I Created Mythic Revival

Chapter 69: ancient life

At this time, on the infinite height that is enough to look down on the entire Eastern Region, countless people revere and worship, and the dragon sees its head but not its tail. will fall!

Suddenly, the void shook, Lu Chen slowly stepped out of the crack in the space, and the three supreme leaders also bowed slightly at the same time to show respect for the creator.


"My lord."

"My lord."

Just as he stepped out of the void, Lu Chen's eyes fell directly to his feet.

"An ancient life..."

His tone was like a question, but also a plain statement.

In Lu Chen's eyes, at this time, the entire Eastern Region was connected by golden-yellow spiritual energy lines, faintly visible, as if it was a corner of a formation.

And under this huge remnant formation that is enough to cover the entire Eastern Region, the power of rules is like a turbulent tsunami, and like a beating heart, constantly whistling under the formation.

It's a pity, no matter how hard it struggles, it can't shake the remnant, just like a shark trapped in an aquarium, it can never be free.

"Yes, my lord, when I vaguely connected the spiritual energy of all the mountains in the Eastern Region, I sensed this deeply buried doubt.

And I waited for the three of them to work together and communicate with the underground spiritual veins, only to find that this remnant formation covers the entire Eastern Region. If nothing else, the other three regions should have a similar situation, and, under the formation, There is also a backlog of unimaginable spiritual energy. If all of it is released, it will definitely improve the cultivation environment of the entire Blue Nucleus Star. "

Behind him, Haotian's voice sounded immediately.

At first, when they just discovered this great formation, which is based on almost the entire planet, it really shocked the three of them.

This formation is not only big, but also the handwriting of the sky. If they guessed correctly, it only appeared in the ancient cultivation world in records and legends, and its decline must be related to these sealed auras.

After all, a large amount of spiritual energy was absorbed, forming a cycle within the formation. While trapping this ancient existence, it also completely destroyed the cultivation environment of the entire Blue Nuclear Star.

If you lose your spiritual energy, you will also lose the foundation for breakthrough. If you can't even build a foundation, you will naturally have no possibility of continuing to climb. Over time, the gods and gods will become legends.

"My lord, after several days of research, we have found out the eye of the formation and the method of breaking the formation.

However, although it has been predicted by some means, the power of this ancient life, whether it is because of the long-term seal or other reasons, has weakened a lot, and it is only slightly stronger than me, but after all, it is very important, so I have to inform you. , I hope you can decide. "

Ye He also added on the side, which probably means that what to do anyway is up to you, my lord. If something goes wrong, it has nothing to do with us.

"My Buddha is merciful, venerable lord, there is one more thing. If I really release this ancient life like this, once an uncontrollable war is triggered, I am afraid it will most likely cause the scene of life being destroyed and all things being destroyed. Lord Shi, the arrangement you left behind will all be destroyed in one fell swoop."

As soon as Yehe closed his mouth, Niga reluctantly spoke again, but when the three of them finished speaking, Lu Chen still looked down at his feet. In his plain eyes, no one knew what he was thinking.

"I want a complete array diagram."

I don't know how long it took, but when Ye He couldn't help but start to urge, Lu Chen's voice finally rang again.

A complete array diagram?

Doesn't that mean that they want to mobilize all the spiritual energy of the entire Blue Core Star's mountains?

Hearing this, Haotian didn't react at all. Anyway, he only needed to copy the remnants of the formation under his feet, but Niga and Yehe, who had come to think of it, immediately became bitter.

The little power they managed to accumulate has no other purpose. Now that's it, no one wants to keep it.

But no matter how reluctant they were in their hearts, no one would object to what Lu Chen said.

And after the three supreme gods all retired and left, busy completing the things Lu Chen explained, in this void, there was only one young man left quietly and benevolently.

The pent-up power storm below is still churning, and the power of rules surges like a roaring lion, but a faint smile seems to flash across the youth's face without waves...

ancient life

A large array covering a planet

These paths ahead hidden in the mist, from beginning to end, are probably the only thing that can make the young man who seems to care nothing more interested...



Due to Haotian's actions, Shenwu Kingdom has been busy frying the pot since this time.

First of all, the massive spread of immortal cultivation culture finally ushered in its side effects.

The bloodshed in China has increased a lot~www.readwn.com~ Especially in the campus, the campus bullying, which has never been taken seriously before, has completely ushered in a staged outbreak under the blessing of extraordinary power.

After all, cultivation talent is completely random. When those thin and bullied people gain power far beyond ordinary people, under the influence of extreme mentality, they naturally can't help but start to take revenge.

The school tyrants, who were already bullying others, were even more unscrupulous, but fortunately, the Shenwu Kingdom was not unprepared for this. Action Team.

Those children who usually only build foundations, under the targeted rounds of Shenwu Kingdom, can't escape at all.

Of course, even if they were successfully captured, they wouldn't be able to kill them directly. After all, in the eyes of the high-level officials of Shenwu Kingdom, these are the hopes for the future, and they can be subdued if they can be subdued.

If you are really disobedient, you can teach them a good lesson, and then promise some benefits. Under such a combination of hard and soft, it is basically difficult for ordinary people to bear it.

After barely stabilizing the negative impact brought about by the cultivation of immortals, the birth of a large number of spirits and semi-spiritual medicines can be regarded as a benefit to the Shenwu Kingdom.

The flesh and blood of spirit monsters has a good effect on people before and after foundation building, and half-elixir medicine can be used as a strategic resource, not to mention.

During this period of time, they have secretly blocked the news and kept searching for these precious treasures. With the blessing of hot weapons, they even created a place for breeding spirits.

But relative to the spirits, elixir is much more difficult to handle. Whether it is mutated or normal, almost all have great requirements on the aura and the surrounding environment, and this also makes Shenwu have to concentrate on research in this area, trying to find the solution……

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