I Created Mythic Revival

Chapter 61: Genius should not be buried

Each lecture by Kes lasts about two hours, and the main content is generally the use and explanation of various types of magic.

From the most basic perception of magic power, storage of magic power, to the final release of magic power through different magic spells, all will be explained in detail.

And everyone in the church listened very seriously.

If this was a few months ago, even the most devout believers, when they heard these words that only appeared in novels and movies, were said by a missionary, they would doubt whether the person in front of them was a liar.

But now, in the entire West, the spread of Holy Light and magic can be said to be quite extensive.

Even in this poor and backward township, they slowly accepted these settings through live broadcasts on TV.

Especially after Kes showed the power that completely subverted cognition, the residents of the town already treated him as an envoy.

Therefore, no one would disturb his lectures, and no one would dare to do so.

Two hours later, when today's class was over, Jack, as expected, was called by Kes to the backyard again, where Kes was staying.

When leaving, he glanced at Del apologetically, and then ran over excitedly.

After coming to the small room, the first thing I saw was a table full of various dishes.

In this regard, these two days, Jack has long been used to it, so he is not polite at all, and starts to eat the sea plugs when he goes up.

"Eat slowly, and no one will rob you."

At this time, Kess doesn't look so severe anymore, and there is even a sense of intimacy in his eyes.

"Pastor Kes, I don't know why, but I'm hungry every day now, and only with you can I be full."

After swallowing a piece of food in his mouth, Jack did not forget to explain.

"According to the great Angel Raphael, this situation is caused by the continuous growth of various abilities of the body and the need for the body to replenish energy, which is a good thing."

Looking at the young man in front of him, and hearing what the other party said, the color of admiration in Kes' eyes became stronger and stronger.

But then, as if he thought of something again, there was a hint of sadness between his brows.

Since leaving Newt City, Cox has traveled many places, but he has never seen a genius as terrifying as the boy in front of him.

The high affinity of the other party for magic is an exaggeration that he has never seen before. Just by listening to his explanation, he has been able to use the simplest light magic.

In order to do this, in addition to his own extremely high talent, his belief in the Lord must also be of high purity.

With such a talent that is close to perfection in all aspects, Cos naturally doesn't want to let it fend for itself. He wants to bring the other party to Newt, to the Pope and His Excellency the Angel Raphael.

If they were trained by their own hands, this child's future achievements would be absolutely limitless, and he might even become a legendary tenth-order legend!

Even higher, become a **** among men! !

But now, what caused him a headache was that the other party was unwilling to leave the town where he was born. Even if he tried to lure him around and persuade him with good words, it would be of no use.

For the sake of this child, I have stayed here for too long...

He should have left long ago, and now he can teach the priest to do everything, but he knows that he must take the child away.

But now, the task given by the Pope no longer allows him to do it again.

For three days at most, he has to leave here.

Thinking of this, looking at the young man in front of him, after a little bit of organizing the language in his mind, he could only speak again:

"Jack, come with me, you don't belong here, your future should be a wider sky, no matter how high your talent is, if you don't have a suitable mentor, it will only be wasted.

Don't you want to see the outside world and experience more exciting things! "

Jack, who was eating haise and satisfying his appetite, also stopped when he heard these words, was silent for a while, and then replied:

"Yes! But I don't want to leave my grandma, she likes this homeland. I don't want to leave my buddies... I have all my memories here. Priest Kes, I know you're doing it for my own good, but I won't leave here with you. Yes, at least not now."

Jack's voice was calm and firm, and Kes could only be silent about this.

The pleasant meal time did not last long, and soon, the food here was swept away.

And after eating, Jack wisely cleaned up the dishes and cleaned up the mess he made.

During this period, Kess didn't say anything, until at the end, when Jack was about to leave, he didn't speak again.

"After three days, I will leave here. Before that, as long as you change your mind, you can come to me at any time."


This time, Jack's voice also seemed to be much lower~www.readwn.com~ Obviously, this news was not good for him.

After leaving the church, a teenager was waiting outside. It was Del. After seeing Jack coming out, he immediately greeted him:

"What's wrong with you? You look unhappy."

"Missionary Kes is leaving." Jack replied.

"He has indeed stayed with us for a long time. I heard that in other towns, missionaries usually only stay for one day."

Del and Kes are not familiar with each other, so after hearing that the other party was leaving, he didn't have much reaction, but looking at Jack's appearance, he suddenly interjected again:

"Aren't you going with Missionary Kes?"

"Uh, why am I leaving?" Jack asked in confusion.

"Because you are a genius, everyone knows that, otherwise why would the missionaries be so nice to you." Del looked a little speechless.

"Then... do you want me to go?" After a little silence, Jack still asked this sentence.

He thought that Del would decisively shake his head, but unexpectedly, the other party simply nodded:

"Sure, I know what you're thinking, but I don't want you to stay here.

Jack, don't need to say goodbye, I don't need anything, I just want you to disappear into town suddenly. Then many years later, I can hear the hawker at the market, just mention your glorious deeds.

You are my best friend, but genius shouldn't be buried. "

"Is that so..." After hearing these words, Jack's mood became more complicated.

In this way, full of confusion, he walked back to that simple and warm home.

However, when he opened the door, the corpse of an old man lying quietly on the ground made him stunned in place...

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