Body training is mostly about doing exercises, stretching muscles and bones, and comprehending strength. There are no shortcuts.

Although Wang Yu is only ten years old, but because he usually eats a lot of various supplements, he also mixes his breathing according to the method of internal strength, and his body grows rapidly. Now he is nearly six feet tall.

Song Chi is slightly smaller than the modern size, six feet, which is almost [-] meters in modern times.

After a while, Wang Yu's skin became blood red, and a fine white mist rose above his head, and a little bit of sweat came out from his forehead.

"Huh..." Wang Yu tried to keep his breathing steady, felt the changes in the strength of his body, and tried to condense the strength into one.

Refining strength into strength is the first step in body refining.

Only after completing this step, can the musculoskeletal fascia be exercised with condensed strength, the blood marrow can be purified, and the extraordinary power derived by Wang Yu can be achieved. Otherwise, everything is just a castle in the air.

It's just that human power comes from human evolution over hundreds of thousands of years. It is so difficult to change its laws and refine it into strength!

After practicing for a cup of tea again, Wang Yu's face turned pale, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore, so he quickly relieved his strength and stopped.

"You can't make a fat man in one bite, take a rest before practicing." Wang Yu sighed, opened his eyes, and saw Wang Yuyan close at hand, his eyes filled with worry.

"Brother, you don't have to be in such a hurry to cultivate! Tell me, I'll be standing by the side, what should I do if something happens?" With that, Wang Yuyan stretched out her hand to support Wang Yu's arm, and helped him to the Sitting on the stone bench on the side, "I've already asked Xiaohong to cook the ginseng soup. Just wait for a while and it'll be ready soon."

Looking at her worried eyes, Wang Yu felt a little embarrassed: "Well, I'll let you watch next time."

"Hmph, don't forget it." Wang Yuyan snorted and asked again, "Brother, you've been doing it for so many years, are you just cultivating external skills?"

There was so much surprise in her words that she couldn't understand.

In the world of Jinwu, there are very few practitioners of external power, and even fewer masters of external power.

The common concept in the Jianghu is that the stray people in the Jianghu practice external skills, while the disciples of the great sects and the disciples of the aristocratic families cultivate the internal skills.

So, cultivating external power is a despised thing in the arena.

"That's right." Wang Yu nodded, "However, the external power I practice is not an ordinary external power. You can take a good look at Yuyan."

"Is it possible to practice external skills to produce flowers?" Wang Yuyan was speechless. "Practicing external skills will not prolong your life. Brother, you should practice Xiao Wuxiang Gong as soon as possible."

Just as she was talking, Xiaohong came over with a cup of ginseng soup: "Master Yu, the ginseng soup is ready!"

"Give it to me." Wang Yu reached out and took it. "You go down and cook a little longer. I'll use it later."

"Yes, Master Yu!" Xiaohong took the order, turned and left.

Wang Yu drank the ginseng soup in the cup in one go, his mouth was full of bitterness, and a burst of heat rose in his abdomen.

"Yuyan, don't worry, brother, can you still cheat yourself?" Looking at Wang Yuyan with worried eyes, Wang Yu comforted.

Wang Yuyan nodded: "It's good that you know."

Having said that, Wang Yuyan no longer advised her.

My brother has been very assertive since he was a child. If he didn't hit the south wall, he probably wouldn't look back.

All I can do is stay here to prevent my brother from being in danger.

After sitting for a while, when the ginseng soup replenished his vitality, Wang Yu felt his body recover, stood up again, greeted Wang Yuyan, and began to practice.


Wang Yu stopped again, frowned, and was helped by Wang Yuyan, thinking hard.

Until Xiaohong brought the ginseng soup, Wang Yu replenished his vitality and his body was in good shape. He stood on the open space again, trying to realize the power in his body.

4 Refinement with a weight of 4 jin (5/[-])

After so tossing for a few times, it was already evening, and the sky was getting dark.

"Has Yu'er been practicing for a day?" Madam Wang came to the small courtyard and sat beside Wang Yuyan after she was busy with her work.

Wang Yuyan nodded: "Yes."

Madam Wang nodded: "Yu'er really has perseverance!"

Then, he stopped talking.

Wang Yuyan was stunned. When she was cultivating hard in the past, her mother was always worried about this and that. How did it change when she came to her brother?

Mrs. Wang probably saw the doubts in her daughter's heart and whispered, "Yu'er is a boy, and he will take over the Wang family's business in the future. If he can't bear even a bit of hardship, then how can I trust the Wang family to him? in hand?"

Wang Yuyan suddenly said, "That's right!"

At this time, Wang Yu took another risk to open the time of the sage, the brain began to overclock, and the spirit began to be highly concentrated.

Bang bang bang!

This is the sound of the heart beating.


This is the sound of blood flowing.


