A full few minutes later.

Na Yuzheng finally sighed: "Okay." After death, you can also kill enemies for the country, which is not bad! "

He agreed.

In other words, he was fooled and lame by Fang Yu!

After all, what he said about obsession or something is completely illusory, once he becomes a water ghost puppet, he will be completely controlled by Fang Yu!


Fang Yu was still a little emotional.

This Yu Zheng is indeed thinking about the country, but he treats his issue a bit extremely.

During this time, the demon dice did not move much.

However, the demonic deal that has been reached will not change.

"In that case, I'll take his brain first!"

The demon girl's laughter seemed to come from hell.

The next moment, I saw that Yu Zheng's head suddenly exploded, and it turned into a blood mist!

When the blood mist dispersed, people only saw Yu Zheng's head... Already became a white Sensen's skull!

This scene made countless people present feel cold in their hearts.

Although I was prepared in my heart, when I really saw this scene, I was still a little unacceptable.

This demon dice of Fang Yu is too terrifying!

Especially if he is targeted, even a top global powerhouse like Yu Zheng cannot resist!


This one of the twelve elders of Long Xia, Yu Zheng, died like this!

The ending is sad!

But from Fang Yu's standpoint, this is what he must do.

Think about it casually, if Yu Zheng's idea succeeds today, he will be controlled with a soul contract... Then Fang Yu in the future will be uncomfortable, and he will completely lose himself!

From another point of view.

Yu Zheng was afraid that after Fang Yu's rise, it would be unfavorable to Long Xia.

But even if Fang Yu let him take control, wouldn't the others also need to worry, was he unfavorable to Long Xia?

As long as Fang Yu exists, such suspicions will never end and will never be fruitful!

Unless Fang Yu is dead.


How could Fang Yu be willing to die?

It is impossible to change anyone's willingness!

And when Na Yuzheng's head exploded, a gray mist of water appeared around him, which was the River Styx.

Several monster water ghosts stretched out their claws from the River Styx and dragged Yu Zheng's body into it...

Soon, Yi Ning devoured Yu Zheng's soul.

Because Yu Zheng's soul recognized and agreed to become a water ghost puppet.

Therefore, Yi Ning's next actions will not be hindered in any way, and in a few hours, a water ghost puppet that completely obeys Fang Yu's orders and possesses Yu Zheng's combat power before his death will be born!

"However, the legendary equipment on his body is gone, and the two mythical-level skills are also gone, and his combat power is much weaker than in his heyday..."

"But it's also the world's top combat power!"

Even if there is something missing, it will at least have the same combat power as Avalon of the three kingdoms.

It can be seen how strong it was at its peak!

It's a pity to deplor... Directly targeted by the demon dice, took away the brain, and died directly!


With Yu Zheng's death, this imperial capital within Longxia came to an end.

The remaining senior leaders of the Ninth Army were imprisoned and arrested for treason.

The relevant departments borrowed a demon dice from Fang Yu's hand, which was intended to squeeze out the surplus value of those people.

The decision of the high-level of Long Xia made Fang Yu sigh!

No matter what Yu Zheng and the Ninth Legion think, it is better to dedicate themselves to the country...

Their actions are all violations of the laws of the Longxia Kingdom!

Of course!

It's not that you can't do something to the geniuses in the country, but ... Even a similar action by the senators must be approved by the senate.

If this operation today is more than six elders, jointly executed.

Then it is in line with the law of Longxia.

Just like that... Fang Yu also had only one way, and that was to leave Long Xia.

Fortunately, this action was completely Yu Zheng's personal behavior.

It's a pity that it's a pity that it caught up with almost the entire top of the Ninth Legion, so that Long Xia suffered a heavy blow...

Under the dark sky created by Fang Zhaolin, the process of this matter was covered up, and all participants were forbidden to spread it.

After all, the most important thing in this is related to Fang Yu's ability!

In the future, this is the most important foreign weapon of the Longxia Kingdom!

As a result, people in other parts of the world only know how this thing began, but they do not know how it ended.

The only thing they know is.

Not long after this thing began... The name Yu Zheng, from the third place in the Global Abyss Challenge Ranking, disappeared!

For the North American Empire, the Three Kingdoms, the Sakura Country, the Sun Never Sets Empire and so on.

This thing, of course, is a good thing!

Yu Zheng's death greatly weakened the overall strength of the Longxia Kingdom!

But they didn't know at all that although Yu Zheng died, he still became Fang Yu's water ghost puppet and retained most of his combat power.

And most importantly...

Now Fang Yu has completely risen!

"Although Yu Zheng is dead, there are other participants in this plan, such as his granddaughter Yu Susu..."

"We will follow the vine and arrest all the participants."

"As for the follow-up arrangements for the Ninth Legion, there is still a vacated position of elder... Wait until everyone catches it. "

"But Fang Yu, you can consider it, are you interested in becoming the youngest elder in the history of Long Xia?"

Fang Zhaolin smiled and patted Fang Yu on the shoulder, and after speaking, he left with the others.

