above the moon.

Wang Yu lived leisurely in the moon palace he had created, and a cluster of purple flames ignited on his fingers.

"Alchemy, how can there be no flames!"

This cluster of flames is the sky fire that opened up the thirty-sixth heaven, and a trace was intercepted by Wang Yu to comprehend the mystery.

Now that I have seen the beauty of it, I have an idea in my heart.

"In the world of Dou Qi, wouldn't it be better to add a little extra fire?" Wang Yu smiled, "Heavenly fire, disperse!"

In an instant, a cluster of skyfire on the finger instantly turned into thousands of streamers, escaped the space, and quietly merged into the Dou Qi Continent.

Some are integrated into the leylines, turning the invisible flames in the leylines into tangible shapes, forming various shapes.

Some flames fell into the water, absorbed the softness of the water system, and turned into a cluster of soft water-attribute flames.

Some fell into the trees, in the heart of the tree, and the flame suddenly turned into a green flame.

A cluster of sky fires were divided into thousands, and they suddenly became the source of the different fires in the Dou Qi Continent.

Since then, as long as no one on the Dou Qi Continent can quench the source of the sky fire, even if the abnormal fire is refined and absorbed by people, a similar flame will definitely appear again after thousands of years.

"It's time to upgrade from the stove too."

After doing this, Wang Yu took out the stove that had been following him for a long time.

It seemed to feel something from the stove, and it trembled slightly.

"Okay, there won't be any danger." Wang Yu laughed.

Tongtian Lingbao's spirituality is like a child's, and it is both anticipation and fear for the upgrade.

Putting the Li Huo Furnace in front of him, Wang Yu began to replace the Li Huo Dao Rune with the Heavenly Fire Dao Rune that had been derived long ago, and added some divine materials from time to time to enhance its heritage.

Tianhuo can open up the thirty-six heavenly realms, and its power is naturally boundless, much stronger than pure Lihuo.

After replacing the Lihuo Dao Rune with the Heavenly Fire Dao Rune, the power of the Li-Stove will be far beyond the realm of the Dharma, even more terrifying than the artifact left at the beginning of the magic world!

However, after imprinting the Heavenly Fire Dao Pattern, it would be a bit inappropriate to call the stove away from the stove.

Wang Yu has already thought of a new name: Tian Huo Furnace!

In the future, if you can continue to add divine material upgrades, this heavenly stove may not be able to become a super-powerful spiritual treasure at the first level of the innate spiritual treasure.

The textures were replaced, and the power of the sky stove became stronger and stronger, exuding an aura that subdued the common people, and the ground of the moon and stars cracked one after another.

Fortunately, this is not in Dou Qi Continent, otherwise, I am afraid it will cause a landslide and tsunami!

Not long after, the Tianhuo Furnace completed its transformation, from red to purple, which is extremely luxurious...  

It beats, exuding the joy of being reborn, and its will exudes closeness to Wang Yu.

"Okay, let's make another small stove for Ali, and then we can go back." Wang Yu chuckled, looked at the starry sky, and threw the sky stove, "Find some good materials and come back!"

Hearing the words, Tianhuo Furnace turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the starry sky.

The treasure of psychic, not only fits itself, but is extremely loyal, and it can also act on its own, which saves a lot of trouble.

After a while, the Heavenly Fire Stove flew back and landed in front of Wang Yu. The stove was flamboyantly opened, and a lot of strange materials fell in front of Wang Yu.

"Star core, sun stone, star iron..." Wang Yu picked out the materials one by one, "You really found a lot of good materials!"

Reaching out his hand, he said, "Come on, let's start refining the furnace."

The Heavenly Fire Furnace happily fell into Wang Yu's hands and began to show its power for the first time.

In a moment, a fresh one flew out of the sky stove from the stove.

For Ye Li, one piece from the stove was enough.

However, because this stove is smelted by the sun stone and star core, coupled with the magical power of the heaven stove, this Li stove is more powerful than the ordinary Li stove.

First: the space is vast and boundless.For Heavenly Fire, which can open up the thirty-sixth world, it is really trivial to leave a vast space in the 5.6-li stove.

Second: the temperature is higher, refining everything!The sun stone, star core, and sky fire are all the hottest things, and refining items is just a matter of time!

Third: Calm your mind!

"Not bad." Wang Yu narrowed the distance from the stove and received the ring, "When Ali breaks through, it can be given as a gift."

"However, the research on the medicinal materials in this world has not yet been completed, and we have to step up!" Wang Yu smiled, "The medicinal properties of medicinal materials in each world will always be different. This is really a vast treasure!"

After practicing to Wang Yu's current state, medicine from all walks of life will naturally come at his fingertips.

Medicine and martial arts are not separated, and cultivators also have alchemy.

Every time he went to a world, Wang Yu would study the medicinal materials of that world and record them in a book.

Daluotian has a medicine garden planted with medicinal materials from all walks of life! _

Chapter 268 Artificially Created Elixir and Precious Medicine

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As soon as he thought about it, Wang Yu returned to Dou Qi Continent and began to study various medicinal materials.

With his current state, the medicinal herbs from the Dou Qi Continent would not be difficult for him.

