In the Wang family, the maids are the direct line, and the managers of the restaurant business are only peripheral staff.

Although the treatment is good, the punishment after making a mistake is not small.

Shopkeeper Zhong is such a person!

Some time ago, his last family, the Murong family, was uprooted, and he naturally knew it.

Because of this, his fear of the Wang family was even higher than that of the Murong family.

"How are you doing?" Chen Feng didn't take Shopkeeper Zhong's words into his heart at all, he squeezed his hands into a rattling sound, stood up, approached Shopkeeper Zhong, and looked down at him, "Don't you dare to provoke the forces behind you? Can't I be a beggar?"

"Why don't you dare!"

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly felt a sinking on his shoulders and almost fell to his knees. He quickly raised his infuriating energy and stabilized. After a closer look, he found that there was a long silver-white mace on his shoulders.

"Friend, this is a matter of the beggar gang, are you sure you want to go into this muddy water?" Chen Feng's voice had the meaning of begging for mercy.

"The Beggar Gang can't scare me yet!" Wang Yu sneered, his hands suddenly exerting force and pressing down.

Chen Feng felt that the long mace on his shoulders was as heavy as a mountain, even if he raised his true qi, his legs still knelt down involuntarily.


When his knees landed, Chen Feng suddenly felt that his legs were so painful that he couldn't feel it. When he took a closer look, he saw that the bluestone slabs on the ground were cracked, and he shouted loudly in fright, "Brother Song Yang, help!"

With this shout, a person rushed out not far away, and seeing his clothes, he was also a disciple of the Beggar Gang.

I saw him flying up, stepping on the heads of the surrounding audience, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of him.

The man in the air swooped down like a falcon, his right hand turned into a claw, and approached Wang Yu: "Let go!"

Wang Yu sneered, the longevity mace was suddenly withdrawn and smashed at the person who came.


Song Yang came quickly, and flew back even faster.

He fell to the ground, spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, and his face turned pale.

"You..." Song Yang pointed at Wang Yu, completely unable to believe that he was defeated with one move.

This kind of weapon is very heavy, and it is generally used by generals on the battlefield. Few people in the arena are willing to use it.

Probably because the long mace is heavy, it consumes a lot of physical strength and infuriating energy.

When Song Yang saw Wang Yu's weapon, he concluded that Wang Yu was a Xiaobai in Jianghu, and Chen Feng was defeated because of his carelessness, and he couldn't help but despise him.

It wasn't until he was swept away by a mace that he realized that this is a Jianghu Xiaobai, obviously a tiger going down the mountain!

At this time, the words of the master when he was young echoed in his ears: "If someone in the arena becomes famous, don't compete!"

He still knew the meaning at that time, but now that he felt it himself, he suddenly felt that the master's words were very reasonable and famous.

Of course, he had absolutely no idea that Wang Yu had left this trump card.

"Go away!" Wang Yu roared angrily, making everyone's ears buzzing, the faces of the audience showed a look of horror, and immediately dispersed, "Go and ask your helper Wang Jiantong to lead the people, I'll have a look today, What the hell do you beggar gangs have the ability to provoke my house!"

Song Yang's face turned pale, he wanted to say a few words to support the scene, but when he saw Wang Yu's cold eyes, he swallowed the words, endured the pain and got up, staggering away.

Chen Feng was dumbfounded, and he didn't believe that the savior of martial arts in his eyes was actually dismissed with a single trick.

"Who is this son?" Shopkeeper Zhong stepped forward and asked carefully.

Azhu stood up and said crisply: "Hmph, you don't even know the son?"

"Young Master?" Shopkeeper Zhong was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered the portrait that someone sent a few months ago, a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and when he remembered it, he wanted to bow down, "Young Master, forgive me, this old man didn't recognize the Young Master. !"

"No need to be polite!" Wang Yu stopped him with his mace, "Isn't it a crime if you don't know! Besides, Mr. Zhong, you manage Songhe Tower very well, and today's incident didn't embarrass the Wang family, so I want to Big reward for you!"

"Thank you, Young Master." Seeing Wang Yu's sincere expression, Shopkeeper Zhong immediately felt relieved.

"Okay, let's go upstairs! Arrange a good table for me. Today I want to see how capable the beggar gang can come to me to cause trouble!" After saying that, he glanced at Chen Feng and ran upstairs.

Azhu quickly followed, and when he passed by Chen Feng, he suddenly stretched out his foot and kicked him, and then he fled like a little rabbit.

Chen Feng was extremely aggrieved, but did not dare to fight back.

Shopkeeper Zhong shook his head and laughed, so he didn't take Chen Feng to heart and went upstairs to make arrangements.

His own son has eliminated the existence of the Murong family, and his martial arts are strong, and he will not suffer from the beggar gang.

Above the restaurant, many guests were still watching the fun, but when they saw that the beggar gang was actually beaten, they suddenly felt that the matter was a big deal, and quickly settled the bill and left.

In an instant, the restaurant fell silent.

In this regard, neither Wang Yu nor Shopkeeper Zhong paid any attention to it, but instead asked Xiao Er to clear a table facing the street and instructed the kitchen to quickly serve the dishes.

When the owner of the house came, both the chef and the young man were very active. The chef first served a few plates of cold dishes with candied fruit, and the subsequent hot dishes were also quickly served.

"Azhu sit down and eat." Seeing Azhu holding back his greed and putting his head aside, Wang Yu felt amused and said to her.

Arjun shook his head again and again: "No, how can the servant and the young master eat at the same table? Isn't that breaking the rules?"

"However, it is also a rule to listen to your son's words." Wang Yu said with a smile.

