Duan "Five Nine Three" Mu Rong nodded: "Yes, this pill is made from Changchun Spring, and after taking it, it will last for a thousand years."

The young man nodded: "A thousand years is enough to sit and watch the rise and fall of the dynasty. It's not bad to call it longevity. If it is true, the money is too little."

Duanmurong nodded: "Not bad."

The young man looked at it for a while and asked, "Are you still here tomorrow?"

Duanmu Rong: "It's hard to say. If someone buys something, we'll leave."

"That's it." The young man nodded, "That girl, we'll see you tomorrow."

After all, he turned and left.

Gao Yue said weakly: "Look, Sister Rong, people are scared away again."

Duanmu Rong smiled and said, "Take your time, we have nothing to do anyway."

"Oh!" Gao Yue nodded and opened the book to kill time.

ta ta ta

Soon after, neat footsteps sounded at the end of the long street, and a group of heavily armed soldiers came towards the stall.

"Take them and take them away!"

"Remember, don't break things."

With an order, the soldiers who surrounded Gao Yue and Duanmu Rong rushed up.

"Wow..." Gao Yue looked excited, "Someone really came to make trouble."

Duanmurong was speechless: "Yue'er, have you been looking forward to this?"

Gao Yue giggled and said, "Of course, it's so boring to stay here."

The leader of the army was very surprised, these two people were not afraid at all?

Civilians in the distance were talking.

"Are these two people scared and stupid?"

"Alas... to sell those things in the city, the city defense army will naturally come to arrest them."

Just as the soldiers approached Gao Yue, an invisible wall appeared in front of them, blocking the soldiers out.

Many soldiers used too much force, and were immediately bounced back by the invisible wall and fell to the ground.

"This... what kind of alchemy is this?"

Gao Yue giggled: "We dare to set up a stall here, and naturally we won't be afraid that someone will make trouble! Mr. said, even if a million Qin troops arrive, he will ensure our safety!"

"Demon girl, stop talking nonsense! Quickly solve the alchemy and come with us, offend Da Qin, you can't afford it!"

Gao Yue giggled and said, "You can take us away if you have the ability. Just a little..."

"Attack!" Seeing this, the leader of the army swung forward to strike.

The next moment, he flew out at a faster speed.

He flew farther than the soldiers who had been blown away before, and smashed to the roof of a restaurant dozens of meters away.

The roof tiles of the restaurant fell with a bang, and the leader of the team also rolled down.


When the other soldiers saw it, they hurried away and jumped up to catch them.


Although he was picked up by someone, the shock just now caused him to be seriously injured, and the corners of his mouth bleed.

"This... let's go, they've angered the army. We'll suffer if we stay any longer."


In an instant, the people on the street and the onlookers walked away completely.

"Sir, can you understand the other party's alchemy?"

There were two people hiding on the roof not far away, one asked the other.

"No. However, no matter how powerful the alchemy is, it is no match for thousands of troops. We just wait, and we can return to our lives later."

"Command Arrow!"

As the leader issued an order, several soldiers fired arrows that resounded over Xianyang.

After a while, neat and heavy footsteps sounded from both ends of the street, and a team of soldiers appeared, surrounding the street.

"Let's go back!"

The leader of the team ordered, and then the whole team quickly retreated...  

After a while, Jiashi drew his bow and shot an arrow, and the arrow pointed directly at the booth where Duanmu Rong was.

"It's so scary, Sister Rong, it's actually a thousand arrows!" Gao Yue exclaimed, "Will we be shot into a hornet's nest?"

Duanmu Rong rolled her eyes at her: "I know what to ask!"


Sharp arrows pierce the air, ten thousand arrows are like locusts.

The rain of arrows fell, and a flame of fire suddenly appeared over Duanmurong and the others. In just an instant, the dense rain of arrows turned into nothingness and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"This..." Not only the armored soldiers were stunned, but those who were hiding widened their eyes and were shocked.

"How powerful is alchemy?"

"Call the army to stop! Reply to Your Majesty, don't act rashly!"

The two of them divided their troops, one went to give orders to the army, and the other ran in the direction of the palace.

After a round of arrow rain, the armored soldier drew his bow again.


One person rushed out, "Pause and wait for His Majesty's order!"

Ying Zheng is playing against Fu Su.

"Why are you upset?" Ying Zheng's voice was flat.

Fusu: "My father sent someone to arrest people, and it's time to come back. But my heart is a little uneasy!"

Ying Zheng shook his head: "You need to be calm in the event of a major event, and you still need to practice a lot!"

Fusu was terrified: "My father taught you a lesson."

At this moment, the chamberlain reported: "Your Majesty, General Meng asks you to see me on 5.6!"

"Xuan!" Ying Zheng raised his head, his voice indifferent.

Meng Tian went to the hall and reported: "Your Majesty, things have changed! Those two people really have something magical, and the arrows were fired at once. Not only were the two of them safe and sound, but the arrows fired by the sergeant also turned into nothingness in the firelight. Please, Your Majesty, make a decision! "

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up: "So, the elixir of longevity and the book that predicts the future are both true?"

Meng Tian replied, "I don't know about the last general!"

Ying Zheng closed his eyes and pondered: "Withdraw the army, Fusu, you change into your normal clothes and go with me to meet these two people for a while!"

Fusu said hesitantly, "Father, why don't you let this servant go on your behalf?"

"Hmph, is there still someone in Xianyang City who can't be assassinated?" Ying Zheng snorted coldly, "Meng Tian, ​​you can bring a few good hands along with you."_

Chapter 203 _ Ying Zheng's Choice

(5/5 for flowers for subscription)

Above the long street, the soldiers receded like a tide, leaving only an empty street.

"This is gone?" Gao Yue was a little disappointed.

Duanmurong gave her a sideways glance and said, "If you don't go, does Qin Jun have any other means?"

Gao Yue: "You can send experts from the Yin Yang family!"

Duanmurong smiled and said, "You think too highly of them! A person who can't do anything with a thousand arrows, can a few masters change the situation?"

"Uh..." Gao Yue's expression froze, and she shook her head.

After the soldiers evacuated, an hour later, pedestrians reappeared on the street, and they were surprised to see that the two were still setting up stalls.

"Can the army take them too?"

"Don't you know? Just now..."

After understanding the cause and effect of the incident, the eyes of pedestrians became hot.

"Could it be that it is really the elixir of longevity?"

"Predict the future? If I could..."

Just as the pedestrians wanted to get into trouble, two luxuriously dressed people appeared on the street.

After that, more than a dozen powerful guards followed.

Everyone's eyes narrowed and they all quietly retreated.

"Girl, we meet again." The young man walked to the front of the booth.

Duanmu Rong nodded: 15 "Have you thought about it, Xiongtai?"

The young man nodded: "I brought my father here, and my father decides this matter!"

After speaking, he backed away slightly, and the middle-aged man behind him stepped forward.

"Girl these things are a thousand pieces of gold?"

Duanmurong nodded: "It used to be a thousand pieces of gold, but now it has risen to a thousand pieces of gold."

The young man was stunned: "Why is this?"

Gao Yue smiled and said: "I was attacked by the Qin army, so naturally I have to take some compensation."

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "So that's the case, that girl wrap the things up for me."

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