Ye Yuxi was still very excited, and wanted to go to the sky hunting ground to try the new ability: "Then I'll upgrade first." "

Before leaving, she held Fang Yu, and she was a little reluctant to leave.

But she glanced at her rank... You still have to go up to level 150 first.

Now there is a ghostly weird ability, so that Ye Yuxi can turn one punch into three punches, or even five punches, and the upgrade speed skyrockets!

However, she thought about it and did not go to the sky hunting ground alone.

Instead, he brought Su Qianshian.

I plan to brush it together.

After all, Su Qiansha is an auxiliary class, the attack ability is weak, if no one brings it, the upgrade speed is not so fast.

Two women, one with more than 120 levels and one with more than 140 levels.

Directly brush the level 140 monster, the upgrade speed is actually similar.

Although the experience points obtained by Su Qiansha will decay, her level is low, and the experience required to upgrade is much less than Ye Yuxi.


Fang Yu wanted to help the two women upgrade up, but he hadn't even reached 100 now.

It must be a priority to brush up on your own experience.

At this time, Fang Yu was about to go to find Gu Mengyi, and suddenly Su Qiuyue communicated with his soul and sent a message: "Master Fang Yu~ Our Su family banquet has been postponed to three days later, I am fine now, can I come to accompany you?" "

Fang Yu thought that Su Qiansha was pulled by Ye Yuxi to level up.

This Su Qiuyue is indeed only one person now.

"Okay, I'll take you to meet Yumeichi, you shouldn't have met yet, right?"

Fang Yu smiled and asked Yining to go to Su Jiarin and bring Su Qiuyue to the Styx.

"Is that the piano painter?"

Su Qiuyue came to Fang Yu, pursed her lips and chuckled, "There are many young people in our Su family who adore her~ I'm still quite curious." "

Now she is still wearing that black evening dress, noble and elegant.

But the black silk was gone, and the skirt revealed the snow-white calf skin.

Fang Yu looked at her appreciatively and asked, "Is the state after the resurrection okay?" "

Su Qiuyue floated over and helped Fang Yu tidy up his collar: "There is no problem." It's that there is suddenly one more person in life... Slightly unaccustomed. It seems that he has been single for a long time before. "

"It's good that you're single, otherwise you won't be saved."

Fang Yu smiled.


Su Qiuyue mocked: "I see, your big red sedan is here to find you a daughter-in-law." I don't even let go of the dead, and I specifically look for the pure one, it's terrible~"

"Will you be jealous then?"

Fang Yu put his arm around her waist, thin and soft.

And this girl, knowing that she was going to see Fang Yu, had already warmed up her body in advance...

So holding it up is no different from a living person.

"Four years ago I definitely would. But now I don't feel it, I wonder if I have been brainwashed by your big red flower palanquin. "

Su Qiuyue leaned into his arms, looking a little depressed490.

"It should still be the 15% impact, after all, you died for four years, and part of your soul and consciousness were completely dissipated, and you can't get it back."

Fang Yu sighed.

"It's okay, it's good to be alive."

Su Qiuyue herself could see it, and even wanted to laugh a little: "When I was going to die, I actually thought of a lot, and there was an obsession that I died without even looking for a man, so unwilling." "

She lifted her pretty face, and although it was a little pale, her skin was still smooth and supple.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Fang Yu a little nervously: "Am I good-looking?" Isn't it too pale? I look in the mirror and I am scared by myself. "

Fang Yu pinched her little face: "If you are not good-looking, no one in this world dares to say that you are beautiful." "

Su Qiuyue smiled: "The scumbag is good to listen to." "

Fang Yu was speechless: "Why are you a scumbag?" "

Su Qiuyue pursed her lips and smiled: "I scumbag my sister, not a scumbag?" "

"Can the matter of two lovers be called scum?"

Fang Yu knocked on her skull and said with a smile: "Let's go, take you to the Ninth Otherworld." "

He put his arm around Su Qiuyue and floated towards the surface of the Styx.

When he appeared, he appeared on the central fortress square of the Ninth Otherworld.

Coming to the other world again, Su Qiuyue, who came back from the dead, was full of emotion.

At this time, many soldiers of the central fortress saw them and came over to say hello.

In particular, many old soldiers, seeing Fang Yu appear with Su Qiuyue, all of them burst into tears and were excited one by one.

"Alive, really alive..."

"Minister Su, I fought with you in the Twelve Legions, but I didn't expect you to really come back!"

"Commander Fang Yu, it's simply amazing!"

"Commander Fang Yu, my girlfriend also died in battle... Can you help me..."

A small warrior came to Fang Yu crying and knelt down directly.

Fang Yu didn't expect this.

He was silent for a moment, crouched down, and helped the little warrior up: "I'm sorry." If I can help, I will definitely help, but this resurrection ability has many limitations, and I can't do anything about it. "

First of all, the corpse needs to be pure during the lifetime ...

The vast majority of people do not agree with this.