When Azhu heard this, he was extremely tangled. He looked at him and saw a smile on Wang Yu's face. He asked tentatively, "Is it really possible?"

"Of course, can the young master lie to you?"

When Azhu heard this, he was immediately moved and carefully sat opposite Wang Yu.

"Eat, isn't it to your taste?" Wang Yu asked.

Azhu shook his head: "Young master didn't move chopsticks, how can I move."

"Okay, let's go together." Wang Yu was speechless, the ancients had many rules, picked up chopsticks and started to enjoy the food.

When Arjun saw it, he also carefully held out his chopsticks.

"Who detained the disciples of the Beggar Gang?"

Just as the two were enjoying their meal, a loud roar came, the voice was rough and full of anger.

Wang Yu looked down, and saw a tall and burly man in gray sackcloth at the end of the long street walking towards him.

That person had a face with Chinese characters, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a high nose and a wide mouth, and his face was in his twenties. Although he was a little immature, when he looked forward to it, he already had a bit of dignity.

Followed by dozens of ragged beggar gang disciples, old and young, quite strong.

"Could it be Qiao Feng?" Wang Yu guessed in his heart.

According to the plot, Qiao Feng was probably in his twenties at this time.

"I don't know if he has learned to subdue the dragon with the twenty-eight palms now!" Wang Yu got up and went downstairs to welcome him.

As for "Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon", it was created by Qiao Feng on the basis of the Twenty-Eight Palms for Subduing the Dragon. It is unknown whether Qiao Feng created it at this time.

This palm technique is known as the first masculine palm technique in the world of Jinwu, and Wang Yu is naturally very interested in it.

"Just wait upstairs." Seeing that Azhu wanted to follow, Wang Yu turned around and instructed.

Azhu stopped, reluctantly, and said crisply: "Then I'll wait here for the son to come back."

16 Qiao Feng when he was young (plus more)

After appeasing Ah Zhu, Wang Yu walked down the restaurant.

"Is your Excellency detaining my beggar gang disciple?" Qiao Feng asked.

Wang Yu nodded: "Not bad."

Qiao Feng clasped his fists and said sincerely: "I don't know what my disciples of the Beggar Gang have committed, but I also asked the pavilion to come together. If the fault lies with the disciples of the Beggar Gang, Qiao Feng will never be partial, and he will definitely deal with it according to the rules of the Gang and give you an explanation. But , if the fault is not a disciple of the Beggar Gang, please give an explanation to the Beggar Gang!"

The other party did not help his own people as soon as he came up, but instead spoke the truth, which made Wang Yu sigh in his heart.

Qiao Feng is worthy of being Qiao Feng, even when he was young, he was already very well-organized, making it impossible for people to say anything wrong.

"Qiao Feng..." Several older beggar gang elders looked displeased, looked at Wang Yu with disdain, and had opinions on Qiao Feng's actions.

Qiao Feng raised his right hand high, and said in a deep voice, "Since Master has handed over this matter to Qiao Feng, please ask the elders not to interfere."

When the elders heard the words, their faces flushed, they snorted angrily, and retreated.

"Manager Zhong, come down and make things clear."

Seeing Qiao Feng finishing his internal affairs, the shopkeeper Zhong above Wang Yu Restaurant shouted.

"Yes." Shopkeeper Zhong hurriedly ran down.

"Tell the truth, don't miss anything." Wang Yu encouraged him.

Shopkeeper Zhong cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

Turning to Qiao Feng's side, he also gestured with his hands, and then began to speak.

The matter is actually very clear, that is, the disciples of the Beggar Gang can't bear the hardships of the Beggar Gang and come out to make extra money.

"Brother Qiao, if you don't believe it, you might as well ask in the city. Chen Feng is a famous person in the city now." After talking about the incident, the shopkeeper Zhong added another sentence.

Chen Feng's face was pale, he wanted to make a quibble, but this sentence added by shopkeeper Zhong suddenly became the last straw that broke the camel's back, leaving him with no luck.

Although the beggar gang is powerful, they cannot shut up everyone in Wuxi city.

I am afraid that what I have done is already famous in Wuxi City, so it is so easy to hide it.

It was only now that he was afraid.

"Chen Feng, what Shopkeeper Zhong said is the truth!" Qiao Feng's voice was dull, trying to suppress his anger.

Chen Feng didn't argue, and begged for mercy directly: "Brother Qiao, please forgive me this time, I can't help it. The disciples of the Beggar Gang are really suffering!"

Saying that, he began to cry.

"How can I not be clear about the poor life of the beggar gang?" Qiao Feng's face turned serious, "I, Qiao Feng, live a very hard life just like everyone else! Am I going to be a thief? It's not that you bully ordinary people. Excuses. What is the difference between you and the strong men on the mountain? I, a disciple of the Beggar Gang, are bright and upright, defend the frontiers of the enemy, and protect the orthodoxy of the Central Plains, how can I tolerate scum like you?"

"Several elders, save me." Chen Feng saw Qiao Feng's ruthless face, and turned to the elders for help, "I don't want to be dealt with by the gang rules."

The rules of the beggar gang are very strict, and people like him who damage the image of the beggar gang must have three knives and six holes to be expelled from the gang.

Several elders originally wanted to protect him. Seeing that he admitted what he had done, he did not have the face to stand up. Several old men snorted, glared at him, and turned their heads away.

"Brother Qiao, please forgive me." Seeing this, Chen Feng felt even more panicked.

Qiao Feng turned around and said to Song Yang in the crowd, "Song Yang, come out too! Honestly, have you been involved in this?"

Song Yang battled with each other, and immediately fell to his knees: "Brother Qiao, I was just confused for a while, and I was bewitched by Chen Feng. Please Brother Qiao give me another chance!"

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