When you get each medicinal material in your hand, you can clearly know the medicinal properties of the medicinal material with a single glance.

Then experiment on various small animals, and the medicinal properties of a medicinal material are almost studied.

As a result, the speed of research is naturally fast.

Before Ye Li broke through Dou Ling, Wang Yu had thoroughly researched various medicinal materials.

"The medicinal properties are too weak, and it is useless for the future realm of Dadou Shi." After thoroughly researching all the medicinal materials, Wang Yu fell into deep thought.

Dou Qi Continent's Yuan Qi Berserk is not only aimed at human beings, but at all things.

Not only humans have difficulty absorbing violent vitality, but even animals and medicinal materials have difficulty absorbing vitality.

Therefore, medicinal materials are still ordinary medicinal materials, and animals are still ordinary animals.

Even if there are some medicinal materials and beasts that absorb the mutation of the outside world by chance, it is only a rare exception.

"If it were just these 15 medicinal herbs, how could the alchemist lineage be developed? How could it assist the cultivation of Dou Qi!" Wang Yu shook his head, his spiritual sense falling on a mutated medicinal herb.

His eyes lit up and he said with a smile, "If all the medicinal materials can mutate, then naturally there will be no problem!"

At the moment, carefully examine the mutant medicinal materials, figure out the key, and promote them to the crops in the world.

After so many days, Wang Yu finally figured out the key.

It turned out that this mutant medicinal material was soaked with some vitality when the seeds were formed, leaving a trace of vitality in it.

As the seeds grow, they naturally absorb the vitality of the outside world, allowing the medicinal materials to mutate and enhance their medicinal properties.

After searching for a few different mutant medicinal materials, after some research, Wang Yu found that the principles are similar.

"The probability of such a thing is too small." Wang Yu shook his head.

Under the influence of spiritual sense, there are not many mutant medicinal materials in the entire continent, which is far from being able to support the growth of a system.

"However, human intervention is enough to cultivate the seeds of medicinal materials that can absorb vitality." Wang Yucheng took the bamboo in his chest, smiled and started the experiment.

Ye family.

"What? That girl Ye Li is actually a big fighting master?" Ye Xuan was shocked and looked at Alai, "You read that right?"

Alai reported: "Master, it is absolutely impossible to read it wrong! Miss Ali had condensed the Dou Qi armor at that time, and that aura was definitely a great Dou Master!"

"That would be difficult." Ye Xuan immediately pondered upon hearing this, "Da Dou Shi! Alas, if I had known that she was so talented, Zi Xuan should have kept her mother and wife in the Ye family!"

Alai stood quietly on the side, and after a while, he heard Ye Xuan instructing: "You go down first! Remember, let the people below not spread this matter out!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Call Zixuan and the others, I have something to tell you!"

"Original energy is violent, and it is not easy to leave a foundation of vitality in the seeds. If the energy of vitality is tame, then naturally it will not be a problem." Wang Yu smiled and suddenly disappeared, coming to a mountain range.

With a thought, the underground spiritual veins suddenly changed, and it was artificially transformed into a formation.

After a while, a gentle vitality emanated from the underground spiritual veins, although this vitality was dissipated by the external vitality as soon as it was released.

However, it keeps coming!

Wang Yu buried some medicinal seeds in the ground and observed them carefully.

After a period of time, most of these medicinal seeds left a trace of vitality.

Wang Yu took it out and found that these medicinal materials can also grow in places where vitality is violent.

Wang Yu cast a spell to induce birth, and found that the medicinal material turned into a mutant medicinal material.

Wang Yu was in a happy mood, "In this way, as long as the underground spiritual veins of the major mountain ranges are transformed, many medicinal seeds can be artificially cultivated."

Thinking like this, Wang Yu had already appeared in the next mountain range, and with a thought, he transformed.

At the end of the day, all the mountains and rivers in the Dou Qi Continent were transformed by Wang Yu.

"However, the mutant medicinal materials alone are not enough, and some precious medicines are needed."

After doing this, Wang Yu picked up another seed and stamped a pattern on the inside of the seed.

After researching medicinal materials from all walks of life, Wang Yu found that most of the precious medicines had traces of fragments in them.

Among them, Wang Yu has studied the principle for a long time, and naturally remembers the Dao pattern fragments in various medicinal materials clearly.

Now it's just copying the Dao Pattern fragments to the inside of the medicinal material seeds in the Dou Qi Continent, which is naturally quite simple!

However, for the first time, the medicinal materials exploded in a very disrespectful manner.

Wang Yu was stunned, thought for a moment, then picked up another medicinal seed and began to imprint it.

After a while, the medicinal seeds followed in the footsteps of their predecessors.

"Does this idea not work?" Wang Yu was taken aback, picked up another variety of medicinal seeds, and started to try.

A series of small Dao patterns were imprinted on it, and after a while, an emerald green seed flashing with aura appeared in Wang Yu's palm, happily absorbing the surrounding vitality.

With the existence of Dao Patterns, the violent vitality can be easily tamed.

The seeds absorb more and more vitality, and the vitality is more and more vigorous, like a living being!

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