When the overclocking of the brain is turned on, the small world of the body seems to come alive in an instant, and all kinds of sounds in the body are heard in the ears. Wang Yu classified them into different categories and carefully realized the differences.

The changes in muscle strength naturally couldn't escape Wang Yu's mental inspection, and he recorded them one by one in his mind, and began to experiment with the thoughts in his heart.

A muscular force begins to come together as one

The strength of the two muscles begins to merge into one


Ten minutes later, more than [-] of the [-] muscles in his body had been mastered by Wang Yu, and the strength was unified.

At this time, he felt a powerful force emerging from his body, as if it could explode everything in front of him.

However, before Wang Yu was happy for too long, there was a dizziness in his mind, and his body automatically exited the sage time.

"Huh..." Wang Yu opened his eyes, reached out to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and gasped.

"What's wrong?" Madam Wang and Wang Yuyan came over and asked.

Wang Yu waved his hand and said, "Mother, Yuyan, I'm fine, just take a rest."

Madam Wang nodded: "Then sit down and drink the ginseng soup."

With that said, the two helped Wang Yu to sit on the stone bench.

Wang Yu picked up the ginseng soup on one side, drank it, closed his eyes and mobilized the muscles that were mastered, and began to digest the medicinal power of the ginseng soup.

"Yu'er, don't practice today." Mrs. Wang said warmly.

Wang Yuyan also said, "Yes, brother, Kung Fu can't be learned in a day."

Wang Yu opened his eyes, nodded and said, "Okay! It's very late today, mother, Yuyan, you haven't eaten yet."

The two nodded, and Wang Yuyan said, "I'm waiting for you, brother!"

"Then let's go together." Wang Yu got up and said.

The next day.

At dawn, Wang Yu began to realize and practice, and Wang Yuyan naturally arrived in Wang Yu's courtyard long ago, waiting while meditating.

Since I already have a clue, the later practice becomes smoother, and it becomes easier to cultivate strength.

On the fifth day, Wang Yu melted the muscle strength of his body into strength.

Today, Wang Yu has 639 muscles in his body, so he has 639 strengths.

The next step is to combine these strengths into one, reaching this level, the first stage of body training is completely completed.

However, at this stage of cultivation, simple understanding is not enough, and many great supplements are needed to supplement the body's needs.

Therefore, on the sixth day, ten large pots were set up in Wang Yu's yard, and a roaring fire was lit under each pot, and beef was stewed in the pot.

Ten cauldrons of beef add up to six hundred catties.

In addition, in the kitchen of the Wang family, dozens of cups of ginseng soup began to be stewed after more than a dozen maids were busy.

"Brother, is it enough?" Wang Yuyan was a little worried when she saw this posture.

Wang Yu waved his hand and said, "No problem."

Mrs. Wang sat on the side and arranged her staff in an orderly manner. The entire Mando Villa was surrounded by maids and maids.

If someone dares to break in and disturb Wang Yu's cultivation, they can enjoy the joy of being besieged by hundreds of people.

These people have been trained by Mrs. Wang for many years, and they are definitely not comparable to the rookie chickens in the original book. Hundreds of people join together, and the congenital masters have to flee.

An hour later, the beef began to rot and was picked up by the maids, put it aside to cool, and was ready.

The ginseng soup was also served cup by cup, filling the two stone tables.

"Xiaohong, don't leave the ginseng in the pharmacy, it's all stewed." Madam Wang saw that dozens of cups of ginseng soup were not enough, and ordered again.

"Yes, ma'am!" Xiaohong nodded and hurried away.

Wang Yu sat cross-legged on the side, his mind was extremely peaceful, as if everything around him was gone, and his mind fell into a void.

"Master, the beef ginseng soup is only warm." At this time, a maid reminded.

Wang Yu opened his eyes, nodded, walked to the stone table, took a bowl of ginseng soup and drank it.

ton ton ton

After drinking ten cups, Wang Yu felt that his abdomen was distended like a drum, and he quickly mobilized the muscles of his whole body and began to digest it.

After digestion, start drinking again.

After going around like this, dozens of bowls of ginseng soup were exhausted, Wang Yu only felt a burst of heat in his body, and he began to rush to his limbs.

However, the muscles in the body have their own directions, and it is almost impossible to pull hundreds of muscles in one direction.

After trying for a few minutes, Wang Yu became anxious.

"It doesn't matter, the sage's time is opened for me!"

The next moment, Wang Yu entered that wonderful realm again, his mind was empty, and everything was under control.

After a long time.

Everyone suddenly heard the sound of "collapse", as if the strings of the piano were ringing, there was a soul-stirring magic, and their minds were almost stagnant.

It was also at this moment that the muscles on Wang Yu's body rose and fell like a dragon, and when he moved, everyone was terrified.

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