin at this time, and this pollution source unexpectedly unlocked a brand new ability.

This ability...

It blew him a little.

What a ghost bride!

He looked at Su Qiansha quite solemnly and asked her: "I heard that your sister's body is buried in the cemetery, or is it relatively complete?" In this case... Maybe you can bring your sister back to life! "


Su Qianshian's whole person was dumbfounded! .

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