There was no one left to protect.

Because obviously...

Now Fang Yu is already able to stand alone, and he doesn't need too many people to protect him!

In a short period of time, Fang Yu had already grown. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Ye Yuxi looked at Fang Yu again, and his eyes were different: "Fang Yu, I also said before that when you get strong, you can directly enter the staff of the Twelve Legions, and as a result... Can you jump directly to the elder? "

For Fang Zhaolin's words, Fang Yu did not expect it.

He was helpless: "To become an elder, there must be more than six of the remaining eleven agrees... I'm so young that I don't think it's dramatic. "

However, he did understand Fang Zhaolin's thoughts.

Now his abilities are terrifying.

To prevent him from being unfavorable to Long Xia in the future... Then you just need to let Long Xia become his Long Xia, then isn't it solved?

From this, it can also be seen that Fang Zhaolin and their sincerity in wanting to keep Fang Yu in Longxia.

Of course, the resistance in this is definitely not small, after all, he is too young, if he really wants to say that the contribution to Long Xia is definitely not as good as Yu Zheng's level before.

"Instead, I think it's the advantage to be young."

At this time, Gu Mengyi, who emerged from the River Styx, pursed his lips and chuckled: "It was not that there were no young elders before, but it was not as young as you... You have made history and become the first SSS-level second turn, what is the problem with being the youngest elder? "

"It's terrible..."

Su Qiansha looked at Fang Yu like a big man: "I can't imagine that you have only changed jobs for less than ten days, and you are going to become an elder?" "

"Very emotional?"

Fang Yu teased her: "I just kissed the future quasi-elder, how do you feel?" It's a bargain for you. "

"Ah, you die!"

Su Qianshian's face blushed, red to the root of her neck.

"How do I feel... Fang Yu, you have become old all of a sudden? "

Ye Yuxi covered his mouth and chuckled on the side.

"Reverse you!"

Fang Yu was furious, reached out and grabbed the two women, and dragged them down the River Styx in one fell swoop...

Gu Mengyi, who originally came out of the head, suddenly felt that her legs were grabbed and pulled her down.

In the River Styx, there was a girl's exclamation for a while, empty, lonely and deep...

This just broke out the area outside the villa that shocked the world, and suddenly there was no one, and after a while, many logisticians and life professionals ran over to clean up the battlefield.

The terrifying scene of nightmare-level Ye Hongyi is almost an entity.

The blood rain and pieces of minced meat really fell on this area.

Incomparably hideous, terrifying!


The imperial capital, in a secret room.

The remaining eleven elders were seriously discussing matters about Fang Yu.

Soon, one of them glanced at his mobile phone and said in a deep voice: "Yu Zheng's three sons under his knees all died in the Ninth Otherworld, and now the only granddaughter, according to Gu Mengyi, also participated in this rebellion. But until now, no trace of Yu Susu has been found, and there has been no movement with divination and curses, as if this person does not exist. "

"What about the other participants? Have they all been arrested? "

A middle-aged female voice asked.

"They have all been arrested, and the demon dice provided by Fang Yu can allow them to strip out the highest-grade skill books and become renewable resources."

A middle-aged man smiled.

"In that case, continue to look for this Yu Susu, and about Fang Yu's appointment, let's issue it now."

Fang Zhaolin hit the nail on the head!


Imperial capital.


In a deserted wood, there is a wooden house, there are a lot of vegetables and fruits around the wooden house, but there is not even a fence around, it looks a little strange...

You know, this place is a level 60-70 monster refresh area!

Who will build a home in this place?

Once a monster attacks the city, this place can't resist a little.

At this time, a young man wearing a courier costume flew all the way here.

When approaching the wooden house, it is blocked by a light gold barrier. (Good money, good)

"Old lady Junjun, there is your express, come out and get it!"

The youth fell into the woods and shouted.

After a while, a fashionably dressed old woman came with a few cucumbers on her face, and her face was impatient: "The old lady puts on a mask, who will send a courier to the old lady?" "

"Are you the old lady of Junjun?"

The young man took out a package from the storage ring and asked.

"I, Lin Junjun, remove the old woman."

The old woman glared at him, stretched out her hand, and took the package: "The one who can sign the old lady like this, is the dead ghost?" "

She opened the package on the spot and took out a letter.

The signature is Yu Zheng.

"If I succeed, you won't see the letter."

"If I fail, by this time, I should already be dead!"

"Now, I'll hand over Susu to you..."

He's dead?


The old woman named Lin Junjun changed her face slightly.

"Okay, it's okay, I'll sign for it."

She sent the young courier away, then reached out to wipe the cucumber slices off her face.

A slightly wrinkled face is revealed.

Although he is also old, he at least looks at least twenty years younger than Yu Zheng...

She opened the Abyss Leaderboard first and took a look.

"That dead ghost, really dead?"

Her eyes were a little red.

Then look at the package in your hand ... In the package, there is a conch with a deep purple light, quietly placed in it.

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