Said before.

As the 'Source of Strangeness', Fang Yu can use all the weird skills.

For example, Ye Hongyi's 'spirit form'.

"However, there are some restrictions on the use of these weird skills..."

"Any skill can only last for one hour, and the cooldown period is up to three hours!"

Ye Hongyi's 'spirit form' and 'soul control'.

The 'crazy growth curse' of the weird wooden comb.

Now mangosteen 'infinite regeneration', 'devouring digestion'.

These skills are all the same.

At the same time....

Fang Yu also felt that after creating the Night Mangosteen, he was connected to a strange space, that is, his 'Dimensional Stomach'!

"However, if I swallow something, I can only digest it for an hour, and after an hour, the digestion will stop, and I will not be able to continue digestion until three hours later..."


Fang Yu's digestion speed was only one-third of Yemangosteen.

Fortunately, this situation can be improved by increasing the level of the weirds!

Brushed overnight.

Ye Hongyi was finally upgraded from 'ordinary level' to 'evil spirit level'.

What this brought to her and Fang Yu was a qualitative change!

First of all, Ye Hongyi's spiritual attributes have been increased by 50% at one time, and this is the final multiplication!

The 16th-level red-clothed senior now has 240 spirits!

This allowed her soul control to expand to a radius of 2400 meters, and she could control almost all professionals below level 30!

Secondly, all her skills, used by Fang Yu, increased the duration from 1 hour to 2 hours, and the cooldown time remained unchanged.

"According to this trend, as long as she can be upgraded to the third stage 'Fierce Soul Level', her skills can be used infinitely with me."

Fang Yu thought to himself.

Finally, Ye Hongyi, who had improved his grade, gained a new ability.


[Ability 3: Soul trembling.] Shake the souls of all enemies around you, hallucinate your target and see what they fear the most, thus increasing your fear! 】


Soul trembling!

This skill allows the target to hallucinate and see what they are most afraid of.

For each opponent, the effect is different.

"In other words, the evil spirit-level Ye Hongyi has an additional means to fear the target."

"If it is only relying on 'horror scenes', many daring, or relatively strong combat power, are unlikely to be afraid, and they will not be suppressed."

"But with soul trembling, even if you face some top powerhouses, there may be miracles!"

The point is.

This soul trembling is a means at the soul level.

Even if the enemy has some means that can resist illusions, they cannot resist the tremor at the soul level.

In the vast majority of cases, the effect will be significant!

Fang Yu even wanted to try the effect on Ye Yuxi...

But in the end, I held back.

"Forget it, my own people, I still don't scare her."

Fang Yu looked at the beautiful and gentle 'big' sister beside him, and dispelled this idea....

At this time.

The sky is bright and the sun is rising.

But the sky island where they are located is still gloomy and full of coolness.

Ye Yuxi glanced at the time and asked, "Almost, let's go eat something first, and then set off to test your wooden comb?" There should be little delay. "

"Okay, where to eat?"

Fang Yu nodded.

He also happened to be hungry.

"Just Sky Pavilion, let's let the master help make a hot pot and see if Mangosteen likes it~"

Ye Yuxi said with a smile.

"Okay. But...... Do you really need to eat? "

Fang Yu was deeply suspicious.

But anyway, about eating, mangosteen should not refuse?


So, Ye Yuxi took Fang Yu and Ye Mangosteen and left Sky Island.

Come to the Sky Pavilion on the central platform.

This is the largest building on this platform.

The masters here are all high-level life professions, such as chefs, bartenders, etc., and the food they cook can temporarily improve the attributes of the professionals.

Because he brought a 'weird', Ye Yuxi arranged it and entered a small private room on the second floor of the Sky Pavilion.

After taking a seat, Fang Yu sat next to Ye Yuxi.

As for Night Mangosteen....

I saw this pale-skinned girl, a pair of small feet jumped on the chair, and actually squatted down on the chair.

"Isn't she tired of squatting?"

Ye Yuxi asked.

Mangosteen looked at her blankly: "Aren't all squats for the next meal?" "

No wonder every time she swallowed a monster, she would squat on the grass.

It turned out that it was not a rest, but she felt that eating should be eating squatting ...

"Sit and eat later... Forget it, you sit on me first, I'll teach you to use chopsticks later. "

Fang Yu stood up.

Reach out and pick her up, then sit down and place her on your lap.

For a while, as Fang Yu sat down holding the girl, Ye Yuxi next to him felt a chill coming from his side.

This is not an illusion.

Fang Yu put his arm around the girl in white, feeling that her body was very cold.

Clearly not like a living person.

This girl, holding it up a little dry and thin, has no meat at all.

But when she was held by Fang Yu, she seemed to be very comfortable, and the breath from Fang Yu's 'strange source' made her feel very close.

This made Fang Yu feel a little emotional.

"Although this weirdness was drawn by me, she also has her own feelings and her own thinking."

"This girl, I'm afraid she didn't eat a full meal when she was alive."

"From what famine years?"

"And her clothes, except for the word 'mangosteen', look tattered... Turn around and change her clothes, put on black silk, put on makeup, hiss-"

Fang Yu found that his thoughts became strange?

It's obviously a trick....

But I have to say that Mangosteen's face looks really cute, casually put on makeup, so that her complexion is not so pale, she is definitely the world's top beauty embryo...

Waiting for the time to serve.

Ye Hongyi also followed, floating incognito in the hall of the Sky Pavilion.

In the hall, many professionals who came to level up were eating breakfast.

Suddenly, someone seemed to have talked about Fang Yu, attracting Ye Hongyi's attention.

"Hey, you're our Fifth Legion, a newcomer you just received, right?"

"SS-level Super Thunder Mage, called Qin Yue?"

Ye Hongyi saw that a young man with small pigtails had just entered the hall and walked towards a young girl who was queuing up to order food, and said as he walked: "I heard that you came in the same group as the newcomer painters of the Twelve Legions?" "

"It's so obscure, I've been brushing Sky Island on No. 28 for most of the month, and suddenly I was given permission to withdraw... Qin Yue, do you know what backstage that rookie painter has, so that he can occupy the authority of two sky islands alone? "

Qin Yue, who was wearing a golden quality magic robe, frowned and glanced sideways at the young man.

She looks like a wild monster who has brushed all night, her beautiful face is a little tired, and the new magic robe wraps around her delicate body, showing the perfect and graceful body curves!


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