"Sure enough, a good sword!" Wang Yu nodded in admiration, as expected of the sword left by the Xiaoyao faction.

However, this weight is too light for Wang Yu who is used to using heavy weapons.

He handed it to Azhu, who was looking at him eagerly, and said, "I'll let you play with this sword! Tomorrow we'll go to Dali and get you a scabbard!"

Azhu quickly reached out and took it, overjoyed, and said, "Thank you sir."

"However, since I got the sword, I naturally have to learn another sword technique." Wang Yu continued.

Azhu was dumbfounded: "Ah..."

If Arjun was a modern person, she would definitely say: Are you a devil?

"Ah what, hurry up! Learn swordsmanship while it's still early!" Wang Yu urged.

Arjuna was speechless, always feeling like he was shooting himself in the foot.

After snapping off a branch, Wang Yu began to practice.

Every time he practiced a move, he asked Arjuna to imitate a move and pointed out the mistakes and omissions in his moves. Only then did he practice the next move until the moves he learned were correct.

What Wang Yu taught was "Dragon City Swordsmanship". There are nine types of swordsmanship in total, each of which has forty-nine variations. The moves can be combined in pairs, and the variations can be much more.

Fortunately, Tianlong and the previous era paid more attention to infuriating energy rather than moves. If there were more than [-] variations of each style like Dugu Nine Swords, it would be difficult for Arjun to learn it.

It took two hours, and Azhu finally learned to be decent, with sword light swaying, murderous intent, and people like a cold fairy.

It's just that the little mouth pouted, quite unhappy.

Wang Yu looked amused: "Azhu, don't be unhappy. If people in the arena want to learn this swordsmanship, even if I bow three times and nine times, I won't teach it."

"No." Arjun smiled weakly, "Young Master, I have learned two top martial arts today, it is really difficult."

After speaking, he stopped and rubbed his forehead.

"Then rest." Wang Yu was stunned.

Also, ordinary people's brain power is limited, and they get dizzy after reading books for a few hours, not to mention that they have to learn two complicated and complicated skills at one time.

When Arjun heard this, he happily took out the candle and began to pack it up.

After a while, the place to rest will be paved.

As for Wang Yu, he still meditated and spent the night.

Early in the morning, the sky was bright, and Arjun woke up.

He walked to the side lightly and began to practice swordsmanship.

Her little face was full of serious expression, and she practiced every move meticulously, and within a while, fine sweat appeared on her little face.

The sky is bright, she has practiced the changes of a set of swordsmanship three times, and the swordsmanship has become more and more proficient.

It was only at this moment that a satisfied smile appeared on her small face. She looked at Wang Yu who was sitting cross-legged on the ground. Seeing that he opened his eyes and nodded to her with a look of approval, he felt extremely satisfied.

28 If you didn't want it, who told you to deliver it to your door! (1/5 for flowers and collections)

Wang Yu got up, washed his face by the lake at will, and said, "Okay, let's go down the mountain."

"Yeah." Azhu quickly put away his sword and ran to take it and salute.

Infinite Sword Sect.

Zuo Zimu was sitting on the main hall, pondering.

"Last night, the Boundless Mountain changed. I wonder if the secret of the Boundless Jade Bi was known?"

He thought about it for a while, and became more and more worried.

The brilliant martial arts of the Boundless Sword Sect all come from the immortals dancing swords on the Boundless Jade Bi, which can be said to be the most fundamental thing of the Boundless Sword Sect.

The sound of bowstrings in the mountains last night, and in the second half of the night, he could faintly see a shadow flashing over the jade bib, making him even more suspicious.

"Someone!" Zuo Zimu shouted out the door.

The voice fell, and two young teenagers rushed in from the door.

"You two lead the disciples to block the main road going down the mountain, and block all suspicious people. If you are defeated, send a signal and someone will come to reinforce."

The two clasped their hands together and said, "Yes, Sect Master!"

Then, take orders.

Wang Yu led Azhu leisurely out of Langhuan Blessed Land, walked along the small road for a while, and then walked onto the main road.

"The person in front stop!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from behind, followed by the sound of dense footsteps.

Wang Yu and the others turned around, and saw more than a dozen youths in green jumping out of the road, holding long swords, they arrived in a moment, blocking their way.

"Which side are you from, and what did you do in Wuliang Mountain?" One person asked, the accent was obviously different from that of the Central Plains, but Wang Yu could still roughly hear it clearly.