Then the number is limited, and now the evil spirit-level red flower sedan can only have a place for a true ghost bride.

At last......

The resurrected corpse will become his ghost bride!

Under these conditions, even if Fang Yu can really help someone resurrect his girlfriend or something, people may not be willing, right?


Soon, Fang Yu went to the fortress wall with Su Qiuyue.

Because a wave of red-haired monsters had just been refreshed around the central fortress, and there were also two legendary-level monsters, Gu Mengyi was personally dealing with it.

Walking in the fortress, Su Qiuyue was not in a very good mood.

There are too many people who sacrificed in the other world, although she lived, but more people, but she will never come back...

"Don't think too much."

Fang Yu squeezed her little hand and comforted: "The previous things have all passed, from now on, I will not let Long Xia have more casualties." No matter which side of the otherworld erupts, with me, there will be no trouble. "


Su Qiuyue nodded and squeezed his hand tightly.

Walking on the city wall, there are legionnaires saluting and saluting them along the way.

And from Fang Yu's perspective, around each of these fighters with relatively strong combat power, there were already ten paper people preparing!

Their professional abilities will be simulated.

Soon came to the middle of the city wall.

Gu Mengyi, wearing a white long dress, is holding a guqin in her arms, with a solemn and serious look on her beautiful face, and is increasing the amplitude of various creatures she has drawn!

She holds the piano in her left hand and holds the pen in her right hand, her white dress is fluttering, her silver hair moves with the wind, and her beautiful eyes are as bright as stars.

"She is Gu Mengyi?"

When Su Qiuyue saw her, her eyes lit up: "So beautiful, like a fairy~"

Look outside the city walls.

Outside the pale golden protective enchantment were a group of thousands of red-haired monsters that had just been brushed out.

Many of these red-haired monsters have the existence of ignoring the enchantment affix, especially a legendary red-haired giant that is more than ten meters tall!

That guy had already taken hundreds of little brothers and passed through the enchantment and entered the interior of the enchantment.

The more than fifty three-eyed sword saints drawn by Gu Mengyi, under the increase in the sound of the piano, burst out one after another sword qi, slashing towards those red-haired monsters!

There are also many long-range professional warriors, all within the enchantment, attacking other red-haired monsters that cannot enter the enchantment.

"I'll help~"

Su Qiuyue was eager to try.


Fang Yu smiled and nodded.

It can be seen that this girl is a militant, and she has been very active in going to the Twelve Otherworlds to suppress the result before...

Now she has become a ghost bride, and the skills she has acquired are weird, much more powerful than the others!

Su Qiuyue's profession is an S-class mutant Asura shooter.

Her professional ability is to summon the Asura Demon, which itself has good combat power and can also add additional damage to her attack skills.

Not weak, but not strong in Fang Yu's eyes.

After all, Fang Yu has seen too many top powerhouses!

But now...

Su Qiuyue, who became a ghost bride, obtained a passive strange effect, that is, as long as the unit killed by her, it would explode, giving birth to a fierce soul that lasted for five minutes

This fierce soul is the same as the fierce soul summoned by Fang Yu and Hong Yi, and it can directly gnaw the enemy's soul.

Her weird passivity, singled out is useless.

But the monster is definitely a must!

At this time, I saw her standing on the city wall, taking out the mythical longbow that Fang Yu had taken back for her, shooting more than ten pitch-black arrows from a distance, and instantly killing more than ten ordinary red-haired monsters!

The corpses of more than ten red-haired monsters exploded, and more than ten fierce spirits surged out and began to slaughter towards the surrounding red-haired monsters.

Entangle that fierce legendary red-haired giant! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In just ten seconds, he killed the red-haired giant who was more than ten meters tall!


Fang Yu was amazed.

"Eh, huh?"

(BGCG) Su Qiuyue was still very happy when she heard Fang Yu's praise, but she was a little regretful: "This dress is not convenient to fly up, otherwise it will be more handsome to fly into the sky to shoot arrows~"

She was wearing a black evening dress, not a combat suit, and if she flew into the sky, she would go away ...

At this time, Gu Mengyi saw this scene, looked sideways, and his face was happy.

"Fang Yu, are you here?"

She just finished drawing a three-eyed sword saint, and the three-eyed sword saint flew out of the city wall and rushed to the battlefield with a sword.


Fang Yu nodded.

Then he casually glanced at the red-haired monsters over there, and directly included the group of monsters in the mirror world!

Directly solve this wave of monster attacks!

This scene caused a cheer to be heard all around.

Gu Mengyi smiled helplessly: "Fang Yu, you are also too powerful, we can kill this wave of monsters for at least half an hour without injury, you can solve it at a glance..."

"You just know I'm good?"

Fang Yu asked with a smile.


Gu Meng didn't speak, but his face was slightly red.

She looked at Su Qiuyue, who was quite intimate with Fang Yu, and was slightly curious: "You are Su Qiuyue's senior?" Hello~"

"Seniors don't dare to be."

