After the souls come to Rukongai, most of them are separated from their relatives and never see each other again. Since so many people died at almost the same time, most of the people who left this world at the same time and place were separated. However, each person’s soul can choose to gather together, form a new family, and live together.

Hakusuu and others have now returned to Soul Society. After returning, Hakusuu asked Byakuya Kuchiki and others to see how much the number of people in Rukongai had increased.

He himself didn’t ask about the three girls immediately, Nami!

Of course, Bai Xiu knew about this girl, but the other two girls Bai Xiu didn’t have a deep impression of them. She was absolutely sure that these two people definitely did not appear in the One Piece anime.

A girl named Aier, she is a little loli, she looks very cute, and she has two golden ponytails. In terms of image, she is a bit close to the defeated dog queen, Yinglili.

The other one was named Imni. Bai Xiu paid special attention to this girl because her name was very close to that person above the Five Old Stars…….Im.

But Bai Xiu could see that this Imni didn’t have any power at all, he was just an ordinary person.

But Bai Xiu is not a careless person. He feels that it is better to observe them for a few more days and talk to these three girls. Now he will hand over the three girls to Kurosaki Isshin’s family.

You must know that in the world of Death, Isshin Kurosaki is not the richest man, but in the world of Death, it is completely different. Isshin Kurosaki is a member of the Shiba family, one of the nobles of Soul Society.

After settling the three girls, Bai Xiu went to do other things. What he has to do now is to increase the power of Soul Society. Where does the power of Soul Society come from? In terms of fresh blood, of course it comes from the Central Spiritual Arts Academy.

On the first day back, Bai Xiu wanted to make new school rules. This was his duty as captain and dean.

The person who came to revise the old school rules for Bai Xiu was Guina.

She is also considered to be an existence closely related to the Son of Destiny in the pirate world, so she was also specially rewarded to come to Rukongai in Soul Society. She was originally Zoro’s childhood sweetheart, a woman who Zoro had never defeated once. Two years older than Sauron, he died when he was 11 years old.

Guina also didn’t expect that she would die and her consciousness would disappear for who knows how long. After regaining consciousness, she would come to such a world. She immediately joined the Central Spiritual Arts Academy.

Here Kuina understood that as long as she became the God of Death, even a girl could become a swordsman.

Here, Kuina has a special object of worship, and that is Unohana Retsu

“Principal, here are some school rules you need to change today.”Gu Yina placed an old school regulations document in front of Bai Xiu’s desk.

Bai Xiu nodded slightly and started to modify it.

【Article 1 School Rules……While in school, you are not allowed to refute the orders of teachers and deans. If the teacher behaves irregularly in class or after class, you can report it to the dean, but do not damage the teacher’s face by saying it midway.】

【Point 2: Do not use the boundary gate casually. If you are caught, you will be severely punished.】

【Point 3: You are not allowed to leave the school privately during school. If there are special events, you need to ask for leave from the relevant teacher]

After Bai Xiu revised these points, when he revised the third point, he thought of the situation of the teachers at the Central Spiritual Academy, because The current world is related to the world of One Piece, so there are still a few more teachers from the Central Spiritual Arts Academy than the teachers from the original academy. For example, Princess Otohime is the teacher of the political class at the Central Spiritual Arts Academy.

Kuina also has a good relationship with Princess Otohime.

Next, Bai Xiu continued to revise.

The school rules were finally revised, but Bai Xiu still added an additional clause to the school rules.

【The captain of the Gotei 13 team merged with the dean of the Central Spiritual Arts Academy. The dean has the final authority to interpret the school rules. The dean’s orders are greater than the school rules.]

The last line can be said to be a bit overbearing, but after taking a look at it, Kuina Without saying anything, she looked at Bai Xiu several times, her beautiful eyes filled with admiration and reverence.

Kuina once wanted to become a swordsman so much, but after coming to the world of Death, Kuina found that her requirements were still too low. What is a swordsman? Kuina decided that she would surpass the swordsman, and even Yu became the captain of the squad and followed Bai Xiu.

“Okay, let’s leave the school rules as they are. Can you show them to the teachers?”

After Bai Xiu said this, Gu Lina took the revised school rules, bowed and nodded respectfully towards Bai Xiu, and then slowly left.

In fact, Gu Lina had always wanted to say something to Bai Xiu in her heart. Yes, Bai Xiu could also see this. She wanted to go back and see her father, who was having a sword duel with Sauron, but Bai Xiu could also see that the reason why Guina didn’t say it was because Guina had a crush on her. The demands were very high, and she felt that she could not fully call out the name of her Zanpakutō, and now was not the time to go back. Now

, there was only Bai Xiu in the dean’s office, and Bai Xiu slowly walked over In front of the window, I looked at the students in the square of the Central Personnel Academy below. They were practicing.

The most ruthless practitioner among them was Doflamingo’s younger brother, Don Quixote Rossinandi.

This guy can also be said to be the same as The luck in the world of One Piece has something to do with it. He is not a pirate, so he came here, and he is also talented and has the best grades among students. However, I am afraid this will not be the case in the future, because there are also A Kurosaki Ichigo.

In addition, Nami and others will obviously be interested in the Central Spiritual Arts Academy. At the same time, Bai Xiu is already thinking about how to send an admissions letter to the sea.

The dean’s office is located in the 3-story round tower In the middle is a huge study room of more than 100 square meters.

There is a desk more than three meters long here, which belongs to the dean Bai Xiu.

At this moment, he is thinking about how to write the admission letter? Who else should send the admission letter?

Bai Xiu was thinking about this and unknowingly thought of the situation at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter world.

It was quite interesting to write admission letters there.

There were owls delivering admission letters.

But Bai Xiu felt that he had to Just revise it.

And who will send the admission letter?

Suddenly, Bai Xiu thought of something and gave an order to the office:”Call me Ye Yi.”

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