Azhu snorted: "Why did we tell you? When did Wuliangshan become your territory!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Wang Yu, and when she saw his approval, she became more and more proud.

"Little girl is really sharp and sharp! Hmph, let me tell you, our Infinite Sword Sect has been in Wuliang Mountain for decades. According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, this is the site of my Infinite Sword Sect!" The man snorted With a loud voice, he said arrogantly, "You still have to be honest, otherwise, don't blame me for not being ethical!"

"Haha!" Wang Yu shook his head and looked at Azhu, "Azhu, send them away."

Hearing the words, Azhu quickly threw the package in his hand aside and walked out with a sword.

When the man saw it, he hesitated: "Little girl, swords have no eyes, don't make any mistakes!"

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, either look at the sword or get out of the way!" Azhu snorted and pointed at the crowd with his sword.

Anger flashed on the man's face: "You are so brave!"

Saying that, he drew his sword and stabbed at Arjun.

Arjun looked nervous, this was her first time fighting.

The next moment, she showed a look of astonishment.

"so slow!"

"So weak!"

Her footsteps changed, and she easily dodged, the long sword stretched out, and the spine of the sword hit the man's back, and the man fell to the ground, throwing a dog and eating shit.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"Senior brother, demon girl, accept your life!"

When the others saw it, they didn't have time to be surprised, and they all pulled out their long swords and attacked.

Another person pulled out a bamboo tube and sent the signal to the sky.

Although there were more opponents, Azhu did not panic, and his footsteps and his swordsmanship became more and more proficient.

"clap clap"

Every time she made a sword, someone was knocked to the ground, her muscles and bones ached, and she couldn't get up for a long time.

After a while, the entire team lay on the ground, screaming in pain.

"Oh, it hurts!"

"It must be the witch who used the magic trick!"

"Demon girl, you're so mad, you won't be able to leave when my master comes."

Wang Yu asked, "Azhu, how are you feeling?"

"Sure enough, as the young master said, these people are too weak." Azhu shook his head, looking in disbelief, "They are so weak and dare to join the rivers and lakes, aren't they afraid of being hacked to death?"

The people of the Boundless Sword Sect were furious, this is simply killing people.

Originally wanted to refute, but when he saw that the other party was only in his teens, he was speechless.

"Who dares to slander my Boundless Sword Sect!"

At this moment, a person stepped on the top of the tree and flew from a distance like a goshawk.

He came very fast, and he was still [-] meters away when he spoke.

"Master, help!" The disciple of the Boundless Sword Sect who fell to the ground stretched out his hand and shouted.

Someone also reminded: "Master, be careful, they can sorcery!"

Zuo Zimu fell to the ground, his face darkened, and he shouted, "Shut up!"

Turning to Wang Yu, he asked, "Is it because Your Excellency injured my disciple of the Infinite Sword Sect?"

Wang Yu shook his head, and Azhu hurriedly said, "Humph, just because they are also worthy of the son? This girl sent them away."

"Who are you?" Zuo Zimu was stunned.

Azhu held his head high and said, "I'm the maid of the young master! Are you here to trouble us? Hurry up, and the son and I will go to Dali to play after the fight!"

Zuo Zimu was furious: "Well, you unreasonable little boy, today the old man will teach you a lesson on behalf of your family!"

With that said, he drew his sword and attacked Azhu.

"Humph!" Upon hearing Zuo Zimu's words, Azhu's heart burst into flames, "Looking for a fight!"

As he spoke, his feet changed, and his body had turned into a phantom. With a bang, Zuo Zimu didn't respond before he fell to the ground and followed in the footsteps of the disciples.

"Master, are you alright?"

"Demon girl, solve the sorcery soon!"

The disciples hurriedly shouted.

At this moment, several teams of disciples from the Infinite Sword Sect in the distance approached quickly. Seeing their master fell to the ground, they didn't have time to think about it. They all drew their long swords and attacked Wang Yu Azhu.

When Arjun saw it, he didn't stop at his feet and attacked.

"clap clap"

After a series of sounds, all the disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect swooped down, and the sound of oops continued.

"Young Master, didn't you say that I can't beat the head of the Infinite Sword Sect?" Azhu asked in confusion when he returned.

Wang Yu smiled and said, "Didn't you practice swordsmanship three times this morning? Now, you can naturally beat it."

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