Su Qiuyue was still very modest, shook hands with Gu Mengyi, pursed her lips and chuckled: "This time Fang Yu is looking for you, there is something good ~ you go first, I will help you guard this fortress." "

"Huh? Meddlesome? "

Gu Meng glanced at Fang Yu, she didn't believe it would be a good thing.

But he still followed Fang Yu into the River Styx...

Then I learned that it was actually to let her enter the red flower palanquin and transform her into a ghost bride.

In this regard, Gu Mengyi was not shy, anyway, he was already Fang Yu's person.

But like the other girls, she wanted Fang Yu to accompany her in.

After all, that red flower palanquin looks too weird... It made her feel very oozing, and she was a little scared without Fang Yu accompanying her!

"Let me accompany? Then I have no reason to refuse. "

Fang Yu smiled.

Anyway, his various internal organs are being strengthened by the demon dice every day, and each time it is strengthened five times!

Don't say one by one.

Even if they come together, he is not afraid...


Two hours later, with the end of Gu Mengyi's ghost bride transformation, the grade of the red flower palanquin was directly upgraded to the fierce soul level!

"The number of real ghost brides has not increased."

"But the upper limit for ghost brides has been increased from five to seven!"

"But... Next, the red flower palanquin wants to upgrade, it is not enough to transform the ghost bride, but also have to let other women come in to become white bones and absorb resentment. "

Fang Yu knew in his heart.

The next two days.

Fang Yu successively transformed the three daughters of Sophia, Xiao Qing, and Lin Nayin into ghost brides!

However, when these three women transformed, Fang Yu did not move them for the time being.


He was pestered by other girls...

Fang Yu found that he had finally become busy!

Even the two daughters, Yukino Shimizu and Liliana, didn't have much time to look for them.

In particular, Su Qiuyue and Su Qiansha sisters really played a hand of soul transfer, exchanged bodies, and experienced it.

To this, Fang Yu could only say...

Big thumbs up!

Just when Fang Yu was happy every day, the news and discussion from the outside world about the upcoming appearance of the nine new otherworldly entrances of Longxia intensified.

There is speculation that Fang Yu has a new weirdness.

But most people thought that Fang Yu was relying on the original weirdness to guard these nine otherworlds.

The Aid Legions from many countries had already arrived in the territory of Longxia and had already stationed near the nine upcoming Otherworld Entrances.

Of course, the 200,000 that the Ice Bird Country wanted to support was pushed back by Fang Yu.

Sophia, they haven't managed the otherworld in their own country, so there's no need to let them come and run.

Anyway...... Fang Yu also did not rely on these supporting legions.

The point is, the fish they want to catch, has already appeared!

Just ten minutes before those nine otherworlds were about to appear.

The North American Empire, the Three Kingdoms, the Western Eight Kingdoms, the Sakura Country, the Great Australia Country, and the Hairy Bear Country, a total of six countries, began a large-scale corps movement at the same time!


Longxia Kingdom, imperial capital, United Front Room.

Fang Yu was staying with the eleven elders.

"They moved."

The corners of Fang Yu's mouth turned up slightly.

"Unexpectedly, they really dare to move?"

Tang Youlong smiled: "I just don't know, what method did they use to deliver the news to Fang Yu?" With such a large-scale operation, those top powerhouses must have communication. "

"It should be to hide important information in ordinary information to achieve communication."

Fang Yu knocked on the table and said: "For example, hiding a poem or something, although my paper man reconnaissance has no dead ends, but the paper man has no wisdom, and it is normal that he cannot find some hidden information." "

This made all the elders in the audience sigh a little.

Human wisdom is really infinite!

The hostile six countries actually did not know how Fang Yu was investigating, but in order to prevent him from investigating, he used this method of information transmission.

In the end, Fang Yu was concealed and the preparation for large-scale military mobilization was realized!

At this time, Fang Zhaolin said with a smile: "Through analysis, ninety-nine percent of their military operations are aimed at our border cities. They want to take advantage of the appearance and chaos of our nine otherworlds to capture one of our cities, so as to threaten Fang Yu with the civilians of that city and negotiate conditions with us! "

Grandma Gongsun sneered: "It's the same as Lin Fan." "

"In their opinion, our nine new otherworlds erupted, and we need to use all the weirdness of the upper feathers, and there is no time to pay attention to them."

"It's a pity, they don't know, our Xiaofang Town guards the Nine Otherworlds, and we only need a paper man cut out by a pair of scissors!"

The senators laughed.

"It seems that this wave is a bumper harvest, and the enemies that were originally hidden have all emerged this time."

Fang Yu stood up and looked at everyone: "It's time to take advantage of this time to eliminate all enemies!" "

Under Fang Yu's order, the disaster-level paper man legion that numbered 100 million and had already simulated the combat power of the soldiers of the Longxia Legion were all dispatched!

At the same time, Red Yi, Mangosteen, Yining, Yanyan, as well as the wooden comb, and A Mi, who was a mirror spirit, just six of them, instantly appeared in the sky above the legions assembled by the six countries! .

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