"The environment in the upper realm is really good." After Zhao Yuyang and Wang Yu met, he took a deep breath and sighed.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang in the sky, a hole appeared, and then a river poured down.

"The sky is cracked!" Zhao Yuyang was shocked and looked at Wang Yu, "Master, is this normal in the upper realm?"

Wang Yu's expression was solemn, he rose into the sky, and guided the pouring water into the Taihai, while sensing the situation.

"There are thousands of worlds who want to devour this world, pour out the river, and want to destroy the creatures in this world."

Zhao Yuyang was shocked: "Then what should we do?"

Wang Yu said with a smile: "Of course it's over! My world has been cultivating for a long time, and apart from fighting on the battlefield outside the realm, there is still a lack of training. This world is coming at the right time!"

"There are demons from outside the realm invading this realm, and now a special order has been issued to punish the demons. All practitioners can go outside the realm to kill demons and subdue demons to protect the world."

The next moment, a huge voice sounded, and all the people in Tianlong World heard this voice.

It was Wang Yu who issued the Demon Execution Order with the help of the world's authority.

"Meet Master!"

After a while, the major disciples arrived first.

After a long time, the banks of the Taihai Sea were full of high-level practitioners, exotic beasts, heavenly demons, and demons.

"This time, the opposite Zhongqian World wants to devour the evolution of our world. You can enter the opponent's world, kill the creatures on the other side, and weaken their world, so that our world can counteract."

Wang Yu explained the whole story in detail, and all the practitioners were enthusiastic.

"In addition to various treasure refining materials, there are merits and virtues in this trip, and future cultivation can be blessed by heaven and earth."

A practitioner asked: "Xianzun, won't the opposite world target us?"

"The opposite world has been suppressed by our world, and you can't spare your hands. You can rest assured."

The crowd became more interested when they heard it.

"Dare to ask Master, how do I get there?"

A practitioner asked.

Wang Yu placed Dao patterns on the place where the sky collapsed and separated a door...?  …

"I have already set up a teleportation formation here, and you can teleport after you make contact."

Dugu Qiufei flew to the portal first, and said, "Master, I don't know the blessings or misfortunes of this trip, so let me investigate the brothers and sisters."

Wang Yu nodded: "Yes."

Dugu asked for defeat and saluted, turned into a sword light and flew into the portal.

Dugu Qiufei flew back safe and sound, and said, "There is no danger to the world. However, there are monsters between heaven and earth, and everyone needs to be careful."

"Thank you, Senior Dugu!"

The people below all bowed their hands in thanks.

"Master, I will wait and go."

After reporting the situation, Dugu Qiufei teleported to the opposite world again.

Above the Taihai, other practitioners also became restless.

Merits and treasures are all things that can be met but not sought. At the moment, many people have been unable to restrain their inner restlessness and have fallen into the door.

Due to the large number of people, Wang Yu finally opened dozens of large portals, and only then did he send all the people there.

"Master, since the brothers and sisters have all passed, let me help too." Zhao Yuyang hurriedly asked for instructions when he saw it.

Wang Yu nodded: "Alright, you have a spaceship on your body, you have no worries about this trip, just time to practice."

Zhao Yuyang bowed before entering the teleportation formation.

It appeared again, and it really appeared in a desolate mountain.

Chapter 5.

6 Each portal is sent to a different place. Just now, Zhao Yuyang's portal is the latest portal opened by Wang Yu, and he is the only one who has passed through.

Zhao Yuyang started the technique of looking at Qi, and sure enough, he found a strong demonic energy in the mountains and rivers.

"The popularity is dying, this world is indeed evil!" Zhao Yuyang looked back and walked down the mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, there was a noisy child's voice in my ears, and I stopped and walked towards the place where the sound came from.

"I'm the boss, of course I went out to save Grandpa."

"I'm going, I'm more capable!"

Zhao Yuyang walked to the front of a thatched hut and saw a gourd vine around the shelf next to the hut.

And it was actually a few gourds of different colors that made the sound. _

Chapter 223 The Seven Gourd Baby (5

/ 5)


Zhao Yuyang looked at the gourd and was puzzled.

However, the breath-seeing technique showed that there was no demonic energy on these gourds.

"You are the monster!"

"Your whole family is a monster!"

A few gourds were very happy to see someone, but when they heard that someone misunderstood they were monsters, they suddenly screamed.

"Then who are you?" Zhao Yuyang asked.

"We are gourd babies, heaven and earth elves!"

"That's right, how can we be monsters when we are upright!"

"Hey, are you a human?" After a quarrel, a child's voice came from the red gourd, "But, Grandpa said that the nearby humans have been eaten up by monsters."

"Humans were eaten up by monsters?" Zhao Yuyang was taken aback.

As a young man living in a modern civilized society, he never thought about monsters eating people.

Thinking of what I had just seen with Qishu, I suddenly realized: No wonder the world is in a downturn.

"Yes." Hulu replied, "You haven't answered me yet! Are you a monster?"

"Yeah, maybe you're a monster!"

The other gourds also became suspicious.

"Hey, you monster, show your true form!" 15

Zhao Yuyang was speechless, but he did not expect to be suspected by a few gourds.

"I am a human from another world, and now I am here to slay demons and subdue demons!" Zhao Yuyang did not hide it, anyway, he had the trump card in his hand, and he was full of confidence.

"Are there many humans in other worlds?" Hulu asked, "Our world is too bad."

"Of course there are more." Zhao Yuyang nodded, "There will be a lot of people coming over later!"

"Hey, big brother, what are you talking about? Go and save grandpa."

"I'm here, I'm better than big brother!"

"I'm still great!"

The other gourds argued.

The next moment, a red gourd split open, and a child jumped out of it.

His face was full of childishness, with a small red gourd standing on his head, and his breath was very strong.

"Big brother, let's fight monsters together!" Huluwa said excitedly, "It just so happens that I'm going to save Grandpa too!"

"Aren't you a creature from this world?" Zhao Yuyang was stunned, "Why are you still helping me?"

"I don't know either!" Huluwa shook his head, "In short, I just hate those monsters!"

"So are we!"

"What about the world, what does it have to do with us?"

He has already helped the monsters, so he must not be with us.

The other gourds swayed on the gourd vines, screaming.

"When I come out, I'll fight monsters with you too!"

"Me too, as long as we fight monsters, we are a group. Why don't you be a human being?"

The big baby objected: "No, I call him big brother, how can he be the eighth baby again, then I will become the youngest."

"What does that matter? I won't bully you just because you're a younger brother."

"Wuwa (Shuiwa), shut up, you're the only one who talks a lot. Brother, go and save Grandpa!"

When the big baby heard this, she realized that she no longer struggled, and said, "Let's go save Grandpa."

"Okay." Zhao Yuyang nodded, "Let's go together, anyway, you are familiar here!"

Looking at the gourd vine, he asked, "Are you all alright here?"

"Of course it's fine, we'll deal with the monsters coming."

"Go, go, go!"

The big baby nodded, leading the way, followed by Zhao Yuyang.

After a while, the two came to a cave.

Big baby: "I'll call the door! Brother, wait!"

Zhao Yuyang smiled and said, "Let's go in and hit him by surprise. If the monster is prepared, it might be even more troublesome later!"

Dawa's eyes lit up and said, "Not bad."

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